23 resultados para zircon geochronology

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ELA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon geochronology has been used to show that the porphyritic intrusions related to the formation of the Bajo de la Alumbrera porphyry Cu-Au deposit, NW Argentina, are cogenetic with stratigraphically well-constrained volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks of the Late Miocene Farallon Negro Volcanic Complex. Zircon geochronology for intrusions in this deposit and the host volcanic sequence show that multiple mineralized porphyries were emplaced in a volcanic complex that developed over 1.5 million years. Volcanism occurred in a multivent volcanic complex in a siliciclastic intermontane basin. The complex evolved from early mafic-intermediate effusive phases to a later silicic explosive phase associated with mafic intrusions. Zircons from the basal mafic-intermediate lavas have ages that range from 8.46 +/- 0.14 to 7.94 +/- 0.27 Ma. Regionally extensive silicic explosive volcanism occurred at similar to8.0 Ma (8.05 +/- 0.13 and 7.96 +/- 0.11 Ma), which is co-temporal with intrusion of the earliest mineralized porphyries at Bajo de la Alumbrera (8.02 +/- 0.14 and 7.98 +/- 0.14 Ma). Regional uplift and erosion followed during which the magmatic-hydrothermal system was probably unroofed. Shortly thereafter, dacitic lava domes were extruded (7.95 +/- 0.17 Ma) and rhyolitic diatremes (7.79 +/- 0.13 Ma) deposited thick tuff blankets, across the region. Emplacement of large intermediate composition stocks occurred at 7.37 +/- 0.22 Ma, shortly before renewed magmatism occurred at Bajo de la Alumbrera (7.10 +/- 0.07 Ma). The latest porphyry intrusive event is temporally associated with new ore-bearing magmatic-hydrothermal fluids. Other dacitic intrusions are associated with subeconomic deposits that formed synchronously with the mineralized porphyries at Bajo de la Alumbrera. However, their emplacement continued (from 7.10 +/- 0.06 to 6.93 +/- 0.07 Ma) after the final intrusion at Bajo de al Alumbrera. Regional volcanism had ceased by 6.8 Ma (6.92 +/- 0.07 Ma). The brief history of the volcanic complex hosting the Bajo de la Alumbrera Cu-Au deposit differs from that of other Andean provinces hosting porphyry deposits. For example, at the El Salvador porphyry copper district in Chile, magmatism related to Cu mineralization was episodic in regional igneous activity that occurred over tens of millions of years. Bajo de la Alumbrera resulted from the superposition of multiple porphyry-related hydrothermal systems, temporally separated by a million years. It appears that the metal budget in porphyry ore deposits is not simply a function of their longevity and/or the superposition of multiple porphyry systems. Nor is it a function of the duration of the associated cycle of magmatism. Instead, the timing of processes operating in the parental magma body is the controlling factor in the formation of a fertile porphyry-related ore system.


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The oldest known bona fide succession of elastic metasediments Occurs in the Isua Greenstone Belt. SW Greenland and consists of a variety of mica schists and rare metaconglomerates. The metasediments are in direct contact with a felsic metavolcanic lithology that has previously been dated to 3.71 Ga. Based on trace element geochemical data for 30 metasediments, we selected the six samples with highest Zr concentrations for zircon extraction. These samples all yielded very few or no zircon, Those extracted from mica schists yielded ion probe U/Pb ages between 3.70 and 3,71 Ga. One metaconglomerate sample yielded just a single zircon of 3.74 Ga age. The mica schist hosted zircons have U/Pb ages. Th/U ratios, REE patterns and Eu anomalies indistinguishable from zircon in the adjacent 3.71 Ga felsic metavolcanic unit. Trace element modelling requires the bulk of material in the metasediments to be derived from variably weathered mafic lithologies but some metasediments contain substantial contribution from more evolved source lithologies. The paucity of zircon in the mica schists is thus explained by incorporation of material from largely zircon-free volcanic lithologies. The absence of older zircon in the mica schists and the preponderance of mafic source material imply intense, mainly basaltic resurfacing of the early Earth. The implications of this process are discussed, Thermal considerations suggest that horizontal growth of Hadean crust by addition of mafic ultramafic lavas must have triggered self-reorganisation of the protocrust by remelting. Reworking oft Hadean crust may have been aided by burial of hydrated (weathered) metabasalt due to semi-continuous addition of new voluminous basalt Outpouring,;, This process Causes a bias towards eruption of Zr-saturated partial melts at the surface with O-isotope corn posit ion,, potentially different from the mantle. The oldest zircons hosted in sediments would have been buried to substantial depth or formed in plutons that crystallised at some depth from which it took hundreds of millions of years for them to be exhumed and incorporated into much younger sediments. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.


