9 resultados para merging

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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We present a new set of dissipationless N-body simulations to examine the feasibility of creating bright ellipticals (following the Kormendy relation, hereafter KR) by hierarchically merging present-day early-type dwarf galaxies, and to study how the encounter parameters affect the location of the end product in the (mu(e))-R-e plane. We investigate the merging of one-component galaxies of both equal and different masses, the merging of two-component galaxy models to explore the effect of dark haloes on the final galaxy characteristics, and the merging of ultracompact dwarf galaxies. We find that the increase of (mu(e)) with R-e is attributable to an increase in the initial orbital energy. The merger remnants shift down in the (mu(e))-R-e plane and fail to reach the KR. Thus, the KR is not reproducible by mergers of dwarf early-type systems, rendering untenable the theory that present-day dwarfs are responsible for even a small fraction of the present-day ellipticals, unless a considerable amount of dissipation is invoked. However, we do find that present-day dwarfs can be formed by the merger of ultracompact dwarfs.


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A recent all-object spectroscopic survey centred on the Fornax cluster of galaxies has discovered a population of subluminous and extremely compact members, called 'ultra-compact dwarf' (UCD) galaxies. In order to clarify the origin of these objects, we have used self-consistent numerical simulations to study the dynamical evolution a nucleated dwarf galaxy would undergo if orbiting the centre of the Fornax cluster and suffering from its strong tidal gravitational field. We find that the outer stellar components of a nucleated dwarf are removed by the strong tidal field of the cluster, whereas the nucleus manages to survive as a result of its initially compact nature. The developed naked nucleus is found to have physical properties (e. g. size and mass) similar to those observed for UCDs. We also find that although this formation process does not have a strong dependence on the initial total luminosity of the nucleated dwarf, it does depend on the radial density profile of the dark halo in the sense that UCDs are less likely to be formed from dwarfs embedded in dark matter haloes with central 'cuspy' density profiles. Our simulations also suggest that very massive and compact stellar systems can be rapidly and efficiently formed in the central regions of dwarfs through the merging of smaller star clusters. We provide some theoretical predictions on the total number and radial number density profile of UCDs in a cluster and their dependencies on cluster masses.


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The focus of this paper is on the effect of gravity stretching on disturbed capillary jet instability. Break-up and droplet formation under low flows are simulated using finite difference solution of a one-dimensional approximation of disturbed capillary jet instability chosen from the work by Eggers and Dupont (J. Fluid Mech. 155 (1994) 289). Experiments were conducted using water and aqueous glycerol solutions to compare with simulations. We use a gravity parameter, G, which quantifies gravity stretching by relating flow velocity, orifice size and acceleration and is the reciprocal of the Fronde number. The optimum disturbance frequency Omega(opt) was found to be inversely proportional to G. However, this relationship appears to be complex for the range of G's investigated. At low G, the relationship between Omega(opt) and G appears to be linear but takes on a weakly decaying like trend as G increases. As flows are lowered, the satellite-free regime decreases, although experimental observation found that merging of main and satellite drops sometimes offset this effect to result in monodispersed droplet trains post break-up. Viscosity did not significantly affect the relationship between the disturbance frequency and G, although satellite drops could be seen more clearly close to the upper limit for instability at high G's. It is possible to define regimes of satellite formation under low flows by considering local wavenumbers at the point of instability. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Recently, very massive compact stellar systems have been discovered in the intracluster regions of galaxy clusters and in the nuclear regions of late-type disk galaxies. It is unclear how these compact stellar systems - known as ultracompact dwarf (UCD) galaxies or nuclear clusters (NCs) - form and evolve. By adopting a formation scenario in which these stellar systems are the product of multiple merging of star clusters in the central regions of galaxies, we investigate, numerically, their physical properties. We find that physical correlations among velocity dispersion, luminosity, effective radius, and average surface brightness in the stellar merger remnants are quite different from those observed in globular clusters. We also find that the remnants have triaxial shapes with or without figure rotation, and these shapes and their kinematics depend strongly on the initial number and distribution of the progenitor clusters. These specific predictions can be compared with the corresponding results of ongoing and future observations of UCDs and NCs, thereby providing a better understanding of the origin of these enigmatic objects.


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What does the world's engagement with the unfolding crisis in Darfur tell us about the impact of the Iraq war on the norm of humanitarian intervention? Is a global consensus about a "responsibility to protect" more or less likely? There are at least three potential answers to these questions. Some argue that the merging of strategic interests and humanitarian goods amplified by the intervention in Afghanistan makes it more likely that the world's most powerful states will act to prevent or halt humanitarian crises. Others insist that the widespread perception that the United States and its allies "abused" humanitarian justifications to legitimate its invasion of Iraq has set back efforts to build a global consensus about humanitarian action. A third group argues that the "responsibility to protect" inhibits the potential for abuse and, as a result, consensus is likely to strengthen post-Iraq for precisely this reason. Through a detailed study of the international engagement with Darfur, I suggest that the latter two arguments have merit but need to be adjusted. I argue that the humanitarian intervention norm has changed in two subtle ways. First, while the strength of the norm itself has not changed, the credibility of the United States and U.K. as "norm carriers" has been significantly undermined. Second, while the "responsibility to protect" has been invoked to support international activism, it has also re-legitimated anti-interventionist arguments.


