85 resultados para day-surgery

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Aim. This paper reports a study to test the hypothesis that day surgery patients who listen to music during their preoperative wait will have statistically significantly lower levels of anxiety than patients who receive routine care. Background. Although previous day surgery research suggests that music effectively reduces preoperative anxiety, methodological issues limit the generalizability of results. Methods. In early 2004, a randomized controlled trial design was conducted to assess anxiety before and after listening to patient preferred music. Participants were allocated to an intervention (n = 60), placebo (n = 60) or control group (n = 60). Pre- and post-test measures of anxiety were carried out using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Results. Music statistically significantly reduced the state anxiety level of the music (intervention) group. No relationships were found between socio-demographic or clinical variables such as gender or type of surgery. Conclusion. The findings support the use of music as an independent nursing intervention for preoperative anxiety in patients having day surgery.


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We conducted a national survey of Australian hospitals to assess their use of telehealth. Information was sought from the 814 hospitals with 10 or more beds, excluding the small number that provided only day surgery and seven for which we could not identify a contact person. A total of 564 replies were received (a 69% response rate). Nationally, nearly half (49%) reported that they were engaged in some telehealth activity. However, there was a significant difference across jurisdictions. Hospitals in the public sector were significantly more likely to report the use of telehealth than those in the private sector (62% vs 14%). Hospital remoteness was measured according to the Accessibility/Remoteness Index of Australia (ARIA). The highest levels of use were reported by hospitals in 'very remote' and 'remote' areas (90% and 88%, respectively), with moderate levels of use in 'moderately accessible' and 'accessible' areas (67% and 52%, respectively) and the lowest level of use in 'highly accessible' areas (35%). This trend was significant.


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Objectives: Resternotomy is a common part of cardiac surgical practice. Associated with resternotomy are the risks of cardiac injury and catastrophic hemorrhage and the subsequent elevated morbidity and mortality in the operating room or during the postoperative period. The technique of direct vision resternotomy is safe and has fewer, if any, serious cardiac injuries. The technique, the reduced need for groin cannulation and the overall low operative mortality and morbidity are the focus of this restrospective analysis. Methods: The records of 495 patients undergoing 546 resternotomies over a 21-year period to January 2000 were reviewed. All consecutive reoperations by the one surgeon comprised patients over the age of 20 at first resternotomy: M:F 343:203, mean age 57 years (range 20 to 85, median age 60). The mean NYHA grade was 2.3 [with 67 patients (1), 273 (11),159 (111), 43 (IV), and 4 (V classification)] with elective reoperation in 94.6%. Cardiac injury was graded into five groups and the incidence and reasons for groin cannulation estimated. The morbidity and mortality as a result of the reoperation and resternotomy were assessed. Results: The hospital/30 day mortality was 2.9% (95% Cl: 1.6%-4.4%) (16 deaths) over the 21 years. First (481), second (53), and third (12) resternotomies produced 307 uncomplicated technical reopenings, 203 slower but uncomplicated procedures, 9 minor superficial cardiac lacerations, and no moderate or severe cardiac injuries. Direct vision resternotomy is crystalized into the principle that only adhesions that are visualized from below are divided and only sternal bone that is freed of adhesions is sewn. Groin exposure was never performed prophylactically for resternotomy. Fourteen patients (2.6%) had such cannulation for aortic dissection/aneurysm (9 patients), excessive sternal adherence of cardiac structures (3 patients), presurgery cardiac arrest (1 patient), and high aortic cannulation desired and not possible (1 patient). The average postop blood loss was 594 mL (95% CI:558-631) in the first 12 hours. The need to return to the operating room for control of excessive bleeding was 2% (11 patients). Blood transfusion was given in 65% of the resternotomy procedures over the 21 years (mean 854 mL 95% Cl 765-945 mL) and 41% over the last 5 years. Conclusions: The technique of direct vision resternotomy has been associated with zero moderate or major cardiac injury/catastrophic hemorrhage at reoperation. Few patients have required groin cannulation. In the postoperative period, there was acceptable blood loss, transfusion rates, reduced morbidity, and moderate low mortality for this potentially high risk group.


