45 resultados para time-domain reflectometry
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
In modern magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), patients are exposed to strong, rapidly switching magnetic gradient fields that, in extreme cases, may be able to elicit nerve stimulation. This paper presents theoretical investigations into the spatial distribution of induced current inside human tissues caused by pulsed z-gradient fields. A variety of gradient waveforms have been studied. The simulations are based on a new, high-definition, finite-difference time-domain method and a realistic inhomogeneous 10-mm resolution human body model with appropriate tissue parameters. it was found that the eddy current densities are affected not only by the pulse sequences but by many parameters such as the position of the body inside the gradient set, the local biological material properties and the geometry of the body. The discussion contains a comparison of these results with previous results found in the literature. This study and the new methods presented herein will help to further investigate the biological effects caused by the switched gradient fields in a MRI scan. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Numerical modeling of the eddy currents induced in the human body by the pulsed field gradients in MRI presents a difficult computational problem. It requires an efficient and accurate computational method for high spatial resolution analyses with a relatively low input frequency. In this article, a new technique is described which allows the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method to be efficiently applied over a very large frequency range, including low frequencies. This is not the case in conventional FDTD-based methods. A method of implementing streamline gradients in FDTD is presented, as well as comparative analyses which show that the correct source injection in the FDTD simulation plays a crucial rule in obtaining accurate solutions. In particular, making use of the derivative of the input source waveform is shown to provide distinct benefits in accuracy over direct source injection. In the method, no alterations to the properties of either the source or the transmission media are required. The method is essentially frequency independent and the source injection method has been verified against examples with analytical solutions. Results are presented showing the spatial distribution of gradient-induced electric fields and eddy currents in a complete body model.
A high definition, finite difference time domain (HD-FDTD) method is presented in this paper. This new method allows the FDTD method to be efficiently applied over a very large frequency range including low frequencies, which are problematic for conventional FDTD methods. In the method, no alterations to the properties of either the source or the transmission media are required. The method is essentially frequency independent and has been verified against analytical solutions within the frequency range 50 Hz-1 GHz. As an example of the lower frequency range, the method has been applied to the problem of induced eddy currents in the human body resulting from the pulsed magnetic field gradients of an MRI system. The new method only requires approximately 0.3% of the source period to obtain an accurate solution. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
This paper presents a review of the time-domain polarization measurement techniques for the condition assessment of aged transformer insulation. The polarization process is first described with appropriate dielectric response theories and then commonly used polarization methods are described with special emphasis on the most widely used return voltage(rv) measurement. Most recent emphasis has been directed to techniques of determining moisture content of insulation indirectly by measuring rv parameters. The major difficulty still lies with the accurate interpretation of return voltage results. This paper investigates different thoughts regarding the interpretation of rv results for different moisture and ageing conditions. Other time domain polarization measurement techniques and their results are also presented in this paper.
The bispectrum and third-order moment can be viewed as equivalent tools for testing for the presence of nonlinearity in stationary time series. This is because the bispectrum is the Fourier transform of the third-order moment. An advantage of the bispectrum is that its estimator comprises terms that are asymptotically independent at distinct bifrequencies under the null hypothesis of linearity. An advantage of the third-order moment is that its values in any subset of joint lags can be used in the test, whereas when using the bispectrum the entire (or truncated) third-order moment is required to construct the Fourier transform. In this paper, we propose a test for nonlinearity based upon the estimated third-order moment. We use the phase scrambling bootstrap method to give a nonparametric estimate of the variance of our test statistic under the null hypothesis. Using a simulation study, we demonstrate that the test obtains its target significance level, with large power, when compared to an existing standard parametric test that uses the bispectrum. Further we show how the proposed test can be used to identify the source of nonlinearity due to interactions at specific frequencies. We also investigate implications for heuristic diagnosis of nonstationarity.
