7 resultados para drug dose regimen

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Background: It is essential for health-care professionals to calculate drug doses accurately. Previous studies have demonstrated that many hospital doctors were unable to accurately convert dilutions (e.g. 1:1000) or percentages (e.g. percentage w/v) of drug concentrations into mass concentrations (e.g. mg/mL). Aims: The aims of the present study were to evaluate the ability of health-care professionals to perform drug dose calculations accurately and to determine their preferred concentration convention when calculating drug doses. Methods: A selection of nurses, medical students, house surgeons, registrars and pharmacists undertook a written survey to assess their ability to perform five drug dose calculations. Participants were also asked which concentration convention they preferred when calculating drug doses. The surveys were marked then analysed for health-care professionals as a whole and then by subgroup analysis to assess the performance of each health-care-professional group. Results: Overall, less than 14% of the surveyed health-care professionals could answer all five questions correctly. Subgroup analysis revealed that health-care pro-fessionals' ability to calculate drug doses were ranked in the following order: registrars approximate to pharmacists > house surgeons > medical students >> nurses. Ninety per cent of health-care professionals preferred to calculate drug doses using the mass concentration convention. Conclusions: Overall, drug dose calculations were performed poorly. Mass concentration was clearly indicated as the preferred convention for calculating drug doses.


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The ractiolysis of a poly(ethylene-co-propylene), Elpro grade P 750 J, marketed by Thai Polypropylene Co. Ltd. for the manufacture of medical goods, was investigated at ambient temperature and melt rheology measured. The roles of calcium stearate, blended with the Elpro as a processing aid, and dioctyl phthalate (DOP), added in various amounts as a radical scavenger, were assessed. Following radiolysis, G' and the viscosity of the polymer melts at 453 K both decreased with increasing radiation dose, even when the mobilizer was present. The results indicated that although the DOP did scavenge radicals, it did not protect the polymer from net chain scission in a low-dose regimen. The value of (G(S) - 4G(X)) was approximately 0.6-0.7. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Objective: To compare the effectiveness of three dosing regimens of caffeine for preterm infants in the periextubation period. Methods: A randomized double-blind clinical trial of three dosing regimens of caffeine citrate ( 3, 15 and 30 mg/kg) for periextubation management of ventilated preterm infants was undertaken. Infants born < 32 weeks gestation who were ventilated for > 48 h were eligible for the study. Caffeine citrate was given as a once daily dose for a period of 6 days commencing 24 h prior to a planned extubation, or within 6 h of an unplanned extubation. The primary outcome measure was extubation failure, defined as neonates who were unable to be extubated within 48 h of caffeine loading or who required reventilation or doxapram dose within 7 days of caffeine loading. Continuous recordings of oxygen saturation and heart rate were undertaken in a subgroup of enrolled infants. Results: A total of 127 babies were enrolled into the study ( 42, 40, 45, in the 3, 15, and 30 mg/kg groups, respectively). No statistically significant difference was demonstrated in the incidence of extubation failure between dosing groups ( 19, 10, and 11 infants in the 3, 15, and 30 mg/kg groups, respectively), however, infants in the two higher dose groups had statistically significantly less documented apnoea than the lowest dose group. Of the 37 neonates with continuous pulse oximetry recordings, those on higher doses of caffeine recorded a statistically significantly higher mean heart rate, oxygen saturations and less time with oxygen saturations < 85%. Conclusions: This trial indicated there were short-term benefits of decreased apnoea in the immediate periextubation period for ventilated infants born < 32 weeks gestation receiving higher doses of caffeine. Further studies with larger numbers of infants assessing longer-term outcomes are necessary to determine the optimal dosing regimen of caffeine in preterm infants.


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Background: Renal transplant recipients were noted to appear cushingoid while on low doses of steroid as part of a triple therapy immunosuppression of cyclosporin A (CsA), prednisolone, and azathioprine. Methods: The study group comprised adult renal transplant recipients with stable graft function who had received their renal allograft a minimum of 1 year previously (43 studies undertaken in 22 men and 20 women) with median daily prednisone dose of 7 mg (range 3-10). The control group was healthy nontransplant subjects [median dose 10 mg (10-30)]. Prednisolone bioavailability was measured using a limited 6-hour area under the curve (AUC), with prednisolone measured using specific HPLC assay. Results: The median prednisolone AUC/mg dose for all transplant recipients was significantly greater than the control group by approximately 50% (316 nmol(.)h/L/mg prednisolone versus 218). AUC was significantly higher in female recipients (median 415 versus 297 for men) and in recipients receiving cyclospotin (348 versus 285). The highest AUC was in women on estrogen supplements who were receiving cyclosporin (median 595). A significantly higher proportion of patients on triple therapy had steroid side effects compared with those on steroid and azathioprine (17/27 versus 4/15), more women than men had side effects (14/16 versus 7/22), and the AUC/mg prednisone was greater in those with side effects than without (median 377 versus 288 nmol-h/L/mg). Discussion: The results are consistent with the hypothesis that CsA increases the bioavailability of prednisolone, most likely through inhibition of beta-glycoprotein. The increased exposure to steroid increased the side-effect profile of steroids in the majority of patients. Because the major contributor to AUC is the maximum postdose concentration, it may be possible to use single-point monitoring (2 hours postdose) for routine clinical studies.


