4 resultados para species recovery

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The green sea turtle is one of the long-lived species that comprise the charismatic marine megafauna. The green turtle has a long history of human exploitation with some stocks extinct. Here we report on a 30-year study of the nesting abundance of the green turtle stock endemic to the Hawaiian Archipelago. We show that there has been a substantial long-term increase in abundance of this once seriously depleted stock following cessation of harvesting since the 1970s. This population increase has occurred in a far shorter period of time than previously thought possible. There was also a distinct 3-4 year periodicity in annual nesting abundance that might be a function of regional environmental stochasticity that synchronises breeding behaviour throughout the Archipelago. This is one of the few reliable long-term population abundance time series for a large long-lived marine species, which are needed for gaining insights into the recovery process of long-lived marine species and long-term ecological processes. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The cane toad (Bufo marinus) was used as a model to study male anuran reproductive endocrinology and to develop a protocol for non-invasive sperm recovery. Circulating testosterone concentrations in 6-hourly samples did not vary significantly (P < 0.05) over a 24 h period although there was a tendency (P = 0.06) for testosterone to be elevated at 19:00 h relative to other times of the day, which may be related to the nocturnal activity pattern of this species. Testosterone secretion after intraperitoneal (IP) injection of either a GnRH agonist (5 mu g IP) or hCG (1000 IU) was also examined. While the GnRH agonist did not produce a significant increase above basal plasma testosterone (0.29, 95% C.I. of 0.05-1.10 ng/ml), injection of hCG resulted in an increase (P < 0.01) of plasma testosterone with peak concentrations at approximately 120 min (4.17, 95% C.I. of 2.69-7.44 ng/ml) after injection. Non-invasive pharmaceutical sperm recovery was attempted following IP injection of graded doses of GnRH agonist, hCG or FSH. Urine was collected at 3, 6 and 12 h after treatment to assess sperm quality and quantity. The optimal protocol for sperm recovery in cane toads was injection of either 1000 or 2000 IU hCG; there was no significant difference in the quality of the spermic urine samples obtained using either dose of hCG or with respect to collection time. The findings indicated that hCG can be used to assess testicular steroidogenic status and also to induce sperm recovery in the cane toad. The hCG protocols developed in this study will have application in studies on the reproductive biology of rare and endangered male anurans. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Reforestation in tropical areas is usually attempted by planting seedlings but, direct seeding (the artificial addition or sowing of seed) may be an alternative way of accelerating forest recovery and successional processes. This study investigated the effects of various sowing treatments (designed to create different microsite conditions for seed germination) and seed sizes on the early establishment and growth of directly sown rainforest tree species in a variety of experimental plots at three sites in the wet tropical region of north-cast Queensland, Australia. The different sowing treatments were found to have significant effects on seedling establishment. Broadcast sowing treatments were ineffective and resulted in very poor seedling establishment and high seed wastage. Higher establishment rates occurred when seeds were buried. Seed size was found to be an important factor affecting establishment in relation to micro-site condition. In general, larger seeded species had higher establishment rates at all three sites than species of small and intermediate seed size, but only in sowing treatments where seeds were buried. Overall these results suggest that direct sowing of seed can be used as a too] to accelerate recolonisation of certain rainforest tree species on degraded tropical lands, but initial success will be dependent on the choice of sowing method and its suitability for the seed types selected. The results also indicate that the recruitment of naturally dispersed tree species at degraded sites is likely to be severely limited by the availability of suitable microsites for seed germination. Consequently the natural recovery of degraded sites via seed rain can be expected to be slow and unpredictable, particularly in areas where soil compaction has occurred. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Species accumulation curves (SACs) chart the increase in recovery of new species as a function of some measure of sampling effort. Studies of parasite diversity can benefit from the application of SACs, both as empirical tools to guide sampling efforts and predict richness, and because their properties are informative about community patterns and the structure of parasite diversity. SACs can be used to infer interactivity in parasite infra-communities, to partition species richness into contributions from different spatial scales and different levels of the host hierarchy (individuals, populations and communities) or to identify modes of community assembly (niche versus dispersal). A historical tendency to treat individual hosts as statistically equivalent replicates (quadrats) seemingly satisfies the sample-based subgroup of SACs but care is required in this because of the inequality of hosts as sampling units. Knowledge of the true distribution of parasite richness over multiple host-derived and spatial scales is far from complete but SACs can improve the understanding of diversity patterns in parasite assemblages.