This research work analyses techniques for implementing a cell-centred finite-volume time-domain (ccFV-TD) computational methodology for the purpose of studying microwave heating. Various state-of-the-art spatial and temporal discretisation methods employed to solve Maxwell's equations on multidimensional structured grid networks are investigated, and the dispersive and dissipative errors inherent in those techniques examined. Both staggered and unstaggered grid approaches are considered. Upwind schemes using a Riemann solver and intensity vector splitting are studied and evaluated. Staggered and unstaggered Leapfrog and Runge-Kutta time integration methods are analysed in terms of phase and amplitude error to identify which method is the most accurate and efficient for simulating microwave heating processes. The implementation and migration of typical electromagnetic boundary conditions. from staggered in space to cell-centred approaches also is deliberated. In particular, an existing perfectly matched layer absorbing boundary methodology is adapted to formulate a new cell-centred boundary implementation for the ccFV-TD solvers. Finally for microwave heating purposes, a comparison of analytical and numerical results for standard case studies in rectangular waveguides allows the accuracy of the developed methods to be assessed. © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This paper presents a finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulator for electromagnetic analysis and design applications in MRI. It is intended to be a complete FDTD model of an MRI system including all RF and low-frequency field generating units and electrical models of the patient. The pro-ram has been constructed in an object-oriented framework. The design procedure is detailed and the numerical solver has been verified against analytical solutions for simple cases and also applied to various field calculation problems. In particular, the simulator is demonstrated for inverse RF coil design, optimized source profile generation, and parallel imaging in high-frequency situations. The examples show new developments enabled by the simulator and demonstrate that the proposed FDTD framework can be used to analyze large-scale computational electromagnetic problems in modern MRI engineering. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The development of TDR for measurement of soil water content and electrical conductivity has resulted in a large shift in measurement methods for a breadth of soil and hydrological characterization efforts. TDR has also opened new possibilities for soil and plant research. Five examples show how TDR has enhanced our ability to conduct our soil- and plant-water research. (i) Oxygen is necessary for healthy root growth and plant development but quantitative evaluation of the factors controlling oxygen supply in soil depends on knowledge of the soil water content by TDR. With water content information we have modeled successfully some impact of tillage methods on oxygen supply to roots and their growth response. (ii) For field assessment of soil mechanical properties influencing crop growth, water content capability was added to two portable soil strength measuring devices; (a) A TDT (Time Domain Transmittivity)-equipped soil cone penetrometer was used to evaluate seasonal soil strengthwater content relationships. In conventional tillage systems the relationships are dynamic and achieve the more stable no-tillage relationships only relatively late in each growing season; (b) A small TDR transmission line was added to a modified sheargraph that allowed shear strength and water content to be measured simultaneously on the same sample. In addition, the conventional graphing procedure for data acquisition was converted to datalogging using strain gauges. Data acquisition rate was improved by more than a factor of three with improved data quality. (iii) How do drought tolerant plants maintain leaf water content? Non-destructive measurement of TDR water content using a flat serpentine triple wire transmission line replaces more lengthy procedures of measuring relative water content. Two challenges remain: drought-stressed leaves alter salt content, changing electrical conductivity, and drought induced changes in leaf morphology affect TDR measurements. (iv) Remote radar signals are reflected from within the first 2 cm of soil. Appropriate calibration of radar imaging for soil water content can be achieved by a parallel pair of blades separated by 8 cm, reaching 1.7 cm into soil and forming a 20 cm TDR transmission line. The correlation between apparent relative permittivity from TDR and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) backscatter coefficient was 0.57 from an airborne flyover. These five examples highlight the diversity in the application of TDR in soil and plant research.
Full-field Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography (3F-OCT) is a full-field version of spectraldomain/swept-source optical coherence tomography. A set of two-dimensional Fourier holograms is recorded at discrete wavenumbers spanning the swept-source tuning range. The resultant three-dimensional data cube contains comprehensive information on the three-dimensional morphological layout of the sample that can be reconstructed in software via three-dimensional discrete Fourier-transform. This method of recording of the OCT signal confers signal-to-noise ratio improvement in comparison with "flying-spot" time-domain OCT. The spatial resolution of the 3F-OCT reconstructed image, however, is degraded due to the presence of a phase cross-term, whose origin and effects are addressed in this paper. We present theoretical and experimental study of imaging performance of 3F-OCT, with particular emphasis on elimination of the deleterious effects of the phase cross-term.
Transient response of an adsorbing or non-adsorbing tracer injected as step or square pulse input in a diffusion cell with two flowing streams across the pellet is theoretically investigated in this paper. Exact solutions and the asymptotic solutions in the time domain and in three different limits are obtained by using an integral transform technique and a singular perturbation technique, respectively. Parametric dependence of the concentrations in the top and bottom chambers can be revealed by investigating the asymptotic solutions, which are far simpler than their exact counterpart. In the time domain investigation, it is found that the bottom-chamber concentration is very sensitive to the value of the macropore effective diffusivity. Therefore this concentration could be used to extract diffusivity by fitting in the time domain. The bottom-chamber concentration is also sensitive to flow rate, pellet length chamber volume and the type of input (step and square input).
It has recently been stated that the parametrization of the time variables in the one-dimensional (I-D) mixing-frequency electron spin-echo envelope modulation (MIF-ESEEM) experiment is incorrect and hence the wrong frequencies for correlated nuclear transitions are predicted. This paper is a direct response to such a claim, its purpose being to show that the parametrization in land 2-D MIF-ESEEM experiments possesses the same form as that used in other 4-pulse incrementation schemes and predicts the same correlation frequencies. We show that the parametrization represents a shearing transformation of the 2-D time-domain and relate the resulting frequency domain spectrum to the HYSCORE spectrum in terms of a skew-projection. It is emphasized that the parametrization of the time-domain variables may be chosen arbitrarily and affects neither the computation of the correct nuclear frequencies nor the resulting resolution. The usefulness or otherwise of the MIF parameters \gamma\ > 1 is addressed, together with the validity of the original claims of the authors with respect to resolution enhancement in cases of purely homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening. Numerical simulations are provided to illustrate the main points.