49 resultados para diversity of species
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Large-scale patterns of species diversity in the gastrointestinal helminth faunas of the coral reef fish Epinephelus merra (Serranidae) were investigated in French Polynesia and the South Pacific Ocean. The richer barrier reef community in French Polynesia supported richer parasite communities in E. merra than that on the fringing reef. While parasite communities among fish from the same archipelago were similar, differences in potential host species and the distance between archipelagos may have contributed to a qualitative difference in parasite communities between archipelagos. Digenean community diversity in coral reef fishes was greater in the western South Pacific, following similar patterns in free-living species. However, overall species diversity of camallanid nematodes of coral reef fishes does not appear to have been similarly affected.
The Digenea is one of five major helminth assemblages represented in Australian animals. History of the study of digeneans in Australia is reviewed briefly to show that it has never been subjected to the kind of sustained study needed to reach an understanding of it. The Australian vertebrate fauna comprises over 5500 species. These have so far been shown to harbour just over 70 families, about 306 genera and 566 species of digeneans. Digeneans occur in all classes of vertebrates in Australia but are distributed very unevenly; aquatic hosts are generally most heavily infected, but many terrestrial species are also infected. Particular weaknesses in knowledge of the fauna concern the bats, cetaceans and teleosts. Another weakness is in knowledge of life-cycles; representative life-cycles are known for only about 20 of the 70 families known in Australia. Estimates of the overall size of the fauna are dependent on an understanding of sampling strategies, the heterogeneity of distribution of the fauna, and the nature of host-specificity. These subjects are reviewed briefly and an estimate of the total fauna is made. There may be as many as 6000 species of digeneans in Australia. (C) 1998 Australian Society for Parasitology. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Allozyme variation in species of the mangrove genus Avicennia was screened in 25 populations collected from 22 locations in the Indo-West Pacific and eastern North America using 11 loci. Several fixed gene differences supported the specific status of Avicennia alba, A. integra, A. marina, and A. rumphiana from the Indo-West Pacific, and A. germinans from the Atlantic-East Pacific. The three varieties of A. marina, var. marina, var. eucalyptifolia, and var. australasica, had higher genetic similarities (Nei's I) and no fixed gene differences, confirming their conspecific status. Strong genetic structuring was observed in A. marina, with sharp changes in gene frequencies at the geographical margins of varietal distributions. The occurrence of alleles found otherwise in only one variety, in only immediately adjacent populations of another variety, provided evidence of introgession between varieties. The varieties appear to have diverged recently in the Pleistocene and are apparently not of ancient Cretaceous origin, as suggested earlier. Despite evidence of high degrees of outcrossing, gene flow among populations was relatively low (N(e)m less than or equal to 1-2), except where populations were geographically continuous, questioning assumptions that these widespread mangrove species achieve high levels of long-distance dispersal.
Humans play a role in deciding the fate of species in the current extinction wave. Because of the previous Similarity Principle, physical attractiveness and likeability, it has been argued that public choice favours the survival of species that satisfy these criteria at the expense of other species. This paper empirically tests this argument by considering a hypothetical ‘Ark’ situation. Surveys of 204 members of the Australian public inquired whether they are in favour of the survival of each of 24 native mammal, bird and reptile species (prior to and after information provision about each species). The species were ranked by percentage of ‘yes’ votes received. Species composition by taxon in various fractions of the ranking was determined. If the previous Similarity Principle holds, mammals should rank highly and dominate the top fractions of animals saved in the hierarchical list. We find that although mammals would be over-represented in the ‘Ark’, birds and reptiles are unlikely to be excluded when social choice is based on numbers ‘voting’ for the survival of each species. Support for the previous Similarity Principle is apparent particularly after information provision. Public policy implications of this are noted and recommendations are given.