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We present high spatial resolution ion-microprobe rare earth element (REE) data for discrete growth phases of complex polyphase zircons from early Archaean Amitsoq gneisses, outer Godthabsfjord, SW Greenland. In Matsuda diagrams, the two major growth phases, >3.8 Ga cores and ca. 3.65 Ga rims, have steep positive slopes from La to Lu, prominent positive Ce anomalies and negative Eu anomalies that are consistent with growth in a melt. Exceptions to this are non-cathodolurnmescent zircon developed between the cores and rims, sometimes truncating zoning in the cores, and late Archaean prismatic tip overgrowths, both of which exhibit flatter light REE (LREE) patterns and have small or no Eu anomaly, which we interpret as the result of metamorphism and/or small-degree, isolated partial melting. Our data support previous interpretations that the ca. 3.65 Ga zircon phase was generated in a melt, with the >3.8 Ga phase representing either original protolith zircons in a large degree partial melt or inherited zircons in an introduced magma. Regardless which of these two interpretations is correct for these, and similar, rocks in the outer GodthAbsfjord, the 3.65 Ga event will have profoundly affected isotopic systems and obscured beyond recognition any earlier igneous features such as cross-cutting relationships, which may only be assigned a minimum 3.65 Ga age. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Comparison of initial Pb-isotope signatures of several early Archaean (3.65-3.82 Ga) lithologies (orthogneisses and metasediments) and minerals (feldspar and galena) documents the existence of substantial isotopic heterogeneity in the early Archaean, particularly in the Pb-207/Pb-204 ratio. The magnitude of isotopic variability at 3.82-3.65 Ga requires source separation between 4.3 and 4.1 Ga, depending on the extent of U/Pb fractionation possible in the early Earth. The isotopic heterogeneity could reflect the coexistence of enriched and depleted mantle domains or the separation of a terrestrial protocrust with a U-238/Pb-204 (mu) that was ca. 20-30% higher than coeval mantle. We prefer this latter explanation because the high-p signature is most evident in metasediments (that formed at the Earth's surface). This interpretation is strengthened by the fact that no straightforward mantle model can be constructed for these high-mu lithologies without violating bulk silicate Earth constraints. The Pb-isotope evidence for a long-lived protocrust complements similar Hf-isotope data from the Earth's oldest zircons, which also require an origin from an enriched (low Lu/Hf) environment. A model is developed in which greater than or equal to3.8-Ga tonalite and monzodiorite gneiss precursors (for one of which we provide zircon U-Pb data) are not mantle-derived but formed by remelting or differentiation of ancient (ca. 4.3 Ga) basaltic crust which had evolved with a higher U/Pb ratio than coeval mantle in the absence of the subduction process. With the initiation of terrestrial subduction at, we propose, ca. 3.75 Ga, most of the greater than or equal to3.8-Ga basaltic shell (and its differentiation products) was recycled into the mantle, because of the lack of a stabilising mantle lithosphere. We argue that the key event for preservation of all greater than or equal to3.8-Ga terrestrial crust was the intrusion of voluminous granitoids immediately after establishment of global subduction because of complementary creation of a lithospheric keel. Furthermore, we argue that preservation of !3.8-Ga material (in situ rocks and zircons) globally is restricted to cratons with a high U/Pb source character (North Atlantic, Slave, Zimbabwe, Yilgarn, and Wyoming), and that the Pb-isotope systematics of these provinces are ultimately explained by reworking of material that was derived from ca. 4.3 Ga (i.e. Hadean) basaltic crust.


