11 resultados para oral methods

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Aim To develop a population pharmacokinetic model for mycophenolic acid in adult kidney transplant recipients, quantifying average population pharmacokinetic parameter values, and between- and within-subject variability and to evaluate the influence of covariates on the pharmacokinetic variability. Methods Pharmacokinetic data for mycophenolic acid and covariate information were previously available from 22 patients who underwent kidney transplantation at the Princess Alexandra Hospital. All patients received mycophenolate mofetil 1 g orally twice daily. A total of 557 concentration-time points were available. Data were analysed using the first-order method in NONMEM (version 5 level 1.1) using the G77 FORTRAN compiler. Results The best base model was a two-compartment model with a lag time (apparent oral clearance was 271 h(-1), and apparent volume of the central compartment 981). There was visual evidence of complex absorption and time-dependent clearance processes, but they could not be successfully modelled in this study. Weight was investigated as a covariate, but no significant relationship was determined. Conclusions The complexity in determining the pharmacokinetics of mycophenolic acid is currently underestimated. More complex pharmacokinetic models, though not supported by the limited data collected for this study, may prove useful in the future. The large between-subject and between-occasion variability and the possibility of nonlinear processes associated with the pharmacokinetics of mycophenolic acid raise questions about the value of the use of therapeutic monitoring and limited sampling strategies.


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Background: Acutely agitated patients with schizophrenia who receive intramuscular (IM) medications typically are switched to oral (PO) antipsychotic maintenance therapy Objective: The goal of this study was to assess the efficacy and safety of olanzapine versus those of haloperidol during transition from IM to PO therapy We used additional data from a previously reported trial to test the hypothesis that the reduction in agitation achieved by IM olanzapine 10 mg or IM haloperidol 7.5 mg would be maintained following transition to 4 days of PO olanzapine or PO haloperidol (5-20 mg/d for both). We also hypothesized that olanzapine would maintain its more favorable extrapyramidal symptom (EPS) safety profile. Methods: This was a multinational (hospitals in 13 countries), double-blind, randomized, controlled trial. Acutely agitated inpatients with schizophrenia were treated with 1 to 3 IM injections of olanzapine 10 mg or haloperidol 7.5 mg over 24 hours and were entered into a 4-day PO treatment period with the same medication (5-20 mg/d for both). The primary efficacy measurement was reduction in agitation, as measured by the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale-Excited Component (PANSS-EC) score. Adverse events and scores on EPS rating scales were assessed. Results: A total of 311 patients (204 men, 107 women; mean [SD] age, 38.2 [11.6] years) were enrolled (131, 126, and 54 patients in the olanzapine, haloperidol, and placebo groups, respectively). In all, 93.1% (122/131) of olanzapine-treated patients and 92.1% (116/126) of haloperidol-treated patients completed the IM period and entered the PO period; 85.5% (112/131) of olanzapine-treated patients and 84.1% (106/126) of haloperidol-treated patients completed the PO period. IM olanzapine and IM haloperidol effectively reduced agitation over 24 hours (mean [SD] PANSS-EC change, -7.1 [4.8] vs -6.7 [4.3], respectively). Reductions in agitation were sustained throughout the PO period with both study drugs (mean [SD] change from PO period baseline, -0.6 [4.8] vs -1.3 [4.4], respectively). During PO treatment, haloperidol-treated patients spontaneously reported significantly more acute dystonia than olanzapine-treated patients (4.3% [5/116] vs 0% [0/122], respectively; P = 0.026) and akathisia (5.2% [6/116] vs 0% [0/122], respectively; P = 0.013). Significantly more haloperidol-treated patients than olanzapine-treated patients met categorical criteria for treatment-emergent akathisia (18.5% [17/92] vs 6.5% [7/107], respectively; P = 0.015). Conclusions: In the acutely agitated patients with schizophrenia in this study, both IM olanzapine 10 mg and IM haloperidol 7.5 mg effectively reduced agitation over 24 hours. This alleviation of agitation was sustained following transition from IM therapy to 4 days of PO treatment (5-20 mg/d for both). During the 4 days of PO treatment, olanzapine-treated patients did not spontaneously report any incidences of acute dystonia, and olanzapine had a superior EPS safety profile to that of haloperidol. The combination of IM and PO olanzapine may help improve the treatment of acutely agitated patients with schizophrenia. Copyright (C) 2003 Excerpta Medica, Inc.


