49 resultados para radius of starlikeness
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
A question is examined as to estimates of the norms of perturbations of a linear stable dynamic system, under which the perturbed system remains stable in a situation R:here a perturbation has a fixed structure.
Movements of two female one-humped camels in central Australia were tracked using satellite telemetry between March 1986 and July 1987. During that time both animals travelled a minimum distance of over 1000 km within a radius of 125 km for one animal, and 200 km for the other. However, their movements were uite punctuated and both animals spent periods of up to several months in rleatively small areas before moving over longer distances to new areas. Both camels moved at greater rates overnight. An activity index, probably measuring feeding rate, declined during the study period for both animals. Patchy and sporadic rainfall may explain some of these results.
We present the first dynamical analysis of a galaxy cluster to include a large fraction of dwarf galaxies. Our sample of 108 Fornax Cluster members measured with the UK Schmidt Telescope FLAIR-II spectrograph contains 55 dwarf galaxies (15.5 > b(j) > 18.0 or -16 > M-B > -13.5). H alpha emission shows that of the dwarfs are star forming, twice the fraction implied by morphological classifications. The total sample has a mean velocity of 1493 +/- 36 kms s(-1) and a velocity dispersion of 374 +/- 26 km s(-1). The dwarf galaxies form a distinct population: their velocity dispersion (429 +/- 41 km s(-1)) is larger than that of the giants () at the 98% confidence level. This suggests that the dwarf population is dominated by infalling objects whereas the giants are virialized. The Fornax system has two components, the main Fornax Cluster centered on NGC 1399 with cz = 1478 km s(-1) and sigma (cz) = 370 km s(-1) and a subcluster centered 3 degrees to the southwest including NGC 1316 with cz = 1583 km s(-1) and sigma (cz) = 377 km s(-1). This partition is preferred over a single cluster at the 99% confidence level. The subcluster, a site of intense star formation, is bound to Fornax and probably infalling toward the cluster core for the first time. We discuss the implications of this substructure for distance estimates of the Fornax Cluster. We determine the cluster mass profile using the method of Diaferio, which does not assume a virialized sample. The mass within a projected radius of 1.4 Mpc is (7 +/- 2) x 10(13) M-., and the mass-to-light ratio is 300 +/- 100 M-./L-.. The mass is consistent with values derived from the projected mass virial estimator and X-ray measurements at smaller radii.
The physical nonequilibrium of solute concentration resulting from preferential now of soil water has often led to models where the soil is partitioned into two regions: preferential flow paths, where solute transport occurs mainly by advection, and the remaining region, where significant solute transport occurs through diffusive exchange with the flow paths. These two-region models commonly ignore concentration gradients within the regions. Our objective was to develop a simple model to assess the influence of concentration gradients on solute transport and to compare model results with experiments conducted on structured materials. The model calculates the distribution of solutes in a single spherical aggregate surrounded by preferential now paths and subjected to alternating boundary conditions representing either an exchange of solutes between the two regions (a wet period) or no exchange but redistribution of solutes within the aggregate (a dry period). The key parameter in the model is the aggregate radius, which defines the diffusive time scales. We conducted intermittent leaching experiments on a column of packed porous spheres and on a large (300 mm long by 216 mm diameter) undisturbed field soil core to test the validity of the model and its application to field soils. Alternating wet and dry periods enhanced leaching by up to 20% for this soil, which was consistent with the model's prediction, given a fitted equivalent aggregate radius of 1.8 cm, If similar results are obtained for other soils, use of alternating wet and dry periods could improve management of solutes, for example in salinity control and in soil remediation.
In the present work the meso- and macro-structural characteristics of the mesoporous adsorbent MCM-41 have been estimated with the help of various techniques. The structure is found to comprise four different length scales: that of the mesopores, the crystallites, the grains and of the particles. It was found that the surface area estimated by the use of small angle scattering techniques is higher, while that estimated by mercury porosimetry is much lower, than that obtained from gas adsorption methods. Based on the macropore characterization by mercury porosimetry, and the considerable macropore area determined, it is seen that the actual mesopore area of MCM-41 may be significantly lower than the BET area. TEM studies indicated that MCM-41 does not have an ideal mesopore structure; however, it may still be treated as a model mesoporous material for gas adsorption studies because of the large radius of curvature of the channels.
