5 resultados para dynamic causal modeling

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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This paper presents a new approach to improving the effectiveness of autonomous systems that deal with dynamic environments. The basis of the approach is to find repeating patterns of behavior in the dynamic elements of the system, and then to use predictions of the repeating elements to better plan goal directed behavior. It is a layered approach involving classifying, modeling, predicting and exploiting. Classifying involves using observations to place the moving elements into previously defined classes. Modeling involves recording features of the behavior on a coarse grained grid. Exploitation is achieved by integrating predictions from the model into the behavior selection module to improve the utility of the robot's actions. This is in contrast to typical approaches that use the model to select between different strategies or plays. Three methods of adaptation to the dynamic features of the environment are explored. The effectiveness of each method is determined using statistical tests over a number of repeated experiments. The work is presented in the context of predicting opponent behavior in the highly dynamic and multi-agent robot soccer domain (RoboCup)


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To examine the role of the effector dynamics of the wrist in the production of rhythmic motor activity, we estimated the phase shifts between the EMG and the task-related output for a rhythmic isometric torque production task and an oscillatory movement, and found a substantial difference (45-52degrees) between the two. For both tasks, the relation between EMG and task-related output (torque or displacement) was adequately reproduced with a physiologically motivated musculoskeletal model. The model simulations demonstrated the importance of the contribution of passive structures to the overall dynamics and provided an account for the observed phase shifts in the dynamic task. Additional simulations of the musculoskeletal model with added load suggested that particular changes in the phase relation between EMG and movement may follow largely from the intrinsic muscle dynamics, rather than being the result of adaptations in the neural control of joint stiffness. The implications of these results are discussed in relation to (models of) interlimb coordination in rhythmic tasks. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The tensile deformation behavior of a range of supersaturated Mg-Al solid solutions and an as-cast magnesium alloy AM60 has been studied. The Mg-Al alloys were tested at room temperature while the alloy AM60 was tested in the temperature range 293-573 K. The differences in the deformation behavior of the alloys is discussed in terms of hardening and softening processes. In order to identify which processes were active, the stress dependence of the strain-hardening coefficient was assessed using Lukac and Balik's model of hardening and softening. The analysis indicates that hardening involves solid solution hardening and interaction with forest dislocations and non-dislocation obstacles such as second phase particles. Cross slip is not a significant recovery process in the temperature range 293-423 K. At temperatures between 473 and 523 K the analysis suggests that softening is controlled by cross slip and climb of dislocations. At temperatures above 523 K softening seems to be controlled by dynamic recrystallisation. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Increasingly, large areas of native tropical forests are being transformed into a mosaic of human dominated land uses with scattered mature remnants and secondary forests. In general, at the end of the land clearing process, the landscape will have two forest components: a stable component of surviving mature forests, and a dynamic component of secondary forests of different ages. As the proportion of mature forests continues to decline, secondary forests play an increasing role in the conservation and restoration of biodiversity. This paper aims to predict and explain spatial and temporal patterns in the age of remnant mature and secondary forests in lowland Colombian landscapes. We analyse the age distributions of forest fragments, using detailed temporal land cover data derived from aerial photographs. Ordinal logistic regression analysis was applied to model the spatial dynamics of mature and secondary forest patches. In particular, the effect of soil fertility, accessibility and auto-correlated neighbourhood terms on forest age and time of isolation of remnant patches was assessed. In heavily transformed landscapes, forests account for approximately 8% of the total landscape area, of which three quarters are comprised of secondary forests. Secondary forest growth adjacent to mature forest patches increases mean patch size and core area, and therefore plays an important ecological role in maintaining landscape structure. The regression models show that forest age is positively associated with the amount of neighbouring forest, and negatively associated with the amount of neighbouring secondary vegetation, so the older the forest is the less secondary vegetation there is adjacent to it. Accessibility and soil fertility also have a negative but variable influence on the age of forest remnants. The probability of future clearing if current conditions hold is higher for regenerated than mature forests. The challenge of biodiversity conservation and restoration in dynamic and spatially heterogeneous landscape mosaics composed of mature and secondary forests is discussed. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Brugada syndrome (BS) is a genetic disease identified by an abnormal electrocardiogram ( ECG) ( mainly abnormal ECGs associated with right bundle branch block and ST-elevation in right precordial leads). BS can lead to increased risk of sudden cardiac death. Experimental studies on human ventricular myocardium with BS have been limited due to difficulties in obtaining data. Thus, the use of computer simulation is an important alternative. Most previous BS simulations were based on animal heart cell models. However, due to species differences, the use of human heart cell models, especially a model with three-dimensional whole-heart anatomical structure, is needed. In this study, we developed a model of the human ventricular action potential (AP) based on refining the ten Tusscher et al (2004 Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. 286 H1573 - 89) model to incorporate newly available experimental data of some major ionic currents of human ventricular myocytes. These modified channels include the L-type calcium current (ICaL), fast sodium current (I-Na), transient outward potassium current (I-to), rapidly and slowly delayed rectifier potassium currents (I-Kr and I-Ks) and inward rectifier potassium current (I-Ki). Transmural heterogeneity of APs for epicardial, endocardial and mid-myocardial (M) cells was simulated by varying the maximum conductance of IKs and Ito. The modified AP models were then used to simulate the effects of BS on cellular AP and body surface potentials using a three-dimensional dynamic heart - torso model. Our main findings are as follows. (1) BS has little effect on the AP of endocardial or mid-myocardial cells, but has a large impact on the AP of epicardial cells. (2) A likely region of BS with abnormal cell AP is near the right ventricular outflow track, and the resulting ST-segment elevation is located in the median precordium area. These simulation results are consistent with experimental findings reported in the literature. The model can reproduce a variety of electrophysiological behaviors and provides a good basis for understanding the genesis of abnormal ECG under the condition of BS disease.