23 resultados para class I aldolase

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The BZLF1 antigen of Epstein-Barr virus includes three overlapping sequences of different lengths that conform to the binding motif of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) B*3501. These 9-mer ((56)LPOGQLTAy(64)), 11-mer ((54)EPLPQGQLTAy(64)), and 13-mer ((52)LPEPLPQGQLTAY(64)) peptides all bound well to B*3501; however, the CTL response in individuals expressing this HILA allele was directed strongly and exclusively towards the 11-mer peptide. In contrast, EBV-exposed donors expressing HLA B*3503 showed no significant CTL response to these peptides because the single amino acid difference between B*3501 and B*3503 within the F pocket inhibited HLA binding by these peptides. The extraordinarily long 13-mer peptide was the target for the CTL response in individuals expressing B*3508, which differs from B*3501 at a single position within the D pocket (B*3501, 156 Leucine; B*3508, 156 Arginine). This minor difference was shown to enhance binding of the 13-mer peptide, presumably through a stabilizing interaction between the negatively charged glutamate at position 3 of the peptide and the positively charged arginine at HLA position 156. The 13-mer epitope defined in this study represents the longest class I-binding viral epitope identified to date as a minimal determinant. Furthermore, the potency of the response indicates that peptides of this length do not present a major structural barrier to CTL recognition.


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Aims: An important consideration in the design of a tumour vaccine is the ability of tumour-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) to recognise unmanipulated tumour cells in vivo. To determine whether B-CLL might use an escape strategy, the current studies compared B-CLL and normal B cell MHC class I expression. Methods: Flow cytometry, TAP allele PCR and MHC class I PCR were used. Results: While baseline expression of MHC class I did not differ, upregulation of MHC class I expression by B-CLL cells in response to IFN-gamma was reduced. No deletions or mutations of TAP 1 or 2 genes were detected. B-CLL cells upregulated TAP protein expression in response to IFN-gamma. Responsiveness of B-CLL MHC class I mRNA to IFN-gamma was not impaired. Conclusions: The data suggest that MHC class I molecules might be less stable at the cell surface in B-CLL than normal B cells, as a result of the described release of beta(2)m and beta(2)m-free class I heavy chains from the membrane. This relative MHC class I expression defect of B-CLL cells may reduce their susceptibility to CTL lysis in response to immunotherapeutic approaches.


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The underlying generic properties of {alpha}β TCRs that control MHC restriction remain largely unresolved. To investigate MHC restriction, we have examined the CTL response to a viral epitope that binds promiscuously to two human leukocyte Ags (HLAs) that differ by a single amino acid at position 156. Individuals expressing either HLA-B*3501 (156Leucine) or HLA-B*3508 (156Arginine) showed a potent CTL response to the 407HPVGEADYFEY417 epitope from EBV. Interestingly, the response was characterized by highly restricted TCR β-chain usage in both HLA-B*3501+ and HLA-B*3508+ individuals; however, this conserved TRBV9+ β-chain was associated with distinct TCR {alpha}-chains depending upon the HLA-B*35 allele expressed by the virus-exposed host. Functional assays confirmed that TCR {alpha}-chain usage determined the HLA restriction of the CTLs. Structural studies revealed significant differences in the mobility of the peptide when bound to HLA-B*3501 or HLA-B*3508. In HLA-B*3501, the bulged section of the peptide was disordered, whereas in HLA-B*3508 the bulged epitope adopted an ordered conformation. Collectively, these data demonstrate not only that mobile MHC-bound peptides can be highly immunogenic but can also stimulate an extremely biased TCR repertoire. In addition, TCR {alpha}-chain usage is shown to play a critical role in controlling MHC restriction between closely related allomorphs.


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Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-encoded nuclear antigen (EBNA)1 is thought to escape cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) recognition through either self-inhibition of synthesis or by blockade of proteasomal degradation by the glycine-alanine repeat (GAr) domain. Here we show that EBNA1 has a remarkably varied cell type-dependent stability. However, these different degradation rates do not correspond to the level of major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted presentation of EBNA1 epitopes. In spite of the highly stable expression of EBNA1 in B cells, CTL epitopes derived from this protein are efficiently processed and presented to CD8(+) T cells. Furthermore, we show that EBV-infected B cells can readily activate EBNA1-specific memory T cell responses from healthy virus carriers. Functional assays revealed that processing of these EBNA1 epitopes is proteasome and transporter associated with antigen processing dependent. We also show that the endogenous presentation of these epitopes is dependent on the newly synthesized protein rather than the long-lived stable EBNA1. Based on these observations, we propose that defective ribosomal products, not the full-length antigen, are the primary source of endogenously processed CD8(+) T cell epitopes front EBNA1.


