188 resultados para noise exposure level
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
Negative impacts of noise exposure on health and performance may result in part from learned helplessness, the syndrome of deficits typically produced by exposure to uncontrollable events. People may perceive environmental noise to be uncontrollable, and several effects of noise exposure appear to parallel learned helplessness deficits. In the present socioacoustic survey (N = 1,015), perceived control over aircraft noise correlated negatively with some effects of noise (though not others). Furthermore, these effects were better predicted by perceived control than by noise level. These observational data support the claim that learned helplessness contributes to the effects of noise exposure.
The resonance fluorescence of a two-level atom driven by a coherent laser field and damped by a finite bandwidth squeezed vacuum is analysed. We extend the Yeoman and Barnett technique to a non-zero detuning of the driving field from the atomic resonance and discuss the role of squeezing bandwidth and the detuning in the level shifts, widths and intensities of the spectral lines. The approach is valid for arbitrary values of the Rabi frequency and detuning but for the squeezing bandwidths larger than the natural linewidth in order to satisfy the Markoff approximation. The narrowing of the spectral lines is interpreted in terms of the quadrature-noise spectrum. We find that, depending on the Rabi frequency, detuning and the squeezing phase, different factors contribute to the line narrowing. For a strong resonant driving field there is no squeezing in the emitted field and the fluorescence spectrum exactly reveals the noise spectrum. In this case the narrowing of the spectral lines arises from the noise reduction in the input squeezed vacuum. For a weak or detuned driving field the fluorescence exhibits a large squeezing and, as a consequence, the spectral lines have narrowed linewidths. Moreover, the fluorescence spectrum can be asymmetric about the central frequency despite the symmetrical distribution of the noise. The asymmetry arises from the absorption of photons by the squeezed vacuum which reduces the spontaneous emission. For an appropriate choice of the detuning some of the spectral lines can vanish despite that there is no population trapping. Again this process can be interpreted as arising from the absorption of photons by the squeezed vacuum. When the absorption is large it may compensate the spontaneous emission resulting in the vanishing of the fluorescence lines.
Social surveys have established dose-response relationships between aircraft noise and annoyance, with a number of psychological symptoms being positively related to annoyance. Evidence that exposure to aircraft noise is associated with higher psychiatric hospital admission rates is mixed. Some evidence exists of an association between aircraft noise exposure and use of psychotropic medications. People with a pre-existing psychological or psychiatric condition may be more susceptible to the effects of exposure to aircraft noise. Aircraft noise can produce effects on electroencephalogram sleep patterns and cause wakefulness and difficulty in sleeping. Attendances at general practitioners, self-reported health problems and use of medications, have been associated with exposure to aircraft noise, but some findings are inconsistent. Some association between aircraft noise exposure and elevated mean blood pressure has been observed in cross-sectional studies of schoolchildren, but with little confirmation from cohort studies. There is no convincing evidence to suggest that all-cause or cause-specific mortality is increased by exposure to aircraft noise. There is no strong evidence that aircraft noise has significant perinatal effects. Using the World Health Organization definition of health, which includes positive mental and social wellbeing, aircraft noise is responsible for considerable ill-health. However, population-based studies have not found strong evidence that people living near or under aircraft flight paths suffer higher rates of clinical morbidity or mortality as a consequence of exposure to aircraft noise. A dearth of high quality studies in this area precludes drawing substantive conclusions.