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A granodiorite from Akilia, southwest Greenland, previously suggested to date putative life-bearing rocks to greater than or equal to3.84 Ga, is re-investigated using whole-rock major and trace-element geochemistry, and detailed cathodoluminescence image-guided secondary ion mass spectrometer analyses of zircon U-Th-Pb and rare earth elements. Complex zircon internal structure reveals three episodes of zircon growth and/or recrystallization dated to c. 3.84 Ga, 3.62 Ga and 2.71 Ga. Rare earth element abundances imply a significant role for garnet in zircon generation at 3.62 Ga and 2.71 Ga. The 3.62 Ga event is interpreted as partial melting of a c. 3.84 Ga grey gneiss precursor at granulite facies with residual garnet. Migration of this 3.62 Ga magma (or melt-crystal mush) away from the melt source places a maximum age limit on any intrusive relationship. These early Archaean relationships have been complicated further by isotopic reworking in the 2.71 Ga event, which could have included a further episode of partial melting. This study highlights a general problem associated with dating thin gneissic veins in polyphase metamorphic terranes, where field relationships may be ambiguous and zircon inheritance can be expected.


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40Ar/39Ar geochronology of muscovite and biotite grains genetically related to gold and Be–Ta–Li pegmatites from the Seridó Belt (Borborema province, NE Brazil) yield well-defined, reliable plateau ages. This information, combined with data about paragenetic and field relationships, reveals Cambro-Ordovician mineralization ages (520 and 500–506 Ma) for the orogenic gold deposits in the Seridó Belt. Biotite ages of 525±2 Ma, which represent the mean weighted results of the incremental heating analysis of six biotite single crystals, record the time of pegmatite emplacement and reactivation of Brasiliano/Pan-African strike-slip shear zones. These results, along with previous structural evolution studies, suggest that shear zones formed during the Brasiliano/Pan-African event were reactivated in the Upper Cambrian–Lower Ordovician. Mineralization occurs late in the history of the orogen.


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Nine samples of supergene goethite (FeOOH) from Brazil and Australia were selected to rest the suitability of this mineral for (U-Th)/He dating. Measured He ages ranged from 61 to 8 Ma and were reproducible to better than a few percent despite very large Variations in [U] and [Th]. In all Samples with internal stratigraphy or independent age constraints, the He ages corroborated the expected relationship's. These data demonstrate that internally consistent He ages can be obtained on goethite. but do not prove quantitative 4 He retention. To assess possible diffusive He loss, stepped-heating experiments were performed on two goethite samples that were subjected to proton irradiation to produce a homogeneous distribution of spallogenic He-3. The He-3 release pattern indicates the presence of at least two diffusion domains, one with high helium retentivity and the other with very low retentivity at Earth surface conditions. The low retentivity domain, which accounts for similar to 5% of He-3, contains no natural He-4 and may represent poorly crystalline or intergranular material which has lost all radiogenic He-4 by diffusion in nature. Diffusive loss of He-3 from the high retentivity domain is independent of the macroscopic dimensions of the analyzed polycrystalline aggregate, so probably represents diffusion from individual micrometer-size goethite crystals. The He-2/He-3 evolution during the incremental heating experiments shows that the high retentivity domain has retained 90%-95% of its radiogenic helium. This degree of retentivity is in excellent agreement with that independently predicted from the helium diffusion coefficients extrapolated to Earth surface temperature and held for the appropriate duration. Considering both the high and low retentivity domains, these data indicate that one of the samples retained 90% of its radiogenic He-4 over 47.5 Ma and the other retained 86% over 12.3 Ma. Thus while diffusive-loss corrections to supergene goethite He ages are required. these initial results indicate that the corrections are not extremely large and can be rigorously quantified using the proton-irradiation He-4/He-3 method. Copyright (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd.


