13 resultados para muscle fatigue

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Despite the evidence of greater fatigability of the cervical flexor muscles in neck pain patients, the effect of unilaterality of neck pain on muscle fatigue has not been investigated. This study compared myoelectric manifestations of sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and anterior scalene (AS) muscle fatigue between the painful and non-painful sides in patients with chronic unilateral neck pain. Myoelectric signals were recorded from the sternal head of SCM and the AS muscles bilaterally during sub-maximal isometric cervical flexion contractions at 25% and 50% of the maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). The time course of the mean power frequency, average rectified value and conduction velocity of the electromyographic signals were calculated to quantify myoelectric manifestations of muscle fatigue. Results revealed greater estimates of the initial value and slope of the mean frequency for both the SCM and AS muscles on the side of the patient's neck pain at 25% and 50% of MVC. These results indicate greater myoelectric manifestations of muscle fatigue of the superficial cervical flexor muscles ipsilateral to the side of pain. This suggests a specificity of the effect of pain on muscle function and hence the need for specificity of therapeutic exercise in the management of neck pain patients. (C) 2003 European Federation of Chapters of the International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether an endurance-strength training program is effective in reducing myoelectric manifestations of sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and anterior scalene (AS) muscle fatigue which have been found to be greater in people with chronic neck pain. Methods: Fifty-eight female patients with chronic non-severe neck pain were randomized into one of two 6-week exercise intervention groups: an endurance-strength training regime for the cervical flexor muscles or a referent exercise intervention involving low load retraining of the cranio-cervical flexor muscles. The primary outcomes were a change in maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) force and change of the initial value and rate of change of the mean frequency, average rectified value and conduction velocity detected from the SCM and AS muscles during sub-maximal isometric cervical flexion contractions at 50, 25 and 10% MVC. Results: At the 7th week follow-up assessment, the endurance-strength training group revealed a significant increase in MVC force and a reduction in the estimates of the initial value and rate of change of the mean frequency for both the SCM and AS muscles (P < 0.05). Both exercise groups reported a reduced average intensity of neck pain and reduced neck disability index score (P < 0.05). Conclusions: An endurance-strength exercise regime for the cervical flexor muscles is effective in reducing myoelectric manifestations of superficial cervical flexor muscle fatigue as well as increasing cervical flexion strength in a group of patients with chronic non-severe neck pain. Significance: Provision of load to challenge the neck flexor muscles is required to reduce the fatigability of the SCM and AS muscles in people with neck pain. Improvements in cervical muscle strength and reduced fatigability may be responsible for the reported efficacy with this type of exercise program. (c) 2006 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All fights reserved.


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Study objectives: Respiratory muscle weakness and decreased endurance have been demonstrated following mechanical ventilation. However, its relationship to the duration of mechanical ventilation is not known. The aim of this study was to assess respiratory muscle endurance and its relationship to the duration of mechanical ventilation. Design: Prospective study. Setting: Tertiary teaching hospital ICU. Patients: Twenty subjects were recruited for the study who had received mechanical ventilation for a 48 h and had been discharged from the ICU. Measurements: FEV1 FVC, and maximal inspiratory pressure (Pimax) at functional residual capacity were recorded. The Pimax attained following resisted inspiration at 30% of the initial Pimax for 2 min was recorded, and the fatigue resistance index (FRI) [Pimax final/Pimax initial] was calculated. The duration of ICU length of stay (ICULOS), duration of mechanical ventilation (MVD), duration of weaning (WD), and Charlson comorbidities score (CCS) were also recorded. Relationships between fatigue and other parameters were analyzed using the Spearman correlations (p). Results: Subjects were admitted to the ICU for a mean duration of 7.7 days (SD, 3.7 days) and required mechanical ventilation for a mean duration of 4.6 days (SD, 2.5 days). The mean FRI was 0.88 (SD, 0.13), indicating a 12% fall in Pimax, and was negatively correlated with MVD (r = -0.65; p = 0.007). No correlations were found between the FRI and FEV1, FVC, ICULOS, WD, or CCS. Conclusions: Patients who had received mechanical ventilation for > 48 h have reduced inspiratory muscle endurance that worsens with the duration of mechanical ventilation and is present following successful weaning. These data suggest that patients needing prolonged mechanical ventilation are at risk of respiratory muscle fatigue and may benefit from respiratory muscle training.


