33 resultados para equal access
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
dEndocytosis is required for efficient mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation by activated growth factor receptors. We examined if H-Ras and K-Ras proteins, which are distributed across different plasma membrane microdomains, have equal access to the endocytic compartment and whether this access is necessary for downstream signaling. Inhibition of endocytosis by dominant interfering dynamin-K44A blocked H-Ras but not K-Ras-mediated PC12 cell differentiation and selectively inhibited H-Ras- but not K-Ras-mediated Raf-1 activation in BHK cells. H-Ras- but not K-Ras-mediated Raf-1 activation was also selectively dependent on phosphoinositide 3-kinase activity. Stimulation of endocytosis and endocytic recycling by wildtype Rab5 potentiated H-Ras-mediated Raf-1 activation. In contrast, Rab5-Q79L, which stimulates endocytosis but not endocytic recycling, redistributed activated H-Ras from the plasma membrane into enlarged endosomes and inhibited H-Ras-mediated Raf-1 activation. Rab5-Q79L expression did not cause the accumulation of wild-type H-Ras in enlarged endosomes. Expression of wild-type Rab5 or Rab5-Q79L increased the specific activity of K-Ras-activated Raf-1 but did not result in any redistribution of K-Ras from the plasma membrane to endosomes. These results show that H-Ras but not K-Ras signaling though the Raf/MEK/MAPK cascade requires endocytosis and enclocytic recycling. The data also suggest a mechanism for returning Raf-1 to the cytosol after plasma membrane recruitment.
Background: Written material is often inaccessible fro people with aphasia. The format of written material needs to be adapted to enable people with aphasia to read with understanding. Aims: This study aimed to further explore some issues raised in Rose, Worrall, and MacKenna (2003) concerning the effects of aphasia-friendly formats on the reading comprehension of people with aphasia. It was hypothesised that people with aphasia would comprehend significantly more paragraphs that were formatted in an aphasia-friendly manner than control paragraphs. This study also aimed to investigate if each single aspect of aphasia-friendly formatting (i.e., simplified vocabulary and syntax, large print, increased white spacem and pictures) used in isolation would result in increased comprehension compared to control paragraphs. Other aims were to compare the effect of aphasia-friendly fromatting with the effects of each single adaptation, and to investigate if the effects of aphasia-friendly formates were related to aphasia severity. Methods & Procedures: Participants with mild to moderately severe aphasia (N = 9) read a battery of 90 paragraphs and selected the best word of phrase from a choice of four to complete each paragraph. A linear mixed model (p < .05) was used to analyse the differences in reading comprehension with each paragraph fromat across three reading grade levels. Outcomes & Results: People with aphasia comprehended significantly more aphasia-friendly paragraphs than control paragraphs. They also comprehended significantly more paragraphs with each of the following single adaptations: simplified vocabulary and syntax, large ptint, and increased white spaces. Although people with aphasia tended to comprehend more paragraphs with pictures added than control paragraphs, this difference was not significant. No significant correlation between aphasia severity and the effect of aphasia-friendly formatting was found. Conclusion: This study supports the idea that aphasia-friendly formats increase the reading comprehension of people with aphasia. It suggests that adding pictures, particularly Clip Art pictures, may not significantly improve the reading the reading comprehension of people with aphasia. These findings have implications for all written communication with people with aphasia, both in the clinical setting and in the wider community. Applying these findings may enable people with aphasia to have equal access to written information and to participate in society.
One of the main objectives of the first International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures is to provide an opportunity for young researchers and engineers to present their research. But a research project is only completed when it has been published and shared with the community. Referees and peer experts play an important role to control the research quality. While some new electronic tools provide further means to disseminate some research information, the quality and impact of the works remain linked with some thorough expert-review process and the publications in international scientific journals and books. Importantly unethical publishing standards are not acceptable and cheating is despicable.
Truck from Jackson Pty Ltd with banner for equal pay for equal work during the 1965 May Day march, in Roma Street, Brisbane, Australia. Truck also has Queensland Trades and Labour Council of Queensland and affiliated unions banner. Facade of buildings including Vetoy and Foley Bros can be seen in the background.
Miss Equal Pay in sportscar during May Day procession, 1967, Queen Street, Brisbane, Australia.
