8 resultados para data aggregation

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Large amounts of information can be overwhelming and costly to process, especially when transmitting data over a network. A typical modern Geographical Information System (GIS) brings all types of data together based on the geographic component of the data and provides simple point-and-click query capabilities as well as complex analysis tools. Querying a Geographical Information System, however, can be prohibitively expensive due to the large amounts of data which may need to be processed. Since the use of GIS technology has grown dramatically in the past few years, there is now a need more than ever, to provide users with the fastest and least expensive query capabilities, especially since an approximated 80 % of data stored in corporate databases has a geographical component. However, not every application requires the same, high quality data for its processing. In this paper we address the issues of reducing the cost and response time of GIS queries by preaggregating data by compromising the data accuracy and precision. We present computational issues in generation of multi-level resolutions of spatial data and show that the problem of finding the best approximation for the given region and a real value function on this region, under a predictable error, in general is "NP-complete.


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The integration of geo-information from multiple sources and of diverse nature in developing mineral favourability indexes (MFIs) is a well-known problem in mineral exploration and mineral resource assessment. Fuzzy set theory provides a convenient framework to combine and analyse qualitative and quantitative data independently of their source or characteristics. A novel, data-driven formulation for calculating MFIs based on fuzzy analysis is developed in this paper. Different geo-variables are considered fuzzy sets and their appropriate membership functions are defined and modelled. A new weighted average-type aggregation operator is then introduced to generate a new fuzzy set representing mineral favourability. The membership grades of the new fuzzy set are considered as the MFI. The weights for the aggregation operation combine the individual membership functions of the geo-variables, and are derived using information from training areas and L, regression. The technique is demonstrated in a case study of skarn tin deposits and is used to integrate geological, geochemical and magnetic data. The study area covers a total of 22.5 km(2) and is divided into 349 cells, which include nine control cells. Nine geo-variables are considered in this study. Depending on the nature of the various geo-variables, four different types of membership functions are used to model the fuzzy membership of the geo-variables involved. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We investigate whether relative contributions of genetic and shared environmental factors are associated with an increased risk in melanoma. Data from the Queensland Familial Melanoma Project comprising 15,907 subjects arising from 1912 families were analyzed to estimate the additive genetic, common and unique environmental contributions to variation in the age at onset of melanoma. Two complementary approaches for analyzing correlated time-to-onset family data were considered: the generalized estimating equations (GEE) method in which one can estimate relationship-specific dependence simultaneously with regression coefficients that describe the average population response to changing covariates; and a subject-specific Bayesian mixed model in which heterogeneity in regression parameters is explicitly modeled and the different components of variation may be estimated directly. The proportional hazards and Weibull models were utilized, as both produce natural frameworks for estimating relative risks while adjusting for simultaneous effects of other covariates. A simple Markov Chain Monte Carlo method for covariate imputation of missing data was used and the actual implementation of the Bayesian model was based on Gibbs sampling using the free ware package BUGS. In addition, we also used a Bayesian model to investigate the relative contribution of genetic and environmental effects on the expression of naevi and freckles, which are known risk factors for melanoma.


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In this study, we investigated the size, submicrometer-scale structure, and aggregation state of ZnS formed by sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in a SRB-dominated biofilm growing on degraded wood in cold (Tsimilar to8degreesC), circumneutral-pH (7.2-8.5) waters draining from an abandoned, carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn mine. High-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM) data reveal that the earliest biologically induced precipitates are crystalline ZnS nanoparticles 1-5 nm in diameter. Although most nanocrystals have the sphalerite structure, nanocrystals of wurtzite are also present, consistent with a predicted size dependence for ZnS phase stability. Nearly all the nanocrystals are concentrated into 1-5 mum diameter spheroidal aggregates that display concentric banding patterns indicative of episodic precipitation and flocculation. Abundant disordered stacking sequences and faceted, porous crystal-aggregate morphologies are consistent with aggregation-driven growth of ZnS nanocrystals prior to and/or during spheroid formation. Spheroids are typically coated by organic polymers or associated with microbial cellular surfaces, and are concentrated roughly into layers within the biofilm. Size, shape, structure, degree of crystallinity, and polymer associations will all impact ZnS solubility, aggregation and coarsening behavior, transport in groundwater, and potential for deposition by sedimentation. Results presented here reveal nanometer- to micrometer-scale attributes of biologically induced ZnS formation likely to be relevant to sequestration via bacterial sulfate reduction (BSR) of other potential contaminant metal(loid)s, such as Pb2+, Cd2+, As3+ and Hg2+, into metal sulfides. The results highlight the importance of basic mineralogical information for accurate prediction and monitoring of long-term contaminant metal mobility and bioavailability in natural and constructed bioremediation systems. Our observations also provoke interesting questions regarding the role of size-dependent phase stability in biomineralization and provide new insights into the origin of submicrometer- to millimeter-scale petrographic features observed in low-temperature sedimentary sulfide ore deposits.


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Simultaneous analysis of handedness data from 35 samples of twins (with a combined sample size of 21,127 twin pairs) found a small but significant additive genetic effect accounting for 25.47% of the variance (95% confidence interval [CI] 15.69-29.51%). No common environmental influences were detected (C = 0.00; 95% Cl 0.00-7.67%), with the majority of the variance, 74.53%, explained by factors unique to the individual (95% Cl 70.49-78.67%). No significant heterogeneity was observed within studies that used similar methods to assess handedness, or across studies that used different methods. At an individual level the majority of studies had insufficient power to reject a purely unique environmental model due to insufficient power to detect familial aggregation. This lack of power is seldom mentioned within studies, and has contributed to the misconception that twin studies of handedness are not informative.


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This article applies methods of latent class analysis (LCA) to data on lifetime illicit drug use in order to determine whether qualitatively distinct classes of illicit drug users can be identified. Self-report data on lifetime illicit drug use (cannabis, stimulants, hallucinogens, sedatives, inhalants, cocaine, opioids and solvents) collected from a sample of 6265 Australian twins (average age 30 years) were analyzed using LCA. Rates of childhood sexual and physical abuse, lifetime alcohol and tobacco dependence, symptoms of illicit drug abuse/dependence and psychiatric comorbidity were compared across classes using multinomial logistic regression. LCA identified a 5-class model: Class 1 (68.5%) had low risks of the use of all drugs except cannabis; Class 2 (17.8%) had moderate risks of the use of all drugs; Class 3 (6.6%) had high rates of cocaine, other stimulant and hallucinogen use but lower risks for the use of sedatives or opioids. Conversely, Class 4 (3.0%) had relatively low risks of cocaine, other stimulant or hallucinogen use but high rates of sedative and opioid use. Finally, Class 5 (4.2%) had uniformly high probabilities for the use of all drugs. Rates of psychiatric comorbidity were highest in the polydrug class although the sedative/opioid class had elevated rates of depression/suicidal behaviors and exposure to childhood abuse. Aggregation of population-level data may obscure important subgroup differences in patterns of illicit drug use and psychiatric comorbidity. Further exploration of a 'self-medicating' subgroup is needed.