9 resultados para light extraction efficiency

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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We examined several morphological parameters of the gastrointestinal tract, digesta passage rates, and nutrient assimilation efficiencies of Green-striped Burrowing frogs (Cyclorana alboguttata) following prolonged fasting during three months of aestivation and compared these with frogs that had been continuously fed. Whole animal digesta passage rates were significantly reduced following three months aestivation as a result of a decreased digesta evacuation rate from the stomach. Furthermore, food was selectively retained in the small intestine for an increased time following three months of aestivation. Overall digestibility of food and nitrogen, carbon, and energy extraction efficiencies were not significantly different from control values following three months of aestivation. These findings suggest that C. alboguttata employs reduced digesta passage rates so as to maximize nutrient assimilation efficiency following prolonged food deprivation during aestivation. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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1. The often complex architecture of coral reefs forms a diversity of light microhabitats. Analogous to patterns in forest plants, light variation may drive strategies for efficient light utilization and metabolism in corals. 2. We investigated the spatial distribution of light regimes in a spur-and-groove reef environment and examine the photophysiology of the coral Montipora monasteriata (Forskal 1775), a species with a wide habitat distribution. Specifically, we examined the variation in tissue and skeletal thickness, and photosynthetic and metabolic responses among contrasting light microhabitats. 3. Daily irradiances reaching corals in caves and under overhangs were 1-5 and 30-40% of those in open habitats at similar depth (3-5 m), respectively. Daily rates of net photosynthesis of corals in cave habitats approximated zero, suggesting more than two orders of magnitude variation in scope for growth across habitats. 4. Three mechanisms of photoadaptation or acclimation were observed in cave and overhang habitats: (1) a 20-50% thinner tissue layer and 40-60% thinner skeletal plates, maximizing light interception per unit mass; (2) a two- to threefold higher photosynthetic efficiency per unit biomass; and (3) low rates of dark respiration. 5. Specimens from open and cave habitats displayed a high capacity to acclimate to downshifts or upshifts in irradiance, respectively. However, specimens in caves displayed limited acclimation to further irradiance reduction, indicating that these live near their irradiance limit. 6. Analogous to patterns for some plant species in forest gaps, the morphological plasticity and physiological flexibility of M. monasteriata enable it to occupy light habitats that vary by more than two orders of magnitude.


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We investigate the emission of multimodal polarized light from light emitting devices due to spin-aligned carrier injection. The results are derived through operator Langevin equations, which include thermal and carrier-injection fluctuations, as well as nonradiative recombination and electronic g-factor temperature dependence. We study the dynamics of the optoelectronic processes and show how the temperature-dependent g factor and magnetic field affect the degree of polarization of the emitted light. In addition, at high temperatures, thermal fluctuation reduces the efficiency of the optoelectronic detection method for measuring the degree of spin polarization of carrier injection into nonmagnetic semicondutors.


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Photosynthetic endolithic algae and cyanobacteria live within the skeletons of many scleractinians. Under normal conditions, less than 5% of the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) reaches the green endolithic algae because of the absorbance of light by the endosymbiotic dinoflagellates and the carbonate skeleton. When corals bleach (loose dinoflagellate symbionts), however, the tissue of the corals become highly transparent and photosynthetic microendoliths may be exposed to high levels of both thermal and solar stress. This study explores the consequence of these combined stresses on the phototrophic endoliths inhabiting the skeleton of Montipora monasteriata, growing at Heron Island, on the southern Great Barrier Reef. Endoliths that were exposed to sun after tissue removal were by far more susceptible to thermal photoinhibition and photo-damage than endoliths under coral tissue that contained high concentrations of brown dinoflagellate symbionts. While temperature or light alone did not result in decreased photosynthetic efficiency of the endoliths, combined thermal and solar stress caused a major decrease and delayed recovery. Endoliths protected under intact tissue recovered rapidly and photoacclimated soon after exposure to elevated sea temperatures. Endoliths under naturally occurring bleached tissue of M. monasteriata colonies (bleaching event in March 2004 at Heron Island) acclimated to increased irradiance as the brown symbionts disappeared. We suggest that two major factors determine the outcome of thermal bleaching to the endolith community. The first is the microhabitat and light levels under which a coral grows, and the second is the susceptibility of the coral-dinoflagellates symbiosis to thermal stress. More resistant corals may take longer to bleach allowing endoliths time to acclimate to a new light environment. This in turn may have implications for coral survival.


