96 resultados para invertebrate

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Over the past 30 years, numerous attempts to understand the relationship between offspring size and fitness have been made, and it has become clear that this critical relationship is strongly affected by environmental heterogeneity. For marine invertebrates, there has been a long-standing interest in the evolution of offspring size, but there have been very few empirical and theoretical examinations of post-metamorphic offspring size effects, and almost none have considered the effect of environmental heterogeneity on the offspring size/fitness relationship. We investigated the post-metamorphic effects of offspring size in the field for the colonial marine invertebrate Botrylloides violaceus. We also examined how the relationship between offspring size and performance was affected by three different types of intraspecific competition. We found strong and persistent effects of offspring size on survival and growth, but these effects depended on the level and type of intraspecific competition.. Generally, competition strengthened the advantages of increasing maternal investment. Interestingly, we found that offspring size determined the outcome of competitive interaction: juveniles that had more maternal investment were more likely to encroach on another juvenile's territory. This suggests that mothers have the previously unrecognized potential to influence the outcome of competitive interactions in benthic marine invertebrates. We created a simple optimality model, which utilized the data generated from our field experiments, and found that increasing intraspecific competition resulted in an increase,in predicted optimal size. Our results suggest that the relationship between offspring size and fitness is highly variable in the marine environment and strongly dependent on the density of conspecifics.


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Fish species around the world are parasitized by myxozoans of the genus Kudoa, several of which infect and cause damage of commercial importance. In particular, Kudoa thyrsites and Kudoa amamiensis infect certain cultured fish species causing damage to muscle tissue, making the fish unmarketable. Kudoa thyrsites has a broad host and geographic range infecting over 35 different fish species worldwide, while K. amamiensis has only been reported from a few species in Japanese waters. Through morphological and molecular analyses we have confirmed the presence of both of these parasites in eastern Australian waters. In addition, a novel Kudoa species was identified, having stellate spores, with one polar capsule larger than the other three. The SSU rDNA sequence of this parasite was 1.5% different from K. thyrsites and is an outlier from K. thyrsites representatives in a phylogenetic analysis. Furthermore, the spores of this parasite are distinctly smaller than those of K. thyrsites, and thus it is described as Kudoa minithyrsites n. sp. Although the potential effects of K. minithyrsites n. sp. on its fish hosts are unknown, both K. thyrsites and K. amamiensis are associated with flesh quality problems in some cultured species and may be potential threats to an expanding aquaculture industry in Australia.


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The biology of Paryphanta busbyi watti, an endangered carnivorous land snail, was studied mostly by following large juvenile and adult snails with harmonic radar. The snails are nocturnally active and most (79%) hide during the day under leaf litter or in dense vegetation. Fecal analysis showed that the diet is primarily earthworms, but some cannibalism of smaller snails occurs. Empty shells appear to be an additional source of dietary calcium. Mating occurred most frequently between April and July. Mating snails stayed together for 4-7 days, and each pair reversed their positions at least twice. Four snails were first found mating 151-1240 d after they acquired adult shells, and 7 snails were observed mating a second time after 66-298 d. We found 8 nests and observed 6 snails ovipositing; 5 snails laid eggs in holes they dug and one laid eggs in a crevice between rocks. In 2 instances, oviposition was recorded 52 and 140 d after mating. Snails were estimated to lay on average similar to17.5 eggs per year in 3-5 clutches. Most oviposition was observed in August/September, but some occurred between November and February. Of the snails that died, pigs killed 13.6% and humans inadvertently killed another 13.6%. Other snails died from unknown causes mostly during the drier and warmer months, from November to April. This large land snail survives in the presence of introduced predators, but some life history traits could predispose it to a rapid decline in numbers if new predators arrive.


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Populations of the planthopper vector Perkinsiella saccharicida on sugarcane cultivars resistant (cvs Q110 and Q87), moderately resistant (cvs Q90 and Q124) and susceptible (evs NCo310 and Q 102) to Fiji disease with known field resistance scores were monitored on the plant (2000-2001) and ratoon (2001-2002) crops. In both crops, the vector population remained very low, reaching its peak in the autumn. The vector population was significantly higher on cultivars susceptible to Fiji disease than on cultivars moderately resistant and resistant to Fiji disease. The number of R saccharicida adults, nymphs and oviposition sites per plant increased with the increase in the Fiji disease susceptibility. The results suggest that under low vector density, cultivar preference by the planthopper vector mediates Fiji disease resistance in sugarcane. To obtain resistance ratings in the glasshouse that reflect field resistance, glasshouse-screening trials should be conducted under both low and high vector densities, and the cultivar preference of the planthopper vector recorded along with Fiji disease incidence.