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The Jiaodong gold province, the largest gold-producing district in China, is located in the jiaodong peninsula at the eastern margin of the North China craton and bounded by the continental scale Tan-Lu fault, 40 kin to the west. Previous geochronological studies suggest that pervasive gold deposition took place in the western part of the province between 122 and 119 Ma. Here we report high-quality Ar-40/Ar-39 ages of the Pengjiakuang and Rushan deposits from the eastern part of the jiaodong gold province, placing additional chronological constraints on the timing of regional mineralization. Seven sericite grains extracted from auriferous alteration assemblages at the Pengiiakuang deposit yielded well-defined plateau ages between 120.9 +/- 0.4 and 119.1 +/- 0.2 Ma (2 sigma). Three separates of igneous biotite from a sample of the Queshan gneissic granite, adjacent to the Pengjiakuang deposit, gave reproducible plateau ages of 124.6 +/- 0.6 to 123.9 +/- 0.4 Ma (2 sigma). Six sericite separates front two samples in the Rushan deposit yielded Ar-40/Ar-39 plateau ages at 109.3 +/- 0.3 to 107.7 +/- 0.5 Ma (2 sigma), whereas biotite from the Kunyushan monzogranite that hosts the Rushan deposit had plateau ages ranging from 129.0 +/- 0.6 to 126.9 +/- 0.6 Ma (3 separates front one sample). The apparent age gap between hydrothermal sericite and magmtic biotite from both deposits, together with the similar argon closure temperatures for these mica minerals, suggest that gold mineralization had no direct relationship to the granitoid magmatism. Instead, gold deposition coincided with the emplacement of mafic to intermediate dikes widespread in the jiaodong gold province, which have been dated at ca. 122 to 119 Ma and, less commonly, at 110 to 102 Ma. The new Ar-40/Ar-39 ages from the eastern jiaodong peninsula, when combined with published data from the western part suggest that gold mineralization was broadly contemporaneous throughout the district. The Early Cretaceous gold mineralization also is widely developed in four other major gold districts along the Tan-Lu fault. The temporal and spatial correlation of these gold deposits with mafic to intermediate dikes commonly found in most mineralized areas, the presence of well-documented metamorphic core complexes and half-graben basins along the Tan-Lu fault, and voluminous basalts therein, suggest that the Early Cretaceous was an important period of lithospheric extension, possibly caused by the late Mesozoic lithospheric thinning beneath the eastern block of the North China craton. Lithospheric thinning and extension could have resulted in abnormally high heat and fluid fluxes necessary for large-scaled gold mineralization.