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The EBV-encoded latent membrane proteins (LMP1 and LMP2), which are expressed in various EBV-associated malignancies have been proposed as a potential target for CTL-based therapy. However, the precursor frequency for LMP-specific CTL is generally low, and immunotherapy based on these antigens is often compromised by the poor immunogenicity and potential threat from their oncogenic potential. Here we have developed a replication-incompetent adenoviral vaccine that encodes multiple HLA class I-restricted CTL epitopes from LMP1 and LMP2 as a polyepitope. Immunization with this polyepitope vaccine consistently generated strong LMP-specific CTL responses in HLA A2/K-b mice, which can be readily detected by both ex vivo and in vivo T-cell assays. Furthermore, a human CTL response to LMP antigens can be rapidly expanded after stimulation with this recombinant polyepitope vector. These expanded T cells displayed strong lysis of autologous target cells sensitized with LMP1 and/or LMP2 CTL epitopes. More importantly, this adenoviral vaccine was also successfully used to reverse the outgrowth of LMP1-expressing tumors in HLA A2/K-b mice. These studies demonstrate that a replication-incompetent adenovirus polyepitope vaccine is an excellent tool for the induction of a protective CTL response directed toward multiple LMP CTL epitopes restricted through common HLA class I alleles prevalent in different ethnic groups where EBV-associated malignancies are endemic.


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Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) are a promising new class of chemotherapeutic drug currently in early phase clinical trials. A large number of structurally diverse HDACi have been purified or synthesised that mostly inhibit the activity of all eleven class I and II HDACs. While these agents demonstrate many features required for anti-cancer activity such as low toxicity against normal cells and an ability to inhibit tumor cell growth and survival at nanomolar concentrations, their mechanisms of action are largely unknown. Initially, a model was proposed whereby HDACi-mediated transactivation of a specific gene or set of genes was responsible for the inhibition of cell cycle progression or induction of apoptosis. Given that HDACs can regulate the activity of a number of nonhistone proteins and that histone acetylation is important for events such as DNA replication and mitosis that do not directly involve gene transcription, it appears that the initial mechanistic model for HDACi may have been too simple. Herein, we provide an update on the transcription-dependent and - independent events that may be important for the anti-tumor activities of HDACi and discuss the use of these compounds in combination with other chemotherapeutic drugs.


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Objective. To determine whether squamous cervical cancers exhibit mutations or deletions in MHC class I genes or transport-associated protein (TAP) genes. Methods. Polymerase chain reaction based protocols were used to examine HLA class I and TAP genes in a panel of cervical tumours, using DNA from corresponding blood samples as controls. SSP-PCR protocols were similarly used for examination of all TAP alleles in tumour and blood samples. Results. In a series of cervical carcinomas, 7 of 27 (26%) exhibited mutations in HLA-A genes, while 12 of 23 (52%) exhibited mutations in TAP genes. HLA gene mutations were detected in 2 of 14 CIN2-3 lesions, and TAP gene mutations in none of 14, a frequency significantly less than observed in the cervical carcinoma samples (P < 0.01). The TAP 2A/2B heterozygous genotype was observed with increased frequency in patients with cervical cancer compared to population controls (P < 0.02). Conclusion. These data suggest that TAP genes may be relevant to evolution of cervical cancer from precursor lesions. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The efficient in vitro expansion of antigen-specific CD8(+) cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) for use in adoptive immunotherapy represents an important clinical goal. Furthermore, the avidity of expanded CTL populations often correlates closely with clinical outcome. In our study, high-avidity CTL lines could be expanded ex vivo from an antigen-primed animal using low peptide concentration, and intermediate peptide concentrations favored the generation of lower avidity CTL. Further increases in peptide concentration during culture inhibited the expansion of all peptide-specific CD8(+) cells. In contrast, a single amino acid variant peptide efficiently generated functional CTL populations at high or low peptide concentration, which responded to wild-type epitope with the lowest average avidity seen in this study. We propose that for some peptides, the efficient generation of low-avidity CTL responses will be favored by stimulation with altered peptide rather than high concentrations of wild-type epitope. In addition, some variant peptides designed to have improved binding to major histocompatibility complex class I may reduce rather than enhance the functional avidity for the wild-type peptide of ex vivo-expanded CTL. These observations are relevant to in vitro expansion of CTL for immunotherapy and strategies to elicit regulatory or therapeutic immunity to neo-self-antigen when central tolerance has eliminated high-avidity, cognate T cells.


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The emergence of antibiotic resistance among pathogenic and commensal bacteria has become a serious problem worldwide. The use and overuse of antibiotics in a number of settings are contributing to the development of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms. The class 1 and 2 integrase genes (intI1 and intI2, respectively) were identified in mixed bacterial cultures enriched from bovine feces by growth in buffered peptone water (BPW) followed by integrase-specific PCR. Integrase-positive bacterial colonies from the enrichment cultures were then isolated by using hydrophobic grid membrane filters and integrase-specific gene probes. Bacterial clones isolated by this technique were then confirmed to carry integrons by further testing by PCR and DNA sequencing. Integron-associated antibiotic resistance genes were detected in bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Aeromonas spp., Proteus spp., Morganella morganii, Shewanella spp., and urea-positive Providencia stuartii isolates from bovine fecal samples without the use of selective enrichment media containing antibiotics. Streptomycin and trimethoprim resistance were commonly associated with integrons. The advantages conferred by this methodology are that a wide variety of integron-containing bacteria may be simultaneously cultured in BPW enrichments and culture biases due to antibiotic selection can be avoided. Rapid and efficient identification, isolation, and characterization of antibiotic resistance-associated integrons are possible by this protocol. These methods will facilitate greater understanding of the factors that contribute to the presence and transfer of integron-associated antibiotic resistance genes in bacterial isolates from red meat production animals.


