48 resultados para fresh water fish
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
The speculation that climate change may impact on sustainable fish production suggests a need to understand how these effects influence fish catch on a broad scale. With a gross annual value of A$ 2.2 billion, the fishing industry is a significant primary industry in Australia. Many commercially important fish species use estuarine habitats such as mangroves, tidal flats and seagrass beds as nurseries or breeding grounds and have lifecycles correlated to rainfall and temperature patterns. Correlation of catches of mullet (e.g. Mugil cephalus) and barramundi (Lates calcarifer) with rainfall suggests that fisheries may be sensitive to effects of climate change. This work reviews key commercial fish and crustacean species and their link to estuaries and climate parameters. A conceptual model demonstrates ecological and biophysical links of estuarine habitats that influences capture fisheries production. The difficulty involved in explaining the effect of climate change on fisheries arising from the lack of ecological knowledge may be overcome by relating climate parameters with long-term fish catch data. Catch per unit effort (CPUE), rainfall, the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and catch time series for specific combinations of climate seasons and regions have been explored and surplus production models applied to Queensland's commercial fish catch data with the program CLIMPROD. Results indicate that up to 30% of Queensland's total fish catch and up to 80% of the barramundi catch variation for specific regions can be explained by rainfall often with a lagged response to rainfall events. Our approach allows an evaluation of the economic consequences of climate parameters on estuarine fisheries. thus highlighting the need to develop forecast models and manage estuaries for future climate chan e impact by adjusting the quota for climate change sensitive species. Different modelling approaches are discussed with respect to their forecast ability. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The parasite community of animals is generally influenced by host physiology, ecology, and phylogeny. Therefore, sympatric and phylogenetically related hosts with similar ecologies should have similar parasite communities. To test this hypothesis we surveyed the endoparasites of 5 closely related cheilinine fishes (Labridae) from the Great Barrier Reef. They were Cheilinus chlorounts, C. trilobatus, C. fasciatils, Epibulus insidiator and OxYcheilinus diagrainnia. VVe examined the relationship between parasitological variables (richness, abundance and diversity) and host characteristics (bodv weight, diet and phuylogeny). The 5 fishes had 31 parasite species with 9-18 parasite species per fish species. Cestode larvae (mostly Tetraphyllidea) were the most abundant and prevalent parasites followed by nematodes and digeneans. Parasites, body size and diet of hosts differed between fish species. In general, body weight, diet and host phylogeny each explained some of the variation in richness and composition of parasites among the fishes. The 2 most closely related species, Cheilinus chlorourus and C. trilobatus, had broadly similar parasites but the Other fish species differed significantly in all variables. However, there was no all -encompassing pattern. This may, be because different lineages of parasites may react differently to ecological variables. We also argue that adult parasites may respond principally to host diet. In contrast, larval parasite composition may respond both to host diet and predator-prey interactions because this is the path by which many, parasites complete their life-cycles. Finally, variation in parasite phylogeny and parasite life-cycles among hosts likely increase the complexity of the system making it difficult to find all-encompassing patterns between host characteristics and parasites, particularly when all the species in rich parasite communities are considered.
An unusual saltwater population of the "freshwater" crocodilian, Crocodylus johnstoni, was studied in the estuary of the Limmen Bight River in Australia's Northern Territory and compared with populations in permanently freshwater habitats. Crocodiles in the river were found across a large salinity gradient, from fresh water to a salinity of 24 mg.ml-1, more than twice the body fluid concentration. Plasma osmolarity, concentrations of plasma Na+, Cl-, and K+, and exchangeable Na+ pools were all remarkably constant across the salinity spectrum and were not substantially higher or more variable than those in crocodiles from permanently freshwater habitats. Body fluid volumes did not vary; condition factor and hydration status of crocodiles were not correlated with salinity and were not different from those of crocodiles from permanently fresh water. C. johnstoni clearly has considerable powers of osmoregulation in waters of low to medium salinity. Whether this osmoregulatory competence, extends to continuously hyperosmotic environments is not known, but distributional data suggest that C. johnstoni in hyperosmotic conditions may require periodic access to hypoosmotic water. The study demonstrates a physiological capacity for colonisation of at least some estuarine waters by this normally stenohaline freshwater crocodilian.