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In a search for potential biocontrol agents for Acacia melanoxylon R. Br. (Mimosaceae), larvae of the beetle Diplocoelus dilataticollis Lea (Coleoptera; Biphyllidae) were found within damaged seeds of A. melanoxylon. The gut contents of larvae and adults were examined to determine whether their diet included seeds, in apparent contradiction to the known mycophagous diet of members of this family of beetles. Calcofluor M2R White, a plant cell-wall staining optical brightener was used to differentiate between plant cell fragments and fungal tissue in the gut content smears. Gut contents of adults of a known seed predator of A. melanoxylon, a weevil of the genus Melanterius, were examined in the same way to provide a benchmark. The gut contents of D. dilataticollis differed from those of Melanterius sp. Fungal structures and microbes were found in the gut of D. dilataticollis, in contrast to plant cell fragments found in the gut of the weevil and from scrapes made directly from seeds. We conclude that larvae of D. dilataticollis feed primarily on fungi associated with damaged seed and therefore may not be the proximate cause of seed damage.


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The patched gene (Ptc) is a member of the hedgehog signaling pathway which plays a central role in the development of many invertebrate and vertebrate tissues. In addition, Ptc and a number of other pathway members are mutated in some common human cancers. Patched is the receptor for the hedgehog ligand and in the mouse ablation of the Ptc gene leads to developmental defects and an embryonic lethal phenotype. Here we describe a conditional Ptc allele in mice which will have utility for the temporospatial ablation of Ptc function. genesis 36:158-161, 2003. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Simultaneous fixation was investigated for a marine organism: the monogenean flatworm ectoparasite Merizocotyle icopae. Four protocols for primary fixation were compared: 3% glutaraldehyde alone in OAM cacodylate buffer for a minimum of 2 hours; 1% glutaraldehyde in combination with 1% osmium tetroxide, both in 0.1M cacodylate buffer, until tissues darkened (5-20 minutes); 1% glutaraldehyde in OAM cacodylate buffer in combination with 0.5% potassium ferricyanide-reduced osmium until tissues darkened (5-20 minutes); 1% glutaraldehyde in combination with 1% osmium tetroxide, both in 0.1M cacodylate buffer, for 30 minutes. The study confirms that the standard method for transmission electron microscopic fixation (first listed protocol) routinely applied to platyhelminths is optimal for ultrastructural preservation, but some simultaneous fixation methods (second and third listed protocols) are acceptable when rapid immobilization is needed. Scanning electron microscopic preparations may be improved using simultaneous primary fixation. (C) 2004 Wilcy-Liss, Inc.


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The monogeneans Decacotyle lymmae and D. tetrakordyle (Monocotylidae: Decacotylinae), from gills of the dasyatid stingrays Taeniura lymma and Pastinachus sephen, respectively, have a single aperture for adhesive secretion on each side of the anterior ventrolateral region. Rod-shaped bodies (S1) and electron-dense spherical secretion (S2) exit through specialised ducts opening adjacent to one another within these apertures. The S1 bodies are 230 +/- 11 nm wide and greater than or equal to4 mum long in D. lymmae and 240 +/- 9 nm wide and greater than or equal to3.3 mum long in D. tetrakordyle. The S2 bodies have a diameter of 88 +/- 7 nm in D. lymmae and 65 +/- 6 nm in D. tetrakordyle. The apertures are unusual in being extremely small (internal diameter, 3-5 mum). Each aperture has a slit-like surface opening as small as 160 nm wide, surrounded by muscle fibres indicating that they may be opened and closed. The aperture is also surrounded and underlain by muscle fibres that may aid in secretion from, or even eversion of, the tissue within the aperture. Sensilla/cilia are also found within the apertures. Additional secretions from anteromedian and anterolateral glands (body glands), each containing granular secretions, occur in profusion and exit anteriorly and posteriorly to the position of the apertures, through duct openings in the general body tegument. These granular secretions do not appear to be associated with anterior adhesion. Both species show similarities in aperture, underlying tissue, sense organ, and secretion detail, in accordance with findings from other monogenean genera, and which supports the importance of such data for phylogenetic studies.


