7 resultados para soil profile

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Pesticides leaching through a soil profile will be exposed to changing environmental sorption and desorption conditions as different horizons with distinct physical and chemical properties are encountered. Soil cores were taken from a clay soil profile and samples taken from 0.0 to 0.3 m (surface), 1.0-1.3 m (mid) and 2.7-3.0 m (deep) and treated with the chloroacetanilide herbicide, acetochlor. Freundlich isotherms revealed that sorption and desorption behaviour varied with each depth sampled. As soil depth increased, the extent and strength of sorption decreased, indicating that the potential for leaching was increased in the subsoils compared with the surface soil. Hysteresis was evident at each of the three depths sampled, although no significant correlations between soil properties and the hysteresis coefficients were evident. Desorption studies using soil fractions with diameters of > 2000, 250-2000, 53-250, 20-53, 2-20, 0-2 and 0-1 mum separated from each of the three soil depths showed that differential desorption kinetics occurred and that the retention of acetochlor significantly correlated (R-2 = 0.998) with organic matter content. A greater understanding of the influence of soil components on the overall sorption and desorption potential of surface and subsurface soils is required to allow accurate prediction of acetochlor retention in the soil. In addition, it is likely that the proportion of each size fraction in a soil horizon would influence acetochlor bioavailability and movement to groundwater.


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A pulse of chromated copper arsenate (CCA, a timber preservative) was applied in irrigation water to an undisturbed field soil in a laboratory column. Concentrations of various elements in the leachate from the column were measured during the experiment. Also, the remnants within the soil were measured at the end of the experiment. The geochemical modelling package, PHREEQC-2, was used to simulate the experimental data. Processes included in the CCA transport modelling were advection, dispersion, non-specific adsorption (cation exchange) and specific adsorption by clay minerals and organic matter, as well as other possible chemical reactions such as precipitation/dissolution. The modelling effort highlighted the possible complexities in CCA transport and reaction experiments. For example, the uneven dosing of CCA as well as incomplete knowledge of the soil properties resulted in simulations that gave only partial, although reasonable, agreement with the experimental data. Both the experimental data and simulations show that As and Cu are strongly adsorbed and therefore, will mostly remain at the top of the soil profile, with a small proportion appearing in leachate. On the other hand, Cr is more mobile and thus it is present in the soil column leachate. Further simulations show that both the quantity of CCA added to the soil and the pH of the irrigation water will influence CCA transport. Simulations suggest that application of larger doses of CCA to the soil will result in higher leachate concentrations, especially for Cu and As. Irrigation water with a lower pH will dramatically increase leaching of Cu. These results indicate that acidic rainfall or significant accidental spillage of CCA will increase the risk of groundwater pollution.


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Pesticides in soil are subject to a number of processes that result in transformation and biodegradation, sorption to and desorption from soil components, and diffusion and leaching. Pesticides leaching through a soil profile will be exposed to changing environmental conditions as different horizons with distinct physical, chemical and biological properties are encountered. The many ways in which soil properties influence pesticide retention and degradation need to be addressed to allow accurate predictions of environmental fate and the potential for groundwater pollution. Degradation and sorption processes were investigated in a long-term (100 days) study of the chloroacetanilide herbicide, acetochlor. Soil cores were collected from a clay soil profile and samples taken from 0-30cm (surface), 1.0-1.3m (mid) and 2.7-3.0m (deep) and treated with acetochlor (2.5, 1.25, 0.67 mu g acetochlor g(-1) dry wt soil, respectively). In sterile and non-sterile conditions, acetochlor concentration in the aqueous phase declined rapidly from the surface and subsoil layers, predominantly through nonextractable residue (NER) formation on soil surfaces, but also through biodegradation and biotic transformation. Abiotic transformation was also evident in the sterile soils. Several metabolites were produced, including acetochlor-ethane sulphonic acid and acetochlor-oxanilic acid. Transformation was principally microbial in origin, as shown by the differences between non-sterile and sterile soils. NER formation increased rapidly over the first 21 days in all soils and was mainly associated with the macroaggregate (> 2000 mu m diameter) size fractions. It is likely that acetochlor is incorporated into the macroaggregates through oxidative coupling, as humification of particulate organic matter progresses. The dissipation (ie total loss of acetochlor) half-life values were 9.3 (surface), 12.3 (mid) and 12.6 days (deep) in the non-sterile soils, compared with 20.9 [surface], 23.5 [mid], and 24 days [deep] in the sterile soils, demonstrating the importance of microbially driven processes in the rapid dissipation of acetochlor in soil.


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Nitrate (NO3) accumulations (up to 1880 kg NO3-N/ha for a 12-m profile) in the soils of the Johnstone River catchment (JRC) may pose a serious environmental threat to the Great Barrier Reef lagoon if the NO3 were released. The: leaching of artificial rainwater through repacked soil columns was investigated to determine the effect of low NO3/low ionic strength inputs on the NO3 Chemistry of the JRC profiles. Repacked soil columns were used to simulate the 11.5-m profiles, and the soil solution anion and cation concentrations were monitored at 10 points throughout the soil column. As the rainwater was applied, NO3 leached down the profile, with substantial quantities exiting the columns. Anion exchange was discounted as the major mechanism of NO3 release due to the substantial net loss of anions from the system (up to 2740 kg NO3-N/ha over the experimental period). As the soils were dominated by variable charge minerals, the effect of changing pH and ionic strength on the surface charge density was investigated in relation to the release of NO3 from the exchange. It was concluded that the equilibration of the soil solution with the low ionic strength rainwater solution resulted in a lessening of both the positive and negative surface charge. Nitrate was released into the soil solution and subsequently leached due to the lessening of the positive surface charge. Loss of NO3 from the soil profile was slow, with equivalent field release times estimated to be tens of years. Although annual release rates were high in absolute terms (up to 175 kg NO3-N/ha.year), they are only slightly greater than the current loss rates from fertilised sugarcane production (up to 50 kg NO3-N/ha.year). In addition to this, the large-scale release of NO3 from the accumulations will only occur until a new equilibrium is established with the input rainwater solution.


