21 resultados para jaw malformation

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The structure of the pharyngeal jaw apparatus (PJA) of Zenarchopterus dispar and Z. buffonis, carnivorous estuarine and freshwater West-Pacific halfbeaks, was investigated using dissection, light, and scanning electron microscopy as part of a comparison with estuarine and marine herbivorous confamilials. The Zenarchopterus PJA differs from published descriptions of hemiramphid PJAs in that the otic capsules are less pronounced; the pharyngocranial articulation facet is trough-like; the third pharyngobranchials are ankylosed; the second pharyngobranchial anterior processes are relatively hypotrophied; all pharyngeal teeth except the posterior teeth in the fifth ceratobranchial face posteriorly; the muscularis craniopharyngobranchialis 2 posterior is short; the muscularis craniopharyngobranchialis 2 anterior is lacking, as is its insertion site, the inferior parasphenoid apophysis; the protractor pectoralis is well developed; the pharyngocleithralis internus originates dorsal to the level of the fifth ceratobranchial bony process; the fifth ceratobranchial bony processes are directed ventrolaterally; the opposing upper and lower tooth fields appear not to occlude erosively; and the muscular portion of the pharyngohyoideus is well developed anteriorly. The extent of these differences and their implications for the function of the PJA support recent molecular studies that suggest that the Hemiramphidae is polyphyletic. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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We review a single surgeon and surgical centre's experience with congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation of the lung (CCAML) in relation to clinical spectrum, operative experience, and postoperative course. A retrospective hospital record review was done on surgically treated cases of CCAML over a 10-year period, focusing on number with antenatal diagnosis, spectrum of postnatal presentation, type of surgery performed, and outcome. Forty-seven patients from birth to 14 years of age underwent surgery for CCAML. Antenatal diagnosis (ante) was made in 30 cases. Of these, 10 became symptomatic before surgery. Six of the 17 postnatally-diagnosed (pnd) cases were an asymptomatic incidental finding. Overall, 16 were symptomatic in the 1st year of life, and five were symptomatic beyond 1 year of age. Symptoms varied from respiratory distress (seven ante, six pnd) to chronic cough (three, and recurrent chest infection (three ante, two pnd). All preoperative diagnoses were confirmed with chest CT. Most patients (25) were operated on before 3 months of age. Eleven were operated on in the first 2 weeks of life as emergency surgery for respiratory distress. The most common lobe involved was the right upper lobe (16), and lobectomy was performed in 42 cases, segmentectomy in four, and pneumonectomy in one. Seventeen cases were extubated immediately postoperatively; 29 required postoperative ventilation overnight, and nine needed more prolonged ventilation. Early postoperative complications included pneumothorax (two), pleural effusion (one), and chylous effusion (one). Late complications included recurrence in three cases (all segmentectomy), who then subsequently underwent lobectomy. There was one death from respiratory failure. Because there is an increasing trend in the detection of asymptomatic antenatally-diagnosed CCAML, consideration of early surgical excision to prevent complications is suggested by our series. CT scanning is mandatory for postnatal evaluation because chest x-ray could be normal. Safe elective excision after 3 months is supported by our low morbidity and less need for postoperative ventilation. Lobectomy is the procedure of choice to prevent recurrence.


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Primary objective: To investigate jaw movements in children following traumatic brain injury (TBI) during speech using electromagnetic articulography (EMA). Methods and procedures: Jaw movements of two non-dysarthric children ( aged 12.75 and 13.08 years) who had sustained a TBI were recorded using the AG-100 EMA system (Carstens Medizineletronik) during word-initial consonant productions. Mean quantitative kinematic parameters and coefficient of variation ( variability) values were calculated and individually compared to the mean values obtained by a group of six control children ( mean age 12.57 years, SD 1.52). Main outcomes and results: The two children with TBI exhibited word-initial consonant jaw movement durations that were comparable to the control children, with sub-clinical reductions in speed being offset by reduced distances. Differences were observed between the two children in jaw kinematic variability, with one child exhibiting increased variability, while the other child demonstrated reduced or comparable variability compared to the control group. Conclusions: Possible sub-clinical impairments of jaw movement for speech were exhibited by two children who had sustained a TBI, providing insight into the consequences of TBI on speech motor control development.


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The 40 life history, myological, and osteological characters that Tibbetts (1992) used in his study of the hemiramphids are evaluated for both saury genera (Cololabis and Scomberesox) to determine if the Scomberesocidae are more closely related to the Zenarchopteridae, to the needlefishes (Belonidae), or to the halfbeaks (Hemiramphidae) and flyingfishes (Exocoetidae). Data were analyzed using PAUP*, and eight equally parsimonious trees were found (70 steps, CI 0.814, RI 0.938). This analysis indicates that sauries are most closely related to needlefishes, supporting the historical concept of the superfamily Scomberesocoidea as a monophyletic assemblage. A caudal displacement of the origin of the retractor dorsalis muscle is a tentative additional synapomorphy for all four saury species. Zenarchopteridae is strongly supported as a valid family sister to the Scomberesocoidea (decay index = 19, bootstrap = 100). Resolution of the internal structure of the Belonidae and the Hemiramphidae requires the identification of additional characters and examination of a greater number of taxa.


