138 resultados para clinical experience
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
Conclusion. The new Provox(R) NID (TM) non- indwelling voice prosthesis investigated in this study provides a good option for laryngectomized patients using non- indwelling voice prostheses and can potentially improve safety and increase patients' satisfaction with their voice and speech. Objective. To investigate the feasibility of and patient satisfaction with the Provox NID non- indwelling voice prosthesis. Material and methods. Pre- and post- study questionnaires were used to evaluate the patients' former voice prosthesis and the Provox NID voice prosthesis. In addition, measurements of pull- out force, maximum phonation time and loudness were made for both voice prostheses. In vitro measurements of airflow characteristics were also made. Following a 6- week trial, all patients provided feedback on the new voice prosthesis and the results were used to further improve the Provox NID. This final version of the new voice prosthesis was subsequently trialled and evaluated by 10 patients 6 months later. Results. Overall results showed that patient satisfaction with the Provox NID non- indwelling voice prosthesis was favourable. The pull- out force for the new prosthesis was significantly higher than that for the formerly used prosthesis and its aerodynamic characteristics were better.
The relationship between evidence-based medicine (EBM) and clinical judgement is the subject of conceptual and practical dispute. For example, EBM and clinical guidelines are seen to increasingly dominate medical decision-making at the expense of other, human elements, and to threaten the art of medicine. Clinical wisdom always remains open to question. We want to know why particular beliefs are held, and the epistemological status of claims based in wisdom or experience. The paper critically appraises a number of claims and distinctions, and attempts to clarify the connections between EBM, clinical experience and judgement, and the objective and evaluative categories of medicine. I conclude that to demystify clinical wisdom is not to devalue it. EBM ought not be conceived as needing to be limited or balanced by clinical wisdom, since if its language is translatable into terms comprehensible and applicable to individuals, it helps constitute clinical wisdom. Failure to appreciate this constitutive relation will help perpetuate medical paternalism and delay the adoption of properly evidence-based practice, which would be both unethical and unwise.
c-Myb is a transcription factor employed in the haematopoietic system and gastrointestinal tract to regulate the exquisite balance between cell division, differentiation and survival. In its absence, these tissues either fail to form, or show aberrant biology. Mice lacking a functional c-myb gene die in utero by day 15 of development. When inappropriately expressed, as is common in leukaemia and epithelial cancers of the breast, colon and gastro-oesophagus, c-Myb appears to activate gene targets of key importance to cancer progression and metastasis. These genes include cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), Bcl-2, Bcl-X-L and c-Myc, which influence diverse processes such as angiogenesis, proliferation and apoptosis. The clinical potential for blocking c-Myb expression in malignancies is based upon strong preclinical data and some trial-based evidence. The modest clinical experience to date has been with haematopoietic malignancies, but other disease classes may be amenable to similar interventions. The frontline agents to achieve this are nuclease-resistant oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs), which are proving to be acceptable therapeutic reagents in terms of tolerable toxicities and delivery. Nevertheless, further effort must be focused on improving their efficacy, eliminating non-specific toxicity and optimising delivery. Optimisation issues aside, it would appear that anti-c-Myb therapies will be used with most success when combined with other agents, some of which will be established cytotoxic and differentiation-inducing drugs. This review will explore the future strategic use of ODNs in vivo, focusing on a wide spectrum of diseases, including several beyond the haematopoietic malignancies, in which c-Myb appears to play a role.
Morbidity and mortality from lung cancer is a major burden to global health. The integration of expert clinical experience, patient preference and high-quality evidence, including Cochrane systematic reviews, can only help improve outcomes from this highly lethal condition.
Telemedicine is often proposed as a solution to certain health-care problems in the developing world. There seems to be little published experience on which to make judgements. A literature search revealed 39 articles, of which only two related to any kind of direct clinical work; most of them were review articles or editorials. The majority of the work reported was educational in nature, and there has been little clinical experience. It seems probable that telemedicine can help with the education of health-care workers and patients; it seems likely that it could bring major benefits to the organization of health-care. Without proper trials, it will be impossible to determine the place of health-care in the developing world. Trials are the only way in which rational decisions can ultimately be reached regarding whether scarce resources should be devoted to telemedicine in developing countries, or whether they should be employed in more conventional health-care measures whose outcomes are known to be cost-effective.
