11 resultados para corn (Zea mays L.)

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Leaf area growth and nitrogen concentration per unit leaf area, N-a (g m(-2) N) are two options plants can use to adapt to nitrogen limitation. Previous work indicated that potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) adapts the size of leaves to maintain Na and photosynthetic capacity per unit leaf area. This paper reports on the effect of N limitation on leaf area production and photosynthetic capacity in maize, a C4 cereal. Maize was grown in two experiments in pots in glasshouses with three (0.84-6.0 g N pot(-1)) and five rates (0.5-6.0 g pot(-1)) of N. Leaf tip and ligule appearance were monitored and final individual leaf area was determined. Changes with leaf age in leaf area, leaf N content and light-saturated photosynthetic capacity, P a,, were measured on two leaves per plant in each experiment. The final area of the largest leaf and total plant leaf area differed by 16 and 29% from the lowest to highest N supply, but leaf appearance rate and the duration of leaf expansion were unaffected. The N concentration of expanding leaves (N-a or %N in dry matter) differed by at least a factor 2 from the lowest to highest N supply. A hyperbolic function described the relation between P-max and N-a. The results confirm the 'maize strategy': leaf N content, photosynthetic capacity, and ultimately radiation use efficiency is more sensitive to nitrogen limitation than are leaf area expansion and light interception. The generality of the findings is discussed and it is suggested that at canopy level species showing the 'potato strategy' can be recognized from little effect of nitrogen supply on radiation use efficiency, while the reverse is true for species showing the 'maize strategy' for adaptation to N limitation. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In a 2-yr multiple-site field study conducted in western Nebraska during 1999 and 2000, optimum dryland corn (Zea mays L.) population varied from less than 1.7 to more than 5.6 plants m(-2), depending largely on available water resources. The objective of this study was to use a modeling approach to investigate corn population recommendations for a wide range of seasonal variation. A corn growth simulation model (APSIM-maize) was coupled to long-term sequences of historical climatic data from western Nebraska to provide probabilistic estimates of dryland yield for a range of corn populations. Simulated populations ranged from 2 to 5 plants m(-2). Simulations began with one of three levels of available soil water at planting, either 80, 160, or 240 mm in the surface 1.5 m of a loam soil. Gross margins were maximized at 3 plants m(-2) when starting available water was 160 or 240 mm, and the expected probability of a financial loss at this population was reduced from about 10% at 160 mm to 0% at 240 mm. When starting available water was 80 mm, average gross margins were less than $15 ha(-1), and risk of financial loss exceeded 40%. Median yields were greatest when starting available soil water was 240 mm. However, perhaps the greater benefit of additional soil water at planting was reduction in the risk of making a financial loss. Dryland corn growers in western Nebraska are advised to use a population of 3 plants m(-2) as a base recommendation.


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The ability to predict leaf area and leaf area index is crucial in crop simulation models that predict crop growth and yield. Previous studies have shown existing methods of predicting leaf area to be inadequate when applied to a broad range of cultivars with different numbers of leaves. The objectives of the study were to (i) develop generalised methods of modelling individual and total plant leaf area, and leaf senescence, that do not require constants that are specific to environments and/or genotypes, (ii) re-examine the base, optimum, and maximum temperatures for calculation of thermal time for leaf senescence, and (iii) assess the method of calculation of individual leaf area from leaf length and leaf width in experimental work. Five cultivars of maize differing widely in maturity and adaptation were planted in October 1994 in south-eastern Queensland, and grown under non-limiting conditions of water and plant nutrient supplies. Additional data for maize plants with low total leaf number (12-17) grown at Katumani Research Centre, Kenya, were included to extend the range in the total leaf number per plant. The equation for the modified (slightly skewed) bell curve could be generalised for modelling individual leaf area, as all coefficients in it were related to total leaf number. Use of coefficients for individual genotypes can be avoided, and individual and total plant leaf area can be calculated from total leaf number. A single, logistic equation, relying on maximum plant leaf area and thermal time from emergence, was developed to predict leaf senescence. The base, optimum, and maximum temperatures for calculation of thermal time for leaf senescence were 8, 34, and 40 degrees C, and apply for the whole crop-cycle when used in modelling of leaf senescence. Thus, the modelling of leaf production and senescence is simplified, improved, and generalised. Consequently, the modelling of leaf area index (LAI) and variables that rely on LAI will be improved. For experimental purposes, we found that the calculation of leaf area from leaf length and leaf width remains appropriate, though the relationship differed slightly from previously published equations.


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A glasshouse trial, in which maize (Zea mays L. cv. Pioneer 3270) was grown in 35 north-eastern Australian soils of low magnesium (Mg) status, was undertaken to study the response to applied Mg. Of the soils studied, 20 were strongly acidic (pH(1:5 soil:water) <5.4), and in these soils the response to Mg was studied in both the presence and absence of lime. Magnesium application significantly (P < 0.05) increased dry matter yield in 10 soils, all of which were strongly acidic. However, significant Mg responses were recorded in 6 soils in the presence of lime, indicating that, in many situations, liming strategies may need to include consideration of Mg nutrition. Critical soil test values for 90% relative yield were 0.21 cmol(+)/kg of exchangeable Mg or 7% Mg saturation, whilst the critical (90% yield) plant tissue Mg concentration (whole shoots) was 0.15%.


