161 resultados para molecular symmetry
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
We consider the competition between superconducting, charge ordered, and metallic phases in layered molecular crystals with the theta and beta" structures. Applying slave-boson theory to the relevant extended Hubbard model, we show that the superconductivity is mediated by charge fluctuations and the Cooper pairs have d(xy) symmetry. This is in contrast to the kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)X family, for which theoretical calculations give superconductivity mediated by spin fluctuations and with d(x)2(-y)2 symmetry. We predict several materials that should become superconducting under pressure.
The dynamical properties of an extended Hubbard model, which is relevant to quarter-filled layered organic molecular crystals, are analyzed. We have computed the dynamical charge correlation function, spectral density, and optical conductivity using Lanczos diagonalization and large-N techniques. As the ratio of the nearest-neighbor Coulomb repulsion, V, to the hopping integral, t, increases there is a transition from a metallic phase to a charge-ordered phase. Dynamical properties close to the ordering transition are found to differ from the ones expected in a conventional metal. Large-N calculations display an enhancement of spectral weight at low frequencies as the system is driven closer to the charge-ordering transition in agreement with Lanczos calculations. As V is increased the charge correlation function displays a collective mode which, for wave vectors close to (pi,pi), increases in amplitude and softens as the charge-ordering transition is approached. We propose that inelastic x-ray scattering be used to detect this mode. Large-N calculations predict superconductivity with d(xy) symmetry close to the ordering transition. We find that this is consistent with Lanczos diagonalization calculations, on lattices of 20 sites, which find that the binding energy of two holes becomes negative close to the charge-ordering transition.
We extend our Lanczos subspace time-independent wave packet method [J. Chem. Phys. 116 (2002) 2354] to investigate the issue of symmetry contaminations for the challenging deep-well H + O-2 reaction. Our central objective is to address the issue of whether significant symmetry contamination can occur if a wavepacket initially possessing the correct O-O exchange symmetry is propagated over tens of thousands of recursive steps using a basis which does not explicitly enforce the correct symmetry, and if so how seriously this affects the results. We find that symmetry contamination does exist where the symmetry constraint is not explicitly enforced in the basis. While it affects individual resonances and the associated peak amplitudes, the overall shape of the more averaged quantities such as total reaction probabilities and vibrational branching ratios are not seriously affected. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Efficient separation of fuel gas (H2) from other gases in reformed gas mixtures is becoming increasingly important in the development of alternative energy systems. A highly efficient and new technology available for these separations is molecular sieve silica (MSS) membranes derived from tetraethyl-orthosilicate (TEOS). A permeation model is developed from an analogous electronic system and compared to transport theory to determine permeation, selectivity and apparent activation of energy based on experimental values. Experimental results for high quality membranes show single gas permselectivity peaking at 57 for H2/CO at 150°C with a H2 permeation of 5.14 x 10^-8 mol.m^-2.s^-1.Pa^-1. Higher permeance was also achieved, but at the expense of selectivity. This is the case for low quality membranes with peak H2 permeation at 1.78 x 10-7 mol.m-2.s-1.Pa-1 at 22°C and H2/CO permselectivity of 4.5. High quality membranes are characterised with positive apparent activation energy while the low quality membranes have negative values. The model had a good fit of r-squared of 0.99-1.00 using the experimental data.
Weakly branched silica films formed by the two-step sol-gel process allow for the formation of high selectivity membranes for gas separation. 29Si NMR and gas permeation showed that reduced crosslinking leads to He/CH4 selectivity improvement from 300 to 1000. Applied in membrane reactor for cyclohexane conversion to benzene, conversions were achieved at 14 fold higher than a conventional reactor at 250°C. Hydrothermal stability studies showed that carbon templating of silica is required for hydrothermally stable membranes. From our work it was shown that with correct application of chemistry, practical membrane systems can be built to suit gas separation (e. g. hydrogen fuel) and reactor systems.
In this work we compare the hydrothermal stability performance of a Templated Molecular Sieve Silica (TMSS) membrane against a standard, non-templated Molecular Sieve Silica (MSS) membrane. The tests were carried under dry and wet (steam) conditions for single gas (He, H2, CO and CO2) at 1-2 atm membrane pressure drop at 200oC. Single gas TMSS membrane H2, permeance and H2/CO permselectivity was found to be 2.05 x 10-8 mols.m-2.s-1.Pa-1 and 15, respectively. The MSS membrane showed similar selectivity, but increased overall flux. He permeance through membranes decayed at a rate of 4-5 x 10-10 mols.m-2.s-1.Pa-1 per day regardless of membrane ambience (dry or wet). Although H2/CO permselectivity of the TMSS membrane slightly improved from 15 to 18 after steam testing, the MSS membrane resulted in significant reduction from 16 to 8.3. In addition, membrane regeneration after more than 50 days resulted in the TMSS membrane reverting to its original permeation levels while no significant improvements were observed for the MSS membra ne. Results showed that the TMSS membrane had enhanced hydrothermal stability and regeneration ability.
For fuel cell CO clean up application, the presence of water with silica membranes greatly reduces their selectivity to CO. We show results of a new functional carbonised template membrane of around 13nm thickness which offered hydrothermal stability with no compromise to the membrane’s H2/CO permselectivity of 16. Lost permeance was also regenerated.
