147 resultados para nitrogen biological fixation

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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A large number of herbaceous and woody plants from tropical woodland, savanna, and monsoon forest were analysed to determine the impact of environmental factors (nutrient and water availability, fire) and biological factors (microbial associations, systematics) on plant delta(15)N values. Foliar delta(15)N values of herbaceous and woody species were not related to growth form or phenology, but a strong relationship existed between mycorrhizal status and plant delta(15)N. In woodland and savanna, woody species with ectomycorrhizal (ECM) associations and putative N-2-fixing species with ECM/arbuscular (AM) associations had lowest foliar delta(15)N values (1.0-0.6parts per thousand), AM species had mostly intermediate delta(15)N values (average +0.6parts per thousand), while non-mycorrhizal Proteaceae had highest delta(15)N values (+2.9 to +4.1parts per thousand). Similar differences in foliar delta(15)N were observed between AM (average 0.1 and 0.2parts per thousand) and non-mycorrhizal (average +0.8 and +0.3parts per thousand) herbaceous species in woodland and savanna. Leguminous savanna species had significantly higher leaf N contents (1.8-2.5% N) than non-fixing species (0.9-1.2% N) indicating substantial N acquisition via N-2 fixation. Monsoon forest species had similar leaf N contents (average 2.4% N) and positive delta(15)N values (+0.9 to +2.4parts per thousand). Soil nitrification and plant NO3- use was substantially higher in monsoon forest than in woodland or savanna. In the studied communities, higher soil N content and nitrification rates were associated with more positive soil delta(15)N and plant delta(15)N. In support of this notion, Ficus, a high NO3- using taxa associated with NO3- rich sites in the savanna, had the highest delta(15)N values of all AM species in the savanna. delta(15)N of xylem sap was examined as a tool for studying plant delta(15)N relations. delta(15)N of xylem sap varied seasonally and between differently aged Acacia and other savanna species. Plants from annually burnt savanna had significantly higher delta(15)N values compared to plants from less frequently burnt savanna, suggesting that foliar N-15 natural abundance could be used as marker for assessing historic fire regimes. Australian woodland and savanna species had low leaf delta(15)N and N content compared to species from equivalent African communities indicating that Australian biota are the more N depauperate. The largest differences in leaf delta(15)N occurred between the dominant ECM Australian and African savanna (miombo) species, which were depleted and enriched in N-15, respectively. While the depleted delta(15)N of Australian ECM species are similar to those of previous reports on ECM species in natural plant communities, the N-15-enriched delta(15)N of African ECM species represent an anomaly.


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A grazing trial was conducted to quantify N cycling in degraded Leucaena leucocephala (leucaena)-Brachiaria decumbens (signal grass) pastures grown on an acid, infertile, podzolic soil in south-east Queensland. Nitrogen accumulation and cycling in leucaena-signal grass pastures were evaluated for 9 weeks until all of the leucaena on offer (mean 600 kg edible dry matter (EDM)/ha, 28% of total pasture EDM) was consumed. Nitrogen pools in the grass, leucaena, soil, cattle liveweight, faeces and urine were estimated. The podzolic soil (pH 4.8-5.9) was found to be deficient in P, Ca and K. Leucaena leaf tissues contained deficient levels of N, P and Ca. Grass tissues were deficient in N and P. Grazing was found to cycle 65% of N on offer in pasture herbage. However, due to the effect of the plant nutrient imbalances described above, biological N fixation by leucaena contributed only 15 kg/ha N to the pasture system over the 9-month regrowth period, of which 13 kg/ha N was cycled. Cattle retained 1.8 kg/ha N (8% of total N consumed) in body tissue and the remainder was excreted in dung and urine in approximately equal proportions. Mineral soil N concentrations did not change significantly (-3.5 kg/ha N) over the trial period. The ramifications of grazing and fertiliser management strategies, and implications for pasture rundown and sustainability are discussed.