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The structure and function of the pharyngeal jaw apparatus (PJA) and postpharyngeal alimentary tract of Arrhamphus sclerolepis krefftii, an herbivorous hemiramphid, were investigated by dissection, light and scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray analysis of live specimens. A simple model of PJA operation is proposed, consisting of an adductive power stroke of the third pharyngobranchial that draws it posteriorly while the fifth ceratobranchial is adducted, and a return stroke in which the third pharyngobranchial bone is drawn anteriorly during abduction of the fifth ceratobranchial. Teeth in the posteromedial region of the PJA are eroded into an occlusion zone where the teeth of the third pharyngobranchial are spatulate incisiform and face posteriorly in opposition to the rostrally oriented spatulate incisiform teeth in the wear zone of the fifth ceratobranchial. The shape of the teeth and their pedestals (bone of attachment) is consistent with the model and with the forces likely to operate on the elements of the PJA during mastication. The role of pharyngeal tooth replacement in maintaining the occlusal surfaces in the PJA during growth is described. The postpharyngeal alimentary tract of A. sclerolepis krefftii comprises a stomachless cylinder that attenuates gradually as it passes straight to the anus, interrupted only by a rectal valve. The ratio of gut length to standard length is about 0.5. Despite superficial similarities to the cichlid PJA (Stiassny and Jensen [1987] Bull Mus Comp Zool 151: 269-319), the hemiramphid PJA differs in the fusion of the third pharyngobranchial bones, teeth in the second pharyngobranchials and the fifth ceratobranchial face anteriorly, the presence of a slide-like diarthroses between the heads of the fourth epibranchials and the third pharyngobranchial, the occlusion zone of constantly wearing teeth, and the unusual form of the muscularis craniopharyngobranchialis. The functional relationship between these structures is explained and the consequence for the fish of a complex PJA and a simple gut is discussed. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The holotype specimen of the ischnacanthid acanthodian Alopacanthus dentatus comprises most of the posterior half of a dentigerous jaw bone, rather than a fragment from the middle of the jaw as was previously believed. A new diagnosis and revised description for the taxon are based on the holotype from the Rhinestreet Shale (Frasnian) and other specimens front the North Evans and Genundewa limestones (early Frasnian) of the Genesee Formation (late Givetian-early Frasnian); all of: these dentigerous jaw bones were collected near Hamburg, New York state, U.S.A. An emended diagnosis for Atopacanthus clarifies the differences between it and other ischnacanthid genera.


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The ischnacanthid acanthodian Grenfellacanthus zerinae gen. et sp. nov. is described on the basis of two large jaw bones from the Late Devonian (late Famennian) Hunter Formation, near Grenfell, N.S.W. The new species is the youngest known ischnacanthid, and the largest ischnacanthid from Gondwana. As for many ischnacanthids, the structure of the jaws and teeth indicate that Grenfellacanthus was probably an ambush predator.


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Familial hyperparathyroidism is not uncommon in clinical endocrine practice. It encompasses a spectrum of disorders including multiple endocrine neoplasia types 1 (MEN1) and 2A, hyperparathyroidism-jaw tumour syndrome (HPT-JT), familial hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia (FHH), and familial isolated hyperparathyroidism (FIHP). Distinguishing among the five syndromes is often difficult but has profound implications for the management of patient and family. The availability of specific genetic testing for four of the syndromes has improved diagnostic accuracy and simplified family monitoring in many cases but its current cost and limited accessibility require rationalisation of its use. No gene has yet been associated exclusively with FIHP. FIHP phenotypes have been associated with mutant MEN1 and calcium-sensing receptor ( CASR) genotypes and, very recently, with mutation in the newly identified HRPT2 gene. The relative proportions of these are not yet clear. We report results of MEN1, CASR, and HRPT2 genotyping of 22 unrelated subjects with FIHP phenotypes. We found 5 (23%) with MEN1 mutations, four (18%) with CASR mutations, and none with an HRPT2 mutation. All those with mutations had multiglandular hyperparathyroidism. Of the subjects with CASR mutations, none were of the typical FHH phenotype. These findings strongly favour a recommendation for MEN1 and CASR genotyping of patients with multiglandular FIHP, irrespective of urinary calcium excretion. However, it appears that HRPT2 genotyping should be reserved for cases in which other features of the HPT-JT phenotype have occurred in the kindred. Also apparent is the need for further investigation to identify additional genes associated with FIHP.


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The Cotard syndrome is characterized by the delusion where an individual insists that he has died or part of his body has decayed. Although described classically in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, physical disorders including migraine, tumour and trauma have also been associated with the syndrome. Two new cases are described here, the one associated with arteriovenous malformations and the other with probable multiple sclerosis. The delusion has been embarrassing to each patient. Study of such cases may have wider implications for the understanding of the psychotic interpretation of body image, for example that occurring in anorexia nervosa.


