48 resultados para technological efficiency
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
This paper combines insights from the literature on the economics of organisation with traditional models of market structure to construct a theory of equilibrium firm size heterogeneity under the assumption of a homogenous product industry. It is possible that configurations consisting entirely of small firms (run by entrepreneurs with limited attention) and with larger firms (using managerial techniques to substitute away these limits to allow increasing returns technologies to become profitable) can arise in equilibrium. However, there also exist equilibrium configurations with the co-existence of large and small firms. The efficiency properties of these respective equilibria are discussed. Finally, the implications of an expanding market size are considered.
We examined the transmission efficiency of 2 strains of Wolbachia bacteria that cause cytoplasmic incompatibility in field populations of Aedes albopictus by polymerase chain reaction assay. We found mainland and island populations throughout Thailand to be superinfected with group A and B bacteria. Of 320 Wolbachia-positive adult mosquitoes, 97.5% were infected with both groups. Single infected individuals of each Wolbachia group were encountered in nearly equal numbers. We screened 550 offspring from 80 field-collected mothers and found the transmission efficiency of group A Wolbachia to be 96.7% and that of group B Wolbachia to be 99.6%. Mothers that did not transmit both Wolbachia infections to all of their offspring were significantly larger in size than those with perfect transmission fidelity. We discuss our findings in relation to the prospects of the use of Wolbachia as a gene-driving mechanism.
The possibility of controlling vector-borne disease through the development and release of transgenic insect vectors has recently gained popular support and is being actively pursued by a number of research laboratories around the world. Several technical problems must be solved before such a strategy could be implemented: genes encoding refractory traits (traits that render the insect unable to transmit the pathogen) must be identified, a transformation system for important vector species has to be developed, and a strategy to spread the refractory trait into natural vector populations must be designed. Recent advances in this field of research make it seem likely that this technology will be available in the near future. In this paper we review recent progress in this area as well as argue that care should be taken in selecting the most appropriate disease system with which to first attempt this form of intervention. Much attention is currently being given to the application of this technology to the control of malaria, transmitted by Anopheles gambiae in Africa. While malaria is undoubtedly the most important vector-borne disease in the world and its control should remain an important goal, we maintain that the complex epidemiology of malaria together with the intense transmission rates in Africa may make it unsuitable for the first application of this technology. Diseases such as African trypanosomiasis, transmitted by the tsetse fly, or unstable malaria in India may provide more appropriate initial targets to evaluate the potential of this form of intervention.
The second edition of An Introduction to Efficiency and Productivity Analysis is designed to be a general introduction for those who wish to study efficiency and productivity analysis. The book provides an accessible, well-written introduction to the four principal methods involved: econometric estimation of average response models; index numbers, data envelopment analysis (DEA); and stochastic frontier analysis (SFA). For each method, a detailed introduction to the basic concepts is presented, numerical examples are provided, and some of the more important extensions to the basic methods are discussed. Of special interest is the systematic use of detailed empirical applications using real-world data throughout the book. In recent years, there have been a number of excellent advance-level books published on performance measurement. This book, however, is the first systematic survey of performance measurement with the express purpose of introducing the field to a wide audience of students, researchers, and practitioners. Indeed, the 2nd Edition maintains its uniqueness: (1) It is a well-written introduction to the field. (2) It outlines, discusses and compares the four principal methods for efficiency and productivity analysis in a well-motivated presentation. (3) It provides detailed advice on computer programs that can be used to implement these performance measurement methods. The book contains computer instructions and output listings for the SHAZAM, LIMDEP, TFPIP, DEAP and FRONTIER computer programs. More extensive listings of data and computer instruction files are available on the book's website: (www.uq.edu.au/economics/cepa/crob2005).
This Toolkit was developed for the Australian dairy processing industry on behalf of Dairy Australia. At the conclusion of the project, industry participants gained exclusive access to a comprehensive Eco-Efficiency Manual, which outlined many of the opportunities available to the industry. Summary fact sheets were also prepared as publicly available resources and these are available for download below
This manual has been developed to help the Australian dairy processing industry increase its competitiveness through increased awareness and uptake of eco-efficiency. The manual seeks to consolidate and build on existing knowledge, accumulated through projects and initiatives that the industry has previously undertaken to improve its use of raw materials and resources and reduce the generation of wastes. Where there is an existing comprehensive report or publication, the manual refers to this for further information. Eco-efficiency is about improving environmental performance to become more efficient and profitable. It is about producing more with less. It involves applying strategies that will not only ensure efficient use of resources and reduction in waste, but will also reduce costs. This chapter outlines the environmental challenges faced by Australian dairy processors. The manual explores opportunities for reducing environmental impacts in relation to water, energy, product yield, solid and liquid waste reduction and chemical use.