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Histological investigations of the pathology of Helicoverpa armigera (Hiibner) eggs after attack by the egg parasitoid, Trichogramma australicum (Girault), indicate that the developing embryo is immediately killed by envenomation. Soon afterward the histological staining characteristics of parasitized host embryos change and the embryonic germ band dissociates into a mass of individual rounded cells. Hosts attacked by females sterilized by gamma-irradiation showed the same pathological effects as normally parasitized hosts, indicating that host degeneration is due to female venom rather than factors derived from the parasitoid embryo or larva. Cell death also occurred in older host embryos although tissue breakdown was delayed. These findings have allowed us to determine not just that the host dies but what happens to the cells and tissues, i.e., their physical appearance, the time course of their degeneration, and that the process is retarded in older hosts. These processes can possibly be emulated in artificial diets. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The maT clade of transposons is a group of transposable elements intermediate in sequence and predicted protein structure to mariner and T-C transposons, with a distribution thus far limited to a few invertebrate species. In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, there are eight copies of CemaT1 that are predicted to encode a functional transposase, with five copies being >99% identical. We present evidence, based on searches of publicly available databases and on PCR-based mobility assays, that the CemaT1 transposase is expressed in C. elegans and that the CemaT transposons are capable of excising in both somatic and germline tissues. We also show that the frequency of CemaT1 excisions within the genome of the N2 strain of C. elegans is comparable to that of the Tc1 transposon. However, unlike T-C transposons in mutator strains of C elegans, maT transposons do not exhibit increased frequencies of mobility, suggesting that maT is not regulated by the same factors that control T-C activity in these strains. Finally, we show that CemaT1 transposons are capable of precise transpositions as well as orientation inversions at some loci, and thereby become members of an increasing number of identified active transposons within the C. elegans genome. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Epaulette sharks Hemiscyllium ocellatum were surveyed on Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia for gnathiid isopods and protozoan (haemogregarine) parasites to determine the prevalence and intensity of infection and to investigate the potential role of gnathiids as vectors of these haemogregarines, the first such study carried out on elasmobranchs. Juvenile gnathiids were collected and quantified using a novel non-invasive and chemical-free technique and gnathiid squashes were examined for haemogregarine developmental stages. The feeding and reproductive ecology of the Gnathia spp. was investigated to better understand the relationship between gnathiids and haemogregarines. Gnathiids were found on all sharks and intensities ranged between two and 66. Only third-stage gnathiid juveniles were found, which fell into two size groups (A and B). These juveniles remained attached to H. ocellatum for up to 17 days, the longest period of attachment yet recorded for gnathiids. Group A female gnathiids produced broods of 45-187 (median = 120) first stage juveniles from between 54 and 82 days (median = 63 days) after detachment. First stage juveniles survived for an average of 15.8 +/- 0.1 (SEM) days without feeding. The prevalence (6.7%) and parasitaemia (usually


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The anterior adhesive mechanism was studied for Merizocotyle icopae (Monogenea: Monocotylidae). Adult anterior apertures can open and close. In addition, duct endings terminating within the apertures are everted or retracted depending on the stage of attachment. Adhesive in adults is synthesized from all 3 secretory types (rod-shaped, small and large spheroidal bodies) found within anterior apertures. All exit together and undergo mixing to produce the adhesive matrix, a process that depletes duct contents. A greater number of ducts carrying rod-shaped bodies is depleted than ducts containing spheroidal bodies which changes the ratio of secretory types present on detachment. Detachment involves elongation of duct endings and secretion of additional matrix as the worm pulls away from the substrate. The change in secretory type ratio putatively modifies the properties of the secreted matrix enabling detachment. Only after detachment do ducts refill. During attachment, individual secretory bodies undergo morphological changes. The larval and adult adhesive matrix differs. Anterior adhesive in oncomiracidia does not show fibres with banding whereas banded fibres comprise a large part of adult adhesive. The data Suggest that this is the result of adult spheroidal secretions modifying the way in which the adult adhesive matrix forms.