10 resultados para critical electrolyte concentration

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Recently it has been shown that modification with strontium causes an increase in the size of eutectic grains. The eutectic grain size increases because there are fewer nucleation events, possibly due to the poisoning of phosphorus-based nuclei that are active in the unmodified alloy. The current paper investigates the effect of strontium concentration on the eutectic grain size. In the aluminium-10 wt.% silicon alloy used in this research, for fixed casting conditions, the eutectic grain size increases as the strontium concentration increases up to approximately 150ppm, beyond which the grain size is relatively stable. This critical strontium concentration is likely to differ depending on the composition of the base alloy, including the concentration of minor elements and impurities. It is concluded that processing and in-service properties of strontium modified aluminium-silicon castings are likely to be more stable if a minimum critical strontium concentration is exceeded. If operating below this critical strontium concentration exceptional control over composition and casting conditions is required. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, commonly found in long-term cane-growing fields in northern Queensland, are linked with both negative and positive growth responses by sugarcane ( Saccharum spp.), depending on P supply. A glasshouse trial was established to examine whether AM density might also have an important influence on these growth responses. Mycorrhizal spores ( Glomus clarum), isolated from a long-term cane block in northern Queensland, were introduced into a pasteurised low-P cane soil at 5 densities ( 0, 0.06, 0.25, 1, 4 spores/g soil) and with 4 P treatments ( 0, 8.2, 25, and 47 mg/kg). At 83 days after planting, sugarcane tops responded positively to P fertilizer, although responses attributable to spore density were rarely observed. In one case, addition of 4 spores/g led to a 53% yield response over those without AM at 8 mg P/kg, or a relative benefit of 17 mg P/kg. Root colonisation was reduced for plants with nil or 74 mg P/kg. For those without AM, P concentration in the topmost visible dewlap ( TVD) leaf increased significantly with fertiliser P (0.07 v. 0.15%). However, P concentration increased further with the presence of AM spores. Irrespective of AM, the critical P concentration in the TVD leaf was 0.18%. This study confirms earlier reports that sugarcane is poorly responsive to AM. Spore density, up to 4 spores/g soil, appears unable to influence this responsiveness, either positively or negatively. Attempts to gain P benefits by increasing AM density through rotation seem unlikely to lead to yield increases by sugarcane. Conversely, sugarcane grown in fields with high spore densities and high plant-available P, such as long-termcane-growing soils, is unlikely to suffer a yield reduction from mycorrhizal fungi.


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The potassium (K) nutrition and high K requirement of tropical root crops may be affected by their sodium (Na) status, as has been observed in a number of plant species. Solution culture was used to study the effects of K and Na supplies in tannia [Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott.], sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.] and taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott]. At low K supply, Na ameliorated symptoms of K deficiency and increased growth in tannia, and to a lesser extent in sweetpotato, but not in taro. None of the species responded to Na at adequate K supply. Differences in response to Na were attributed to differences in Na translocation to plant tops. At maximum Na supply, the Na concentration in index leaves averaged 1.82% in tannia, 0.205% in sweetpotato, and 0.0067% in taro. An increase in the supply of Na resulted in a shift in the critical K concentration for deficiency (i.e., 90% of maximum yield) in index leaves from 2.9% to 1.2% in tannia, and from 4.8% to 2.5% in sweetpotato. The critical K concentration in taro was 3.3%, irrespective of Na supply. To overcome the problem in tannia and sweetpotato of determining the critical concentration relevant to a leaf sample of unknown K status, a relationship was established for each species relating the critical K concentration to the concentration of Na in the index leaves.


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n-Octyl-beta-D-glueopyranoside (OG) is a non-ionic glycolipid, which is used widely in biotechnical and biochemical applications. All-atom molecular dynamics simulations from two different initial coordinates and velocities in explicit solvent have been performed to characterize the structural behaviour of an OG aggregate at equilibrium conditions. Geometric packing properties determined from the simulations and small angle neutron scattering experiment state that OG micelles are more likely to exist in a non-spherical shape, even at the concentration range near to the critical micelle concentration (0.025 M). Despite few large deviations in the principal moment of inertia ratios, the average micelle shape calculated from both simulations is a prolate ellipsoid. The deviations at these time scales are presumably the temporary shape change of a micelle. However, the size of the micelle and the accessible surface areas were constant during the simulations with the micelle surface being rough and partially elongated. Radial distribution functions computed for the hydroxyl oxygen atoms of an OG show sharper peaks at a minimum van der Waals contact distance than the acetal oxygen, ring oxygen, and anomeric carbon atoms. This result indicates that these atoms are pointed outwards at the hydrophilic/hydrophobic interface, form hydrogen bonds with the water molecules, and thus hydrate the micelle surface effectively. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The irrigation of pasture with saline, Na-contaminated industrial wastewater typically results in an increase in soil ESP. From current knowledge (derived largely from cultivated agricultural soils), although these sodic soils are likely to remain stable whilst irrigated with effluent (due to the effluent’s large electrolyte concentration), during rainfall periods of low electrolyte concentration these soils would be expected to disperse. However, effluent irrigated pasture soils have been observed to maintain their structure even during intense rainfall events. Three soil types were collected (Sodosol, Vertosol and Dermosol), each with a cultivated/non-cultivated pair. The soils were equilibrated with various SAR solutions and then leached with deionised water to allow the measurement of saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat). At low SARs, Ksat tended to be greater in non-cultivated than cultivated soils and is attributable to a loss of structure associated with cultivation. In addition, as SAR increased, the reduction in relative Ksat tended to be significantly greater in cultivated than non-cultivated soils. The relatively rapid saturated hydraulic conductivity in the non-cultivated soils at large SARs is due to a greater aggregate stability due to greater soil C content. For the sustainable disposal of saline effluent, it is therefore necessary to ensure that soils remain undisturbed and preferably under pasture, thus maximising soil structural stability and hydraulic conductivity.