We present a photometric investigation of the variation in galaxy colour with environment in 11 X-ray-luminous clusters at 0.07 less than or equal to z less than or equal to 0.16 taken from the Las Campanas/AAT Rich Cluster Survey. We study the properties of the galaxy populations in individual clusters, and take advantage of the homogeneity of the sample to combine the clusters together to investigate weaker trends in the composite sample. We find that modal colours of galaxies lying on the colour-magnitude relation in the clusters become bluer by d(B - R)/dr(p) = -0.022 +/- 0.004 from the cluster core out to a projected radius of r(p) = 6 Mpc, further out in radius than any previous study. We also examine the variation in modal galaxy colour with local galaxy density, 2, for galaxies lying close to the colour-magnitude relation, and find that the median colour shifts bluewards by d(B - R)/d log(10)(Sigma) = -0.076 +/- 0.009 with decreasing local density across three orders of magnitude. We show that the position of the red envelope of galaxies in the colour-magnitude relation does not vary as a function of projected radius or density within the clusters, suggesting that the change in the modal colour results from an increasing fraction of bluer galaxies within the colour-magnitude relation, rather than a change in the colours of the whole population. We show that this shift in the colour-magnitude relations with projected radius and local density is greater than that expected from the changing morphological mix based on the local morphology-density relation. We therefore conclude that we are seeing a real change in the properties of galaxies on the colour-magnitude relation in the outskirts of clusters. The simplest interpretation of this result (and similar constraints in local clusters) is that an increasing fraction of galaxies in the lower density regions at large radii within clusters exhibit signatures of star formation in the recent past, signatures which are not seen in the evolved galaxies in the highest density regions.
Using data from the H I Parkes All Sky Survey (HIPASS), we have searched for neutral hydrogen in galaxies in a region similar to25x25 deg(2) centred on NGC 1399, the nominal centre of the Fornax cluster. Within a velocity search range of 300-3700 km s(-1) and to a 3sigma lower flux limit of similar to40 mJy, 110 galaxies with H I emission were detected, one of which is previously uncatalogued. None of the detections has early-type morphology. Previously unknown velocities for 14 galaxies have been determined, with a further four velocity measurements being significantly dissimilar to published values. Identification of an optical counterpart is relatively unambiguous for more than similar to90 per cent of our H I galaxies. The galaxies appear to be embedded in a sheet at the cluster velocity which extends for more than 30degrees across the search area. At the nominal cluster distance of similar to20 Mpc, this corresponds to an elongated structure more than 10 Mpc in extent. A velocity gradient across the structure is detected, with radial velocities increasing by similar to500 km s(-1) from south-east to north-west. The clustering of galaxies evident in optical surveys is only weakly suggested in the spatial distribution of our H I detections. Of 62 H I detections within a 10degrees projected radius of the cluster centre, only two are within the core region (projected radius
This paper characterizes when a Delone set X in R-n is an ideal crystal in terms of restrictions on the number of its local patches of a given size or on the heterogeneity of their distribution. For a Delone set X, let N-X (T) count the number of translation-inequivalent patches of radius T in X and let M-X (T) be the minimum radius such that every closed ball of radius M-X(T) contains the center of a patch of every one of these kinds. We show that for each of these functions there is a gap in the spectrum of possible growth rates between being bounded and having linear growth, and that having sufficiently slow linear growth is equivalent to X being an ideal crystal. Explicitly, for N-X (T), if R is the covering radius of X then either N-X (T) is bounded or N-X (T) greater than or equal to T/2R for all T > 0. The constant 1/2R in this bound is best possible in all dimensions. For M-X(T), either M-X(T) is bounded or M-X(T) greater than or equal to T/3 for all T > 0. Examples show that the constant 1/3 in this bound cannot be replaced by any number exceeding 1/2. We also show that every aperiodic Delone set X has M-X(T) greater than or equal to c(n)T for all T > 0, for a certain constant c(n) which depends on the dimension n of X and is > 1/3 when n > 1.