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Confocal scanning laser microscopic observations were made on live chloroplasts in intact cells and on mechanically isolated, intact chloroplasts. Chlorophyll fluorescence was imaged to observe thylakoid membrane architecture. C-3 plant species studied included Spinacia oleracea L., Spathiphyllum sp. Schott, cv. 'Mauna Loa', and Pisum sativum L. C-4 plants were also investigated: Saccharum officinarum L., Sorghum bicolor L. Moench, Zea mays L. and Panicum miliaceum L. Some Spinacia chloroplasts were treated with 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) to enhance or sodium dithionite (SD) to reduce the photosystem II fluorescence signal. Confocal microscopy images of C-3 chloroplasts differed from electron microscopy pictures because they showed discrete spots of bright fluorescence with black regions between them. There was no evidence of fluorescence from stroma thylakoids. The thylakoid membrane system at times appeared to be string-like, with brightly fluorescing grana lined up like beads. C-4 bundle sheath chloroplasts were imaged from three different types of C-4 plants. Saccharum and Sorghum bundle sheath chloroplasts showed homogeneous fluorescence and were much dimmer than mesophyll chloroplasts. Zea had rudimentary grana, and dim, homogeneous intergrana fluorescence was visualised. Panicum contained thylakoids similar in appearance and string-like arrangement to mesophyll chloroplasts. Isolated Pisum chloroplasts, treated with a drop of 5 mM MgCl2 showed a thylakoid membrane system which appeared to be unravelling. Spongy mesophyll chloroplasts of Spinacia treated with 5 mM sodium dithionite showed a granal thylakoid system with distinct regions of no fluorescence. A time-series experiment provided evidence of dynamic membrane rearrangements over a period of half an hour.


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The cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) prefers the common sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus L.) to cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) for oviposition in the field in Australia. Using the common sowthistle and cotton as host plants, we carried out this study to evaluate genetic variation in both oviposition preference and larval growth and genetic correlation between maternal preference and larval performance. There was a significant genetic component of phenotypic variation in both characters, and the heritability of oviposition preference was estimated as 0.602. Helicoverpa armigera larvae survived slightly better and grew significantly faster on common sowthistle than on cotton, but genetic correlation between maternal preference and larval growth performance was not detectable. Instead, larval growth performance on the two hosts changed with families, which renders the interaction between family and host plant significant. As a result, the genetic correlation between mean values of larval growth across the two host species was not different from zero. These results are discussed in the context of the relationship between H. armigera and the common sowthistle and the polyphagous behaviour of this insect in general.


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Aluminium (At) tolerance in plants may be conferred by reduced binding of Al in the cell wall through low root cation exchange capacity (CEC) or by organic acid exudation. Root CEC is related to the degree of esterification (DE) of pectin in the cell wall, and pectin hydrolysis plays a role in cell expansion. Therefore, it was hypothesised that Al-tolerant plants with a low root CEC maintain pectin hydrolysis in the presence of Al, allowing cell expansion to continue. Irrespective of the DE, binding of Al to pectin reduced the enzymatic hydrolysis of Al-pectin gels by polygalacturonase (E.C. Pectin gels with calcium (Ca) were slightly hydrolysed by polygalacturonase. It was concluded, therefore, that Al tolerance conferred by low root CEC is not mediated by the ability to maintain pectin hydrolysis. Citrate and malate, but not acetate, effectively dissolved Al-pectate gel and led to hydrolysis of the dissolved pectin by polygalacturonase. The organic acids did not dissolve Ca-pectate, nor did they increase pectin hydrolysis by polygalacturonase. It was concluded that exudation of some organic acids can remove Al bound to pectin and this could alleviate toxicity, constituting a tolerance mechanism. (C) 2003 Editions scientitiques et medicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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Mycorthizae play a critical role in nutrient capture from soils. Arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) and ectomycorrhizae (EM) are the most important mycorrhizae in agricultural and natural ecosystems. AM and EM fungi use inorganic NH4+ and NO3-, and most EM fungi are capable of using organic nitrogen. The heavier stable isotope N-15 is discriminated against during biogeochemical and biochemical processes. Differences in N-15 (atom%) or delta(15)N (parts per thousand) provide nitrogen movement information in an experimental system. A range of 20 to 50% of one-way N-transfer has been observed from legumes to nonlegumes. Mycorrhizal fungal mycelia can extend from one plant's roots to another plant's roots to form common mycorrhizal networks (CMNs). Individual species, genera, even families of plants can be interconnected by CMNs. They are capable of facilitating nutrient uptake and flux. Nutrients such as carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus and other elements may then move via either AM or EM networks from plant to plant. Both N-15 labeling and N-15 natural abundance techniques have been employed to trace N movement between plants interconnected by AM or EM networks. Fine mesh (25similar to45 mum) has been used to separate root systems and allow only hyphal penetration and linkages but no root contact between plants. In many studies, nitrogen from N-2-fixing mycorrhizal plants transferred to non-N-2-fixing mycorrhizal plants (one-way N-transfer). In a few studies, N is also transferred from non-N-2-fixing mycorrhizal plants to N-2-fixing mycorrhizal plants (two-way N-transfer). There is controversy about whether N-transfer is direct through CMNs, or indirect through the soil. The lack of convincing data underlines the need for creative, careful experimental manipulations. Nitrogen is crucial to productivity in most terrestrial ecosystems, and there are potential benefits of management in soil-plant systems to enhance N-transfer. Thus, two-way N-transfer warrants further investigation with many species and under field conditions.