Almost all clinical magnetic resonance imaging systems are based on circular cross-section magnets. Recent advances in elliptical cross-section RF probe and gradient coil hardware raise the question of the possibility of using elliptical cross-section magnet systems, This paper presents a methodology for calculating rapidly the magnetic fields generated by a multi-turn coil of elliptical cross-section and incorporates this in a stochastic optimization method for magnet design, An open magnet system of elliptical cross-section is designed that both reduces the claustrophobia for the patients and allows ready access by attending physicians, The magnet system is optimized for paediatric use, The coil geometry produced by the optimization method has several novel features.
Application of geographic information system (GIS) and global positioning system (GPS) technology in the Hlabisa community-based tuberculosis treatment programme documents the increase in accessibility to treatment after the expansion of the service from health facilities to include community workers and volunteers.
The equal sex ratios found in many species with heterogametic sex determination may be a consequence of selection for equality or the result of the Mendelian segregation of the two sex chromosomes. A lack of genetic variation in sex ratio in species with heterogamety has been the major obstacle in distinguishing between these two hypotheses. We overcome this obstacle by generating hybrids between two species of Drosophila. The resulting hybrid lines had biased sex ratios, allowing us to observe the evolution of sex ratio in replicate populations. Sex ratio converged towards 1:1 after 16 generations of natural selection. These changes in sex ratio were not due to differences in viability between the sexes and the loci underlying the variation in sex ratio were not sex-linked. Equal sex ratios may therefore be the result of natural selection as Fisher predicted.
Objective: To compare rates of self-reported use of health services between rural, remote and urban South Australians. Methods: Secondary data analysis from a population-based survey to assess health and well-being, conducted in South Australia in 2000. In all, 2,454 adults were randomly selected and interviewed using the computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI) system. We analysed health service use by Accessibility and Remoteness Index of Australia (ARIA) category. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in the median number of uses of the four types of health services studied across ARIA categories. Significantly fewer residents of highly accessible areas reported never using primary care services (14.4% vs. 22.2% in very remote areas), and significantly more reported high use ( greater than or equal to6 visits, 29.3% vs. 21.5%). Fewer residents of remote areas reported never attending hospital (65.6% vs. 73.8% in highly accessible areas). Frequency of use of mental health services was not statistically significantly different across ARIA categories. Very remote residents were more likely to spend at least one night in a public hospital (15.8%) than were residents of other areas (e.g. 5.9% for highly accessible areas). Conclusion: The self-reported frequency of use of a range of health services in South Australia was broadly similar across ARIA categories. However, use of primary care services was higher among residents of highly accessible areas and public hospital use increased with increasing remoteness. There is no evidence for systematic rural disadvantage in terms of self-reported health service utilisation in this State.
This study evaluated whether projects conducted through the Access to Allied Health Services component of the Australian Better Outcomes in Mental Health Care initiative are improving access to evidence-based, non-pharmacological therapies for people with depression and anxiety. Synthesising data from the first 29 projects funded through the initiative, the study found that the models utilised in the projects have evolved over time. The projects have achieved a high level uptake; at a conservative estimate, 710 GPs and 160 allied health professionals (AHPs) have provided care to 3,476 consumers. The majority of these consumers have depression (77%) and/or anxiety disorders (55%); many are low income earners (57%); and a number have not previously accessed mental health care (40%). The projects have delivered 8,678 sessions of high quality care to these consumers, most commonly providing CBT-based cognitive and behavioural interventions (55% and 41%, respectively). In general, GPs, AHPs and consumers are sanguine about the projects, and have reported positive consumer outcomes. However, as with any new initiative, there are some practical and professional issues that need to be addressed. The projects are improving access to evidence-based, non-pharmacological therapies. The continuation and expansion of the initiative should be a priority.
We study the effects of driving a two-level atom by two intense field modes that have equal frequencies but are otherwise distinguishable; the intensity of one mode is also assumed to be greater than that of the other. We calculate first the dressed states of the system, and then its resonance fluorescence and Autler-Townes absorption spectra. We find that the energy spectrum of the doubly dressed atom consists of a ladder of doublet continua. These continua manifest themselves in the fluorescence spectrum, where they produce continua at the positions of the Mellow sideband frequencies omega(L)+/-2 Omega of the strong field, and in the Autler-Townes absorption spectrum, which becomes a two-continuum doublet.