9 resultados para multi-modal interaction

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Purpose: To investigate the effect of cueing on communicative responses of children with multiple disabilities in an educational setting. It was hypothesized that differences would exist in teacher interactional styles and the use of orienting cues would increase the communicative responses of the participants. Method: A naturalistic observation research method was employed in order to examine the interaction of three student-teacher dyads in three special schools. Three different activity types were videotaped from which interactions were coded and analysed. Results: Multi-modal cueing facilitated communicative responses of children with Rett syndrome. However, increased communication opportunities provided by caregivers did not elicit increased responses from the girls. Conclusion: There is a difference in cueing by teachers in their interactions with children with multiple disabilities. Also, more frequent communicative interactions did not necessarily lead to increased student responses. It is suggested that amount and type of cueing may need to be considered to be effective in generating student responses. The small number of participants, however, means findings should be viewed cautiously and that more research is indicated.


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Children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) may have poor audio-visual integration, possibly reflecting dysfunctional 'mirror neuron' systems which have been hypothesised to be at the core of the condition. In the present study, a computer program, utilizing speech synthesizer software and a 'virtual' head (Baldi), delivered speech stimuli for identification in auditory, visual or bimodal conditions. Children with ASD were poorer than controls at recognizing stimuli in the unimodal conditions, but once performance on this measure was controlled for, no group difference was found in the bimodal condition. A group of participants with ASD were also trained to develop their speech-reading ability. Training improved visual accuracy and this also improved the children's ability to utilize visual information in their processing of speech. Overall results were compared to predictions from mathematical models based on integration and non-integration, and were most consistent with the integration model. We conclude that, whilst they are less accurate in recognizing stimuli in the unimodal condition, children with ASD show normal integration of visual and auditory speech stimuli. Given that training in recognition of visual speech was effective, children with ASD may benefit from multi-modal approaches in imitative therapy and language training. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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When studying genotype X environment interaction in multi-environment trials, plant breeders and geneticists often consider one of the effects, environments or genotypes, to be fixed and the other to be random. However, there are two main formulations for variance component estimation for the mixed model situation, referred to as the unconstrained-parameters (UP) and constrained-parameters (CP) formulations. These formulations give different estimates of genetic correlation and heritability as well as different tests of significance for the random effects factor. The definition of main effects and interactions and the consequences of such definitions should be clearly understood, and the selected formulation should be consistent for both fixed and random effects. A discussion of the practical outcomes of using the two formulations in the analysis of balanced data from multi-environment trials is presented. It is recommended that the CP formulation be used because of the meaning of its parameters and the corresponding variance components. When managed (fixed) environments are considered, users will have more confidence in prediction for them but will not be overconfident in prediction in the target (random) environments. Genetic gain (predicted response to selection in the target environments from the managed environments) is independent of formulation.


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Eight milling quality and protein properties of autumn-sown Chinese wheats were investigated using 59 cultivars and advanced lines grown in 14 locations in China from 1995 to 1998. Wide ranges of variability for all traits were observed across genotypes and locations. Genotype, location, year, and their interactions all significantly influenced most of the quality parameters. Kernel hardness, Zeleny sedimentation value, and mixograph development time were predominantly influenced by the effects of genotype. Genotype, location and genotype x location interaction were all important sources of variation for thousand kernel weight, test weight, protein content, and falling number, whereas genotype x location interaction had the largest effect on flour yield. Most of the genotypes were characterized by weak gluten strength with Zeleny sedimentation values less than 40 ml and mixograph development time shorter than 3 min. Eight groups of genotypes were recognized based on the average quality performance, grain hardness and gluten strength were the two parameters that determined the grouping, with contributions from protein content. Genotypes such as Zhongyou 16 and Annong 8903 displayed good milling quality, high grain hardness, protein content and strong gluten strength with high sedimentation value and long mixograph development time. Genotypes such as Lumai 15 and Yumai 18 were characterized by low grain hardness, protein content and weak gluten strength. Genotypes such as Yannong 15 and Chuanmai 24 were characterized by strong gluten strength with high sedimentation value and long mixograph development time, but low grain hardness and protein content lower than 12.3%. Genotypes such as Jingdong 6 and Xi'an 8 had weak gluten strength, but with high grain hardness and protein content higher than 12.2%. Five groups of locations were identified, and protein content and gluten strength were the two parameters that determined the grouping. Beijing, Shijiazhuang, Nanyang, Zhumadian and Nanjing produced wheats with medium to strong gluten strength and medium protein content, although there was still a large variation for most of the traits investigated between the locations. Wheat produced in Yantai was characterized by strong gluten strength, but with low protein content. Jinan, Anyang and Linfen locations produced wheats with medium to weak gluten strength and medium to high protein content. Wheats produced in Yangling, Zhenzhou, and Chengdu were characterized by weak gluten strength with medium to low protein content, whereas wheats produced in Xuzhou and Wuhan were characterized by weak gluten strength with low protein content. Industrial grain quality could be substantially improved through integrating knowledge of geographic genotype distribution with key location variables that affected end-use quality.