A spectrum of anti-inflammatory properties, evidence of anti-infective action against Pseudomonas aeruginosa at sub-inhibitory concentrations and positive clinical experience in patients with diffuse panbronchiolitis, a disease with features in common with cystic fibrosis (CF), has prompted research to evaluate the role of macrolide therapy in patients with CF. Newer macrolides such as azithromycin have the advantage of improved tolerability and a prolonged intracellular half-life requiring an infrequent dosing regimen. Results from initial studies suggest a benefit from several months of macrolide therapy in patients with CF. An improvement in lung function was initially shown in a small open study in children, while maintenance of lung function compared with placebo, reduced acute respiratory exacerbations, and reduced systemic markers of inflammation were demonstrated in a randomized, placebo-controlled study of macrolide therapy in adult patients with CF. Additional controlled studies are required to determine optimal drug, dosage, and duration of therapy, and long-term adverse effects of prolonged therapy with macrolides in patients with CF. The potential, with long-term use, to induce resistance against other bacteria colonizing the upper respiratory tract e.g. pneumococci has not been explored. Measurement of cytokines and inflammatory mediators from the sputum of patients with CF is technically difficult and does not correlate with disease activity. There is a need for easily measurable, reproducible and clinically meaningful end-points for evaluation of new therapies in CF. The choice of appropriate outcome measures, apart from lung function, to monitor disease activity needs careful consideration in clinical trials determining the efficacy of macrolides in patients with CF. Evidence-based recommendations for the use of macrolides in the treatment of CF are not expected for some years although macrolides are already being prescribed for long-term use in some centers. There is a need for further research into mechanisms of anti-inflammatory action of macrolides in the lungs of patients with CF and whether or not such therapy may be beneficial in the long term. Copyright 2002 Adis International
Perceptual voice analysis is a subjective process. However, despite reports of varying degrees of intrajudge and interjudge reliability, it is widely used in clinical voice evaluation. One of the ways to improve the reliability of this procedure is to provide judges with signals as external standards so that comparison can be made in relation to these anchor signals. The present study used a Klatt speech synthesizer to create a set of speech signals with varying degree of three different voice qualities based on a Cantonese sentence. The primary objective of the study was to determine whether different abnormal voice qualities could be synthesized using the built-in synthesis parameters using a perceptual study. The second objective was to determine the relationship between acoustic characteristics of the synthesized signals and perceptual judgment. Twenty Cantonese-speaking speech pathologists with at least three years of clinical experience in perceptual voice evaluation were asked to undertake two tasks. The first was to decide whether the voice quality of the synthesized signals was normal or not. The second was to decide whether the abnormal signals should be described as rough, breathy, or vocal fry. The results showed that signals generated with a small degree of aspiration noise were perceived as breathiness while signals with a small degree of flutter or double pulsing were perceived as roughness. When the flutter or double pulsing increased further, tremor and vocal fry, rather than roughness, were perceived. Furthermore, the amount of aspiration noise, flutter, or double pulsing required for male voice stimuli was different from that required for the female voice stimuli with a similar level of perceptual breathiness and roughness. These findings showed that changes in perceived vocal quality could be achieved by systematic modifications of synthesis parameters. This opens up the possibility of using synthesized voice signals as external standards or anchors to improve the reliability of clinical perceptual voice evaluation. (C) 2002 Acoustical Society of America.
Evidence-based practice (EBP) requires clinicians to access, appraise and integrate research literature with clinical experience and clients' perspectives. Currently, little is known about occupational therapists' attitudes to EBP, their perception of implementation barriers or their educational needs. A questionnaire reflecting these issues was sent to a proportionate random sample of 1491 members of the national professional occupational therapy association, OT AUSTRALIA. The questionnaire was completed by 649 (44%) participants. Occupational therapists were positive about EBP with most (96%) agreeing that EBP is important to occupational therapy. Although 56% used research to make clinical decisions, more relied on clinical experience (96%), information from continuing education (82%) and colleagues (80%). Lack of time, evidence and skills were identified as the main barriers to the implementation of EBP. Over half (52%) expressed strong interest in EBP skills training, and most (80%) indicated an interest in the availability of brief summaries of evidence. Targeted educational initiatives, resources and systems are needed to support EBP in occupational therapy.
Chest clapping, vibration, and shaking were studied in 10 physiotherapists who applied these techniques on an anesthetized animal model. Hemodynamic variables (such as heart rate, blood pressure, pulmonary artery pressure, and right atrial pressure) were measured during the application of these techniques to verify claims of adverse events. In addition, expired tidal volume and peak expiratory flow rate were measured to ascertain effects of these techniques. Physiotherapists in this study applied chest clapping at a rate of 6.2 +/- 0.9 Hz, vibration at 10.5 +/- 2.3 Hz, and shaking at 6.2 +/- 2.3 Hz. With the use of these rates, esophageal pressure swings of 8.8 +/- 5.0, 0.7 +/- 0.3, and 1.4 +/- 0.7 mmHg resulted from clapping, vibration, and shaking respectively. Variability in rates and forces generated by these techniques was 80% of variance in shaking force (P = 0.003). Application of these techniques by physiotherapists was found to have no significant effects on hemodynamic and most ventilatory variables in this study. From this study, we conclude that chest clapping, vibration, and shaking 1) can be consistently performed by physiotherapists; 2) are significantly related to physiotherapists' characteristics, particularly clinical experience; and 3) caused no significant hemodynamic effects.