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Diets with more than 30 g K/kg DM have previously been associated with hypomagnesaemia in grazing cattle, and to test whether such diets lead to mineral disorders in sheep, the absorption of Mg and other elements was investigated using experimental diets to which KC I had been added to provide 27, 29, 32 or 34 g K/kg DM. The apparent absorption, balance and apparent retention of Mg, and to a lesser extent Ca, were reduced for sheep offered the diets with 32 or 34 g K/kg DM. The absorption and retention of K, Na, P, Zn, Pb and Cd was not affected by treatment. The blood intracellular Ca concentration was reduced by the diets with 29, 32 or 34 g K/kg DM, compared to the diet with 27 g K/kg DM, but the concentration of other elements was unaffected. Blood plasma Ca concentration was increased at the highest level of K inclusion, providing evidence of mild hyperkalaemia and the involvement of Ca homeostatic mechanisms. It is concluded that Mg absorption by sheep will be impaired if the diet contains more than 30 g K/kg DM, equivalent to an intake of approximately 13 g K/d, but that a high K diet may be beneficial before parturition to accustom the sheep to Ca mobilization before lactation. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present existence results for a Neumann problem involving critical Sobolev nonlinearities both on the right hand side of the equation and at the boundary condition.. Positive solutions are obtained through constrained minimization on the Nehari manifold. Our approach is based on the concentration 'compactness principle of P. L. Lions and M. Struwe.


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B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) is the first biomarker of proven value in screening for left ventricular dysfunction. The availability of point-of-care testing has escalated clinical interest and the resultant research is defining a role for BNP in the investigation and treatment of critically ill patients. This review was undertaken with the aim of collecting and assimilating current evidence regarding the use of BNP assay in the evaluation of myocardial dysfunction in critically ill humans. The information is presented in a format based upon organ system and disease category. BNP assay has been studied in a spectrum of clinical conditions ranging from acute dyspnoea to subarachnoid haemorrhage. Its role in diagnosis, assessment of disease severity, risk stratification and prognostic evaluation of cardiac dysfunction appears promising, but requires further elaboration. The heterogeneity of the critically ill population appears to warrant a range of cut-off values. Research addressing progressive changes in BNP concentration is hindered by infrequent assay and appears unlikely to reflect the critically ill patient's rapidly changing haemodynamics. Multi-marker strategies may prove valuable in prognostication and evaluation of therapy in a greater variety of illnesses. Scant data exist regarding the use of BNP assay to alter therapy or outcome. It appears that BNP assay offers complementary information to conventional approaches for the evaluation of cardiac dysfunction. Continued research should augment the validity of BNP assay in the evaluation of myocardial function in patients with life-threatening illness.


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The dynamics of drop formation and pinch-off have been investigated for a series of low viscosity elastic fluids possessing similar shear viscosities, but differing substantially in elastic properties. On initial approach to the pinch region, the viscoelastic fluids all exhibit the same global necking behavior that is observed for a Newtonian fluid of equivalent shear viscosity. For these low viscosity dilute polymer solutions, inertial and capillary forces form the dominant balance in this potential flow regime, with the viscous force being negligible. The approach to the pinch point, which corresponds to the point of rupture for a Newtonian fluid, is extremely rapid in such solutions, with the sudden increase in curvature producing very large extension rates at this location. In this region the polymer molecules are significantly extended, causing a localized increase in the elastic stresses, which grow to balance the capillary pressure. This prevents the necked fluid from breaking off, as would occur in the equivalent Newtonian fluid. Alternatively, a cylindrical filament forms in which elastic stresses and capillary pressure balance, and the radius decreases exponentially with time. A (0+1)-dimensional finitely extensible nonlinear elastic dumbbell theory incorporating inertial, capillary, and elastic stresses is able to capture the basic features of the experimental observations. Before the critical "pinch time" t(p), an inertial-capillary balance leads to the expected 2/3-power scaling of the minimum radius with time: R-min similar to(t(p)-t)(2/3). However, the diverging deformation rate results in large molecular deformations and rapid crossover to an elastocapillary balance for times t>t(p). In this region, the filament radius decreases exponentially with time R-min similar to exp[(t(p)-t)/lambda(1)], where lambda(1) is the characteristic time constant of the polymer molecules. Measurements of the relaxation times of polyethylene oxide solutions of varying concentrations and molecular weights obtained from high speed imaging of the rate of change of filament radius are significantly higher than the relaxation times estimated from Rouse-Zimm theory, even though the solutions are within the dilute concentration region as determined using intrinsic viscosity measurements. The effective relaxation times exhibit the expected scaling with molecular weight but with an additional dependence on the concentration of the polymer in solution. This is consistent with the expectation that the polymer molecules are in fact highly extended during the approach to the pinch region (i.e., prior to the elastocapillary filament thinning regime) and subsequently as the filament is formed they are further extended by filament stretching at a constant rate until full extension of the polymer coil is achieved. In this highly extended state, intermolecular interactions become significant, producing relaxation times far above theoretical predictions for dilute polymer solutions under equilibrium conditions. (C) 2006 American Institute of Physics


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The microstructures and electrolytic properties of YxCe1-xO2-x/2 (x = 0.10-0.25) electrolytes with average grain size in the range 90 nm-1.7 mu m were systematically investigated. Through detailed transmission electron microscopy characterization, nanosized domains were observed. The relationship of the domains, the doping level and grain sizes were determined, and their impacts on the electrolytic properties were systematically studied. It was found that the formation of domains has a negative impact on the electrolytic properties, so that electrolytic properties can be adjusted through careful control of domain formation, doping level and grain size. (c) 2006 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.