54 resultados para highland soils

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Although plant growth is often limited at high pH, little is known about root-induced changes in the rhizospheres of plants growing in alkaline soils. The effect of Mn deficiency in Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana cv. Pioneer) and of legume inoculation in lucerne (Medicago sativa L. cv. Hunter River), on the rhizosphere pH of plants grown in highly alkaline bauxite residue was investigated. Rhizosphere pH was measured quantitatively, with a micro pH electrode, and qualitatively, with an agar/pH indicator solution. Manganese deficiency in Rhodes grass increased root-induced acidification of the rhizosphere in a soil profile in which N was supplied entirely as NO3-. Rhizosphere pH in the Mn deficient plants was up to 1.22 pH units lower than that of the bulk soil, while only 0.90 to 0.62 pH units lower in plants supplied with adequate Mn. When soil N was supplied entirely as NO3-, rhizosphere acidification was more efficient in inoculated lucerne (1.75 pH unit decrease) than in non-inoculated lucerne (1.16 pH unit decrease). This difference in capacity to lower rhizosphere pH is attributable to the ability of the inoculated lucerne to fix atmospheric N2 rather than relying on the soil N (NO3 ) reserves as the non-inoculated plants. Rhizosphere acidification in both Rhodes grass and lucerne was greatest in the meristematic root zone and least in the maturation root zone.


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Despite the increasing prevalence of salinity world-wide, the measurement of exchangeable cation concentrations in saline soils remains problematic. Two soil types (Mollisol and Vertisol) were equilibrated with a range of sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) solutions at various ionic strengths. The concentrations of exchangeable cations were then determined using several different types of methods, and the measured exchangeable cation concentrations compared to reference values. At low ionic strength (low salinity), the concentration of exchangeable cations can be accurately estimated from the total soil extractable cations. In saline soils, however, the presence of soluble salts in the soil solution precludes the use of this method. Leaching of the soil with a pre-wash solution (such as alcohol) was found to effectively remove the soluble salts from the soil, thus allowing the accurate measurement of the effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC). However, the dilution associated with this pre-washing increased the exchangeable Ca concentrations while simultaneously decreasing exchangeable Na. In contrast, when calculated as the difference between the total extractable cations and the soil solution cations, good correlations were found between the calculated exchangeable cation concentrations and the reference values for both Na (Mollisol: y=0.873x and Vertisol: y=0.960x) and Ca (Mollisol: y=0.901x and Vertisol: y=1.05x). Therefore, for soils with a soil solution ionic strength greater than 50 mM (electrical conductivity of 4 dS/m) (in which exchangeable cation concentrations are overestimated by the assumption they can be estimated as the total extractable cations), concentrations can be calculated as the difference between total extractable cations and soluble cations.


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Despite its environmental (and financial) importance, there is no agreement in the literature as to which extractant most accurately estimates the phytoavailability of trace metals in soils. A large dataset was taken from the literature, and the effectiveness of various extractants to predict the phytoavailability of Cd, Zn, Ni, Cu, and Pb examined across a range of soil types and contamination levels. The data suggest that generally, the total soil trace metal content, and trace metal concentrations determined by complexing agents (such as the widely used DTPA and EDTA extractants) or acid extractants (such as 0.1 M HCl and the Mehlich 1 extractant) are only poorly correlated to plant phytoavailability. Whilst there is no consensus, it would appear that neutral salt extractants (such as 0.01 M CaCl2 and 0.1 M NaNO3) provide the most useful indication of metal phytoavailability across a range of metals of interest, although further research is required.


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The movement of chemicals through the soil to the groundwater or discharged to surface waters represents a degradation of these resources. In many cases, serious human and stock health implications are associated with this form of pollution. The chemicals of interest include nutrients, pesticides, salts, and industrial wastes. Recent studies have shown that current models and methods do not adequately describe the leaching of nutrients through soil, often underestimating the risk of groundwater contamination by surface-applied chemicals, and overestimating the concentration of resident solutes. This inaccuracy results primarily from ignoring soil structure and nonequilibrium between soil constituents, water, and solutes. A multiple sample percolation system (MSPS), consisting of 25 individual collection wells, was constructed to study the effects of localized soil heterogeneities on the transport of nutrients (NO3-, Cl-, PO43-) in the vadose zone of an agricultural soil predominantly dominated by clay. Very significant variations in drainage patterns across a small spatial scale were observed tone-way ANOVA, p < 0.001) indicating considerable heterogeneity in water flow patterns and nutrient leaching. Using data collected from the multiple sample percolation experiments, this paper compares the performance of two mathematical models for predicting solute transport, the advective-dispersion model with a reaction term (ADR), and a two-region preferential flow model (TRM) suitable for modelling nonequilibrium transport. These results have implications for modelling solute transport and predicting nutrient loading on a larger scale. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A morphological and physiological characterization of yeast strains CBS 8908, CBS 8915, CBS 8920, CBS 8925(T) and CBS 8926, isolated from Antarctic soils, was performed. Phylogenetic analyses of the sequences of the D1/D2 regions and the adjacent internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of the large-subunit rDNA of these strains placed them into the Tremellales clade of the Hymenomycetes. The sequence data identified strains CBS 8908, CBS 8915 and CBS 8920 as belonging to the species Cryptococcus victoriae. Strains CBS 8925(T) and CBS 8926 were found to represent an unique clade within the Hymenomycetes, with Dioszegia crocea CBS 6714(T) being their closest phylogenetic relative. Fatty acid composition and proteome fingerprint data for these novel strains were also obtained. No sexual state was observed. A novel basidiomycetous species, Cryptococcus statzelliae, is proposed for strains CBS 8925(T) and CBS 8926.