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Caustis blakei produces an intriguing morphological adaptation by inducing dauciform roots in response to phosphorus (P) deficiency. We tested the hypothesis that these hairy, swollen lateral roots play a similar role to cluster roots in the exudation of organic chelators and ectoenzymes known to aid the chemical mobilization of sparingly available soil nutrients, such as P. Dauciform-root development and exudate composition (carboxylates and acid phosphatase activity) were analysed in C. blakei plants grown in nutrient solution under P-starved conditions. The distribution of dauciform roots in the field was determined in relation to soil profile depth and matrix. The percentage of dauciform roots of the entire root mass was greatest at the lowest P concentration ([P]) in solution, and was suppressed with increasing solution [P], while in the field dauciform roots were predominately located in the upper soil horizons, and decreased with increasing soil depth. Citrate was the major carboxylate released in an exudative burst from mature dauciform roots, which also produced elevated levels of acid phosphatase activity. Malonate was the dominant internal carboxylate present, with the highest concentration in young dauciform roots. The high concentration of carboxylates and phosphatases released from dauciform roots, combined with their prolific distribution in the organic surface layer of nutrient-impoverished soils, provides an ecophysiological advantage for enhancing nutrient acquisition.


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Land disposal is commonly used for urban and industrial wastewater, largely due to the high costs involved in alternative treatments or disposal systems. However, the viability of such systems depends on many factors, including the composition of the effluent water, soil type, the plant species grown, growth rate, and planting density. The objective of this study is to establish whether land disposal of nitrogen (N) rich effluent using an agroforestry system is sustainable, and determine the effect of irrigation rate and tree planting density on the N cycle and subsequent N removal. We examined systems for the sustainable disposal of a high strength industrial effluent. The challenge was to leach the salt, by using a sufficiently high rate of irrigation, while simultaneously ensuring that N did not leach from the soil profile. We describe the N balance for two plant systems irrigated with effluent, one comprising Eucalyptus tereticornis and Eucalyptus moluccana and a Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) pasture, and the other, Rhodes grass pasture alone. Nitrogen balance was assessed from N inputs in effluent and rainfall, accumulation of N in the plant biomass, changes in soil N storage, N loss in run-off water, denitrification and N loss to the groundwater by deep-drainage. Biomass production was estimated from allometric relationships derived from yearly destructive harvesting of selected trees. The N content of that biomass was then calculated from measured N content of the various plant parts, and their mass. Approximately 300 kg N/ha/yr was assimilated into tree biomass at a planting density of 2500 tree/ha of E. moluccana. In addition to tree assimilation, pasture growth between the tree rows, which was regularly harvested, contributed substantially to N uptake. If the trees were harvested after two years of growth and grass harvested regularly, biomass removal of N by the mixed system would be about 700 kg N/ha/yr. The results of this study show that the current system of effluent disposal is not sustainable as the nitrate leaching from the soil profile far exceeds standards set out by the ANZECC guidelines. Hence additional means of N removal will need to be implemented. Biological N removal is an area that warrants further studies as it is aimed at reducing N levels in the effluent before irrigation. This will complement the current agroforestry system.


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Soil properties that influence water movement through profiles are important for determining flow paths, reactions between soil and solute, and the ultimate destination of solutes. This is particularly important in high rainfall environments. For highly weathered deep profiles, we hypothesize that abrupt changes in the distribution of the quotient [QT = (silt + sand)/clay] reflect the boundaries between textural units or textural (TS) and hydrologic (HS) stratigraphies. As a result, QT can be used as a parameter to characterize TS and as a surrogate for HS. Secondly, we propose that if chloride distributions were correlated with QT, under non-limiting anion exchange, then chloride distributions can be used as a signature indicator of TS and HS. Soil cores to a depth of 12.5 in were taken from 16 locations in the wet tropical Johnstone River catchment of northeast Queensland, Australia. The cores belong to nine variable charge soil types and were under sugarcane (Saccharun officinarum-S) production, which included the use of potassium chloride, for several decades. The cores were segmented at I m depth increments and subsamples were analysed for chloride, pH, soil water content (theta), clay, silt and sand contents. Selected bores were capped to serve as piezometers to monitor groundwater dynamics. Depth incremented QT, theta and chloride correlated, each individually, significantly with the corresponding profile depth increments, indicating the presence of textural, hydrologic and chloride gradients in profiles. However, rapid increases in QT down the profile indicated abrupt changes in TS, suggesting that QT can be used as a parameter to characterize TS and as a surrogate for HS. Abrupt changes in chloride distributions were similar to QT, suggesting that chloride distributions can be used as a signature indicator of QT (TS) and HS. Groundwater data indicated that chloride distributions depended, at least partially, on groundwater dynamics, providing further support to our hypothesis that chloride distribution can be used as a signature indicator of HS. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.