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Issues addressed: The study was designed to gain an understanding of health promotion from the perspective of oral health professionals employed in the public sector during a transition in the focus of services. Methods: A cross sectional survey of oral health professionals employed by Queensland Health was conducted between March and April 2001. Staff were randomly sampled from employment records. A proportionate random sample, stratified across professional groups and geographical zones, was selected. Results: While the majority of the health professionals surveyed perceived oral health promotion to be part of their role, they felt ill equipped to adopt it. Professional groups differed in their confidence and perception of how to promote health in their clinical setting, existing barriers they encountered and their participation in health promotion programs. Conclusions: Strategies to improve the adoption of the oral health promotion role within Queensland public oral health services include: regular in- service and education for all staff regarding health promotion issues; increased cohesion of the oral health team; intersectorial collaboration; supportive district management; and a refocus to primary health care and public health concepts


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Background: This is the first report of involvement of Australian and New Zealand oral and maxillofacial surgeons in the management of isolated orbital floor blow-out fractures and was conducted to obtain comparisons with the results from a recent similar survey of British oral and maxillofacial surgeons. Methods: A questionnaire survey was sent to all 113 practising members of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons in April 2002 with a second mailout 1 month later. Results: Sixty-nine per cent of the respondents were referred isolated orbital floor blow-out fractures for manage-ment, and just over half of these respondents estimated that 50% or more of the cases went to surgery. The materials most commonly used in orbital floor reconstruction were resorbable membrane for small defects and autologous bone for large defects. Conclusion: As in Britain, management of isolated orbital floor blow-out fractures comprises part of the surgical spectrum for many oral and maxillofacial surgeons in Australia and New Zealand. The management protocol was observed to be very similar between the two groups.


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In Australia, oral cancer accounts for approximately 2-3 per cent of all cancers, and approximately 1 per cent of deaths from cancer. The incidence of intra-oral cancer is gradually increasing. It is now well established that early detection of potentially malignant disease can improve the clinical outcome for patients, and as such it is the responsibility of dentists to identify such lesions early. To facilitate early detection of suspicious oral lesions several clinical methods of detection can be used. In addition to conventional visual screening of oral tissues with the naked eye under projected incandescent or halogen illumination, there are many clinical diagnostic aids that can be undertaken to help detect oral cancer. In this article we explore clinically available modalities that may be used by the general dental practitioner, and highlight their inherent strengths and weaknesses.


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Objectives: To describe the glycaemic status (assessed by an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)) and associated comorbidities in a cohort of Australian children and adolescents at risk of insulin resistance and impaired glucose homeostasis (IGH). Methods: Twenty-one children and adolescents (three male, 18 female) (18 Caucasian, one Indigenous, two Asian) (20 obese, one lipodystrophy) referred to the Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes Clinic underwent a 2-h OGTT with plasma glucose and insulin measured at baseline, + 60 and + 120 min. If abnormal, the OGTT was repeated. Results: The mean (SD) age was 14.2 (1.6) years, BMI 38.8 (7.0) kg/m(2) and BMI-SDS 3.6 (0.6). Fourteen patients had fasting insulin levels >21 mU/L. Type 2 diabetes mellitus was diagnosed in one patient, impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) in four patients and impaired fasting glycaemia (IFG) in one patient. Despite no weight loss, only one patient had a persistently abnormal OGTT on repeat testing. Three patients with IGH were medicated with risperidone at the time of the initial OGTT. One patient who had persistent IGT had continued risperidone. The other two patients had initial OGTT results of IGT and diabetes mellitus type 2. They both ceased risperidone between tests and repeat OGTT showed normal glycaemic status. Conclusions: Use of fasting glucose alone may miss cases of IGH. Diagnosis of IGT should not be made on one test alone. Interpretation of glucose and insulin responses in young people is limited by lack of normative data. Larger studies are needed to generate Australian screening recommendations. Further assessment of the potential adverse effects of atypical antipsychotic medication on glucose homeostasis in this at-risk group is important.