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The magnesium (Mg) status of 52 highly weathered, predominantly acidic, surface soils from tropical and subtropical north-eastern Australia was evaluated in a laboratory study. Soils were selected to represent a range of soil types and management histories. Exchangeable Mg concentrations were generally low (median value 0.37 cmol(+)/kg), with deficient levels (<0.3 cmol(+)/kg) being measured in 22 of the soils, highlighting the potential for Mg deficiency as a limitation to plant growth in the region. Furthermore, acid-extractable Mg concentrations, considered a reserve of potentially available Mg, were generally modest (mean and median values, 1.6 and 0.40 cmol(+)/kg, respectively). The total Mg content of the soils studied ranged from 123 to 7894 mg/kg, the majority present in the mineral pool (mean 71%), with smaller proportions in the acid-soluble (mean 11%) and exchangeable (mean 17%) pools, and a negligible amount associated with organic matter (mean 1%). A range of extractant solutions used to displace exchangeable Mg was compared, and found to yield similar results on soils with exchangeable Mg <4 cmol(+)/kg. However, at higher exchangeable Mg concentrations, dilute extractants (0.01 M CaCl2, 0.0125 M BaCl2) displaced less Mg than concentrated extractants (1 M NH4Cl, 1 M NH4OAc, 1 M KCl). The concentrated extractants displaced similar amounts of Mg, thus the choice of extractant is not critical, provided the displacing cation is sufficiently concentrated. Exchangeable Mg was not significantly correlated to organic carbon (P > 0.05), and only 45% of the variation in exchangeable Mg could be explained by a combination of pH(w) and clay content.


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A glasshouse trial, in which maize (Zea mays L. cv. Pioneer 3270) was grown in 35 north-eastern Australian soils of low magnesium (Mg) status, was undertaken to study the response to applied Mg. Of the soils studied, 20 were strongly acidic (pH(1:5 soil:water) <5.4), and in these soils the response to Mg was studied in both the presence and absence of lime. Magnesium application significantly (P < 0.05) increased dry matter yield in 10 soils, all of which were strongly acidic. However, significant Mg responses were recorded in 6 soils in the presence of lime, indicating that, in many situations, liming strategies may need to include consideration of Mg nutrition. Critical soil test values for 90% relative yield were 0.21 cmol(+)/kg of exchangeable Mg or 7% Mg saturation, whilst the critical (90% yield) plant tissue Mg concentration (whole shoots) was 0.15%.


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A methodology, based on a combination of routinely performed analyses and investigation of fundamental charge and anion sorption properties, was used to characterize the soils of the humid forest zone of Cameroon, In general, the soils have about 2 cmol kg(-1) permanent negative charge, with about 1 cmol kg(-1) from variable-charge sources at current soil pH values, Furthermore, they are impoverished with respect to Ca, Mg, and K, while Al frequently dominates the exchange complex. Thus, the ability of these soils to retain base cations is more limited than is suggested by the cation-exchange capacity (CEC), Therefore we propose the concept of a degradation index (DI) defined as: DI = 100(CEC5.5 - sum of basic cations)/CEC5.5, where CEC5.5 is the CEC measured at pH 5.5, This index encompasses degradation a soil may have experienced from natural or man-made causes, Extractable PO4 concentrations are considered very low and the soils have a moderate to high capacity to fix added PO4. Surface soil SO4 concentrations are considered marginal to deficient for plant growth, though adequate reserves of SO4 are held in the subsoil by SO4 sorption, The approach used demonstrated that the five morphologically different soil profile classes identified in the zone have similar chemical characteristics. Thus, the results of experimentation conducted on one of the soil profile classes will be applicable throughout the zone, Furthermore, the approach has provided a means of identifying comparable soil types in other parts of the world and will guide technology transfer, The analytical methods used in this study are relatively simple and require no specialized equipment, and are therefore within the capabilities of many laboratories in the developing world.


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