17 resultados para réseaux de neurones

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Indirect evidence indicates that morphine-3-glucuronide (M3G) may contribute significantly to the neuro-excitatory side effects (myoclonus and allodynia) of large-dose systemic morphine. To gain insight into the mechanism underlying M3G' s excitatory behaviors, We used fluo-3 fluorescence digital imaging techniques to assess the acute effects of M3G (5-500 muM) on the cytosolic calcium concentration ([Ca2+](CYT)) in cultured embryonic hippocampal neurones. Acute (3 min) exposure of neurones to M3G evoked [Ca2+](CYT) transients that were typically either (a) transient oscillatory responses characterized by a rapid increase in [Ca2+](CYT) oscillation amplitude that was sustained for at least similar to30 s or (b) a sustained increase in [Ca2+](CYT) that slowly recovered to baseline. Naloxone-pretreatment decreased the proportion of M3G-responsive neurones by 10%-25%, implicating a predominantly non-opioidergic mechanism. Although the naloxone-insensitive M3G-induced increases in [Ca2+](CYT) were completely blocked by N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) antagonists and 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX) (alphaamino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropiordc acid/ kainate antagonist), CNQX did not block the large increase in [Ca2+](CYT) evoked by NMDA (as expected), confirming that N13G indirectly activates the NMDA receptor. Additionally, tetrodotoxin (Na+ channel blocker), baclofen (gamma-aminobutyric acid, agonist), MVIIC (P/Q-type calcium channel blocker), and nifedipine (L-type calcium channel blocker) all abolished M3G-induced increases in [Ca2+](CYT), suggesting that M3G may produce its neuro-excitatory effects by modulating neurotransmitter release. However, additional characterization is required.


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The effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) on the electrophysiological properties of intracardiac neurones were investigated in the intracardiac ganglion plexus in situ and in dissociated neurones from neonatal, juvenile and adult rat hearts. Focal application of GABA evoked a depolarizing, excitatory response in both intact and dissociated intracardiac ganglion neurones. Under voltage clamp, both GABA and muscimol elicited inward currents at -60 mV in a concentration-dependent manner. The fast, desensitizing currents were mimicked by the GABA(A) receptor agonists muscimol and taurine, and inhibited by the GABA(A) receptor antagonists, bicuculline and picrotoxin. The GABA(A0) antagonist (1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyridin-4-yl)methyl phosphonic acid (TPMPA), had no effect on GABA-induced currents, suggesting that GABA(A) receptor-channels mediate the response. The GABA-evoked current amplitude recorded from dissociated neurones was age dependent whereby the peak current density measured at -100 mV was similar to 20 times higher for intracardiac neurones obtained from neonatal rats (P2-5) compared with adult rats (P45-49). The decrease in GABA sensitivity occurred during the first two postnatal weeks and coincides with maturation of the sympathetic innervation of the rat heart. Immunohistochemical staining using antibodies against GABA demonstrate the presence of GABA in the intracardiac ganglion plexus of the neonatal rat heart. Taken together, these results suggest that GABA and taurine may act as modulators of neurotransmission and cardiac function in the developing mammalian intrinsic cardiac nervous system.


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Beef and dairy cattle from four different herds in southern and central Queensland fed hydroponically-produced sprouted barley or wheat grain heavily infested with Aspergillus clavatus developed posterior ataxia with knuckling of fetlocks, muscular tremors and recumbency, but maintained appetite. A few animals variously had reduced milk production, hyperaesthesia, drooling of saliva, hypermetria of hind limbs or muscle spasms. Degeneration of large neurones was seen in the brain stem and spinal cord grey matter. The syndrome was consistent with A clavatus tremorgenic mycotoxicosis of ruminants. The cases are the earliest known to be associated with this fungus in Australia. They highlight a potential hazard of hydroponic fodder production systems, which appear to favour A clavatus growth on sprouted grain, exacerbated in some cases by equipment malfunctions that increase operating temperatures.


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We studied thalamic projections to the visual cortex in flying foxes, animals that share neural features believed to resemble those present in the brains of early primates. Neurones labeled by injections of fluorescent tracers in striate and extrastriate cortices were charted relative to the architectural boundaries of thalamic nuclei. Three main findings are reported: First, there are parallel lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) projections to striate and extrastriate cortices. Second, the pulvinar complex is expansive, and contains multiple subdivisions. Third, across the visual thalamus, the location of cells labeled after visual cortex injections changes systematically, with caudal visual areas receiving their strongest projections from the most lateral thalamic nuclei, and rostral areas receiving strong projections from medial nuclei. We identified three architectural layers in the LGN, and three subdivisions of the pulvinar complex. The outer LGN layer contained the largest cells, and had strong projections to the areas V1, V2 and V3. Neurones in the intermediate LGN layer were intermediate in size, and projected to V1 and, less densely, to V2. The layer nearest to the origin of the optic radiation contained the smallest cells, and projected not only to V1, V2 and V3, but also, weakly, to the occipitotemporal area (OT, which is similar to primate middle temporal area) and the occipitoparietal area (OP, a third tier area located near the dorsal midline). V1, V2 and V3 received strong projections from the lateral and intermediate subdivisions of the pulvinar complex, while OP and OT received their main thalamic input from the intermediate and medial subdivisions of the pulvinar complex. These results suggest parallels with the carnivore visual system, and indicate that the restriction of the projections of the large- and intermediatesized LGN layers to V1, observed in present-day primates, evolved from a more generalized mammalian condition. (C) 2004 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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More than one hundred years ago, Grant Allen suggested that colour vision in primates, birds and insects evolved as an adaptation for foraging on colourful advertisements of plants-fruits and flowers. Recent studies have shown that well developed colour vision appeared long before fruits and flowers evolved. Thus, colour vision is generally beneficial for many animals, not only for those eating colourful food. Primates are the only placental mammals that have trichromatic colour vision. This may indicate either that trichromacy is particularly useful for primates or that primates are unique among placental mammals in their ability to utilise the signals of three spectrally distinct types of cones or both. Because fruits are an important component of the primate diet, primate trichromacy could have evolved as a specific adaptation for foraging on fruits. Alternatively, primate trichromacy could have evolved as an adaptation for many visual tasks. Comparative studies of mammalian eyes indicate that primates are the only placental mammals that have in their retina a pre-existing neural machinery capable of utilising the signals of an additional spectral type of cone. Thus, the failure of non-primate placental mammals to evolve trichromacy can be explained by constraints imposed on the wiring of retinal neurones.