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Background: Treatment with interferon and subcutaneous cytarabine produces superior cytogenetic responses in chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) than treatment with interferon alone, but at the expense of greater toxicity. Cytarabine ocfosfate (YNK01) is an oral precursor of cytarabine that may overcome some of the inconvenience and toxicities associated with subcutaneous cytarabine administration. Patients and methods: We studied the efficacy and tolerability of combination therapy with interferon-alpha-2b and YNK01 in patients with newly diagnosed, untreated CML. Forty patients were treated with interferon-alpha-2b (5 MU/m(2)/day) plus monthly courses of YNK01 (600 mg/day for 10 days) for I year. Results: The 6-month complete haematological response rate was 63% and the 1-year major cytogenetic response rate was 30%, with 10% of cytogenetic responses being complete. With a median follow-up of 57 months, the estimated 5-year overall survival was 86% (95% confidence interval 70% to 94%). Treatment tolerability was poor, with toxicity leading to discontinuation of one or both drugs in 60% of cases. The median daily dose of interferon alpha-2b was 7.75 MU and the median dose of YNK01 was 600 mg/day for each 10-day treatment cycle. Conclusions: Interferon-alpha-2b and YNK01 produce cytogenetic responses comparable to those achieved with interferon-alpha-2b and parenteral cytarabine, although toxicity was excessive. Alternate dosing strategies may enhance the tolerability of YNK01.


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Background: In the context of the established finding that theory-of-mind (ToM) growth is seriously delayed in late-signing deaf children, and some evidence of equivalent delays in those learning speech with conventional hearing aids, this study's novel contribution was to explore ToM development in deaf children with cochlear implants. Implants can substantially boost auditory acuity and rates of language growth. Despite the implant, there are often problems socialising with hearing peers and some language difficulties, lending special theoretical interest to the present comparative design. Methods: A total of 52 children aged 4 to 12 years took a battery of false belief tests of ToM. There were 26 oral deaf children, half with implants and half with hearing aids, evenly divided between oral-only versus sign-plus-oral schools. Comparison groups of age-matched high-functioning children with autism and younger hearing children were also included. Results: No significant ToM differences emerged between deaf children with implants and those with hearing aids, nor between those in oral-only versus sign-plus-oral schools. Nor did the deaf children perform any better on the ToM tasks than their age peers with autism. Hearing preschoolers scored significantly higher than all other groups. For the deaf and the autistic children, as well as the preschoolers, rate of language development and verbal maturity significantly predicted variability in ToM, over and above chronological age. Conclusions: The finding that deaf children with cochlear implants are as delayed in ToM development as children with autism and their deaf peers with hearing aids or late sign language highlights the likely significance of peer interaction and early fluent communication with peers and family, whether in sign or in speech, in order to optimally facilitate the growth of social cognition and language.


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BACKGROUND: This study was conducted to determine the component that causes the disease in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), which shows great resemblance to periodontitis in a pathologic context. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Within this study, the pathogen-specific IgG levels formed against Porphyromonas gingivalis FDC 381, Prevotella melaninogenica ATCC 25845, Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans Y4, Bacteroides forsythus ATCC 43047, and Prevotella intermedia 25611 oral bacteria were researched from the blood serum samples of 30 RA patients and 20 healthy controls with the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method. RESULTS: The IgG levels of P gingivalis, P intermedia, P melaninogenica, and B forsythus were found to be significantly higher in RA patients when compared with those of the controls. Of the other bacteria antibodies, A actinomycetemcomitans was not found at greater levels in RA serum samples in comparison with the healthy samples. CONCLUSION: The antibodies formed against P gingivalis, P intermedia, P melaninogenica, and B forsythus could be important to the etiopathogenesis of RA.


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Background: Pain is defined as both a sensory and an emotional experience. Acute postoperative tooth extraction pain is assessed and treated as a physiological (sensory) pain while chronic pain is a biopsychosocial problem. The purpose of this study was to assess whether psychological and social changes Occur in the acute pain state. Methods: A biopsychosocial pain questionnaire was completed by 438 subjects (165 males, 273 females) with acute postoperative pain at 24 hours following the surgical extraction of teeth and compared with 273 subjects (78 males, 195 females) with chronic orofacial pain. Statistical methods used a k-means cluster analysis. Results: Three clusters were identified in the acute pain group: 'unaffected', 'disabled' and 'depressed, anxious and disabled'. Psychosocial effects showed 24.8 per cent feeling 'distress/suffering' and 15.1 per cent 'sad and depressed'. Females reported higher pain intensity and more distress, depression and inadequate medication for pain relief (p


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Posttransplantation diabetes (PTD) contributes to cardiovascular disease and graft loss in renal transplant recipients (RTR). Current recommendations advise fasting blood glucose (FBG) as the screening and diagnostic test of choice for PTD. This study sought to determine (1) the predictive power of FBG with respect to 2-h blood glucose (2HBG) and (2) the prevalence of PTD using FBG and 2HBG compared with that using FBG alone, in prevalent RTR. A total of 200 RTR (mean age 52 yr; 59% male; median transplant duration 6.6 yr) who were >6 mo posttransplantation and had no known history of diabetes were studied. Patients with FBG