Habitat choice by brush-tailed rock-wallabies (Petrogale penicillata) in south-east Queensland was investigated by comparing the attributes of the nocturnal foraging locations that they selected with those of random locations within a radius of 50 m. Brush-tailed rock-wallabies were shown to select foraging locations on the basis of forage quality and/or their ability to see predators, rather than protection from predators amongst vegetation that could conceal them. Habitat choice may have been affected by limited food availability, as this study was conducted in the winter dry season. The attributes of foraging locations that brush- tailed rock-wallabies perceived as increasing their predation risk were assessed by recording the proportion of time that brush- tailed rock-wallabies spent vigilant while foraging. To measure vigilance, focal animals were observed with a night- vision scope for two minutes and the proportions of time spent vigilant and feeding were recorded. No measured feature of foraging locations was related to higher vigilance levels, suggesting that brush- tailed rock-wallabies did not alter their vigilance whether sheltered amongst grass tussocks or in open habitat, or whether feeding on good quality or poorer quality vegetation. Vigilance levels significantly declined as overnight temperatures decreased, which may have resulted from higher energy requirements of brush- tailed rock-wallabies during winter. The only factors that were found to significantly increase vigilance levels were high winds and moonlit nights. On bright nights, brush- tailed rock-wallabies were very unsettled and during high winds they often did not emerge to feed. More information is needed about how macropods detect predators at night before the effects of wind and light intensity upon vigilance can be fully understood.
A new model to predict the extent of crushing around a blasthole is presented. The model is based on the back-analysis of a comprehensive experimental program that included the direct measurement of the zone of crushing from 92 blasting tests on concrete blocks using two commercial explosives. The concrete blocks varied from low, medium to high strength and measured 1.5 in in length, 1.0 m in width and 1.1 m in height. A dimensionless parameter called the crushing zone index (CZI) is introduced. This index measures the crushing potential of a charged blasthole and is a function of the borehole pressure, the unconfined compressive strength of the rock material, dynamic Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio. It is shown that the radius of crushing is a function of the CZI and the blasthole radius. A good correlation between the new model and measured results was obtained. A number of previously proposed models could not approximate the conditions measured in the experimental work and there are noted discrepancies between the different approaches reviewed, particularly for smaller diameter holes and low strength rock conditions. The new model has been verified with full scale tests reported in the literature. Results from this validation and model evaluations show its applicability to production blasting. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study used faecal pellets to investigate the broadscale distribution and diet of koalas in the mulgalands biogeographic region of south-west Queensland. Koala distribution was determined by conducting faecal pellet searches within a 30-cm radius of the base of eucalypts on 149 belt transects, located using a multi-scaled stratified sampling design. Cuticular analysis of pellets collected from 22 of these sites was conducted to identify the dietary composition of koalas within the region. Our data suggest that koala distribution is concentrated in the northern and more easterly regions of the study area, and appears to be strongly linked with annual rainfall. Over 50% of our koala records were obtained from non-riverine communities, indicating that koalas in the study area are not primarily restricted to riverine communities, as has frequently been suggested. Cuticular analysis indicates that more than 90% of koala diet within the region consists of five eucalypt species. Our data highlights the importance of residual Tertiary landforms to koala conservation in the region.