Relative eye size, gross brain morphology and central localization of 2-[I-125]iodomelatonin binding sites and melatonin receptor gene expression were compared in six gadiform fish living at different depths in the north-east Atlantic Ocean: Phycis blennoides (capture depth range 265-1260 m), Nezumia aequalis (445-1512 m), Coryphaenoides rupestris (706-1932 m), Trachyrincus murrayi (1010-1884 m), Coryphaenoides guentheri (1030 m) and Coryphaenoides (Nematonurus) armatus (2172-4787 m). Amongst these, the eye size range was 0.15-0.35 of head length with a value of 0.19 for C.(N.) armatus, the deepest species. Brain morphology reflected behavioural differences with well-developed olfactory regions in P.blennoides, T.murrayi and C. (N.) armatus and evidence of olfactory deficit in N. aequalis, C. rupestris and C. guentheri. All species had a clearly defined optic tectum with 2-[I-125] iodomelatonin binding and melatonin receptor gene expression localized to specific brain regions in a similar pattern to that found in shallow-water fish. Melatonin receptors were found throughout the visual structures of the brains of all species. Despite living beyond the depth of penetration of solar light these fish have retained central features associated with the coupling of cycles of growth, behaviour and reproduction to the diel light-dark cycle. How this functions in the deep sea remains enigmatic.
Microhabitat use and feeding behavior of the rainbowfish Melanotaenia duboulayi (Castelnau) were investigated in a slow-flowing stream adjacent to riparian forest in south-eastern Queensland, Australia. Fish were more abundant in vegetated areas, but did not enter dense Vallisneria beds, where predators were observed. In sunny conditions shoals of juveniles occurred near the water surface feeding floating material on the surface, but larger fish tended to occur at the bottom near submerged vegetation, often utilizing the overhanging aquatic plant community as a refuge and food source. In the middle of the day, juveniles and small fish seemed to show behavioral thermoregulation at the surface in the warmest site. Under cloudy conditions, however, fish of all sizes preferred deeper water. The present study suggests that in still and sunny pools thermal change caused by sunlight influences the microhabitat choice of small fish. A field experiment using a kingfisher model implies that fish swimming at the surface could escape from aerial predators in sunlit conditions by responding to moving shadows, but could not do so under cloudy conditions.
Semi-aquatic animals represent a transitional locomotor condition characterised by the possession of morphological features that allow locomotion both in water and on land. Most ecologically important behaviours of crocodilians occur in the water, raising the question of whether their 'terrestrial construction' constrains aquatic locomotion. Moreover, the demands for aquatic locomotion change with life-history stage. It was the aim of this research to determine the kinematic characteristics and efficiency of aquatic locomotion in different-sized crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus). Aquatic propulsion was achieved primarily by tail undulations, and the use of limbs during swimming was observed only in very small animals or at low swimming velocities in larger animals. Over the range of swimming speeds we examined, tail beat amplitude did not change with increasing velocity, but amplitude increased significantly with body length. However, amplitude expressed relative to body length decreased with increasing body length. Tail beat frequency increased with swimming velocity but there were no differences in frequency between different-sized animals. Mechanical power generated during swimming and thrust increased non-linearly with swimming velocity, but disproportionally so that kinematic efficiency decreased with increasing swimming velocity. The importance of unsteady forces, expressed as the reduced frequency, increased with increasing swimming velocity. Amplitude is the main determinant of body-size-related increases in swimming velocity but, compared with aquatic mammals and fish, crocodiles are slow swimmers probably because of constraints imposed by muscle performance and unsteady forces opposing forward movement. Nonetheless, the kinematic efficiency of aquatic locomotion in crocodiles is comparable to that of fully aquatic mammals, and it is considerably greater than that of semi-aquatic mammals.
