19 resultados para gear clutch
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
Freeform fabrication methods allow the direct formation of parts built layer by layer, under the control of a CAD drawing. Most of these methods form parts in thermoplastic or thermoset polymers, but there would be many applications for freeform fabrication of fully functional metal or ceramic parts. We describe here the freeforming of sinterable aluminium alloys. In addition, the building approach allows different materials to be positioned within a monolithic part for an optimal combination of properties. This is illustrated here with the formation of an aluminium gear with a metal-matrix composite wear surface. (C) 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
The authors conducted a 1-year investigation of whether children, who had been trained in the previous school gear to cooperate, were able to use the skills they had been taught in reconstituted groups without additional training. Sixty-four 4th graders, who had participated in training in cooperative group behaviors in the previous gear, were assigned to the trained condition; 84 4th graders, who had not received any training, were assigned to the untrained condition. The children worked in mixed-ability (high, medium, low) gender-balanced groups (2 boys, 2 girls). Results indicate that the children in the trained groups were consistently more cooperative and helpful than their peers in the untrained groups, although they had not received refresher training in cooperative group behaviors.
Life histories are generally assumed to evolve via antagonistic pleiotropy (negative genetic correlations) among traits, and trade-offs between life-history traits are typically studied using either phenotypic manipulations or selection experiments. We investigated the trade-off between egg size and fecundity in Drosophila melanogaster by examining both the phenotypic and genetic relationships between these traits after artificial selection for large and small eggs, relative to female body size. Egg size responded strongly to selection in both directions, increasing in the large-egg selected lines and decreasing in the small-egg selected lines. Phenotypic correlations between egg size and fecundity in the large-egg selected lines were negative, but no relationship between these traits occurred in either the control or small-egg selected lines. There was no negative genetic correlation between egg size and fecundity. Total reproductive allocation decreased in the small-egg selected lines but did not increase in the large-egg lines. Our results have three implications. First, our selection procedure may have forced females selected for large eggs into a physiological trade-off not reflected in a negative genetic correlation between these traits. Second, the lack of a negative genetic correlation between egg size and number suggests that the phenotypic trade-off frequently observed between egg size and number in other organisms may not evolve over the short term via a direct genetic trade-off whereby increases in egg size are automatically accompanied by decreased fecundity. Finally, total reproductive allocation may not evolve independently of egg size as commonly assumed.
Mating order can have important consequences for the fertilization success of males whose ejaculates compete to fertilize a clutch of eggs. Despite an excellent body of literature on mating-order effects in many animals, they have rarely been considered in marine free-spawning invertebrates, where both sexes release gametes into the water column. In this study, we show that in such organisms, mating order can have profound repercussions for male reproductive success. Using in vitro fertilization for two species of sea urchin we found that the 'fertilization history' of a clutch of eggs strongly influenced the size distribution of unfertilized eggs, and consequently the likelihood that they will be fertilized. Males that had first access to a batch of eggs enjoyed elevated fertilization success because they had privileged access to the largest and therefore most readily fertilizable eggs within a clutch. By contrast, when a male's sperm were exposed to a batch of unfertilized eggs left over from a previous mating event, fertilization rates were reduced, owing to smaller eggs remaining in egg clutches previously exposed to sperm. Because of this size-dependent fertilization, the fertilization history of eggs also strongly influenced the size distribution of offspring, with first-spawning males producing larger, and therefore fitter, offspring. These findings suggest that when there is variation in egg size, mating order will influence not only the quantity but also the quality of offspring sired by competing males.
Numerous studies have reported that females benefit from mating with multiple males (polyandry) by minimizing the probability of fertilization by genetically incompatible sperm. Few, however, have directly attributed variation in female reproductive success to the fertilizing capacity of sperm. In this study we report on two experiments that investigated the benefits of polyandry and the interacting effects of males and females at fertilization in the free-spawning Australian sea urchin Heliocidaris erythrogramma. In the first experiment we used a paired (split clutch) experimental design and compared fertilization rates within female egg clutches under polyandry (eggs exposed to the sperm from two males simultaneously) and monandry (eggs from the same female exposed to sperm from each of the same two males separately). Our analysis revealed a significant fertilization benefit of polyandry and strong interacting effects of males and females at fertilization. Further analysis of these data strongly suggested that the higher rates of fertilization in the polyandry treatment were due to an overrepresentation of fertilizations due to the most compatible male. To further explore the interacting effects of males and females at fertilization we performed a second factorial experiment in which four mates were crossed with two females (in all eight combinations). In addition to confirming that fertilization success is influenced by male X female interactions, this latter experiment revealed that both sexes contributed significant variance to the observed patterns of fertilization. Taken together, these findings highlight the importance of male X female interactions at fertilization and suggest that polyandry will enable females to reduce the cost of fertilization by incompatible gametes.