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High-intensity exercise leads to reductions in muscle substrates (ATP, PCr, and glycogen) and a subsequent accumulation of metabolites (ADP, Pi, H+, and M2+) with a possible increase in free radical production. These factors independently and collectively have deleterious effects on muscle, with significant repercussions on high-intensity performance or training sessions. The effect of carnosine on overcoming muscle fatigue appears to be related to its ability to buffer the increased H+ concentration following high-intensity work. Carnosine, however, has other roles such as an antioxidant, a metal chelator, a Ca2+ and enzyme regulator, an inhibitor of protein glycosylation and protein-protein cross-linking. To date, only 1 study has investigated the effects of carnosine supplementation (not in pure form) on exercise performance in human subjects and found no improvement in repetitive high-intensity work. Much data has come from in vitro work on animal skeletal muscle fibers or other components of muscle contractile mechanisms. Thus further research needs to be carried out on humans to provide additional understanding on the effects of carnosine in vivo.


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Animal experiments have shown that Vitamin D plays a role in both brain development and adult brain function. The adult Vitamin D receptor null mutant mouse (VDR -/-) is reported to be less active and more anxious than wild-type litter mate controls and to have poor swimming ability. However, an anxious behavioural phenotype is inferred from differences in locomotor behaviour. This is a general problem in behavioural phenotyping where a neurological phenotype is inferred from changes in locomotion which will be affected by non-neurological factors, such as muscle fatigue. In this study of VDR -/-, we conducted a detailed examination of one form of motor behaviour, swimming, compared to wildtype littermate controls. Swimming was assessed using a forced swim test, a laneway swimming test and a watermaze test using a visible platform. Post-swimming activity was assessed by comparing grooming and rearing behaviour before, and 5 min after, the forced swimming test. We replicated previous findings in which VDR -/- mice demonstrate more sinking episodes than wildtype controls in the forced swim test but they were similar to controls in the time taken to swim a 1 m laneway, and in the time taken to reach a visible platform in the watermaze. Thus, the VDR -/- mice were able to swim but were not able to float. Grooming and rearing behaviour of the VDR -/- mice was similar to wildtype controls before the forced swim but the VDR -/- were much less active after the swim compared with wildtype mice which displayed high levels of grooming and rearing. We conclude that VDR -/- mice have muscular and motor impairments that do not affect their ability to swim but significantly alters the ability to float as well as their post-swimming activity. Differences in muscle strength may confound tests of activity that are used to infer an anxious phenotype. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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An important functional and evolutionary constraint on the physical performance of vertebrates is believed to be the trade-off between speed and endurance capacity. However, despite the pervasiveness of physiological arguments, most studies have found no evidence of the trade-off when tested at the whole-animal level. We investigated the existence of this trade-off at the whole-muscle level, the presumed site of this physiological conflict, by examining inter-individual variation in both maximum power output and fatigue resistance for mouse extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle using the work-loop technique. We found negative correlations between several measures of in vitro maximum power output and force production with fatigue resistance for individual mouse EDL muscles, indicating functional trade-offs between these performance parameters. We suggest that this trade-off detected at the whole-muscle level has imposed an important constraint on the evolution of vertebrate physical performance.