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Objectives: To examine the association between introduction of paediatric ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgery guidelines and population procedure rates. To determine changes in children's risk of undergoing ENT surgery. Methods: Trend analysis of incidence of myringotomy, tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy among New South Wales (NSW) children aged 0-14 between 1981 and mid 1999. Poisson regression models were used to estimate annual rates of change pre and postguidelines introduction and age/gender specific rates, and lifetable methods to determine risk of undergoing an ENT procedure by age 15. Results: ENT surgery rates increased by 21% over the study period. Children's risk of surgery increased from 17.9% in 1981 to 20.2% in 1998/99. Guideline introduction was associated with moderate short-term decreases in rates. For tonsillectomy, rates decreased between 1981 and 1983, but then rose continually until the introduction of myringotomy guidelines in 1993, when they fell, only to recommence rising until the end of the study period. For myringotomy, rates rose annually from 1981 to 1992/93 and fell in the 3 years following guideline introduction, after which they rose again. Increases were almost exclusively restricted to children aged 0-4 and correspond with increased use of formal childcare. The prevalence of myringotomy by the age of 5 years rose from 5.6% of children born in 1988/89 to 6.4% of those born in 1994/95, and the prevalence of tonsillectomy from 2.4% to 2.7%. Conclusions: The risk of young Australian children undergoing ENT surgery increased significantly over the last two decades despite the introduction of guidelines and no evidence of an increase in otitis media, one condition prompting surgery. Surgery increased most among the very young. We hypothesize this is related to increasing use of childcare.


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Breast screening programmes have facilitated more conservative approaches to the surgical and radiotherapy management of women diagnosed with breast cancer. This study investigated changes in shoulder movement after surgery for primary, operable breast cancer to determine the effect of elective physiotherapy intervention. Sixty-five women were randomly assigned to either the treatment (TG) or control group (CG) and assessments were completed preoperatively, at day 5 and at 1 month, 3, 6, 12 and 24 months postoperatively. The CG only received an exercise instruction booklet in comparison to the TG who received the Physiotherapy Management Care Plan (PMCP). Analyses of variance revealed that abduction returned to preoperative levels more quickly in the TG than in the CG. The TG women had 14degrees more abduction at 3 months and 7degrees at 24 months. Functional recovery at 1 month was greater in those randomised to the TG, with a dominant operated arm (OA) or receiving breast-conserving surgery. However, it was not possible to predict recovery over the 2 years postoperatively on the basis of an individual woman's recovery at 1 month postoperatively. The eventual recovery of abduction or flexion range of movement was not related to the dominance of the OA nor to the surgical procedure performed. The PMCP provided in the early postoperative period is effective in facilitating and maintaining the recovery of shoulder movement over the first 2 years after breast cancer surgery.


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The development of secondary arm lymphoedema after the removal of axillary lymph nodes remains a potential problem for women with breast cancer. This study investigated the incidence of arm lymphoedema following axillary dissection to determine the effect of prospective monitoring and early physiotherapy intervention. Sixty-five women were randomly assigned to either the treatment (TG) or control group (CG) and assessments were made preoperatively, at day 5 and at 1, 3, 6, 12 and 24 months postoperatively. Three measurements were used for the detection of arm lymphoedema: arm circumferences (CIRC), arm volume (VOL) and multi-frequency bioimpedance (MFBIA). Clinically significant lymphoedema was confirmed by an increase of at least 200 ml from the preoperative difference between the two arms. Using this definition, the incidence of lymphoedema at 24 mo. was 21%, with a rate of 11% in the TG compared to 30% in the CG. The CIRC or MFBIA methods failed to detect lymphoedema in up to 50% of women who demonstrated an increase of at least 200 ml in the VOL of the operated arm compared to the unoperated arm. The physiotherapy intervention programme for the TG women included principles for lymphoedema risk minimisation and early management of this condition when it was identified. These strategies appear to reduce the development of secondary lymphoedema and alter its progression in comparison to the CG women. Monitoring of these women is continuing and will determine if these benefits are maintained over a longer period for women with early lymphoedema after breast cancer surgery.


