11 resultados para medical information system

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The road to electric rope shovel automation is marked with technological innovations that include an increase in operational information available to mining operations. The CRCMining Shovel Operator Information System not only collects machine operational data but also provides the operator with knowledge-of-performance and influences his/her performance to achieve higher productivity with reduced machine duty. The operator’s behaviour is one of the most important aspects of the man-machine interaction to be considered before semi- or fully-automated shovel systems can be realised. This paper presents the results of the rope shovel studies conducted by CRCMining between 2002 and 2004, provides information on current research to improve shovel performance and briefly discusses the implications of human-system interactions on future designs of autonomous machines.


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Document ranking is an important process in information retrieval (IR). It presents retrieved documents in an order of their estimated degrees of relevance to query. Traditional document ranking methods are mostly based on the similarity computations between documents and query. In this paper we argue that the similarity-based document ranking is insufficient in some cases. There are two reasons. Firstly it is about the increased information variety. There are far too many different types documents available now for user to search. The second is about the users variety. In many cases user may want to retrieve documents that are not only similar but also general or broad regarding a certain topic. This is particularly the case in some domains such as bio-medical IR. In this paper we propose a novel approach to re-rank the retrieved documents by incorporating the similarity with their generality. By an ontology-based analysis on the semantic cohesion of text, document generality can be quantified. The retrieved documents are then re-ranked by their combined scores of similarity and the closeness of documents’ generality to the query’s. Our experiments have shown an encouraging performance on a large bio-medical document collection, OHSUMED, containing 348,566 medical journal references and 101 test queries.


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Non-technical losses (NTL) identification and prediction are important tasks for many utilities. Data from customer information system (CIS) can be used for NTL analysis. However, in order to accurately and efficiently perform NTL analysis, the original data from CIS need to be pre-processed before any detailed NTL analysis can be carried out. In this paper, we propose a feature selection based method for CIS data pre-processing in order to extract the most relevant information for further analysis such as clustering and classifications. By removing irrelevant and redundant features, feature selection is an essential step in data mining process in finding optimal subset of features to improve the quality of result by giving faster time processing, higher accuracy and simpler results with fewer features. Detailed feature selection analysis is presented in the paper. Both time-domain and load shape data are compared based on the accuracy, consistency and statistical dependencies between features.


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The Swinfen Charitable Trust (SCT) provided two kinds of telemedical support to Iraq during 2004. Starting in January 2004, the Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital in Baghdad was able to refer cases into the well established global e-health network that the SCT has operated for the last five years. (In the first quarter of 2004, the SCT dealt with a total of 57 referrals from 15 hospitals in eight countries.) Two cases were referred from Baghdad in March 2004, both gynaecological, which were dealt with by consultants from the UK and Australia. The SCT administrators visited Basrah during April 2004 and met Iraqi doctors at the Shaibah Hospital as part of the international initiatives to improve health care there. Following this visit, the SCT network expanded to include another four hospitals in Iraq (Table 1). In addition, the SCT provided an electronic health records (EHR) system to support the rebuilding of maternity services, which has been led by the British Royal Colleges. The maternity records system is a Web-based EHR system, running on a secure server, which allows integrated access from antenatal clinics, from hospitals and from postnatal clinics in Iraq. Patients can view their own notes, thus promoting ownership of medical information, and doctors can view the notes of their own patients, from any Internet-connected PC. No special software is required by the user.


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Land-surface processes include a broad class of models that operate at a landscape scale. Current modelling approaches tend to be specialised towards one type of process, yet it is the interaction of processes that is increasing seen as important to obtain a more integrated approach to land management. This paper presents a technique and a tool that may be applied generically to landscape processes. The technique tracks moving interfaces across landscapes for processes such as water flow, biochemical diffusion, and plant dispersal. Its theoretical development applies a Lagrangian approach to motion over a Eulerian grid space by tracking quantities across a landscape as an evolving front. An algorithm for this technique, called level set method, is implemented in a geographical information system (GIS). It fits with a field data model in GIS and is implemented as operators in map algebra. The paper describes an implementation of the level set methods in a map algebra programming language, called MapScript, and gives example program scripts for applications in ecology and hydrology.


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E-Business Information Systems (eBIS) are Information Systems (IS) that support organizations to realize their e-Business strategy resulting in various benefits. Therefore those systems strongly focus on fulfilment of the e-business requirements. In order to realise the expected benefits, organizations need to turn to their eBIS and measure the maturity of those systems. In doing so, they need to identify the status of those systems with regards to their suitability to support the e-Business strategy, while also identifying required IS improvements. In our research we aim to develop a maturity model, particularly dedicated to the area of e-Business Information Systems, which can be used easily and objectively to measure of the current maturity of any Information System that supports e-Business. This research-in-progress paper presents initial results of our research.


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Domain specific information retrieval has become in demand. Not only domain experts, but also average non-expert users are interested in searching domain specific (e.g., medical and health) information from online resources. However, a typical problem to average users is that the search results are always a mixture of documents with different levels of readability. Non-expert users may want to see documents with higher readability on the top of the list. Consequently the search results need to be re-ranked in a descending order of readability. It is often not practical for domain experts to manually label the readability of documents for large databases. Computational models of readability needs to be investigated. However, traditional readability formulas are designed for general purpose text and insufficient to deal with technical materials for domain specific information retrieval. More advanced algorithms such as textual coherence model are computationally expensive for re-ranking a large number of retrieved documents. In this paper, we propose an effective and computationally tractable concept-based model of text readability. In addition to textual genres of a document, our model also takes into account domain specific knowledge, i.e., how the domain-specific concepts contained in the document affect the document’s readability. Three major readability formulas are proposed and applied to health and medical information retrieval. Experimental results show that our proposed readability formulas lead to remarkable improvements in terms of correlation with users’ readability ratings over four traditional readability measures.