The ability to recall the location of a predator and later avoid it was tested in nine populations of rainbowfish (Melanotaenia spp.), representing three species from a variety of environments. Following the introduction of a model predator into a particular microhabitat, the model was removed, the arena rotated and the distribution of the fish recorded again. In this manner it could be determined what cues the fish relied on in order to recall the previous location of the predator model. Fish from all populations but one (Dirran Creek) were capable of avoiding the predator by remembering either the location and/or the microhabitat in which the predator was recently observed. Reliance on different types of visual cues appears to vary between populations but the reason for this variation remains elusive. Of the ecological variables tested (flow variability, predator density and habitat complexity), only the level of predation appeared to be correlated with the orientation technique employed by each population. There was no effect of species identity, which suggests that the habitat that each population occupies plays a strong role in the development of both predator avoidance responses and the cues used to track predators in the wild.
We examined effects of body size and temperature on swimming performance in juvenile estuarine crocodiles, Crocodylus porosus, over the size range of 30-110 cm total body length. Swimming performance, expressed as maximum sustainable swimming speed, was measured in a temperature- and flow-controlled swimming flume. Absolute sustainable swimming speed increased with body length, but length-specific swimming performance decreased as body length increased. Sustained swimming speed increased with temperature between 15degreesC and 23degreesC, remained constant between 23degrees and 33degreesC, and decreased as temperature rose above 33degreesC. Q(10)-values of swimming speed were 2.60 (+/- 0.091 SE) between 18degreesC and 23degreesC, and there were no differences in Q(10) between crocodiles of different sizes. The broad plateau of thermal independence in swimming speed observed in C. porosus may be of adaptive significance by allowing dispersal of juvenile animals at suboptimal body temperatures.
Monogeneans (flatworms) are among the most host-specific of parasites in general and may be the most host-specific of all fish parasites. Specificity, in terms of a restricted spatial distribution within an environment, is not unique to parasites and is displayed by some fungi, insects, birds, symbionts and pelagic larvae of free-living marine invertebrates. The nature of cues, how habitats are recognised and how interactions between partners are mediated and maintained is of interest across these diverse associations. We review some experiments that demonstrate important factors that contribute to host-specificity at the level of infective stages (larvae of oviparous monogeneans; juveniles of viviparous gyrodactylids) and adult parasites. Recent research on immune responses by fish to monogenean infections is considered. We emphasise the critical importance of host epidermis to the Monogenea. Monogeneans live on host epidermis, they live in its products (e.g. mucus), monopisthocotyleans feed on it, some of its products are attractants and it may be an inhospitable surface because of its immunological activity. We focus attention on fish but reference is made to amphibian hosts. We develop the concept for a potential role in host-speciality by the anterior adhesive areas, either the specialised tegument and/or anterior secretions produced by monogeneans for temporary but firm attachment during locomotion on host epithelial surfaces. Initial contact between the anterior adhesive areas of infective stages and host epidermis may serve two important purposes. (1) Appropriate sense organs or receptors on the parasite interact with a specific chemical or chemicals or with surface structures on host epidermis. (2) A specific but instant recognition or reaction occurs between component(s) of host mucus and the adhesive(s) secreted by monogeneans. The chemical composition of fish skin is known to be species-specific and our preliminary analysis of the chemistry of some monogenean adhesives indicates they are novel proteins that display some differences between parasite families and species. (C) 2000 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The fresh water cyanobacterium Anabaena circinalis produces saxitoxin (STX) and several other toxins with similar basic structural skeleton. Collectively, these toxins are known as Paralytic Shellfish Poisons or PSPs. These toxins are water soluble and can escape into the water body after cell lysis. The presence of these toxins in drinking water is a serious threat to human health. The present work has shown that Paralytic Shellfish Poisons (PSPs) in drinking water can be removed by chlorination at high pH (>9.0), provided a residual of 0.5 mg/L of free chlorine is present after 30 minutes of contact time.