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Objective: To audit effective quality assurance methods to monitor outcomes following paediatric cardiac surgery at a single institution. Methods: All patients undergoing cardiac surgery from January 1996 to December 2001 were enrolled prospectively. Patients were stratified by complexity of surgical procedure into four groups, with Category 4 being the most complex procedure. Outcome measures included death, length of admission and morbidity from complications. Results: A total of 1815 patients underwent 1973 surgical procedures. Of these, 1447 (73.3%) were cardiopulmonary bypass procedures, and 543 (27.5%) were more complex (Category 3 and 4) procedures. Median patient age was 3.5 years (range, 1 day-20 years) and patient weight 15.0 kg (range, 900 g to 90 kg). Sixty-six patients (3.6%) died during the study period. Of the procedures in 1996, 22.7% were classified as complex compared with 29.2% of procedures in 2001. The annual surgical mortality ranged from 1.9-4.7% (P=0.20), and when mortality was adjusted for complexity of surgery, there was no significant yearly variation in the mortality rate (P=0.57). Analysis of individual surgeon's results showed no significant difference in the mortality rate by complexity of surgery performed (P=0.90). Mean ventilation times did not change significantly over time (P=0.79). The yearly incidence of significant neurological complications ranged from 0.6% to 4.5% and the incidence of arrhythmias from 4.2% to 8.0%. No difference was detected between the years. Conclusions: Stratifying complexity of surgery proved valuable in monitoring surgical outcomes and detecting differences in performance over time as large subgroups were created for analysis.


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Background Resection remains the best treatment for carcinoma of the oesophagus in terms of local control, but local recurrence and distant metastasis remain an issue after surgery. We aimed to assess whether a short preoperative chemoradiotherapy regimen improves outcomes for patients with resectable oesophageal cancer. Methods 128 patients were randomly assigned to surgery alone and 128 patients to surgery after 80 mg/m(2) cisplatin on day 1, 800 mg/m(2) fluorouracil on days 1-4, with concurrent radiotherapy of 35 Gy given in 15 fractions. The primary endpoint was progression-free survival. Secondary endpoints were overall survival, tumour response, toxic effects, patterns of failure, and quality of life. Analysis was done by intention to treat. Findings Neither progression-free survival nor overall survival differed between groups (hazard ratio [HR] 0.82 [95% CI 0.61-1.101 and 0.89 [0.67-1.19], respectively). The chemoradiotherapy-and-surgery group had more complete resections with clear margins than did the surgery-alone group (103 of 128 [80%] vs 76 of 128 [59%], p=0.0002), and had fewer positive lymph nodes (44 of 103 [43%] vs 69 of 103 [67%], p=0.003). Subgroup analysis showed that patients with squamous-cell tumours had better progression-free survival with chemoradiotherapy than did those with non-squamous tumours (HR 0.47 [0.25-0.86] vs 1.02 [0.72-1.44]). However, the trial was underpowered to determine the real magnitude of benefit in this subgroup. Interpretation Preoperative chemoradiotherapy with cisplatin and fluorouracil does not significantly improve progression-free or overall survival for patients with resectable oesophageal cancer compared with surgery alone. However, further assessment is warranted of the role of chemoradiotherapy in patients with squamouscell tumours.


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Placard "Brisbane 1966 not Germany 1936" on truck during Labour Day procession Brisbane 1966. Image shows arrest of student during anti war demonstration in Brisbane, Australia, 1966. City Hall tower can be seen in background.


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Conscription headstone banner on truck during Labour Day procession 1966 Brisbane, Australia.


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Children on float during May Day march in Brisbane 1968. Banners say Education not war and Overseas for Peace Trade not war.


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Performers from the Moscow Circus on float during May Day parade, Brisbane, Australia, 1968


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Members of the Inala Darra Peace Committee during Hiroshima Day 1964, Brisbane.