This study was undertaken to assess changes in zinc and copper homeostasis in human tissues that could be attributed to human exposure to environmental cadmium, using samples of lung, liver and kidney cortex of 61 Queensland residents, aged 2 to 89 years, who had died of accidental causes. None of the subjects were exposed to cadmium in the workplace. Levels of zinc in liver and kidney cortex samples showed inverse associations with donor age whereas zinc in lung only showed inverse association with gender. Lung zinc levels in females were 14% lower than in males. Zinc in liver and kidney cortex samples were found to exist in at least two pools; one was associated with cadmium that bound to metallothionein (MT) and the other was associated with non - MTbound copper. In liver, the amounts of zinc in the MT pool were smaller compared to those in non-MT pool given that only 7% of zinc variations were explained by cadmium whereas 22% of the liver zinc Variations were accounted for by non - MT bound copper. In sharp contrast, larger amounts of zinc in kidney cortex samples were in the MT pool, compared to those in the non-MT pool given that cadmium was found to explain 69% of total zinc variation whereas copper explained only 17% of kidney zinc variations. The levels of copper in liver were found to be increased by 45-50% in subjects with high cadmium exposure level, compared to subjects of similar ages with medium exposure level. The levels of zinc and copper in kidney cortex samples in the subjects with high cadmium exposure were both found to be significantly elevated compared to those found in the medium-exposure group whereas copper contents were about 19-23% greater than in medium- as well as low-exposure groups. Taken together these results indicate increased sequestration of zinc and copper in liver and kidney cortex samples. The increases in metal sequestrations were observed in liver samples having cadmium contents of greater than 1 mug/g wet weight and in kidney cortex having cadmium contents of greater than 26 mug/g wet weight. Zinc and copper contents in lung of this sample group, however, were not associated with cadmium due probably to lower exposure levels compared to those of liver and kidney.
Objectives. Intrusive memories of extreme trauma can disrupt a stepwise approach to imaginal exposure. Concurrent tasks that load the visuospatial sketchpad (VSSP) of working memory reduce the vividness of recalled images. This study tested whether relief of distress from competing VSSP tasks during imaginal exposure is at the cost of impaired desensitization. Design. This study examined repeated exposure to emotive memories using 18 unselected undergraduates and a within-subjects design with three exposure conditions (Eye Movement, Visual Noise, Exposure Alone) in random, counterbalanced order. Method. At baseline, participants recalled positive and negative experiences, and rated the vividness and emotiveness of each image. A different positive and negative recollection was then used for each condition. Vividness and emotiveness were rated after each of eight exposure trials. At a post-exposure session 1 week later, participants rated each image without any concurrent task. Results. Consistent with previous research, vividness and distress during imaging were lower during Eye Movements than in Exposure Alone, with passive visual interference giving intermediate results. A reduction in emotional responses from Baseline to Post was of similar size for the three conditions. Conclusion. Visuospatial tasks may offer a temporary response aid for imaginal exposure without affecting desensitization.
As inorganic arsenic is a proven human carcinogen, significant effort has been made in recent decades in an attempt to understand arsenic carcinogenesis using animal models, including rodents (rats and mice) and larger mammals such as beagles and monkeys. Transgenic animals were also used to test the carcinogenic effect of arsenicals, but until recently all models had failed to mimic satisfactorily the actual mechanism of arsenic carcinogenicity. However, within the past decade successful animal models have been developed using the most common strains of mice or rats. Thus dimethylarsinic acid (DMA), an organic arsenic compound which is the major metabolite of inorganic arsenicals in mammals, has been proven to be tumorigenic in such animals. Reports of successful cancer induction in animals by inorganic arsenic (arsenite and arsenate) have been rare, and most carcinogenetic studies have used organic arsenicals such as DMA combined with other tumor initiators. Although such experiments used high concentrations. of arsenicals for the promotion of tumors, animal models using doses of arsenicals species closed to the exposure level of humans in endemic areas are obviously the most significant. Almost all researchers have used drinking water or food as the pathway for the development of animal model test systems in order to mimic chronic arsenic poisoning in humans; such pathways seem more likely to achieve desirable results. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background Most analyses of risks to health focus on the total burden of their aggregate effects. The distribution of risk-factor-attributable disease burden, for example by age or exposure level, can inform the selection and targeting of specific interventions and programs, and increase cost-effectiveness. Methods and Findings For 26 selected risk factors, expert working groups conducted comprehensive reviews of data on risk-factor exposure and hazard for 14 epidemiological subregions of the world, by age and sex. Age-sex-subregion-population attributable fractions were estimated and applied to the mortality and burden of disease estimates from the World Health Organization Global Burden of Disease database. Where possible, exposure levels were assessed as continuous measures, or as multiple categories. The proportion of risk-factor-attributable burden in different population subgroups, defined by age, sex, and exposure level, was estimated. For major cardiovascular risk factors (blood pressure, cholesterol, tobacco use, fruit and vegetable intake, body mass index, and physical inactivity) 43%-61% of attributable disease burden occurred between the ages of 15 and 59 y, and 87% of alcohol-attributable burden occurred in this age group. Most of the disease burden for continuous risks occurred in those with only moderately raised levels, not among those with levels above commonly used cut-points, such as those with hypertension or obesity. Of all disease burden attributable to being underweight during childhood, 55% occurred among children 1-3 standard deviations below the reference population median, and the remainder occurred among severely malnourished children, who were three or more standard deviations below median. Conclusions Many major global risks are widely spread in a population, rather than restricted to a minority. Population-based strategies that seek to shift the whole distribution of risk factors often have the potential to produce substantial reductions in disease burden.