The cloacal complex of Crocodylus porosus is composed of three chambers (proctodaeum, urodaeum, and coprodaeum) separated by tight, muscular sphincters. The proctodaeum is proximal to the cloacal vent and houses the genitalia. The urodaeum is the largest chamber, is capable of storing large quantities of urine, and is lined with an epithelium with the capacity for transepithelial water and ion exchange. The coprodaeum, the most orad cloacal chamber, is a small, only marginally expandable chamber that has an epithelium composed almost entirely of mucus-secreting cells. The coprodaeum and lower intestine are reported to be the site(s) for urine modification in birds and bladderless lizards. A radiographic trace of urine storage in C. porosus kept for 2 months under hyperosmotic conditions showed no signs of retrograde movement of urine into the coprodaeum or rectum. Instead, urine was stored in the urodaeum of C. porosus. Examination of the mucosal surface of the urodaeum by SEM showed a plastic response to environmental salinity, with a possible increase in surface area in animals kept in hyperosmotic water compared with animals from fresh water. We propose the urodaeum as the primary site for postrenal modification of urine in C, porosus. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
PHWAT is a new model that couples a geochemical reaction model (PHREEQC-2) with a density-dependent groundwater flow and solute transport model (SEAWAT) using the split-operator approach. PHWAT was developed to simulate multi-component reactive transport in variable density groundwater flow. Fluid density in PHWAT depends not on only the concentration of a single species as in SEAWAT, but also the concentrations of other dissolved chemicals that can be subject to reactive processes. Simulation results of PHWAT and PHREEQC-2 were compared in their predictions of effluent concentration from a column experiment. Both models produced identical results, showing that PHWAT has correctly coupled the sub-packages. PHWAT was then applied to the simulation of a tank experiment in which seawater intrusion was accompanied by cation exchange. The density dependence of the intrusion and the snow-plough effect in the breakthrough curves were reflected in the model simulations, which were in good agreement with the measured breakthrough data. Comparison simulations that, in turn, excluded density effects and reactions allowed us to quantify the marked effect of ignoring these processes. Next, we explored numerical issues involved in the practical application of PHWAT using the example of a dense plume flowing into a tank containing fresh water. It was shown that PHWAT could model physically unstable flow and that numerical instabilities were suppressed. Physical instability developed in the model in accordance with the increase of the modified Rayleigh number for density-dependent flow, in agreement with previous research. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Determination of the 16S rRNA gene sequence of Caulobacter subvibrioides ATCC 15264(T) (T = type strain) confirmed that this species is a member of the alpha subclass of the Proteobacteria and showed that it is phylogenetically most closely related to the Caulobacter group comprising the species Caulobacter bacteroides, Caulobacter crescentus, and Brevandimonas (Pseudomonas) diminuta, for which 16S rRNA sequences of the type strains are currently available. The closest known relative of strain ATCC 15264(T) among these species is B. diminuta (level of direct pairwise sequence similarity, 95%). On the basis of its previously determined 16S rRNA sequence (accession number M83797), C. subvibrioides is most closely related to Sphingomonas adhaesiva in the alpha-4 subgroup (level of similarity, 97.7%). Analysis of the hydroxy fatty acids of C. subvibrioides ATCC 15264(T) showed that the 2-hydroxymyristic acid which is characteristic of the genus Sphingomonas was absent.
The budding bacterium Blastobacter natatorius belongs to the alpha-4 group of the Proteobacteria and clusters phylogenetically on a deep branch with Sphingomonas capsulata, with which it shares 93.9% 16S rRNA sequence similarity. On phylogenetic, phenotypic, and chemotaxonomic grounds a proposal is made to transfer B. natatorius to the genus Blastomonas gen, nov. as Blastomonas natatoria comb, nov.