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We report on a new experimental technique suitable for measurement of light-activated processes, such as fluorophore transport. The usefulness of this technique is derived from its capacity to decouple the imaging and activation processes, allowing fluorescent imaging of fluorophore transport at a convenient activation wavelength. We demonstrate the efficiency of this new technique in determination of the action spectrum of the light mediated transport of rhodamine 123 into the parasitic protozoan Giardia duodenalis. (c) 2006 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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Aim: To rapidly quantify hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA by real-time PCR using efficient TaqMan probe and extraction methods of virus DNA. Methods: Three standards were prepared by cloning PCR products which targeted S, C and X region of HBV genome into pGEM-T vector respectively. A pair of primers and matched TaqMan probe were selected by comparing the copy number and the Ct values of HBV serum samples derived from the three different standard curves using certain serum DNA. Then the efficiency of six HBV DNA extraction methods including guanidinium isothiocyanate, proteinase K, NaI, NaOH lysis, alkaline lysis and simple boiling was analyzed in sample A, B and C by real-time PCR. Meanwhile, 8 clinical HBV serum samples were quantified. Results: The copy number of the same HBV serum sample originated from the standard curve of S, C and X regions was 5.7 × 104/ mL, 6.3 × 102/mL and 1.6 × 103/mL respectively. The relative Ct value was 26.6, 31.8 and 29.5 respectively. Therefore, primers and matched probe from S region were chosen for further optimization of six extraction methods. The copy number of HBV serum samples A, B and C was 3.49 × 109/mL, 2.08 × 106/mL and 4.40 × 107/mL respectively, the relative Ct value was 19.9, 30 and 26.2 in the method of NaOH lysis, which was the efficientest among six methods. Simple boiling showed a slightly lower efficiency than NaOH lysis. Guanidinium isothiocyanate, proteinase K and NaI displayed that the copy number of HBV serum sample A, B and C was around 105/ mL, meanwhile the Ct value was about 30. Alkaline failed to quantify the copy number of three HBV serum samples, Standard deviation (SD) and coefficient variation (CV) were very low in all 8 clinical HBV serum samples, showing that quantification of HBV DNA in triplicate was reliable and accurate. Conclusion: Real-time PCR based on optimized primers and TaqMan probe from S region in combination with NaOH lysis is a simple, rapid and accurate method for quantification of HBV serum DNA. © 2006 The WJG Press. All rights reserved.


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The economical and environmental effects of mass reduction through Al and Mg primary alloys substitutions for cast iron and steel in automotive components are discussed using MF. Ashby's penalty functions method The viability of Mg alloy substitutions for existing Al alloy cast components is also considered. The cost analysis shows that direct, equal-volume, Al alloy substitutions for cast iron and steel are the most feasible in terms of the CAFE liability, followed by substitutions involving flat panels of prescribed stiffness. When the creation of CO2 associated to the production of Al and Mg is considered, the potential gasoline savings over the lifespan of the car compensate for the intrinsic environmental burden of Al in all applications, while electrolytic Mg substitutions for cast iron and steel are feasible for equal volume and panels only. Magnesium produced by the Pidgeon thermal process appears to be too primary energy intensive to be competitive in structural applications. Magnesium substitutions for existing Al alloy beams and panels are generally unviable. The current higher recycling efficiency of Al casting alloys confers Al a significant advantage over Mg alloys.