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Significant acetylene reduction and therefore N-2 fixation was observed for Lyngbya majuscula only during dark periods, which suggests that oxygenic photosynthesis and N-2 fixation are incompatible processes for this species. Results from a series of batch and continuous-flow-culture reactor studies showed that the specific growth rate and N-2 fixation rate of L, majuscula increased with phosphate (P-PO4) concentration up to a maximum value and thereafter remained constant. The P-PO4 concentrations corresponding to the maximum N-2 fixation and maximum growth rates were -0.27 and -0.18 muM respectively and these values are denoted as the saturation values for N-2 fixation and growth respectively. Regular monitoring studies in Moreton Bay, Queensland, show that concentrations Of P-PO4 generally exceed these saturation values over a large portion of the Bay and therefore, the growth of the bloom-forming L, majuscula is potentially maximised throughout much of the Bay by the elevated P-PO4 concentrations. Results from other studies suggest that the elevated P-PO4 concentrations in the Bay can be largely attributed to discharges from waste-water treatment plants (WWTPs), and thus it is proposed that the control of the growth of L. majuscula in Moreton Bay will require a significant reduction in the P load from the WWTP discharges. If the current strategy of N load reduction for these discharges is maintained in the absence of substantial P load reduction, it is hypothesised that the growth of L, majuscula and other diazotrophs in Moreton Bay will increase in the future.


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Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.), as a dryland grain legume, is exposed to varying timing and severity of water deficit, which results in variability in grain yield, nitrogen accumulation and grain quality. In this field study, mungbean crops were exposed to varying timing and severity of water deficit in order to examine: (1) contribution of the second flush of pods to final grain yield with variable timing of relief from water deficit, (2) the sensitivity to water deficit of the accumulation of biomass and nitrogen (N) and its partitioning to grain, and (3) how the timing of water deficit affects the pattern of harvest index (HI) increase through pod filling. The results showed that the contribution of the second flush to final yield is highly variable (1-56%) and can be considerable, especially where mid-season stress is relieved at early pod filling. The capacity to produce a second flush of pods did not compensate fully for yield reduction due to water stress. Relief from mid-season stress also resulted in continued leaf production, N-2 fixation and vegetative biomass accumulation during pod filling. Despite the wide variation in the degree of change in vegetative biomass and N during pod filling, there were strong relationships between grain yield and net-above-ground biomass at maturity, and grain N and above-ground N at maturity. Only in the extreme situations were HI and nitrogen HI affected noticeably. In those treatments where there was a large second flush of pods, there was a pronounced biphasic pattern to pod number production, with HI also progressing through two distinct phases of increase separated by a plateau. The proportion of grain yield contributed to by biomass produced before pod filling varied from 0 to 61% with the contribution greatest under terminal water deficit. There was a larger effect of water deficit on N accumulation, and hence N-2 fixation, than on biomass accumulation. The study confirmed the applicability of a number of long-standing physiological concepts to the analysis of the effect of water deficit on mungbean, but also highlighted the difficulty of accounting for timing effects of water deficit where second flushes of pods alter canopy development, biomass and yield accumulation, and N dynamics. Crown Copyright (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Rhodobacter capsulatus NtrB/NtrC two-component regulatory system controls expression of genes involved in nitrogen metabolism including urease and nitrogen fixation genes. The ntrY-ntrX genes, which are located immediately downstream of the nifR3-ntrB-ntrC operon, code for a two-component system of unknown function. Transcription of ntrY starts within the ntrC-ntrY intergenic region as shown by primer extension analysis, but maximal transcription requires, in addition, the promoter of the nifR3-ntrB-ntrC operon. While ntrB and ntrY single mutant strains were able to grow with either urea or N-2 as sole nitrogen source, a ntrB/ntrY double mutant (like a ntrC-deficient strain) was no longer able to use urea or N-2. These findings suggest that the histidine kinases NtrB and NtrY can substitute for each other as phosphodonors towards the response regulator NtrC.


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The nifH gene sequence of the nitrogen-fixing bacterium Acetobacter diazotrophicus was determined with the use of the polymerase chain reaction and universal degenerate oligonucleotide primers. The gene shows highest pair-wise similarity to the nifH gene of Azospirillum brasilense. The phylogenetic relationships of the nifH gene sequences were compared with those inferred from 16S rRNA gene sequences. Knowledge of the sequence of the nifH gene contributes to the growing database of nifH gene sequences, and will allow the detection of Acet. diazotrophicus from environmental samples with nifH gene-based primers.