MSS membranes are a good candidate for CO cleanup in fuel cell fuel processing systems due to their ability to selectively permeate H2 over CO via molecular sieving. Successfully scaled up tubular membranes were stable under dry conditions to 400°C with H2 permeance as high as 2 x 10-6 mol.m-2.s^-1.Pa^-1 at 200 degrees C and H2/CO selectivity up to 6.4, indicating molecular sieving was the dominant mechanism. A novel carbonised template molecular sieve silica (CTMSS) technology gave the scaled up membranes resilience in hydrothermal conditions up to 400 degrees C in 34% steam and synthetic reformate, which is required for use in fuel cell CO cleanup systems.
The classical model of surface layering followed by capillary condensation during adsorption in mesopores, is modified here by consideration of the adsorbate solid interaction potential. The new theory accurately predicts the capillary coexistence curve as well as pore criticality, matching that predicted by density functional theory. The model also satisfactorily predicts the isotherm for nitrogen adsorption at 77.4 K on MCM-41 material of various pore sizes, synthesized and characterized in our laboratory, including the multilayer region, using only data on the variation of condensation pressures with pore diameter. The results indicate a minimum mesopore diameter for the surface layering model to hold as 14.1 Å, below which size micropore filling must occur, and a minimum pore diameter for mechanical stability of the hemispherical meniscus during desorption as 34.2 Å. For pores in-between these two sizes reversible condensation is predicted to occur, in accord with the experimental data for nitrogen adsorption on MCM-41 at 77.4 K.
Quasar (QSO) absorption spectra provide an extremely useful probe of possible cosmological variation in various physical constants. Comparison of H i 21-cm absorption with corresponding molecular (rotational) absorption spectra allows us to constrain variation in , where α is the fine-structure constant and gp is the proton g-factor. We analyse spectra of two QSOs, PKS 1413+135 and TXS 0218+357, and derive values of at absorption redshifts of and 0.6847 by simultaneous fitting of the H i 21-cm and molecular lines. We find and respectively, indicating an insignificantly smaller y in the past. We compare our results with other constraints from the same two QSOs given recently by Drinkwater et al. and Carilli et al., and with our recent optical constraints, which indicated a smaller α at higher redshifts.
We analyze the dynamics of a dilute, trapped Bose-condensed atomic gas coupled to a diatomic molecular Bose gas by coherent Raman transitions. This system is shown to result in a new type of “superchemistry,” in which giant collective oscillations between the atomic and the molecular gas can occur. The phenomenon is caused by stimulated emission of bosonic atoms or molecules into their condensate phases.
The process of stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) provides a possible route for the generation of a coherent molecular Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) from an atomic BEC. We analyze this process in a three-dimensional mean-field theory, including atom-atom interactions and nonresonant intermediate levels. We find that the process is feasible, but at larger Rabi frequencies than anticipated from a crude single-mode lossless analysis, due to two-photon dephasing caused by the atomic interactions. We then identify optimal strategies in STIRAP allowing one to maintain high conversion efficiencies with smaller Rabi frequencies and under experimentally less demanding conditions.
Wolbachia are maternally inherited intracellular bacteria that infect a wide range of arthropods and nematodes and are associated with various reproductive abnormalities in their hosts. Insect-associated Wolbachia form a monophyletic clade in the α-Proteobacteria and recently have been separated into two supergroups (A and B) and 19 groups. Our recent polymerase chain reaction (PCR) survey using wsp specific primers indicated that various strains of Wolbachia were present in mosquitoes collected from Southeast Asia. Here, we report the phylogenetic relationship of the Wolbachia strains found in these mosquitoes using wsp gene sequences. Our phylogenetic analysis revealed eight new Wolbachia strains, five in the A supergroup and three in the B supergroup. Most of the Wolbachia strains present in Southeast Asian mosquitoes belong to the established Mors, Con, and Pip groups.
Endosymbiotic bacteria of the genus Wolbachia are widespread among arthropods and can induce cytoplasmic incompatibility, thelytokous parthenogenesis, male-killing or feminization in their hosts. Here, we report phylogenetic relationships of Wolbachia in tephritid fruit flies based on wsp gene sequences. We also report, for the first time, five distinct strains of Wolbachia in Bactrocera ascita sp. B. Four of the five Wolbachia strains found in this species were in the same groups as those found in other tephritid fruit flies, suggesting possible horizontal transmission of Wolbachia from other fruit flies into B. ascita sp. B. The unreliability of wsp-specific group primers demonstrated in this study suggests that these primers might be useful only for preliminary identification of Wolbachia. Final determination of group affiliation needs to be verified with wsp sequence data.
We have previously detected two related murine nuclear proteins, p160 and p67, that can bind to the leucine zipper motif within the negative regulatory domain of the Myb transcription factor. We now describe the molecular cloning of cDNA corresponding to murine p160. The P160 gene is located on mouse chromosome 11, and related sequences are found on chromosomes 1 and 12. The predicted p160 protein is novel, and in agreement with previous studies, we find that the corresponding 4.5-kb mRNA is ubiquitously expressed. We showed that p67 is an N-terminal fragment of p160 which is generated by proteolytic cleavage in certain cell types. The protein encoded by the cloned p160 cDNA and an engineered protein (p67*) comprising the amino-terminal region of p160 exhibit binding specificities for the Myb and Jun leucine zipper regions identical to those of endogenous p160 and p67, respectively. This implies that the Myb-binding site of p160 lies within the N-terminal 580 residues and that the Jun-binding site is C-terminal to this position. Moreover, we show that p67* but not p160 can inhibit transactivation by Myb. Unexpectedly, immunofluorescence studies show that p160 is localized predominantly in the nucleolus. The implications of these results for possible functions of p160 are discussed.