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This article provides a review of the recent theory of transport in nanopores developed in the author's laboratory. In particular the influence of fluid-solid interactions on the transport coefficient is examined, showing that such interactions reduce the value of the coefficient by almost an order of magnitude in comparison to the Knudsen theory for non-interacting systems. The activation energy and potential energy barriers for diffusion in smooth pores with a one-dimensional potential energy profile are also discussed, indicating the inadequacy of the commonly used assumption of proportionality between the activation energy and heat of adsorption or the minimum pore potential energy. A further feature affected by fluid-solid interactions is the nature of the reflection of fluid molecules colliding with a pore wall surface, varying from being nearly specular - such as in carbon nanotubes - to nearly diffuse for amorphous solids. Diffuse reflection leads to momentum loss and reduced transport coefficients. However, fluid-solid interactions do not affect the transport coefficient in the single-file diffusion regime when the surface reflection is diffuse, and the transport coefficient in this case is largely independent of the adsorbed density.


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Neogenin, a close relative of the axon guidance receptor Deleted in Colorectal Cancer (DCC), has been shown to be a receptor for members of the Netrin and Repulsive Guidance Molecule (RGM) families. While Netrin-l-Neogenin interactions result in a chernoattractive axon guidance response, the interaction between Neogenin and RGMa induces a chemorepulsive response. Evidence is now accumulating that Neogenin is a multi-functional receptor regulating many diverse developmental processes, including neural tube and mammary gland formation, myogenesis and angiogenesis. Little is known of the function of Neogenin in the adult, however, a novel role in the regulation of iron homeostasis is now emerging. While the signal transduction pathways activated by Neogenin are poorly understood, it is clear that the functional outcome of Neogenin activation, at least in the embryo, depends on both the developmental context as well as the nature of the ligand. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The magnitude and nature of genotype-by-environment interactions (G×E) for grain yield (GY) and days to flower (DTF) in Cambodia were examined using a random population of 34 genotypes taken from the Cambodian rice improvement program. These genotypes were evaluated in multi-environment trials (MET) conducted across three years (2000 to 2002) and eight locations in the rainfed lowlands. The G×E interaction was partitioned into components attributed to genotype-by-location (G×L), genotype-by-year (G×Y) and genotype-by-location-by-year (G×L×Y) interactions. The G×L×Y interaction was the largest component of variance for GY. The G×L interaction was also significant and comparable in size to the genotypic component (G). The G×Y interaction was small and non significant. A major factor contributing to the large G×L×Y interactions for GY was the genotypic variation for DTF in combination with environmental variation for the timing and intensity of drought. Some of the interactions for GY associated with timing of plant development and exposure to drought were repeatable across the environments enabling the identification of three-target populations of environments (TPE) for consideration in the breeding program. Four genotypes were selected for wide adaptation in the rainfed lowlands in Cambodia.