5 resultados para ei-heteroseksuaalisuus
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
We have previously found an association between variations in schizophrenia birth rates and varyinglevels of perinatal sunshine duration. This study examines whether such an association can also be found for Ža. affective psychosis, and Žb. broadly defined nonaffective psychoses. Data for individuals born between 1931 and 1970 in Australia with ICD9 Other PsychosisŽ295–299.were obtained from the Queensland Mental Health Statistical System. ‘Affective psychosis’ included affective psychosis, schizo-affective psychosis, and depressive and excitative non-organic psychoses. ‘Non-affective psychosis’ included chizophrenia, paranoid disorders and other non-organic psychoses. Those receiving both affective and non-affective psychotic diagnoses were excluded. Rates per 10,000 live monthly general population births were calculated. For each month, we assessed the agreementŽusing the kappa statistic. between trends in Ža. birth rates and Žb. long-term trends in seasonally adjusted perinatal sunshine duration. The analyses were performed separately for males and females. There were 6265 with non-affective psychosis ŽMs3964 rate 66r10,000; Fs2299 44r10,000. and 2858 with affective psychosisŽMs1392 24r10,000; Fs1466 28r10,000.. There were no significant associations between Ža. affective psychosis birth rates for either males or females and Žb. sunshine duration. There was a significant association between nonaffective psychosis birth rates for males only and Žb. sunshine duration Žkappas0.15 p-0.001.. This suggests that, as a risk factor, the effect of reduced perinatal sunshine is specifically associated with males who develop non-affective psychosis. The Stanley Foundation supported this project.
In the 1980s the development of the doubly labelled water (DLW) technique made it possible to determine the validity of dietary assessment methods using external, independent markers of intake in free-living populations. Since then, the accuracy of self-reported energy intake (EI) has been questioned on a number of occasions as under-reporting has been found to be prevalent in many different populations. This paper is a review of investigations using the DLW technique in conjunction with self-reported EI measures in groups including adults, children and adolescents, obese persons, athletes, military personnel and trekking explorers. In studies where a person other than the subject is responsible for recording dietary intake, such as parents of young children, EI generally corresponds to DLW determined energy expenditure. However, in instances where the subjects themselves report their intake, EI is generally under-reported when compared with energy expenditure. It was originally believed that this phenomenon of under-reporting was linked to increased adiposity and body size, however, it is now apparent that other factors, such as dietary restraint and socio-economic status, are also involved. This paper therefore aims to present a more comprehensive picture of under-reporting by tying in the findings of many DLW studies with other studies focusing particularly on the characteristics and mechanisms for under-reporting. Awareness of these characteristics and mechanisms will enable researchers to obtain more accurate self-reports of EI using all dietary recording techniques.
Objective: We examined the relationship between self-reported calcium (Cal intake and bone mineral content (BMC) in children and adolescents. We hypothesized that an expression of Ca adjusted for energy intake (El), i.e., Ca density, would be a better predictor of BMC than unadjusted Ca because of underreporting of EI. Methods: Data were obtained on dietary intakes (repeated 24-hour recalls) and BMC (by DEXA) in a cross-section of 227 children aged 8 to 17 years. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were used to examine die relationship between Ca, Ca density, and the dependent variables total body BMC and lumbar spine BMC. Covariates included were height, weight, bone area, maturity age, activity score and El. Results: Reported El compared to estimated basal metabolic rate suggested underreporting of El. Total body and lumbar spine BMC were significantly associated with El, but not Ca or Ca density, in bivariate analyses. After controlling for size and maturity, multiple linear regression analysis revealed unadjusted Ca to be a predictor of BMC in males in the total body (p = 0.08) and lumbar spine (p = 0.01). Unadjusted Ca was not a predictor of BMC at either site in females. Ca density was not a better predictor of BMC at either site in males or females. Conclusions: The relationship observed in male adolescents in this study between Ca intake and BMC is similar to that seen in clinical trials. Ca density did not enable us to see a relationship between Ca intake and BMC in females, which may reflect systematic reporting errors or that diet is not a limiting factor in this group of healthy adolescents.
Purpose: The training program undertaken by many athletes will affect directly the total, habitual energy requirements of that individual. Unless that energy requirement is met via the diet and or supplementation, chronic negative energy balance will ensue, which will have both short-term and long-term effects not only on performance but also on general health. The aim of this research was therefore to determine the energy expenditure (EE) and hence energy requirements of lightweight female rowers and, further, to compare this with their self-reported energy intake (EI). Methods: The El of seven lightweight female rowers was measured using a self-reported 4-d weighed dietary record. EE was determined using the doubly labeled water (DLW) technique over a 14-d period. Results: The mean (+/-SD) age, height, and weight of the subjects was 20 (+/-1.1) yr, 168.8 (+/-4.7) cm, and 60.9 (+/-23) kg, respectively. The rowers self-reported El was 2214 (+/-313) kcal.d(-1) and their total EE was 3957 (+/-1219) kcal.d(-1). After adjusting total EE for changes in body weight (mean (+/-SD) - 1.2 (+/-1.2) kg), the comparison between adjusted El and reported showed a bias to underreporting of 1133 (+/-1539) kcal.d(-1) or 34%. The bias was not consistent across adjusted El, and two of the seven subjects overreported their intake. Conclusions: Due to the underreporting of EI, diet recording may not be an appropriate way of assessing energy requirements in lightweight female rowers. A benefit of accurately determining energy requirements, as with DLW, is that female lightweight rowers will be able to successfully manipulate their EI and achieve the set weight cut-off for participation without compromising their health or performance.
Purpose : Myelomeningocele is a complex disease often complicated by obesity for reasons not well understood. The objectives of this study were to determine body composition and energy expenditure of children with MMC. Methods : Resting energy expenditure (REE), body composition and anthropometry were measured in 19 children with MMC (12 M, 7 F). Total energy expenditure (TEE) was estimated using a 3-day activity record. Energy intake (EI) was measured in seven children (5 M, 2 F) with MMC. Data were then compared with predicted values. Results : Mean REE ( n = 19) was 4680 ±1452 kJ/day (96.1 ±18.1% of predicted REE). The range was large (45.8-125.7% of predicted REE). TEE ( n = 7) was 4344 ±2376 kJ/day, hence only 73 34% of predicted TEE. EI ( n = 7) was 6560 ±1329 kJ/day, approximating a normal energy requirement. Overall, BCM was lower than expected values. Conclusions : REE in children with MMC is variable when compared to predicted values. TEE was found to be lower in children with MMC than predicted values and EI was similar to predicted values in this group of seven children. BCM is reduced in children with MMC when compared to expected values.