15 resultados para photon transport theory

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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We present here a tractable theory of transport of simple fluids in cylindrical nanopores, which is applicable over a wide range of densities and pore sizes. In the Henry law low-density region the theory considers the trajectories of molecules oscillating between diffuse wall collisions, while at higher densities beyond this region the contribution from viscous flow becomes significant and is included through our recent approach utilizing a local average density model. The model is validated by means of equilibrium as well nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations of supercritical methane transport in cylindrical silica pores over a wide range of temperature, density, and pore size. The model for the Henry law region is exact and found to yield an excellent match with simulations at all conditions, including the single-file region of very small pore size where it is shown to provide the density-independent collective transport coefficient. It is also shown that in the absence of dispersive interactions the model reduces to the classical Knudsen result, but in the presence of such interactions the latter model drastically overpredicts the transport coefficient. For larger micropores beyond the single-file region the transport coefficient is reduced at high density because of intermolecular interactions and hindrance to particle crossings leading to a large decrease in surface slip that is not well represented by the model. However, for mesopores the transport coefficient increases monotonically with density, over the range studied, and is very well predicted by the theory, though at very high density the contribution from surface slip is slightly overpredicted. It is also seen that the concept of activated diffusion, commonly associated with diffusion in small pores, is fundamentally invalid for smooth pores, and the apparent activation energy is not simply related to the minimum pore potential or the adsorption energy as generally assumed. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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A theory is discussed of single-component transport in nanopores, recently developed by Bhatia and coworkers. The theory considers the oscillatory motion of molecules between diffuse wall collisions, arising from the fluid-wall interaction, along with superimposed viscous flow due to fluid-fluid interaction. The theory is tested against molecular dynamics simulations for hydrogen, methane, and carbon tetrafluoride flow in cylindrical nanopores in silica. Although exact at low densities, the theory performs well even at high densities, with the density dependency of the transport coefficient arising from viscous effects. Such viscous effects are reduced at high densities because of the large increase in viscosity, which explains the maximum in the transport coefficient with increase in density. Further, it is seen that in narrow pore sizes of less than two molecular diameters, where a complete monolayer cannot form on the surface, the mutual interference of molecules on opposite sides of the cross section can reduce the transport coefficient, and lead to a maximum in the transport coefficient with increasing density. The theory is also tested for the case of partially diffuse reflection and shows the viscous contribution to be negligible when the reflection is nearly specular. (c) 2005 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 52: 29-38, 2006.


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We show that an Anderson Hamiltonian describing a quantum dot connected to multiple leads is integrable. A general expression for the nonlinear conductance is obtained by combining the Bethe ansatz exact solution with Landauer-Buttiker theory. In the Kondo regime, a closed form expression is given for the matrix conductance at zero temperature and when all the leads are close to the symmetric point. A bias-induced splitting of the Kondo resonance is possible for three or more leads. Specifically, for N leads, with each at a different chemical potential, there can be N-1 Kondo peaks in the conductance.


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For many strongly correlated metals with layered crystal structure the temperature dependence of the interlayer resistance is different to that of the intralayer resistance. We consider a small polaron model which exhibits this behavior, illustrating how the interlayer transport is related to the coherence of quasiparticles within the layers. Explicit results are also given for the electron spectral function, interlayer optical conductivity, and the interlayer magnetoresistance. All these quantities have two contributions: one coherent (dominant at low temperatures) and the other incoherent (dominant at high temperatures).


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We examine the transport of methane in microporous carbon by performing equilibrium and nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations over a range of pore sizes, densities, and temperatures. We interpret these simulation results using two models of the transport process. At low densities, we consider a molecular flow model, in which intermolecular interactions are neglected, and find excellent agreement between transport diffusion coefficients determined from simulation, and those predicted by the model. Simulation results indicate that the model can be applied up to fluid densities of the order to 0.1-1 nm(-3). Above these densities, we consider a slip flow model, combining hydrodynamic theory with a slip condition at the solid-fluid interface. As the diffusion coefficient at low densities can be accurately determined by the molecular flow model, we also consider a model where the slip condition is supplied by the molecular flow model. We find that both density-dependent models provide a useful means of estimating the transport coefficient that compares well with simulation. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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We present new simulation results for the packing of single-center and three-center models of carbon dioxide at high pressure in carbon slit pores. The former shows a series of packing transitions that are well described by our density functional theory model developed earlier. In contrast, these transitions are absent for the three-center model. Analysis of the simulation results shows that alternations of flat-lying molecules and rotated molecules can occur as the pore width is increased. The presence or absence of quadrupoles has negligible effect on these high-density structures.