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Ar-40/Ar-39 incremental heating ages for twenty one grains of cryptomelane, collected at 0, 42, 45, and 60 in depths in the Cachoeira Mine weathering profile, Minas Gerais, permit calculating long-term (10 Ma time scale) weathering rate (saprolitization rate) in SE Brazil. Pure well-crystallized cryptomelane grains with high K contents (3-5 wt.%) yield reliable geochronological results. The Ar-40/Ar-39 plateau ages obtained decrease from the top to the bottom of the profile (12.7 +/- 0.1 to 7.6 +/- 0.1 Ma at surface; 7.6 +/- 0.2 to 6.1 +/- 0.2 Ma at 42 m; and 7.1 +/- 0.2 to 5.9 +/- 0.1 Ma at 45 in; 6.6 +/- 0.1 to 5.2 +/- 0.1 Ma at 60 in), yielding a weathering front propagation rate of 8.9 +/- 1.1 m/m.y. From the geochronological results and the mineral transformations implicit by the current mineralogy in the weathering profiles, it is possible to calculate the saprolitization rate for the Cachoeira Mine lithologies and for adjacent weathering profiles developed on granodiorites and scbists. The measured weathering front propagation rate yields a saprolitization rate of 24.9 +/- 3.1 t/km(2)/yr. This average long-term (> 10 Ma) saprolitization rate is consistent with mass balance calculations results for present saprolitization rates in weathering watersheds. These results are also consistent with longterm saprolitization rates estimated by combining cosmogenic isotope denudation rates with mass balance calculations. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Ten samples of supergene goethite (FeOOH) from Brazil and Australia were selected to test the suitability of this mineral for (U-Th)/He dating. Measured He ages ranged from 8 to 61 Ma, and were reproducible to better than a few percent despite very large variations in [U] and [Th]. In all samples with internal stratigraphy or independent age constraints, the He ages honored the expected relationships. These data demonstrate that internally consistent He ages can be obtained on goethite, but do not prove quantitative 4He retention. To assess possible diffusive He loss, stepped-heating experiments were performed on two goethite samples that were subjected to proton irradiation to produce a homogeneous distribution of spallogenic 3He. The 3He release pattern indicates the presence of at least two diffusion domains, one with high helium retentivity and the other with very low retentivity at Earth surface conditions. The low retentivity domain, which accounts for ~ 5% of 3He, contains no natural 4He, and may represent poorly crystalline or intergranular material which has lost all radiogenic 4He by diffusion in nature. Diffusive loss of 3He from the high retentivity domain is independent of the macroscopic dimensions of the analyzed polycrystalline aggregate, so probably represents diffusion from individual micrometer-size goethite crystals. The 4He/3He evolution during the step heating experiments shows that the high retentivity domain has retained 90-95% of its radiogenic helium. This degree of retentivity is in excellent agreement with that independently predicted from the helium diffusion coefficients extrapolated to Earth surface temperature and held for the appropriate duration. These data indicate that one of the samples retained 90% of its radiogenic 4He over 46.8 Ma and the other retained 86% over 11.9 Ma. Thus while diffusive-loss corrections to supergene goethite He ages are required, these initial results indicate that the corrections are not extremely large and can be rigorously quantified using the proton-irradiation 4He/3He method.


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(U–Th)/He dating of goethite, when combined with quantification of diffusive 4He loss by the 4He/3He methodology, provides reliable corrected ages for minerals precipitated in weathering profiles. We have combined (U–Th)/He dating of supergene goethite with 40Ar/39Ar dating of supergene manganese oxides to study the weathering history and landscape evolution in the Hamersley Province, northwestern Australia. Incremental heating 40Ar/39Ar analysis of 187 grains of Mn oxides from 65 samples (44 hand specimens) collected from weathering profiles at seven field sites across the Hamersley Province yield precipitation ages ranging from 63.4 ± 0.9 to 1.5 ± 0.2 Ma. These results, combined with previous results of 40Ar/39Ar dating of Mn oxides (Vasconcelos, 1998 Vasconcelos, P.V., 1998. Unpub. report, pp. 1–278.Vasconcelos, 1998 and Cochrane, 2003), reveal a protracted and episodic history of weathering and landscape evolution, which was already ongoing in Late Cretaceous and spans the Palaeogene and Neogene. Seventy-three grains of goethite from 39 samples extracted from 21 hand specimens, collected from the same field sites where the Mn oxides originated, were dated by the (U–Th)/He method. Internally consistent (U–Th)/He ages, which range from 84.3 ± 12.2 to 3.3 ± 0.5 Ma, have been obtained for most samples when corrections are applied for 10% helium diffusive loss. The geochronological results obtained show remarkable similarity in the distribution of ages associated with supergene mineral precipitation. The widespread occurrence of iron oxides such as goethite in soils and weathering profiles and the successful application of (U–Th)/He dating of goethite offers great opportunities for extracting the wealth of palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental information recorded by these profiles on the surface of terrestrial planets such as Earth and Mars.