Transpiration efficiency, W, the ratio of plant carbon produced to water transpired and carbon isotope discrimination of leaf dry matter, Delta(d)' were measured together on 30 lines of the C-4 species, Sorghum bicolor in the glasshouse and on eight lines grown in the field. In the glasshouse, the mean W observed was 4.9 mmol C mol(-1) H2O and the range was 0.8 mmol C mol(-1) H2O The mean Delta(d) was 3.0 parts per thousand and the observed range was 0.4 parts per thousand. In the field, the mean W was lower at 2.8 mmol C mol H2O and the mean Delta(d) was 4.6 parts per thousand. Significant positive correlations between W and Delta(d) were observed for plants grown in the glasshouse and in the field. The observed correlations were consistent with theory, opposite to those for C-4 species, and showed that variation in Delta(d) was an integrated measure of long-term variation in the ratio of intercellular to ambient CO2 partial pressure, p(i)/p(a). Detailed gas exchange measurements of carbon isotope discrimination during CO2 uptake, Delta(A) and p(i)/p(a) were made on leaves of eight S. bicolor lines. The observed relationship between Delta(A) and p(i)/p(a) was linear with a negative slope of 3.7 parts per thousand in Delta(A) for a unit change in p(i)/p(a). The slope of this linear relationship between Delta(A) and p(i)/p(a) in C-4 species is dependent on the leakiness of the CO2 concentrating mechanism of the C pathway, We estimated the leakiness (defined as the fraction of CO2 released in the bundle sheath by C-4 acid decarboxylations, which is lost by leakage) to be 0.2. We conclude that, although variation in Delta(d) observed in the 30 lines of S. bicolor is smaller than that commonly observed in C-4 species, it also reflects variation in transpiration efficiency, W. Among the eight lines examined in detail and in the environments used, there was considerable genotype x environment interaction.
Theoretical analyses have shown the radiation use efficiency of maize, soybean, and peanut to increase with a decrease in the level of incident radiation and an increase in the proportion of diffuse radiation. This study compared the growth and radiation use efficiency of Panicum maximum cv. Petrie (green panic) and Bothriochloa insculpta cv. Bisset (creeping bluegrass) beneath shading treatments (birdguard and solarweave shadecloths) with that in full sunlight. A level of incident radiation reduced by 25% under birdguard shadecloth decreased final yield and final leaf area index, but increased canopy leaf nitrogen concentration and radiation use efficiency (19-14%) (compared with the full sun treatment). A similar level of reduced incident radiation under solarweave shadecloth (which provided an increased proportion of diffuse radiation), increased final yield and radiation use efficiency (46-50%). An understanding of the effects of composition of incident radiation on radiation use efficiency of tropical grasses enables more accurate estimation of potential pasture growth in shaded environments. It also has impact upon crop production in glasshouses and greenhouses.
Microencapsulation of lemon oil was undertaken with beta-cyclodextrin using a precipitation method at the five lemon oil to beta-cyclodextrin ratios of 3:97, 6:94, 9:91, 12:88, and 15:85 (w/w) in order to determine the effect of the ratio of lemon oil to beta-cyclodextrin on the inclusion efficiency of beta-cyclodextrin for encapsulating oil volatiles. The retention of lemon oil volatiles reached a maximum at the lemon oil to beta-cyclodextrin ratio of 6:94; however, the maximum inclusion capacity of beta-cyclodextrin and a maximum powder recovery were achieved at the ratio of 12:88, in which the beta-cyclodextrin complex contained 9.68% (w/w) lemon oil. The profile and proportion of selected flavor compounds in the beta-cyclodextrin complex and the starting lemon oil were not significantly different.
Microencapsulation of lemon oil was undertaken by kneading with beta-cyclodextrin, at a beta-cyclodextrin to lemon oil ratio of 88:12 (w/w). The resulting paste samples of the complex were vacuum- or spray-dried. Ten selected lemon oil flavor volatiles (alpha-pinene, sabinene, beta-pinene, beta-myrcene, limonene, gamma-terpinene, terpinolene, linalool, neral, and geranial) in the complex were analyzed periodically after 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 min of kneading time. The results indicated that the levels of these volatiles were not significantly different (P > 0.05) irrespective of mixing time or type of the drying (vacuum- or spray-drying) used. An optimum mixing time was found to be 15 min, at which time the maximum encapsulation of lemon oil (97.7 mg/g of beta-cyclodextrin) was obtained in the complex powder.