5 resultados para inclusion bodies

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The efficiency of physical separation of inclusion bodies from cell debris is related to cell debris size and inclusion body release and both factors should be taken into account when designing a process. In this work, cell disruption by enzymatic treatment with lysozyme and cellulase, by homogenization, and by homogenization with ammonia pretreatment is discussed. These disruption methods are compared on the basis of inclusion body release, operating costs, and cell debris particle size. The latter was measured with cumulative sedimentation analysis in combination with membrane-associated protein quantification by SDS-PAGE and a spectrophotometric pepticloglycan quantification method. Comparison of the results obtained with these two cell debris quantification methods shows that enzymatic treatment yields cell debris particles with varying chemical composition, while this is not the case with the other disruption methods that were investigated. Furthermore, the experiments show that ammonia pretreatment with homogenization increases inclusion body release compared to homogenization without pretreatment and that this pretreatment may be used to control the cell debris size to some extent. The enzymatic disruption process gives a higher product release than homogenization with or without ammonia pretreatment at lower operating costs, but it also yields a much smaller cell debris size than the other disruption process. This is unfavorable for centrifugal inclusion body purification in this case, where cell debris is the component going to the sediment and the inclusion body is the floating component. Nevertheless, calculations show that centrifugal separation of inclusion bodies from the enzymatically treated cells gives a high inclusion body yield and purity. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Many recombinant proteins are often over-expressed in host cells, such as Escherichia coli, and are found as insoluble and inactive protein aggregates known as inclusion bodies (IBs). Recently, a novel process for IB extraction and solubilisation, based on chemical extraction, has been reported. While this method has the potential to radically intensify traditional IB processing, the process economics of the new technique have yet to be reported. This study focuses on the evaluation of process economics for several IB processing schemes based on chemical extraction and/or traditional techniques. Simulations and economic analysis were conducted at various processing conditions using granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor, expressed as IBs in E. coli, as a model protein. In most cases, IB processing schemes based on chemical extraction having a shorter downstream cascade demonstrated a competitive economic edge over the conventional route, validating the new process as an economically more viable alternative for IB processing.


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The fusion of a protein of interest to a large-affinity tag, such as the maltose-binding protein (MBP), thioredoxin (TRX), or glutathione-S-transferase (GST), can be advantageous in terms of increased expression, enhanced solubility, protection from proteolysis, improved folding, and protein purification via affinity chromatography. Unfortunately, crystal growth is hindered by the conformational heterogeneity induced by the fusion tag, requiring that the tag is removed by a potentially problematic cleavage step. The first three crystal structures of fusion proteins with large-affinity tags have been reported recently. All three structures used a novel strategy to rigidly fuse the protein of interest to MBP via a short three- to five-amino acid spacer. This strategy has the potential to aid structure determination of proteins that present particular experimental challenges and are not conducive to more conventional crystallization strategies (e.g., membrane proteins). Structural genomics initiatives may also benefit from this approach as a way to crystallize problematic proteins of significant interest.


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Enzymatically active Delta(5)-3-ketosteroid isomerase (KSI) protein with a C-terminus his(6)-tag was produced following insoluble expression using Escherichia coli. A simple, integrated process was used to extract and purify the target protein. Chemical extraction was shown to be as effective as homogenization at releasing the inclusion body proteins from the bacteria] cells, with complete release taking less than 20 min. An expanded bed adsorption (EBA) column utilizing immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) was then used to purify the denatured KSI-(His(6)) protein directly from the chemical extract. This integrated process greatly simplifies the recovery and purification of inclusion body proteins by removing the need for mechanical cell disruption, repeated inclusion body centrifugation, and difficult clarification operations. The integrated chemical extraction and EBA process achieved a very high purity (99%) and recovery (89%) of the KSI-(His(6)), with efficient utilization of the adsorbent matrix (9.74 mg KSI-(His(6))/mL adsorbent). Following purification the protein was refolded by dilution to obtain the biologically active protein. Seventy-nine percent of the expressed KSI-(His(6)) protein was recovered as enzymatically active protein with the described extraction, purification, and refolding process. In addition to demonstrating the operation of this intensified inclusion body process, a plate-based concentration assay detecting KSI-(His(6)) is validated. The intensified process in this work requires minimal optimization for recovering novel his-tagged proteins, and further improves the economic advantage of E. coli as a host organism. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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In recent years there has been a resurgence of decentralized social governance concerned with the spatial dimensions of disadvantage. This article examines aspects of this resurgence in the Australian state of Queensland where, after the hasty birth of 'place management' in response to the rise of 'Hansonism', a plethora of 'joined-up' policy initiatives were undertaken in relation to the regional dimensions of poverty. We propose that these trends reflect in part new ways of thinking about the spatial aspects of disadvantage which have emerged in recent years and which have the potential to take regional policy beyond the narrow confines imposed by neoliberal economic orthodoxy. These new ways of thinking have arisen in social policy through the refraining of disadvantage in terms of social exclusion and in regional economic policy through the influence of the so-called 'new regionalism'. The article shows how together these bodies of theory point us towards a new model of 'associational governance'. The article reviews recent Queensland experience and indicates those features of 'associational governance' which have become characteristic of locality-based social policy ideas in Queensland. 'Joined-up' and regional policy aspirations of the Queensland State government have shown the influence of these new approaches. The political and policy sustainability of these trends, however, is uncertain. The lingering shadow of managerialism and neoliberal policy frameworks remains a significant barrier to the innovation and viability of these approaches. More directly, the inherent limits of the 'local' or 'regional' initiatives in the face of broader national and global factors will significantly constrain the capacity of associational governance systems to deliver positive democratic, social and economic outcomes. The article examines recent Queensland policy refors in light of this complex set of factors and concludes by offering directions for future research and policy development.