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Objective - To study the possible dose dependence of the foetal malformation rate after exposure to sodium valproate in pregnancy Methods - Analysis of records of all foetuses in the Australian Registry of Antiepileptic Drugs in Pregnancy exposed to valproate, to carbamazepine, lamotrigine or phenytoin in the absence of valproate, and to no antiepileptic drugs. Results - The foetal malformation rate was higher (P < 0.05) in the 110 foetuses exposed to valproate alone (17.1%), and in the 165 exposed to valproate, whether alone or together with the other antiepileptic drugs (15.2%), than in the 297 exposed to the other drugs without valproate (2.4%). It was also higher (P < 0.10) than in the 40 not exposed to antiepileptic drugs (2.5%). Unlike the situation for the other drugs, the malformation rate in those exposed to valproate increased with increasing maternal drug dosage (P < 0.05). The rate was not altered by simultaneous exposure to the other drugs. Valproate doses exceeding 1400 mg per day seemed to be associated with a more steeply increasing malformation rate than at lower doses and with a different pattern of foetal malformations. Conclusion - Foetal exposure to valproate during pregnancy is associated with particularly high, and dose-dependent risks of malformation compared with other antiepileptic drugs, and may possibly involve different teratogenetic mechanisms.


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Background. A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 1, Adamts-1, is important for the development and function of the kidney. Mice lacking this protein present with renal lesions comprising enlarged calyces, and reduced cortex and medulla layers. Our current findings are consistent with the defect occurring due to a developmental dysgenesis. Methods. We generated Adamts-1 null mice, and further investigated their kidney phenotype in a time course study ranging from E18.5 to 12 months of age. Immunohistochemistry was used to assess the localization of type IV collagen, TGF-beta and F4/80-positive macrophages in the kidneys of Adcants-1 null mice compared to wild-type control animals. The expression of Adamts-1 mRNA was determined in metanephric kidney explants by in situ hybridization. Results. Adamts-1 null mice have a gross kidney defect. At day 18.5 of gestation, the Adcants-1 null kidney has a normal appearance but at birth when the kidney begins to function, the defect becomes evident. During development of the kidney Adamts-1 expression was specifically detected in the developing loops of Henle, as well as in the proximal and distal convoluted tubules. Expression was not detected in the ureter, ureteric bud or its derivatives as had been previously suggested. At 6 months and I year of age, the Adamts-1 null mice displayed interstitial fibrosis in the cortical and medullary regions of the kidney. At I year of age, the Adamts-1 null mice displayed mild interstitial matrix expansion associated with increased collagen type IV expression, without apparent tubular dilatation, compared to wild-type animals. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated TGF-beta protein localized to infiltrating macrophages and glomeruli of Adamts-1 null mice. Conclusions. Adamts-1 is required for the normal development of the kidney. The defect observed in its absence results from a dysgenic malformation affecting the medulla that becomes apparent at birth, once the kidneys start to function.


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The Australian Registry of Antiepileptic Drug Use in Pregnancy includes 172 instances in which women took sodium valproate, with or without other antiepileptic drugs, during pregnancy. These pregnancies resulted in a substantially higher (p < 0.05) rate of malformed offspring (15.1%) compared with 348 pregnant women who took antiepileptic drugs other than valproate (2.3%) and 40 pregnancies in epileptic women who took no antiepileptic drugs (2.5%). At valproate doses of 1400 mg and below per day, the mean rate of pregnancies with fetal malformations was 6.42% and did not seem to be dose-dependent. At higher valproate doses, the mean rate of pregnancy with fetal malformation was 33.9% and appeared to increase with increasing drug dosage. This finding suggests the need for reappraisal of the use of valproate in women who may become pregnant or are pregnant whilst the drug is taken. The therapeutic policy adopted may depend on whether valproate doses below 1400 mg per day are regarded as safe for the fetus. This study indicates that the risk of malformation associated with such doses was just statistically significantly (p < 0.05) higher than that associated with other antiepileptic drugs. Various possible clinical scenarios are discussed.


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The microstructure of parrotfish pharyngeal teeth was examined using scanning electron microscopy to infer possible mechanical properties of the dentition with respect to their function. Parrotfish tooth enameloid is formed from fluorapatite crystals grouped into bundles. In the upper and lower pharyngeal jaw, the majority of the crystal bundles are orientated either perpendicularly or vertically to the enameloid surface. The only exception is in the trailing apical enameloid in which the majority of bundles are orientated perpendicularly or horizontally to the trailing surface. A distinct transition occurs through the middle of the apex between the leading and trailing enameloid in teeth of the lower pharyngeal jaw. This transition appears less distinct in the teeth of the upper pharyngeal jaw. Enameloid microstructure indicates that shear forces predominate at the apex of the teeth. In the remainder of the enameloid, the microstructure indicates that wear is predominant, and the shear forces are of less importance.