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As human papillomavirus-like particles (HPV-VLP) represent a promising vaccine delivery vehicle, delineation of the interaction of VLP with professional APC should improve vaccine development. Differences in the capacity of VLP to signal dendritic cells (DC) and Langerhans cells (LC) have been demonstrated, and evidence has been presented for both clathrin-coated pits and proteoglycans (PG) in the uptake pathway of VLP into epithelial cells. Therefore, we compared HPV-VLP uptake mechanisms in human monocyte-derived DC and LC, and their ability to cross-present HPV VLP-associated antigen in the MHC class I pathway. DC and LC each took up virus-like particles (VLP). DC uptake of and signalling by VLP was inhibited by amiloride or cytochalasin D (CCD), but not by filipin treatment, and was blocked by several sulfated and non-sulfated polysaccharides and anti-CD16. In contrast, LC uptake was inhibited only by filipin, and VLP in LC were associated with caveolin, langerin, and CD1a. These data suggest fundamentally different routes of VLP uptake by DC and LC. Despite these differences, VLP taken up by DC and LC were each able to prime naive CD8(+) T cells and induce cytolytic effector T cells in vitro. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Infection of humans with the West Nile flavivirus principally occurs via tick and mosquito bites. Here, we document the expression of antigen processing and presentation molecules in West Nile virus (WNV)-infected human skin fibroblast (HFF) cells. Using a new Flavivirus-specific antibody, 4G4, we have analyzed cell surface human leukocyte antigen (HLA) expression on virus-infected cells at a single cell level. Using this approach, we show that West Nile Virus infection alters surface HLA expression on both infected HFF and neighboring uninfected HFF cells. Interestingly, increased surface HLA evident on infected HFF cultures is almost entirely due to virus-induced interferon (IFN)alpha/beta because IFNalpha/beta-neutralizing antibodies completely prevent increased surface HLA expression. In contrast, RT-PCR analysis indicates that WNV infection results in increased mRNAs for HLA-A, -B, and -C genes, and HLA-associated molecules low molecular weight polypeptide-2 (LMP-2) and transporter associated with antigen presentation-1 (TAP-1), but induction of these mRNAs is not diminished in HFF cells cultured with IFNalpha/beta-neutralizing antibodies. Taken together, these data support the idea that that both cytokine-dependent and cytokine-independent mechanisms account for WNV-induced HLA expression in human skin fibroblasts. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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MHC class I molecules generally present peptides of 8-10 aa long, forming an extended coil in the HLA cleft. Although longer peptides can also bind to class I molecules, they tend to bulge from the cleft and it is not known whether the TCR repertoire has sufficient plasticity to recognize these determinants during the antiviral CTL response. In this study, we show that unrelated individuals infected with EBV generate a significant CTL response directed toward an HLA-B*3501-restricted, 11-mer epitope from the BZLF1 Ag. The 11-mer determinant adopts a highly bulged conformation with seven of the peptide side chains being solvent-exposed and available for TCR interaction. Such a complex potentially creates a structural challenge for TCR corecognition of both HLA-B*3501 and the peptide Ag. Surprisingly, unrelated B*3501 donors recognizing the 11-mer use identical or closely related alpha beta TCR sequences that share particular CDR3 motifs. Within the small number of dominant CTL clonotypes observed, each has discrete fine specificity for the exposed-side chain residues of the peptide. The data show that bulged viral peptides are indeed immunogenic but suggest that the highly constrained TCR repertoire reflects a limit to TCR diversity when responding to some unusual MHC peptide ligands.


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Particulate adjuvant systems are largely classified according to their functional characteristics, such as the nature of the typical immune response they induce, or their perceived mode of action. From a formulation science perspective, it is practical to classify antigen delivery systems according to the physical nature of the formulations. This article discusses lipid based particulate systems, grouped according to the nature of their predominant lipid constituent.


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MULTIPRED is a web-based computational system for the prediction of peptide binding to multiple molecules ( proteins) belonging to human leukocyte antigens (HLA) class I A2, A3 and class II DR supertypes. It uses hidden Markov models and artificial neural network methods as predictive engines. A novel data representation method enables MULTIPRED to predict peptides that promiscuously bind multiple HLA alleles within one HLA supertype. Extensive testing was performed for validation of the prediction models. Testing results show that MULTIPRED is both sensitive and specific and it has good predictive ability ( area under the receiver operating characteristic curve A(ROC) > 0.80). MULTIPRED can be used for the mapping of promiscuous T-cell epitopes as well as the regions of high concentration of these targets termed T-cell epitope hotspots. MULTIPRED is available at http:// antigen.i2r.a-star.edu.sg/ multipred/.