7 resultados para eye injury

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Eye injuries in squash have the potential to be severe. Although these injuries can be prevented through the use of protective eyewear, few players wear such eyewear. The aim of this paper is, to outline the behavioural principles guiding the design of a squash eyewear promotion initiative, the Protective Eyewear Promotion (PEP). Ecological principles of behaviour change were used to provide a comprehensive perspective on intrapersonal factors, policies and physical environmental influences of protective eyewear use. Results of baseline player surveys and venue manager inter-views were used to provide relevant and specific intervention content. At baseline, protective eyewear was not found to be readily available, and players' behaviours, knowledge and attitudes did not favour its use. The main components of PEP involved informing and educating both players and squash venue operators of the risk of eye injury and of appropriate protective eyewear, as well as assisting with the availability of the eyewear and offering incentives for players to use it. A structural strength of PEP was the strong collaborative links with the researchers of different disciplines, the squash governing body, eyewear manufacturers, squash venue personnel, as well as players. Attempts were made within the project structure to make provision for the future dissemination and sustainability of more widespread eye injury prevention measures in the sport of squash.


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The use of appropriate eyewear in squash can protect the eyes against injury. However, few adult squash players adequately protect their eyes against potential severe injuries. We describe the characteristics of non-users of protective eyewear and examine predictors of appropriate eyewear use. Self-report surveys of adult players were conducted in metropolitan Melbourne, Australia. Information on players' knowledge, behaviours and attitudes associated with protective eyewear use was collected, in addition to player demographic data. Appropriate eyewear was defined as Standards-approved polycarbonate lens eyewear. The majority 92.2% of players did not adequately protect their eyes while playing squash. Significant predictors of reported eyewear use were: previous eye injury; playing squash on average more than 2 hr per wk; having played for more than 20 y; and having more favourable attitudes towards eye safety in squash. The significant predictors of appropriate eyewear use were: being female; previous eye injury; playing squash on average more than 2 hr per week; and having more favourable attitudes towards eye safety in squash. Understanding the characteristics of both users and non-users of appropriate eye protection in squash is essential for informing future prevention strategies.


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Background: The purpose of the study is to identify factors predictive of outcome after open globe injury in 273 patients admitted to the Royal Brisbane Hospital, Queensland, Australia between 1992 and 2003. Methods: Data were collected retrospectively regarding demographic and geographical factors, injury circumstances, initial visual acuity (VA), injury parameters, details of initial and subsequent surgery, final best corrected VA and complications. Multivariate analysis using binary logistic regression was utilized to identify which factors were related to outcome. Results: 83% of patients were male, with a mean age of 38.3 years. The mean duration of follow up was 16.6 months and 58% of patients (135 of 231) achieved an overall improvement in their vision. Forty-one cases (15%) were enucleated, with half of these cases performed primarily. The prognostic factors indicating the likelihood of a VA of counting fingers or worse were poor initial VA, a large laceration > 10 mm and the presence of a relative afferent pupil defect. Rural patients had a significantly worse final VA than city dwellers and had higher rates of endophthalmitis and enucleation. Conclusions: Assessment of prognostic factors at the time of presentation of an open globe injury enables realistic expectations of final visual outcome by the doctor and the patient. In order to improve outcomes in patients from rural areas, access to specialized eye services need to be upgraded.


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Sports venues are in a position to potentially influence the safety practices of their patrons. This study examined the knowledge, beliefs and attitudes of venue operators that could influence the use of protective eyewear by squash players. A 50% random sample of all private and public squash venues affiliated with the Victorian Squash Federation in metropolitan Melbourne was selected. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with 15 squash venue operators during August 2001. Interviews were transcribed and content and thematic analyses were performed. The content of the interviews covered five topics: (1) overall injury risk perception, (2) eye injury occurrence, (3) knowledge, behaviors, attitudes and beliefs associated with protective eyewear, (4) compulsory protective eyewear and (5) availability of protective eyewear at venues. Venue operators were mainly concerned with the severe nature of eye injuries, rather than the relatively low incidence of these injuries. Some venue operators believed that players should wear any eyewear, rather than none at all, and believed that more players should use protective eyewear. Generally, they did not believe that players with higher levels of experience and expertise needed to wear protective eyewear when playing. Only six venues had at least one type of eyewear available for players to hire or borrow or to purchase. Operators expressed a desire to be informed about correct protective eyewear. Appropriate protective eyewear is not readily available at squash venues. Better-informed venue operators may be more likely to provide suitable protective eyewear.


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Purpose: To review the epidemiology of serious ocular trauma presenting to Cairns Base Hospital, from the far north Queensland health districts. Methods: A retrospective study of cases from January 1995 to November 2002 inclusive. Cases were analysed with respect to demographics, cause and nature of injury, method of transport and time to and type of ophthalmic treatment, and visual outcomes. Results: There were 226 cases identified, including 71 open-globe and 155 closed-globe injuries. The annual rate of injury was 3.7 per 100 000 for open-globe and 11.8 per 100 000 in total. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population from the far north Queensland districts showed a disproportionate incidence, with 38% of the total number of injuries, despite representing only 12.3% of the population. Assault in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population resulted in 69.6% of injuries in men and 75.8% of injuries in women. Of all assaults 76.2% were alcohol-related. The majority (71.5%) of injuries in the Caucasian population were due to accidental blunt and sharp trauma. In total, 77.4% of injuries occurred in men, with an average age of 31 years. Of all open and closed injuries in the study, a final visual acuity of 6/12 or better was achieved in 47.8% of eyes and a final visual acuity of 6/60 or less occurred in 17.7% of patients, 20.8% patients were lost to follow up. In total, 14.1% of open injuries required enucleation/evisceration. Conclusions: The incidence of ocular trauma in far north Queensland is equal to other Australian populations. However, there is a disproportionately high incidence in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population. Alcohol-related assault is a significant cause of visual loss in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population. Closed-globe injuries are more common than open globe; however, the latter have poorer visual prognosis. Initial visual acuity of all injuries correlated with final visual acuity.


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Cervical joint position error (JPE) has been used as a measure of cervical afferent input to detect disturbances in sensori-motor control as a possible contributor to a neck pain syndrome. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between cervical JPE, balance and eye movement control. It was of particular interest whether assessment of cervical ME alone was sufficient to signal the presence of disturbances in the two other tests. One hundred subjects with persistent whiplash-associated disorders (WADs) and 40 healthy controls subjects were assessed on measures of cervical JPE, standing balance and the smooth pursuit neck torsion test (SPNT). The results indicated that over all subjects, significant but weak-to-moderate correlations existed between all comfortable stance balance tests and both the SPNT and rotation cervical ME tests. A weak correlation was found between the SPNT and right rotation cervical JPE. An abnormal rotation cervical JPE score had a high positive prediction value (88%) but low sensitivity (60%) and specificity (54%) to determine abnormality in balance and or SPNT test. The results suggest that in patients with persistent WAD, it is not sufficient to measure ME alone. All three measures are required to identify disturbances in the postural control system. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.