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Interindividual analyses of physiological performance represent one of the most powerful tools for identifying functional positive and negative linkages between various performance traits. In this study we investigated functional linkages in the whole-gastrocnemius performance of juvenile Bufo viridis by examining interindividual variation in in vitro muscle performance and muscle fibre-type composition. We used the work-loop technique to investigate the maximum in vitro power output and fatigue resistance of the gastrocnemius muscle during repeated sets of three cycles at the cycle frequency of 5 Hz, simulating an intermittent style of locomotion. We found several significant correlations between different measures of in vitro muscle performance, including a negative correlation between maximum net power output and fatigue resistance of power, indicating functional trade-offs between these performance traits. We also investigated the extent of individual variation in the proportions of different fibre types, and tested for correlations between individual variation in muscle fibre-type composition and the previously measured isolated muscle performance. Fast glycolytic fibres represented 84.0+/-3.4% of the muscle, while the combined slow oxidative and fast oxidative-glycolytic fibres represented 16+/-3.4%. We found no significant correlations between measures of in vitro muscle performance and the proportion of different fibre types in the gastrocnemius muscle. However, despite this lack of correlation between whole-muscle performance and muscle fibre-type composition data, we suggest the functional linkages detected between different measures of in vitro muscular performance have important ecological and evolutionary consequences.


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Aim. The purpose of this experiment was to assess the levels of muscle soreness, serum total cholesterol (TC) and creatine kinase (CK) in the first 48 hours following fatiguing eccentric exercise performed with the triceps brachii. Methods. Eleven untrained male college students performed a total of 50 eccentric elbow extensions in 8 sets (6x7 and 2x4) with a load equal to 85% of their maximal concentric elbow extension strength. Isometric elbow extension strength, muscle soreness and circumference, and serum CK and TC concentrations were measured before, immediately after, and 2, 24 and 48 hours after the exercise. Results. Statistically reliable changes in isometric strength, serum CK and TC, muscle soreness and upper arm circumference occurred within the first 48 hours following eccentric exercise. Serum TC concentrations exhibited a very rapid (within 2 hours) reduction from pre-exercise values after eccentric exercise to a relatively stable concentration of approximately 85% of baseline. Conclusion. These results suggest that serum TC concentration may follow the time-course of reductions in force generating capacity more closely than other biochemical markers of muscle damage.


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Acetazolamide (Acz) is used at altitude to prevent acute mountain sickness, but its effect on exercise capacity under hypoxic conditions is uncertain. Nine healthy men completed this double-blind, randomized, crossover study. All subjects underwent incremental exercise to exhaustion with an inspired O-2 fraction of 0.13, hypoxic ventilatory responses, and hypercapnic ventilatory responses after Acz (500 mg twice daily for 5 doses) and placebo. Maximum power of 203 +/- 38 (SD) Won Acz was less than the placebo value of 225 +/- 40 W (P < 0.01). At peak exercise, arterialized capillary pH was lower and PO2 higher on Acz (P < 0.01). Ventilation was 118.6 +/- 20.0 l/min at the maximal power on Acz and 102.4 +/- 20.7 l/min at the same power on placebo (P < 0.02), and Borg score for leg fatigue was increased on Acz (P < 0.02), with no difference in Borg score for dyspnea. Hypercapnic ventilatory response on Acz was greater (P < 0.02), whereas hypoxic ventilatory response was unchanged. During hypoxic exercise, Acz reduced exercise capacity associated with increased perception of leg fatigue. Despite increased ventilation, dyspnea was not increased.


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The purpose of this study was to compare average muscle fiber conduction velocity (CV) and its changes over time in the upper trapezius muscle during a repetitive upper limb task in people with chronic neck pain and in healthy controls. Surface EMG signals were detected bilaterally from the upper trapezius muscle of 19 patients and nine healthy controls using linear adhesive arrays of four electrodes. Subjects were asked to tap their hands in a cyclic manner between targets positioned mid-thigh and 120 degrees of shoulder flexion, to the beat of a metronome set at 88 beats/min for up to 5 min. Muscle fiber CV and instantaneous mean power spectral frequency were estimated for each cycle at the time instant corresponding to 90 degrees of shoulder flexion. Average muscle fiber CV of the upper trapezius muscle was higher in people with chronic neck pain (mean +/- SE, 4.8 +/- 0.1 m/s) than in control subjects (4.4 +/- 0.1 m/s; P