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We experimentally determine weak values for a single photon's polarization, obtained via a weak measurement that employs a two-photon entangling operation, and postselection. The weak values cannot be explained by a semiclassical wave theory, due to the two-photon entanglement. We observe the variation in the size of the weak value with measurement strength, obtaining an average measurement of the S-1 Stokes parameter more than an order of magnitude outside of the operator's spectrum for the smallest measurement strengths.


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We present a tractable theory of transport of simple fluids in cylindrical nanopores, considering trajectories of molecules between diffuse wall collisions at low-density, and including viscous flow contributions at higher densities. The model is validated through molecular dynamics simulations of supercritical methane transport, over a wide range of conditions. We find excellent agreement between model and simulation at low to medium densities. However, at high densities the model tends to over-predict the transport behaviour, due to a large decrease in surface slip that is not well represented by the model. It is also seen that the concept of activated diffusion, commonly associated with diffusion in small pores, is fundamentally invalid for smooth pores.


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We examine here the relative importance of different contributions to transport of light gases in single walled carbon nanotubes, using methane and hydrogen as examples. Transport coefficients at 298 K are determined using molecular dynamics simulation with atomistic models of the nanotube wall, from which the diffusive and viscous contributions are resolved using a recent approach that provides an explicit expression for the latter. We also exploit an exact theory for the transport of Lennard-Jones fluids at low density considering diffuse reflection at the tube wall, thereby permitting the estimation of Maxwell coefficients for the wall reflection. It is found that reflection from the carbon nanotube wall is nearly specular, as a result of which slip flow dominates, and the viscous contribution is small in comparison, even for a tube as large as 8.1 nm in diameter. The reflection coefficient for hydrogen is 3-6 times as large as that for methane in tubes of 1.36 nm diameter, indicating less specular reflection for hydrogen and greater sensitivity to atomic detail of the surface. This reconciles results showing that transport coefficients for hydrogen and methane, obtained in simulation, are comparable in tubes of this size. With increase in adsorbate density, the reflection coefficient increases, suggesting that adsorbate interactions near the wall serve to roughen the local potential energy landscape perceived by fluid molecules.


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This article provides a review of the recent theory of transport in nanopores developed in the author's laboratory. In particular the influence of fluid-solid interactions on the transport coefficient is examined, showing that such interactions reduce the value of the coefficient by almost an order of magnitude in comparison to the Knudsen theory for non-interacting systems. The activation energy and potential energy barriers for diffusion in smooth pores with a one-dimensional potential energy profile are also discussed, indicating the inadequacy of the commonly used assumption of proportionality between the activation energy and heat of adsorption or the minimum pore potential energy. A further feature affected by fluid-solid interactions is the nature of the reflection of fluid molecules colliding with a pore wall surface, varying from being nearly specular - such as in carbon nanotubes - to nearly diffuse for amorphous solids. Diffuse reflection leads to momentum loss and reduced transport coefficients. However, fluid-solid interactions do not affect the transport coefficient in the single-file diffusion regime when the surface reflection is diffuse, and the transport coefficient in this case is largely independent of the adsorbed density.


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We provide here a detailed theoretical explanation of the floating molecule or levitation effect, for molecules diffusing through nanopores, using the oscillator model theory (Phys. Rev. Lett. 2003, 91, 126102) recently developed in this laboratory. It is shown that on reduction of pore size the effect occurs due to decrease in frequency of wall collision of diffusing particles at a critical pore size. This effect is, however, absent at high temperatures where the ratio of kinetic energy to the solid-fluid interaction strength is sufficiently large. It is shown that the transport diffusivities scale with this ratio. Scaling of transport diffusivities with respect to mass is also observed, even in the presence of interactions.


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We present results of the reconstruction of a saccharose-based activated carbon (CS1000a) using hybrid reverse Monte Carlo (HRMC) simulation, recently proposed by Opletal et al. [1]. Interaction between carbon atoms in the simulation is modeled by an environment dependent interaction potential (EDIP) [2,3]. The reconstructed structure shows predominance of sp(2) over sp bonding, while a significant proportion of sp(3) hybrid bonding is also observed. We also calculated a ring distribution and geometrical pore size distribution of the model developed. The latter is compared with that obtained from argon adsorption at 87 K using our recently proposed characterization procedure [4], the finite wall thickness (FWT) model. Further, we determine self-diffusivities of argon and nitrogen in the constructed carbon as functions of loading. It is found that while there is a maximum in the diffusivity with respect to loading, as previously observed by Pikunic et al. [5], diffusivities in the present work are 10 times larger than those obtained in the prior work, consistent with the larger pore size as well as higher porosity of the activated saccharose carbon studied here.