11 resultados para low-lying states

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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We investigate quantum many-body systems where all low-energy states are entangled. As a tool for quantifying such systems, we introduce the concept of the entanglement gap, which is the difference in energy between the ground-state energy and the minimum energy that a separable (unentangled) state may attain. If the energy of the system lies within the entanglement gap, the state of the system is guaranteed to be entangled. We find Hamiltonians that have the largest possible entanglement gap; for a system consisting of two interacting spin-1/2 subsystems, the Heisenberg antiferromagnet is one such example. We also introduce a related concept, the entanglement-gap temperature: the temperature below which the thermal state is certainly entangled, as witnessed by its energy. We give an example of a bipartite Hamiltonian with an arbitrarily high entanglement-gap temperature for fixed total energy range. For bipartite spin lattices we prove a theorem demonstrating that the entanglement gap necessarily decreases as the coordination number is increased. We investigate frustrated lattices and quantum phase transitions as physical phenomena that affect the entanglement gap.


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Cretaceous-Tertiaty (K-T) boundary (ca. 65 Ma) sections on a Southwest Pacific island containing dinosaurs were unknown until March 2003 when theropod bones were recovered from the Takatika Grit on the remote Chatham Islands (latitude 44 degrees S, longitude 176 degrees W), along the Chatham Rise. Tectonic and palaeontologic evidence support the eastward extension of a ca. 900 km land bridge that connected the islands to what is now New Zealand prior to the K-T boundary. The Chathams terrestrial fauna inhabited coastal, temperate environments along a low-lying, narrow, crustal extension of the New Zealand subcontinent, characterised by a tectonically dynamic, volcanic landscape with eroding hills (horsts) adjacent to flood plains and deltas, all sediments accumulating in grabens. This finger-like tract was blanketed with a conifer and clubmoss (Lycopodiopsida) dominated forest. The Chatham Islands region would have, along with New Zealand, provided a dinosaur island sanctuary after separating from the Gondwana margin ca. 80 Ma. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Some causes of low renin hypertension are familial with known genetic bases. One of them, primary aldosteronism, is specifically treatable by mineralocorticoid receptor blockers or by surgery, and has at least two different familial varieties. These have provided insights into its natural history, with long normotensive and normokalemic phases, and variable expression within the same family. Primary aldosteronism was considered rare, but recent work beginning in 1992 suggests that it might be the most common curable cause of hypertension, worth screening for in every hypertensive. Evidence is now compelling that inappropriate aldosterone for salt status can cause not only hypertension, but vascular inflammation and end-organ damage, preventable by mineralocorticoid receptor blockade.


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Plasma renin concentrations are extremely low, requiring high sensitivity methods to detect low renin hypertensive states. Moreover, plasma prorenin must not cryoactivate to renin to avoid falsely high values. The enzyme kinetic plasma renin activity (PRA) test has the required sensitivity, whereas direct renin assays and PRA tests with short incubation times are usually not accurate enough. Test specificity is essential for plasma aldosterone. The Nichols Advantage aldosterone assay is fast and automated but requires great attention to quality control. Here, the impact of renin on the aldosterone:renin ratio as a screening test for primary aldosteronism is reviewed. A sensitive plasma renin test is essential for the diagnosis of low renin hypertensive states and, currently, can be consistently achieved only with the PRA radioimmunoassay.


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The red fluorescent protein Rtms5H146S displays a transition from blue (absorbance λmax 590 nm) to yellow (absorbance λmax not, vert, similar453 nm) upon titration to low pH. The pKa of the reaction depends on the concentration of halide, offering promise for new expressible halide sensors. The protonation state involved in the low pH form of the chromophore remains, however, ambiguous. We report calculated excitation energies of different protonation states of an RFP chromophore model. These suggest that the relevant titration site is the phenoxy moiety of the chromophore, and the relevant base and conjugate acid are anionic and neutral chromophore species, respectively.


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Aim of study: To examine the prevalence of low intensity symptom severity states in patients taking placebo, rofecoxib 12.5 mg once daily, rofecoxib 25 mg once daily, or ibuprofen 800 mg three times daily using a post-hoc definition of low pain intensity states (BLISS Index) based on the WOMAC Index. Methods: Two 6-week, double-blind, parallel-group, placebocontrolled, ibuprofen-comparator studies were conducted to measure the efficacy of rofecoxib in patients with knee or hip osteoarthritis. These studies employed a flare design requiring a minimum level of symptoms at entry following discontinuation of prior analgesics. The WOMAC Pain subscale (100 mm visual analog scale) was used as the pain measure. In separate analyses, WOMAC pain subscale scores from each patient were compared to five thresholds of pain:%5 mm, %10 mm, %15 mm, %20 mm, and %25 mm. The percent of patients with BLISS states (1) on average over 6 weeks, (2) at any time during the study, and (3) at week 6 was computed for each treatment group and threshold. The treatment group percentages were compared using Fisher’s exact test. Results: During the study, patients received placebo (N Z 143), rofecoxib 12.5 mg (N Z 461), rofecoxib 25 mg (N Z 459), or ibuprofen (N Z 465). For each pain threshold and treatment group, the percent of patients with BLISS states at any time (e.g., 50% for rofecoxib 25 mg) exceeded the percentage at week 6 (e.g., 40% for rofecoxib 25 mg) which, in turn, exceeded the percentage with BLISS states on average (e.g., 32% for rofecoxib 25 mg). The percentages of patients in the active treatment groups with BLISS states on average were significantly different than observed in the placebo group at the%15 mm threshold (8–11% points vs placebo, P ! 0.01), %20 mm level (10–15% points, P ! 0.01), and %25 mm level (14–17% points, P ! 0.001). Significant differences between the active treatments and placebo were also observed at the %10 mm threshold (8–9% points, P ! 0.05) for measurements at week 6 and at the%10 (12–14% points, P !0.001) and%5 mm thresholds (5–7% points, P ! 0.05) for patients with BLISS states at any time. Conclusion: These measures of BLISS states differentiate all three active treatment groups from placebo and further confirm, at an individual patient level, the clinical benefit of rofecoxib in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Furthermore, they provide information on the prevalence of patients achieving low (%15 mm, %20 mm, %25 mm), and very low (%5 mm, %10 mm) pain severity states.