A central tenet of life-history theory is the presence of a trade-off between the size and number of offspring that a female can produce for a given clutch. A crucial assumption of this trade-off is that larger offspring perform better than smaller offspring. Despite the importance of this assumption empirical, field-based tests are rare, especially for marine organisms. We tested this assumption for the marine invertebrate, Diplosoma listerianum, a colonial ascidian that commonly occurs in temperate marine communities. Colonies that came from larger larvae had larger feeding structures than colonies that came from smaller larvae. Colonies that came from larger larvae also had higher survival and growth after 2 weeks in the field than colonies that came from smaller larvae. However, after 3 weeks in the field the colonies began to fragment and we could not detect an effect of larval size. We suggest that offspring size can have strong effects on the initial recruitment of D. listerianum but because of the tendency of this species to fragment, offspring size effects are less persistent in this species than in others.
When the availability of sperm limits female reproductive success, competition for sperm, may be an important broker of sexual selection. This is because sperm limitation can increase the variance in female reproductive success, resulting in strong selection on females to compete for limited fertilization opportunities. Sperm limitation is probably common in broadcast-spawning marine invertebrates, making these excellent candidates for investigating scramble competition between broods of eggs and its consequences for female reproductive success. Here, we report our findings from a series of experiments that investigate egg competition in the sessile, broadcast-spawning polychaete Galeolaria caespitosa. We initially tested whether the order in which eggs encounter sperm affects their fertilization success at two ecologically relevant current regimes. We used a split-clutch-split-ejaculate technique to compare the fertilization success of eggs from individual females that had either first access (competition-free treatment) or second access (egg competition treatment) to a batch of sperm. We found that fertilization success depended on the order in which eggs accessed sperm; eggs that were assigned to the competition-free treatment exhibited significantly higher fertilization rates than those assigned to the egg competition treatment at both current speeds. In subsequent experiments we found that prior exposure of sperm to eggs significantly reduced both the quantity and quality of sperm available to fertilize a second clutch of eggs, resulting in reductions in fertilization success at high and low sperm concentrations. These findings suggest that female traits that increase the likelihood of sperm-egg interactions (e.g. egg size) will respond to selection imposed by egg competition.
I examined age effects on reproduction in the Brown Thornbill Acanthiza pusilla in Canberra, Australia. I found that the reproductive performance of both males and females improved with age, although only age-related improvement in male performance had a significant effect on annual reproductive success. Reproductive success improved with male age as a result of improved performance during two stages of the breeding cycle: first-year males were less likely to fledge young than those aged two or more, while both first and second-year males were less successful at raising fledglings to independence than males of three or more. Male performance appears to improve over three years as they gain experience at provisioning nestlings and caring for fledglings without attracting predators, rather than as a direct result of improved foraging skills. In contrast, reproductive success only improved slightly with female age, although females of two or more years initiated their first clutch earlier in the season than one-year-old females, and tended to be mure likely to re-nest if a breeding attempt failed. The poor performance of young females appears unlikely to be related to their foraging ability but may be associated with costs imposed by dispersing to a breeding vacancy earlier in the year. Although the reproductive performance of Brown Thornbills improves considerably with age 1 found no evidence that performance improved as a result of repeated breeding attempts with the same partner.
1. Latitudinal variation among species in life-history traits is often suggested to contribute to high tropical species richness. However, traditional methods of analysing such variation rarely control for phylogeny and latitudinal range overlap between species, potentially giving misleading results. 2. Using a method of pairwise independent contrasts which overcomes these problems, I tested for latitudinal variation among bird species in a number of traits which have been linked, theoretically or empirically, with both latitude and species richness. 3. This method indicates strong support for Rapoport's Rule and decreasing clutch size towards the equator in both hemispheres, but only partial support for decreasing body size and ecological generalism towards the equator. 4. Indirect measures of sexual selection (sexual dichromatism and size dimorphism) show no variation with latitude; an apparent increase in dichromatism towards the equator is shown to be an artefact of phylogeny. 5. Many of the associations between life history and latitude were not detected by traditional cross-species analyses, highlighting the importance of incorporating phylogeny and overlap in studies of geographical life-history variation. Establishing associations between life-history traits and latitude does not prove, but is a necessary prerequisite for., a link between these traits and latitudinal diversity gradients.
Life history has been implicated as a determinant of variation in rate of molecular evolution amongst vertebrate species because of a negative correlation between bode size and substitution rate for many Molecular data sets. Both the generality and the cause of the negative bode size trend have been debated, and the validity of key studies has been questioned (particularly concerning the failure to account for phylogenetic bias). In this study, a comparative method has been used to test for an association between a range of life-history variables-such as body size age at maturity, and clutch size-and DNA substitution rate for three genes (NADH4, cytochrome b, and c-mos). A negative relationship between body size and rate of molecular evolution was found for phylogenetically independent pairs of reptile species spanning turtles. lizards. snakes, crocodile, and tuatara. Although this Study was limited by the number of comparisons for which both sequence and lite-history data were available, the results, suggest that a negative bode size trend in rate of molecular evloution may be a general feature of reptile molecular evolution. consistent with similar studies of mammals and birds. This observation has important implications for uncovering the mechanisms of molecular evolution and warns against assuming that related lineages will share the same substitution rate (a local molecular clock) in order to date evolutionary divergences from DNA sequences.