The adverse effects of environmental lead exposure on the mental development of young children are well established. There is no safe level of blood lead below which children are not affected. Recent research expands our understanding of the impact of lead exposure continuing into later childhood, as well as its effects on children's behaviour. However, social and other environmental factors also contribute to variance in measures of developmental and behavioural outcomes. Lead is associated with only modest effects on children's development, but is a potentially modifiable risk factor. As environmental exposure to lead declines for the whole population, continued specific attention is needed for children living in industrial areas.
Cadmium is a cumulative nephrotoxicant that is absorbed into the body from dietary sources and cigarette smoking. The levels of Cd in organs such as liver and kidney cortex increase with age because of the lack of an active biochemical process for its elimination coupled with renal reabsorption. Recent research has provided evidence linking Cd-related kidney dysfunction and decreases in bone mineral density in nonoccupationally exposed populations who showed no signs of nutritional deficiency. This challenges the previous view that the concurrent kidney and bone damage seen in Japanese itai-itai disease patients was the result of Cd toxicity in combination with nutritional deficiencies, notably, of zinc and calcium. Further, such Cd-linked bone and kidney toxicities were observed in people whose dietary Cd intakes were well within the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) set by the Joint Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization Expert Committee on Food Additives of 1 mug/kg body weight/day or 70 mug/day. This evidence points to the much-needed revision of the current PTWI for Cd. Also, evidence for the carcinogenic risk of chronic Cd exposure is accumulating and Cd effects on reproductive outcomes have begun to emerge.
Relationships between cadmium (Cd) body burden, kidney function and coumarin metabolism were investigated using two groups of 197 and 200 healthy Thais with men and women in nearly equal numbers. A mean age of one group was 30.5 years and it was 39.3 years for the other group. Of 397, 20 subjects (5%) excreted urine Cd between 1.4 mug/g and 3.8 mug/g creatinine and these subjects faced 10-15% increase in the probability of having abnormal urinary excretion of N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase (NAG-uria). The prevalence of NAG-uria varied with Cd body burden in a dose-dependent manner (chi(2) = 22, P < 0.008). Also NAG-nuria was one of the three kidney effect markers tested that showed the greatest strength of correlation with urine Cd in both men and women (r = 0.48 P < 0.001). In addition, urine Cd excretion of men and women showed a positive correlation (r = 0.46 to 0.54. P < 0.001) with urine 7-hydroxycoumarin (7-OHC) excretion which was used as a marker of liver cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6) enzyme activity. Urinary CA excretion accounted for 25% of the total variation in urine 7-OHC excretion (P < 0.001). These data suggest that Cd may increase the expression of CYP2A6 in liver, resulting in enhanced coumarin metabolism in subjects with high Cd body burden. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The stationary lineshape of a two-level atom driven by low-intensity narrow-bandwidth squeezed light is shown to exhibit significant differences in behaviour compared to the lineshape for broadband squeezed light. We find that for narrow-bandwidth squeezed light the lineshape is composed of two Lorentzians whose amplitudes depend on the squeezing correlations. Moreover, one of the Lorentzians has a negative weight which leads to narrowing of the line. These features are absent in the broadband case, where the stationary lineshape is the same as for a thermal field. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