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Xylem sap from woody species in the wet/dry tropics of northern Australia was analyzed for N compounds. At the peak of the dry season, arginine was the main N compound in sap of most species of woodlands and deciduous monsoon forest. In the wet season, a marked change occurred with amides becoming the main sap N constituents of most species. Species from an evergreen monsoon forest, with a permanent water source, transported amides in the dry season. In the dry season, nitrate accounted for 7 and 12% of total xylem sap N in species of deciduous and evergreen monsoon forests, respectively In the wet season, the proportion of N present as nitrate increased to 22% in deciduous monsoon forest species. These results suggest that N is taken up and assimilated mainly in the wet season and that this newly assimilated N is mostly transported as amide-N (woodland species, monsoon forest species) and nitrate (monsoon forest species). Arginine is the form in which stored N is remobilized and transported by woodland and deciduous monsoon forest species in the dry season. Several proteins, which may represent bark storage proteins, were detected in inner bark tissue from a range of trees in the dry season, indicating that, although N uptake appears to be limited in the dry season, the many tree and shrub species that produce flowers, fruit or leaves in the dry season use stored N to support growth. Nitrogen characteristics of the studied species are discussed in relation to the tropical environment.


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The early effects of heat stress on the photosynthesis of symbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae) within the tissues of a reef-building coral were examined using pulse-amplitude-modulated (PAM) chlorophyll fluorescence and photorespirometry. Exposure of Stylophora pistillata to 33 and 34 degrees C for 4 h resulted in (1) the development of strong non-photochemical quenching (qN) of the chlorophyll fluorescence signal, (2) marked decreases in photosynthetic oxygen evolution, and (3) decreases in optimal quantum yield (F-v/F-m) of photosystern II (PSII), Quantum yield decreased to a greater extent on the illuminated surfaces of coral branches than on lower (shaded) surfaces, and also when high irradiance intensities were combined with elevated temperature (33 degrees C as opposed to 28 degrees C), qN collapsed in heat-stressed samples when quenching analysis was conducted in the absence of oxygen, Collectively, these observations are interpreted as the initiation of photoprotective dissipation of excess absorbed energy as heat (qN) and O-2-dependent electron flow through the Mehler-Ascorbate-Peroxidase cycle (MAP-cycle) following the point at which the rate of light-driven electron transport exceeds the capacity of the Calvin cycle. A model for coral bleaching is proposed whereby the primary site of heat damage in S, pistillata is carboxylation within the Calvin cycle, as has been observed during heat damage in higher plants, Damage to PSII and a reduction in F-v/F-m (i.e. photoinhibition) are secondary effects following the overwhelming of photoprotective mechanisms by light. This secondary factor increases the effect of the primary variable, temperature. Potential restrictions of electron flow in heat-stressed zooxanthellae are discussed with respect to Calvin cycle enzymes and the unusual status of the dinoflagellate Rubisco, Significant features of our model are that (1) damage to PSII is not the initial step in the sequence of heat stress in zooxanthellae, acid (2) light plays a key secondary role in the initiation of the bleaching phenomena.


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The role of dissolved free amino acids (DFAA) in nitrogen and energy budgets was investigated for the giant clam, Tridacna maxima, growing under field conditions at One Tree Island, at the southern end of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Giant clams (121.5-143.7 mm in shell length) took up neutral, acidic and basic amino acids. The rates of net uptake of DFAA did not differ between light and dark, nor for clams growing under normal or slightly enriched ammonium concentrations. Calculations based on the net uptake concentrations typical of the maximum concentrations of DFAA found in coral reef waters (similar to 0.1 mu M)revealed that DFAA could only contribute 0.1% and 1% of the energy and nitrogen demands of giant clams, respectively. These results suggest that DFAA does not supply significant amounts of energy or nitrogen for giant clams or their symbionts.


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Several published studies claim that high rates of N-2 fixation occur in sugarcane and sorghum, and have ascribed this result to infection by the bacterium Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus, abetted by arbuscular mycorrhizal infection ( Glomus clarum). These results have not been confirmed within Australia. In this study, G. diazotrophicus was detected in stalks of field-grown sugarcane in Australia ( based on phenotypic tests, and a PCR test using species-specific primers developed to amplify a fragment of the G. diazotrophicus 16S rRNA gene). Isolates were nitrogenase positive ( acetylene reduction assay) in vitro. However, in glasshouse trials involving inoculation of sugarcane setts with G. diazotrophicus, co-inoculation with mycorrhizae, and plant growth under low N status, recovery of bacteria from maturing plants was variable. At 165 days from planting, no appreciable N-2-fixation, as assessed by dry weight increment, N budget, or N-15 ratio, of either an Australian or a Brazilian cultivar of sugarcane, or a sorghum cultivar, was achieved. We conclude that a N-2-fixing sugarcane - G. diazotrophicus association is not easily achievable, being primarily limited by a lack of infection.