Axe latitudinal gradients in regional diversity random or biased with respect to body size? Using data for the New World avifauna, I show that the slope of the increase in regional species richness from the Arctic to the equator is not independent of body size. The increase is steepest among small and medium-sized species, and shallowest among the largest species. This is reflected in latitudinal variation in the shape of frequency distributions of body sizes in regional subsets of the New World avifauna. Because species are added disproportionately in small and medium size classes towards low latitudes, distributions become less widely spread along the body size axis than expected from the number of species. These patterns suggest an interaction between the effects of latitude and body size on species richness, implying that mechanisms which vary with both latitude and body size may be important determinants of high tropical diversity in New World birds.
Sorghum ergot was first discovered in Australia in 1996. It affects seed production and grain usage in stock feed due to concerns of animal toxicity. Three species of Claviceps are known to cause ergot of sorghum with different epidemiological, animal toxicity, and management implications. Claviceps africana was identified as the causal agent but morphological differences between isolates raised the possibility of more than one species being involved. The major aim of this study was to identify the Claviceps species causing sorghum ergot and to determine the genetic diversity among isolates of the ergot pathogen from Australia and overseas. Symptom development, sequencing of the ITS1 region, and radiolabelled DNA amplification fingerprints (RAF) were used to confirm that ergot of sorghum in Australia is caused by C. africana. The morphology of sphacelia, microconidia, macroconidia, and secondary conidia of all 36 Australian isolates studied matched the description for C. africana and the DNA sequence of the ITS1 region of 2 selected Australian isolates was identical to that of C. africana. Based on RAF analysis of 110 Australian and overseas isolates of Claviceps spp., C. africana isolates could be clearly distinguished (
Seventy-two lactic acid producing bacterial isolates (excluding streptococci) were cultured from the gastrointestinal tract of six horses. Two of the horses were orally dosed with raftilose to induce lactic acidosis and laminitis while the remaining four were maintained on a roughage diet. Near complete 16S rDNA was amplified by PCR from the genomic DNA of each isolate. Following RFLP analysis with the restriction enzymes MboI, HhaI and HinfI, the PCR products from the IS isolates that produced L- and/or D-lactate were subsequently cloned and sequenced. DNA sequence analysis indicated that the majority of the isolates were closely related to species within the genus Lactobacillus, including Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus mucosae and Lactobacillus delbrueckii. Four isolates were closely related to Mitsuokella jalaludinii. Lactic acid producing bacteria (LAB) from the equine gastrointestinal tract was dominated by representatives from the genus Lactobacillus, but also included D-lactate-producing bacteria closely related to M. jalaludinii. Identification and characterization of LAB from the equine gastrointestinal tract should contribute to our understanding and management of fermentative acidosis, ulceration of the stomach and laminitis. (c) 2005 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Diverse ketosynthase (KS) genes were retrieved from the microbial community associated with the Great Barrier Reef sponge Pseudoceratina clavata. Bacterial isolation and metagenomic approaches were employed. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA of culturable sponge-associated bacterial communities comprised eight groups over four phyla. Ten KS domains were amplified from four genera of isolates and phylogenetics demonstrated that these KS domains were located in three clusters (actinobacterial, cyanobacterial and trans-AT type). Metagenomic DNA of the sponge microbial community was extracted to explore community KS genes by two approaches: direct amplification of KS domains and construction of fosmid libraries for KS domain screening. Five KS domains were retrieved from polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification using sponge metagenome DNA as template and five fosmid clones containing KS domains found using multiplex PCR screening. Analysis of selected polyketide synthase (PKS) from one fosmid showed that the PKS consists of two modules. Open reading frames located up- and downstream of the PKS displayed similarity with membrane synthesis-related proteins such as cardiolipin synthase. Metagenome approaches did not detect KS domains found in sponge isolates. All KS domains from both metagenome approaches formed a single cluster with KS domains originating from metagenomes derived from other sponge species from other geographical regions.