A probe tack test has been used for the in situ characterization of the surface stickiness of hemispherical drops with an initial radius of 3.5 mm while drying. Surface stickiness of drops of fructose and maltodextrin solutions dried at 63degreesC and 95degreesC was determined. The effect of addition of maltodextrin on fructose solution-was studied with fructose/maltodextrin solid mass ratios of 4: 1, 1: 1, and 1:4. Pure fructose solutions remained completely sticky and failed cohesively even when their moisture approached zero. Shortly after the start of drying, the surface of the maltodextrin drops formed a skin, which rapidly grew in thickness. Subsequently the drop surface became completely nonsticky probably due to transformation of outer layers into a glassy material. Addition of malto,dextrin significantly altered the surface stickiness of drops of fructose solutions, demonstrating its use as an effective drying aid.
We present new results of our wide-field redshift survey of galaxies in a 182 square degree region of the Shapley Supercluster (SSC) based on observations with the FLAIR-II spectrograph on the UK Schmidt Telescope (UKST). In this paper we present new measurements to give a total sample of redshifts for 710 bright (R less than or equal to 16.6) galaxies, of which 464 are members of the SSC (8000 < υ < 18 000 km s(-1)). Our data reveal that the main plane of the SSC (upsilon approximate to 14 500 km s(-1)) extends further than previously realised, filling the whole extent of our survey region of 10 degrees by 20 degrees on the sky (35 Mpc by 70 Mpc, for H-0 = 75 km s(-1) Mpc(-1)). There is also a significant structure associated with the slightly nearer Abell 3571 cluster complex (upsilon approximate to 12 000 km s(-1)) with a caustic structure evident out to a radius of 6 Mpc. These galaxies seem to link two previously identified sheets of galaxies and establish a connection with a third one at (V) over bar = 15 000 km s(-1) near RA = 13(h). They also tend to fill the gap of galaxies between the foreground Hydra-Centaurus region and the more distant SSC. We calculate galaxy overdensities of 5.0+/-0.1 over the 182 square degree region surveyed and 3.3+.-0.1 in a 159 square degree region excluding rich clusters. Over the large region of our survey the inter-cluster galaxies make up 46 per cent of all galaxies in the SSC region and may contribute a similar amount of mass to the cluster galaxies.
This paper describes a relatively simple and quick method for implementing aerodynamic heating models into a finite element code for non-linear transient thermal-structural and thermal-structural-vibrational analyses of a Mach 10 generic HyShot scramjet engine. The thermal-structural-vibrational response of the engine was studied for the descent trajectory from 60 to 26 km. Aerodynamic heating fluxes, as a function of spatial position and time for varying trajectory points, were implemented in the transient heat analysis. Additionally, the combined effect of varying dynamic pressure and thermal loads with altitude was considered. This aero-thermal-structural analysis capability was used to assess the temperature distribution, engine geometry distortion and yielding of the structural material due to aerodynamic heating during the descent trajectory, and for optimising the wall thickness, nose radius of leading edge, etc. of the engine intake. A structural vibration analysis was also performed following the aero-thermal-structural analysis to determine the changes in natural frequencies of the structural vibration modes that occur at the various temperatures associated with the descent trajectory. This analysis provides a unique and relatively simple design strategy for predicting and mitigating the thermal-structural-vibrational response of hypersonic engines. (C) 2006 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
The effect of the box shape on the dynamic behavior of proteins simulated under periodic boundary conditions is evaluated. In particular, the influence of simulation boxes defined by the near-densest lattice packing (NDLP) in conjunction with rotational constraints is compared to that of standard box types without these constraints. Three different proteins of varying size, shape, and secondary structure content were examined in the study. The statistical significance of differences in RMSD, radius of gyration, solvent-accessible surface, number of hydrogen bonds, and secondary structure content between proteins, box types, and the application or not of rotational constraints has been assessed. Furthermore, the differences in the collective modes for each protein between different boxes and the application or not of rotational constraints have been examined. In total 105 simulations were performed, and the results compared using a three-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) for properties derived from the trajectories and a three-way univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) for collective modes. It is shown that application of roto-translational constraints does not have a statistically significant effect on the results obtained from the different simulations. However, the choice of simulation box was found to have a small (5-10%), but statistically significant effect on the behavior of two of the three proteins included in the study. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.