2 resultados para North-American collections (Tulane and Vanderbilt)

em University of Washington


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Ten GPS-Met stations were installed in northwest Mexico from June - September 2013. Each station included a Trimble NetR9 GPS receiver for PWV and a Vaisala WXT520 surface meteorological package measuring wind speed and direction, air temperature, humidity, pressure and precipitation. The geographic location, elevation and data period for each station are provided in Serra et al. (2016). The GPS receiver at Rayon failed on July 16, 21 days after installation, thus these data are not included in the archive but are available upon request (yserra@uw.edu). Data include 1-min surface meteorological variables, while the GPS PWV is calculated at 5-min intervals. A full description of the experiment can be found in Serra et al., 2016: Bull. Am. Meteor. Soc., doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-14-00250.1.


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The netcdf files in this archive comprise climate model output from Community Earth System Model for experiments looking at forest loss over Western North America and the Amazon. For further description of the model and configuration for these experiments please see the accompanying manuscript: Synergistic ecoclimate teleconnections from forest loss in different regions structure global ecological responses Elizabeth S. Garcia, Abigail L. S. Swann, Juan C. Villegas, David D. Breshears, Darin J. Law, Scott R. Saleska, and Scott C. Stark published in PLOS ONE, 2016. Contact information in README.txt