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The BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib has greatly improved the outcome for patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML). Unfortunately, mutations causing resistance to imatinib are leading to relapses in some patients. In addition to inhibiting the wild-type BCR-ABL, BMS-354825 inhibited 14 of 15 BCR-ABL mutants. BMS-354825 treatment of immunodeficient mice prevented the progression of the disease in mice treated with the most clinical common imatinib-resistant mutant Met351Thr. The safety and efficacy of BMS-354825 is presently being evaluated in a phase I/II clinical trial in CML patients with imatinib resistance. The frequency of clinical use of SMS-3548125 in CML patients will depend on its efficacy/safety profile in clinical trial.


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Objective: To assess from a health sector perspective the incremental cost-effectiveness of eight drug treatment scenarios for established schizophrenia. Method: Using a standardized methodology, costs and outcomes are modelled over the lifetime of prevalent cases of schizophrenia in Australia in 2000. A two-stage approach to assessment of health benefit is used. The first stage involves a quantitative analysis based on disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) averted, using best available evidence. The robustness of results is tested using probabilistic uncertainty analysis. The second stage involves application of 'second filter' criteria (equity, strength of evidence, feasibility and acceptability) to allow broader concepts of benefit to be considered. Results: Replacing oral typicals with risperidone or olanzapine has an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of A$48 000 and A$92 000/DALY respectively. Switching from low-dose typicals to risperidone has an ICER of A$80 000. Giving risperidone to people experiencing side-effects on typicals is more cost-effective at A$20 000. Giving clozapine to people taking typicals, with the worst course of the disorder and either little or clear deterioration, is cost-effective at A$42 000 or A$23 000/DALY respectively. The least cost-effective intervention is to replace risperidone with olanzapine at A$160 000/DALY. Conclusions: Based on an A$50 000/DALY threshold, low-dose typical neuroleptics are indicated as the treatment of choice for established schizophrenia, with risperidone being reserved for those experiencing moderate to severe side-effects on typicals. The more expensive olanzapine should only be prescribed when risperidone is not clinically indicated. The high cost of risperidone and olanzapine relative to modest health gains underlie this conclusion. Earlier introduction of clozapine however, would be cost-effective. This work is limited by weaknesses in trials (lack of long-term efficacy data, quality of life and consumer satisfaction evidence) and the translation of effect size into a DALY change. Some stakeholders, including SANE Australia, argue the modest health gains reported in the literature do not adequately reflect perceptions by patients, clinicians and carers, of improved quality of life with these atypicals.


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The growing problem of drug resistance has greatly complicated the treatment for falciparum malaria. Whereaschloroquine and sulfadoxine/ pyrimethamine could once cure most infections, this is no longer true and requiresexamination of alternative regimens. Not all treatment failures are drug resistant and other issues such asexpired antimalarials and patient compliance need to be considered. Continuation of a failing treatment policyafter drug resistance is established suppresses infections rather than curing them, leading to increasedtransmission of malaria, promotion of epidemics and loss of public confidence in malaria control programs.Antifolate drug resistance (i.e. pyrimethamine) means that new combinations are urgently needed particularlybecause addition of a single drug to an already failing regimen is rarely effective for very long. Atovaquone/proguanil and mefloquine have been used against multiple drug resistant falciparum malaria with resistance toeach having been documented soon after drug introduction. Drug combinations delay further transmission ofresistant parasites by increasing cure rates and inhibiting formation of gametocytes. Most currentlyrecommended drug combinations for falciparum malaria are variants of artemisinin combination therapy wherea rapidly acting artemisinin compound is combined with a longer half-life drug of a different class. Artemisininsused include dihydroartemisinin, artesunate, artemether and companion drugs include mefloquine, amodiaquine,sulfadoxine/ pyrimethamine, lumefantrine, piperaquine, pyronaridine, chlorproguanil/dapsone. The standard ofcare must be to cure malaria by killing the last parasite. Combination antimalarial treatment is vital not only tothe successful treatment of individual patients but also for public health control of malaria.