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Attention for threatening information was investigated using a computerised version of the emotional Stroop. The study examined the influence of state and trait anxiety in an unselected student sample assigned to high trait anxious (HTA) or low trait anxious (LTA) groups on the basis questionnaire scores. State anxiety was manipulated within participants through the threat of electric shock. Threatening words that were either unrelated (e.g., cancer, danger) or related to the source of the threat (e.g., electrocute, shock) were presented to participants both within and outside of awareness. In the latter condition, a backward masking procedure was used to prevent awareness of the stimulus material. In the masked condition, despite chance performance in identification of the lexical status of stimulus items, HTA participants showed facilitated colour naming for all threat words relative to control items under threat of shock, but this effect was not evident in the shock safe condition. For unmasked trials the HTA group showed significant interference in colour naming for all threat words relative to controls under the threat of shock, but not in the shock safe condition. Neither valence of the items nor the threat of shock influenced colour naming latencies for the LTA group. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]


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A new United States (U.S.) self-supporting low-profile bednet was designed by Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in collaboration with Breakthrough Technologies. The bednet incorporated permethrin-impregnated screening into a frame that erected automatically when removed from its bag. The new U.S. bednet was compared with the current Australian Defense Force (ADF) mosquito bednet at Buka Island, North Solomons Province, Papua New Guinea, in March 1999. At the time of the test, Anopheles farauti Laveran was the most abundant biting mosquito. Both bednet types provided > 97.8% protection compared with an unprotected collector. The untreated U.S. Army prototype bednet provided better protection than the untreated ADF bednet against mosquitoes entering the bednet during the night.


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The history of human experimentation in the twelve years between Hitler's rise to power and the end of the Second World War is notorious in the annals of the twen- tieth century. The horrific experiments conducted at Dachau, Auschwitz, Ravens- brueck, Birkenau, and other National Socialist concentration camps reflected an extreme indifference to human life and human suffering. Unfortunately, they do not reflect the extent and complexity of the human experiments undertaken in the years between 1933 and 1945. Following the prosecution of twenty-three high-ranking National Socialist physicians and medical administrators for war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Nuremberg Medical Trial (United States v. Karl Brandt et al.), scholars have rightly focused attention on the nightmarish researches con- ducted by a small group of investigators on concentration camp inmates. Less well known are alternative pathways that brought investigators to undertake human ex- perimentation in other laboratories, settings, and nations.


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Low nephron number has been related to low birth weight and hypertension. In the southeastern United States, the estimated prevalence of chronic kidney disease due to hypertension is five times greater for African Americans than white subjects. This study investigates the relationships between total glomerular number (N-glom), blood pressure, and birth weight in southeastern African Americans and white subjects. Stereological estimates of N-glom were obtained using the physical disector/fractionator technique on autopsy kidneys from 62 African American and 60 white subjects 30-65 years of age. By medical history and recorded blood pressures, 41 African Americans, and 24 white subjects were identified as hypertensive and 21 African Americans and 36 white subjects as normotensive. Mean arterial blood pressure ( MAP) was obtained on 81 and birth weights on 63 subjects. For African Americans, relationships between MAP, N-glom, and birth weight were not significant. For white subjects, they were as follows: MAP and N-glom ( r = -0.4551, P = 0.0047); Nglom and birth weight ( r = 0.5730, P = 0.0022); MAP and birth weight ( r = -0.4228, P = 0.0377). For African Americans, average N-glom of 961 840 +/- 292 750 for normotensive and 867 358 +/- 341 958 for hypertensive patients were not significantly different ( P = 0.285). For white subjects, average N-glom of 923 377 +/- 256 391 for normotensive and 754 319 +/- 329 506 for hypertensive patients were significantly different ( P = 0.03). The data indicate that low nephron number and possibly low birth weight may play a role in the development of hypertension in white subjects but not African Americans.


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Nonlinear, non-stationary signals are commonly found in a variety of disciplines such as biology, medicine, geology and financial modeling. The complexity (e.g. nonlinearity and non-stationarity) of such signals and their low signal to noise ratios often make it a challenging task to use them in critical applications. In this paper we propose a new neural network based technique to address those problems. We show that a feed forward, multi-layered neural network can conveniently capture the states of a nonlinear system in its connection weight-space, after a process of supervised training. The performance of the proposed method is investigated via computer simulations.