Chronic ethanol exposure and subsequent withdrawal are known to change NMDA receptor activity. This study examined the effects of chronic ethanol administration and withdrawal on the expression of several NMDA receptor subunit and splice variant mRNAs in the rat cerebral cortex. Ethanol dependence was induced by ethanol vapour exposure. To delineate between seizure-induced changes in expression during withdrawal and those due to withdrawal per se, another group of naive rats was treated with pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) injection (30 mg/kg, i.p.). RNA samples from the cortices of chronically treated and withdrawing animals were compared to those from pairfed controls. Changes in NMDA receptor mRNA expression were determined using ribonuclease protection assays targetting the NR2A, -2B, -2C and NR1-pan subunits as well as the three alternatively spliced NR1 inserts (NR1-pan describes all the known NR1 splice variants generated from the 5' insert and the two 3' inserts). The ratio of NR1 mRNA incorporating the 5' insert vs, that lacking it was decreased during ethanol exposure and up to 48 h after withdrawal. NR2B mRNA expression was elevated during exposure, but returned to control levels 18 h after withdrawal. Levels of NR2A, NR2C, NR1-pan and both 3' NR1 insert mRNAs from the ethanol-treated groups did not alter compared with the pair-fed control group. No changes in the level of any NMDA receptor subunit mRNA was detected in the PTZ-treated animals. These data support the hypothesis that changes in NMDA receptor subunit composition may underlie a neuronal adaptation to the chronic ethanol-inhibition and may therefore be important in the precipitation of withdrawal hyperactivity. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Visual system abnormalities are commonly encountered in the fetal alcohol syndrome although the level of exposure at which they become manifest is uncertain. In this study we have examined the effects of either low (ETLD) or high dose (ETHD) ethanol, given between postnatal days 4-9, on the axons of the rat optic nerve. Rats were exposed to ethanol vapour in a special chamber for a period of 3 h per day during the treatment period. The blood alcohol concentration in the ETLD animals averaged similar to 171 mg/dl and in the ETHD animals similar to 430 mg/dl at the end of the treatment on any given day. Groups of 10 and 30-d-old mother-reared control (MRC), separation control (SC), ETLD and ETHD rats were anaesthetised with an intraperitoneal injection or ketamine and xylazine, and killed by intracardiac perfusion with phosphate-buffered glutaraldehyde. In the 10-d-old rat optic nerves there was a total of similar to 145000-165000 axons in MRC, SC and ETLD animals. About 4 % of these fibres were myelinated. The differences between these groups were not statistically significant. However, the 10-d-old ETHD animals had only about 75000 optic nerve axone (P < 0.05) of which about 2.8 % were myelinated. By 30 d of age there was a total of between 75000 90000 optic nerve axons, irrespective of the group examined. The proportion of axons which were myelinated at this age was still significantly lower (P < 0.001) in the ETHD animals (similar to 77 %) than in the other groups (about 98 %). It is concluded that the normal stages of development and maturation of the rat optic nerve axons, as assessed in this study, can be severely compromised by exposure to a relatively high (but not low) dose of ethanol between postnatal d 4 and 9.
General measures of reaction to noise, which assess the respondent's perceived affectedness or dissatisfaction, appear to be more valid and internally consistent than more narrow measures, such as specific assessment of noise annoyance. However, the test-retest reliability of general and specific measures has yet to be compared. As a part of the large-scale Sydney Airport Health Study, 97 respondents participated in the same interview twice, several weeks apart. Test-retest reliabilities were found to be significant (p
Phytophthora-resistant lucerne cultivars do not always perform well under conditions of high disease pressure in the field. To determine whether resistance expression remains stable under different infection intensities, tetraploid and diploid lucerne genotypes, genotypically defined for their reactions to Phytophthora medicaginis, were clonally propagated, and the influence of different reproducible inoculum levels (0 . 5 and 5 . 0 g dry weight mycelium/kg dry weight potting mix), the period of exposure to these levels (10-60 days), and temperature (16/22 degrees C and 24/30 degrees C) on disease expression was determined in controlled environments. Generally, expression of resistance by resistant genotypes, remained stable under these conditions. Biotic (e.g. Aphanomyces eutiches) or abiotic factors other than P. medicaginis may be responsible for the poorer than expected performance under field conditions in some instances, or the percentage of resistant plants in some cultivars currently classified as resistant is insufficient to provide buffering against productivity reductions under severe epidemics. Further research is needed to clarify the situation.