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Journalists have always used equipment which has been generally available in the communities in which they worked. This has been a result both of economy and necessity, since they found they had to connect with their audiences using means that were available to the audience, not just to the sender. Newspapers sold on street corners in the very early media days; SMS and email have become the rule for the early 21st century. This development also admits the possibility of the roles of the communication professional and the community merging during the “public journalism” process, and has become most recently evident in the areas around the Bay of Bengal, struck by the tsunami on December 26, 2004, especially in the Indonesian province of Banda Aceh, and in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, where tiny portable radios, featuring solar panels and hand-cranked dynamos, have suddenly become part of a vital news media channel. In this article participant-observation and personal interview techniques are used to record and compare many of the digital channels used by news and information senders up to 2005. It also investigates the level of genuine participation which these new technologies have brought to the communications process.


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We are undertaking a program to measure the characteristics of the intracluster light ( ICL; total flux, profile, color, and substructure) in a sample of 10 galaxy clusters with a range of cluster mass, morphology, and redshift. We present here the methods and results for the first cluster in that sample, A3888. We have identified an ICL component in A3888 in V and r that contains 13% +/- 5% of the total cluster light and extends to 700 h(70)(-1) kpc (similar to 0.3r(200)) from the center of the cluster. The ICL color in our smallest radial bin is V - r 0.3 +/- 0.1, similar to the central cluster elliptical galaxies. The ICL is redder than the galaxies at 400 h(70)(-1) kpc < r < 700 h(70)(-1) kpc, although the uncertainty in any one radial bin is high. Based on a comparison of V - r color with simple stellar models, the ICL contains a component that formed more than 7 Gyr ago ( at z less than 1) with a high-metallicity ( 1.0 Z(circle dot) < Z(ICL) less than or similar to 2.5 Z(circle dot)) and a more centralized component that contains stars formed within the past 5 Gyr ( at z similar to 1). The profile of the ICL can be roughly fitted by a shallow exponential in the outer regions and a steeper exponential in the central region. We also find a concentration of diffuse light around a small group of galaxies 1.4 h(70)(-1) Mpc from the center of the cluster. In addition, we find three low surface brightness features near the cluster center that are blue ( V - r 0.0) and contain a total flux of 0.1M*. Based on these observations and X-ray and galaxy morphology, we suggest that this cluster is entering a phase of significant merging of galaxy groups in the core, whereupon we expect the ICL fraction to grow significantly with the formation of a cD galaxy, as well as the infall of groups.


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We introduce the Survey for Ionization in Neutral Gas Galaxies (SINGG), a census of star formation in H I selected galaxies. The survey consists of H alpha and R-band imaging of a sample of 468 galaxies selected from the H I Parkes All Sky Survey (HIPASS). The sample spans three decades in H I mass and is free of many of the biases that affect other star-forming galaxy samples. We present the criteria for sample selection, list the entire sample, discuss our observational techniques, and describe the data reduction and calibration methods. This paper focuses on 93 SINGG targets whose observations have been fully reduced and analyzed to date. The majority of these show a single emission line galaxy (ELG). We see multiple ELGs in 13 fields, with up to four ELGs in a single field. All of the targets in this sample are detected in H alpha, indicating that dormant (non-star-forming) galaxies with M-H I greater than or similar to 3x10(7) M-circle dot are very rare. A database of the measured global properties of the ELGs is presented. The ELG sample spans 4 orders of magnitude in luminosity (H alpha and R band), and H alpha surface brightness, nearly 3 orders of magnitude in R surface brightness and nearly 2 orders of magnitude in H alpha equivalent width (EW). The surface brightness distribution of our sample is broader than that of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectroscopic sample, the EW distribution is broader than prism-selected samples, and the morphologies found include all common types of star-forming galaxies (e.g., irregular, spiral, blue compact dwarf, starbursts, merging and colliding systems, and even residual star formation in S0 and Sa spirals). Thus, SINGG presents a superior census of star formation in the local universe suitable for further studies ranging from the analysis of H II regions to determination of the local cosmic star formation rate density.


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We present a detailed investigation into the recent star formation histories of 5697 luminous red galaxies (LRGs) based on the H delta (4101 angstrom), and [O II] (3727 angstrom) lines and the D4000 index. LRGs are luminous (L > 3L*) galaxies which have been selected to have photometric properties consistent with an old, passively evolving stellar population. For this study, we utilize LRGs from the recently completed 2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO Survey (2SLAQ). Equivalent widths of the H delta and [O II] lines are measured and used to define three spectral types, those with only strong H delta absorption (k+a), those with strong [O II] in emission (em) and those with both (em+a). All other LRGs are considered to have passive star formation histories. The vast majority of LRGs are found to be passive (similar to 80 per cent); however, significant numbers of k+a (2.7 per cent), em+a (1.2 per cent) and em LRGs (8.6 per cent) are identified. An investigation into the redshift dependence of the fractions is also performed. A sample of SDSS MAIN galaxies with colours and luminosities consistent with the 2SLAQ LRGs is selected to provide a low-redshift comparison. While the em and em+a fractions are consistent with the low-redshift SDSS sample, the fraction of k+a LRGs is found to increase significantly with redshift. This result is interpreted as an indication of an increasing amount of recent star formation activity in LRGs with redshift. By considering the expected lifetime of the k+a phase, the number of LRGs which will undergo a k+a phase can be estimated. A crude comparison of this estimate with the predictions from semi-analytic models of galaxy formation shows that the predicted level of k+a and em+a activities is not sufficient to reconcile the predicted mass growth for massive early types in a hierarchical merging scenario.