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The population dynamics of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in the Murrumbidgee Valley, Australia, has been characterized using five highly variable microsatellite loci. In the 2001-2002 growing season, there were very high levels of migration into the Murrumbidgee Valley with no detectable genetic structuring, consistent with previous analyses on a national scale. By contrast, there was significant genetic structuring over the 2002-2003 growing season, with three distinct genetic types detected. The first type corresponded to the first two generations and was derived from local individuals emerging from diapause and their progeny. The second genetic type corresponded to generation 3 and resulted from substantial immigration into the region. There was another genetic shift in generation 4, which accounts for the third genetic type of the season. This genetic shift occurred despite low levels of immigration. During the third generation of the 2002-2003 growing season, different population dynamics was characterized for H. armigera on maize, Zea mays L., and cotton Gossipium hirsutum L. Populations on cotton tended to cycle independently with very little immigration from outside the region or from maize within the region. Maize acted as a major sink for immigrants from cotton and from outside the region. If resistance were to develop on cotton under these circumstances, susceptible individuals from maize or from other regions would not dilute this resistance. In addition, resistance is likely to be transferred to maize and be perpetuated until diapause, from where it may reemerge next season. If low levels of immigration were to occur on transgenic cotton, this may undermine the effectiveness of refugia, especially noncotton refugia.


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Helicoverpa armigera is a serious insect pest of sweet corn in Australia and is becoming increasingly difficult to manage with conventional chemical insecticides due to resistance problems. A number of alternative H. armigera control options were evaluated in sweet corn and compared with deltamethrin and no action (control). The alternative tactics evaluated were: heliothis nuclear polyhedrosis virus plus Trichogramma nr. brassicae releases; Bacillus thuringiensis; and Trichogramma alone. The H. tea nuclear polyhedrosis virus + Trichogramma plots had the lowest cob damage (6.0%), followed by the B. thuringiensis plots (12.0%), Trichogramma alone plots (20.2%), control plots (23.2%) and deltamethrin plots (53.5%). There was no evidence to suggest that the Trichogramma nr. brassicae releases had any impact on H. armigera egg mortality. However, there was a large natural population of Trichogramma pretiosum in all plots. The application of deltamethrin reduced the action of these wasps and predators, resulting in higher larval infestation and significantly more cob damage. The findings indicate that the pathogens heliothis nuclear polyhedrosis virus and B. thuringiensis can effectively control H. armigera when their action complements high natural levels of egg parasitism, and that they have potential for use in integrated pest management programs in sweet corn.


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The presence of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi in long-term cane-growing fields associated with yield decline led to the supposition that VAM fungi may be responsible for the poor yields. A glasshouse trial was established to test the effectiveness of a species of VAM fungi, Glomus clarum, extracted from one of these North Queensland fields on the growth of sugarcane (Saccharum interspecific hybrid), maize (Zea mays), and soybean (Glycine max) for 6 phosphorus (P) rates (0, 2.7, 8.2, 25, 74, 222 mg/kg). For maize and soybean plants that received VAM (+ VAM), root colonisation was associated with enhanced P uptake, improved dry weight (DW) production, and higher index tissue-P concentrations than those without VAM (-VAM). By comparing DW responses of maize and soybean for different P rates, savings in fertiliser P of up to 160 and 213 kg/ha, respectively, were realised. Sugarcane plants were generally less responsive. Apart from a 30% DW increase with VAM when 2.7 mg P/kg was added, DW of +VAM plants was equivalent to, or worse than in the case of 222 mg P/kg, DW of -VAM plants. For all 3 host species, colonisation was least at the highest P application, presumably from excessive P within the plant tissue. Critical P concentrations for the 3 host species were below those reported elsewhere, and for soybean and sugarcane, the critical concentration for +VAM plants was lower than that of -VAM plants. There are 3 implications that arise from this study. First, VAM fungi present in cane-growing soils can promote the growth of maize and soybean, which are potential rotation crops, over a range of P levels. Second, the mycorrhizal strain taken from this site did not generally contribute to a yield decline in sugarcane plants. Third, application of P fertiliser is not necessary for sugarcane when acid-extractable P is