8 resultados para mixture of distribution hypothesis

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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An important and common problem in microarray experiments is the detection of genes that are differentially expressed in a given number of classes. As this problem concerns the selection of significant genes from a large pool of candidate genes, it needs to be carried out within the framework of multiple hypothesis testing. In this paper, we focus on the use of mixture models to handle the multiplicity issue. With this approach, a measure of the local FDR (false discovery rate) is provided for each gene. An attractive feature of the mixture model approach is that it provides a framework for the estimation of the prior probability that a gene is not differentially expressed, and this probability can subsequently be used in forming a decision rule. The rule can also be formed to take the false negative rate into account. We apply this approach to a well-known publicly available data set on breast cancer, and discuss our findings with reference to other approaches.


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The neurodevelopmental hypothesis (NDH) of schizophrenia suggests that a disruption of brain development during early life underlies the later emergence of psychosis during adulthood. The aim of this review is to chart the challenges and subsequent refinements to this hypothesis, with particular reference to the static versus progressive nature of the putative neurobiological processes underlying the NDH. A non-systematic literature review was undertaken, with an emphasis on major review papers relevant to the NDH. Weaknesses in the explanatory power of the NDH have led to a new generation of more refined hypotheses in recent years. In particular, recent versions of the hypothesis have incorporated evidence from structural neuroimaging which suggests changes in brain volumes after the onset of schizophrenia. More detailed models that incorporate progressive neurobiological processes have replaced early versions of the NDH, which were based on a 'static encephalopathy. In addition, recent models have suggested that two or more 'hits' are required over the lifespan rather than only one early-life event. Animal models are providing important insights into the sequelae of disturbed early brain development. The NDH has provided great impetus to the schizophrenia research community. Recent versions of the hypothesis have encouraged more focused and testable hypotheses.


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Pumicestone Passage is a narrow waterway that lies to the north of and adjacent to Moreton Bay, and between mainland Queensland and Bribie Island, Australia. Anecdotal reports have suggested that the Passage is home to dugongs year-round despite winter water temperatures that are known to cause dugongs to migrate elsewhere. To examine the pattern of distribution and abundance of dugongs within the passage on a year-round basis, eight years of sightings data collected by a charter boat operator were examined. Dedicated aerial surveys of the passage were also conducted at two-monthly intervals over two years, and more intensively over a single winter. Dugong sightings were examined in relation to water temperatures and seagrass prevalence. The number of dugongs sighted in the area on any one survey varied from 0 to 13. Dugongs were seen in all months of the year and in each of the eight winters, indicating that Pumicestone Passage is used year-round despite winter water temperatures dropping to below 18 degrees C from June to August inclusive and below 16 degrees C in June. All dugong sightings occurred in the southern part of the passage, south of Tripcony Bight. Dugongs were associated with shallows that support Halophila and Halodule species of seagrass, food species that are favoured elsewhere in their range. The northern part of the passage also supports seagrasses that are eaten by dugongs and has water temperature ranges that are not appreciably different to those of the southern passage. However, the narrow channels and very shallow nature of the northern passage provides little to no deep-water refugia for dugongs and the seagrass beds are less extensive. This study suggests that southern Pumicestone Passage requires protection concomitant with it being a year-round refuge of the vulnerable dugong.


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The use of phenyldithioacetic acid (PDA) in homopolymerizations of styrene or methyl acrylate produced only a small fraction of chains with dithioester end groups. The polymerizations using 1-phenylentyl phenyldithioacetate (PEPDTA) and PDA in the same reaction showed that PDA had little or no influence on the rate or molecular weight distribution even when a 1:1 ratio is used. The mechanistic pathway for the polymerizations in the presence of PDA seemed to be different for each monomer. Styrene favors addition of styrene to PDA via a Markovnikov type addition to form a reactive RAFT agent. The polymer was shown by double detection SEC to contain dithioester end groups over the whole distribution. This polymer was then used in a chain extension experiment and the M-n was close to theory. A unique feature of this work was that PDA could be used to form a RAFT agent in situ by heating a mixture of styrene and PDA for 24 h at 70 degrees C and then polymerizing in the presence of AIBN to give a linear increase in Mn and low values of PDI (< 1.14). In the case of the polymerization of MA with PDA, the mechanism was proposed to be via degradative chain transfer. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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After ingestion of a standardized dose of ethanol, alcohol concentrations were assessed, over 3.5 hours from blood (six readings) and breath (10 readings) in a sample of 412 MZ and DZ twins who took part in an Alcohol Challenge Twin Study (ACTS). Nearly all participants were subsequently genotyped on two polymorphic SNPs in the ADH1B and ADH1C loci known to affect in vitro ADH activity. In the DZ pairs, 14 microsatellite markers covering a 20.5 cM region on chromosome 4 that includes the ADH gene family were assessed, Variation in the timed series of autocorrelated blood and breath alcohol readings was studied using a bivariate simplex design. The contribution of a quantitative trait locus (QTL) or QTL's linked to the ADH region was estimated via a mixture of likelihoods weighted by identity-by-descent probabilities. The effects of allelic substitution at the ADH1B and ADH1C loci were estimated in the means part of the model simultaneously with the effects sex and age. There was a major contribution to variance in alcohol metabolism due to a QTL which accounted for about 64% of the additive genetic covariation common to both blood and breath alcohol readings at the first time point. No effects of the ADH1B*47His or ADH1C*349Ile alleles on in vivo metabolism were observed, although these have been shown to have major effects in vitro. This implies that there is a major determinant of variation for in vivo alcohol metabolism in the ADH region that is not accounted for by these polymorphisms. Earlier analyses of these data suggested that alcohol metabolism is related to drinking behavior and imply that this QTL may be protective against alcohol dependence.


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An important and common problem in microarray experiments is the detection of genes that are differentially expressed in a given number of classes. As this problem concerns the selection of significant genes from a large pool of candidate genes, it needs to be carried out within the framework of multiple hypothesis testing. In this paper, we focus on the use of mixture models to handle the multiplicity issue. With this approach, a measure of the local false discovery rate is provided for each gene, and it can be implemented so that the implied global false discovery rate is bounded as with the Benjamini-Hochberg methodology based on tail areas. The latter procedure is too conservative, unless it is modified according to the prior probability that a gene is not differentially expressed. An attractive feature of the mixture model approach is that it provides a framework for the estimation of this probability and its subsequent use in forming a decision rule. The rule can also be formed to take the false negative rate into account.


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An important and common problem in microarray experiments is the detection of genes that are differentially expressed in a given number of classes. As this problem concerns the selection of significant genes from a large pool of candidate genes, it needs to be carried out within the framework of multiple hypothesis testing. In this paper, we focus on the use of mixture models to handle the multiplicity issue. With this approach, a measure of the local FDR (false discovery rate) is provided for each gene. An attractive feature of the mixture model approach is that it provides a framework for the estimation of the prior probability that a gene is not differentially expressed, and this probability can subsequently be used in forming a decision rule. The rule can also be formed to take the false negative rate into account. We apply this approach to a well-known publicly available data set on breast cancer, and discuss our findings with reference to other approaches.