During the period 1778-1780 the Swiss physician Samuel A A D Tissot (1728-1797) published his Traite des nerfs et de leur maladies, a work which continued to be available and widely influential until at least the middle of the following century. It contained a long chapter dealing with migraine, based on the earlier literature on the topic and on Tissot's own clinical experience. The work appeared at the beginning of the modern era of interest in migraine, and provided the first reasonably adequate and systematic account of the disorder to become widely available. Its descriptions of migraine phenomena have an enduring validity, though Tissot's ideas on the pathogenesis of the disorder, viz. that it usually arose from stomach disturbance, were not founded on satisfactory evidence and are long since superseded. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A cocaine vaccine'' is a promising immunotherapeutic approach to treating cocaine dependence which induces the immune system to form antibodies that prevent cocaine from crossing the blood brain barrier to act on receptor sites in the brain. Studies in rats show that cocaine antibodies block cocaine from reaching the brain and prevent the reinstatement of cocaine self administration. A successful phase 1 trial of a human cocaine vaccine has been reported. The most promising application of a cocaine vaccine is to prevent relapse to dependence in abstinent users who voluntarily enter treatment. Any use of a vaccine to treat cocaine addicts under legal coercion raises major ethical issues. If this is done at all, it should be carefully trialled first, and only after considerable clinical experience has been obtained in using the vaccine to treat voluntary patients. There will need to be an informed community debate about what role, if any, a cocaine vaccine may have as a way of preventing cocaine addiction in children and adolescents.
Song-writing plays a central role in music therapy with adolescents. A retrospective lyrical analysis of songs written by adolescents with anorexia nervosa was undertaken in order to identify common themes solicited through song-writing interventions. Fifteen participants contributed 17 songs, from which 368 lyrical units were identified. A modified content analysis approach was used with each lyrical unit being categorised to one of six themes determined from the literature and clinical experience. The theme of 'identity' was used most frequently (28%), with the sub-theme of 'exploring new behaviours, positive self-talk' being addressed most often (12.5% of total). The dominance of the developmentally important theme of 'identity' may reflect the relationship between adolescents, music and identity or may be related to the way in which anorexia nervosa has been theorised to assist the adolescent in managing challenges to the emerging sense of self. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association.
Background: Gestational trophoblastic disease is a fascinating group of pregnancy disorders characterised by abnormal proliferation of trophoblast, ranging from benign to malignant. Because the disease is uncommon, there is a need to formulate management with the assistance of collective information. Methodology: A review of available information from English written literature was undertaken especially data reported by registries around the world (Charing Cross Hospital in England, the North-western University and the New England area in the USA as well as our own experience in Queensland, Australia). Where possible, collated data from relevant studies were analysed to answer some of the questions posed in clinical practice, with reference to metastatic disease to liver and brain, twinning of molar gestation and coexisting fetus, and placental-site tumour. Results: We found that molar gestation can be classified according to its clinical presentation which influences the time taken to reach human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) 'negativity' and the risk of persisting disease. Categorisation of risk is the basis for choice of chemotherapy to achieve good outcomes. Metastases to liver and brain remain problems in management; the development of 'new' metastases during chemotherapy is a very poor prognostic factor. In the variant of twinning with molar gestation and coexisting fetus, it is important to elucidate the fetal karyotype in planning management: a 69XXX fetus is not salvageable but a normal 46XX or 46XY fetus faces the prospect of early preterm delivery. The placental-site tumour is very rare; localised disease is curable by surgery; chemotherapy is less effective in disseminated disease. From collated worldwide data, the recurrence rate after one mole is 1.3% and after two or more is 20%. Reproductive outcome in subsequent pregnancies, even after multidrug chemotherapy, is not different from the general population. Because of the increased risk long-term of second tumours after multidrug chemotherapy a closer surveillance of these patients is necessary Conclusion: In general, the disease in its persisting or malignant form is 'a cancer model par excellence' because of an identifiable precursor condition, a reliable HCG marker, and sensitivity of the disease to cytotoxic drugs. With current management, retention of fertility is possible and normal reproductive outcome assured.