Genotypic diversity in Fusarium pseudograminearum and F. graminearum from Australia and the relationship between diversity and pathogen aggressiveness for head blight and/or crown rot of wheat were examined. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis revealed a high level of genotypic diversity within each species. Sixty-three of the 149 AFLP loci were significantly different between the two species and 70 of 72 F. pseudograminearum and 56 of 59 F. graminearum isolates had distinct haplotypes. When head blight and crown rot severity data from a recently published work on isolates representing the entire range of aggressiveness were used, only the genotypic diversity of F. pseudograminearum was significantly associated with its aggressiveness for the two diseases. Cluster analyses clearly demonstrated the polyphyletic structures that exist in both pathogen populations. The spatial diversity within F. graminearum was high within a single field, while frequent gene flow (N-m similar to 14) and a low fixation index (G(st) = 0.03) were recorded among F. pseudograminearum isolates from the adjacent states of New South Wales and Queensland. The differences in population structure between the heterothallic F. pseudograminearum (teleomorph G. coronicola) and the homothallic F. graminearum (teleomorph G. zeae) were not as pronounced as expected given their contrasting mating systems. Neither species was panmictic or strictly clonal. This points to sexual recombination in F. pseudograminearum, suggesting that ascospores of G. coronicola may also play a role in its biology and epidemiology.
Humans play a role in deciding the fate of species in the current extinction wave. Because of the previous Similarity Principle, physical attractiveness and likeability, it has been argued that public choice favours the survival of species that satisfy these criteria at the expense of other species. This paper empirically tests this argument by considering a hypothetical ‘Ark’ situation. Surveys of 204 members of the Australian public inquired whether they are in favour of the survival of each of 24 native mammal, bird and reptile species (prior to and after information provision about each species). The species were ranked by percentage of ‘yes’ votes received. Species composition by taxon in various fractions of the ranking was determined. If the previous Similarity Principle holds, mammals should rank highly and dominate the top fractions of animals saved in the hierarchical list. We find that although mammals would be over-represented in the ‘Ark’, birds and reptiles are unlikely to be excluded when social choice is based on numbers ‘voting’ for the survival of each species. Support for the previous Similarity Principle is apparent particularly after information provision. Public policy implications of this are noted and recommendations are given.
Phytophthora cinnamomi isolates from South Africa and Australia were compared to assess genetic differentiation between the two populations. These two populations were analysed for levels of phenotypic diversity using random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) and gene and genotypic diversity using restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). Sixteen RAPD markers from four decanucleotide Operon primers and 34 RFLP alleles from 15 putative loci were used. A few isolates from Papua New Guinea known to posses alleles different from Australian isolates were also included for comparative purposes. South African and Australian P. cinnamomi populations were almost identical with an extremely low level of genetic distance between them (D-m = 0.003). Common features for the two populations include shared alleles, low levels of phenotypic/genotypic diversity, high clonality, and low observed and expected levels of heterozygosity. Furthermore, relatively high levels of genetic differentiation between mating type populations (D-m South Africa = 0.020 and D-m Australia = 0.025 respectively), negative fixation indices, and significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, all provided evidence for the lack of frequent sexual reproduction in both populations. The data strongly suggest that both the South African and Australian P. cinnamomi populations are introduced.
The biological species (biospecies) concept applies only to sexually reproducing species, which means that until sexual reproduction evolved, there were no biospecies. On the universal tree of life, biospecies concepts therefore apply only to a relatively small number of clades, notably plants and animals. I argue that it is useful to treat the various ways of being a species (species modes) as traits of clades. By extension from biospecies to the other concepts intended to capture the natural realities of what keeps taxa distinct, we can treat other modes as traits also, and so come to understand that the plurality of species concepts reflects the biological realities of monophyletic groups. We should expect that specialists in different organisms will tend to favour those concepts that best represent the intrinsic mechanisms that keep taxa distinct in their clades. I will address the question whether modes of reproduction such as asexual and sexual reproduction are natural classes, given that they are paraphyletic in most clades.
Carbon monoxide, the chief killer in fires, and other species are modelled for a series of enclosure fires. The conditions emulate building fires where CO is formed in the rich, turbulent, nonpremixed flame and is transported frozen to lean mixtures by the ceiling jet which is cooled by radiation and dilution. Conditional moment closure modelling is used and computational domain minimisation criteria are developed which reduce the computational cost of this method. The predictions give good agreement for CO and other species in the lean, quenched-gas stream, holding promise that this method may provide a practical means of modelling real, three-dimensional fire situations. (c) 2005 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.