41 resultados para chlorophyll a fluorescence
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
Photoinhibition, as measured by the dark-adapted chlorophyll a fluorescence ratio F-v/F-m, was assessed in Syzygium moorei, a species with dark green juvenile leaves, Syzygium corynanthum, which has light green juvenile leaves, and two species with pink-red juvenile leaves (Syzygium wilsonii and Syzygium luehmannii). All plants were glasshouse-grown (maximum PPFD 1500 mu mol m(-2) s(-1)) under optimum nutrition and water. When measured at midday, dark-adapted F-v/F-m ratios of juvenile leaves gradually increased in art species as percentage of full leaf expansion (% FLE) increased. Fluorescence measurement 3 h after sunset or pre-dawn also showed a developmental effect on F-v/F-m, with juvenile leaves of S, luehmannii and S. wilsonii showing much lower F-v/F-m at all stages of development. Dark-adapted F-v/F-m values in both juvenile and mature leaves generally never exceeded 0.8 at any stage in any of the species. Courses of F-v/F-m on sunny days showed greater diurnal photoinhibition in green juvenile (c, 50% FLE) leaves of S, moorei (24%) and S, corynanthum (36%) than in mature leaves of the previous flush in these species (<10%), Diurnal photoinhibition was statistically similar (18-24%) in pink-red juvenile and green mature leaves of S, luehmannii and S, wilsonii. Re-positioning juvenile leaves of S, wilsonii horizontally increased diurnal photoinhibition, Exposure of leaves to a standard mild photoinhibitory right treatment (30 min at 1000 mu mol m(-2) s(-1)) showed that juvenile leaves of air species had a lower percentage of high energy state quenching (qE) and a higher percentage of photoinhibitory quenching (ql) than mature leaves.
Marine viruses have been shown to affect phytoplankton productivity; however, there are no reports on the effect of viruses on benthic microalgae (microphytobenthos). Hence, this study investigated the effects of elevated concentrations of virus-like particles on the photosynthetic physiology and community composition of benthic microalgae and phytoplankton. Virus populations were collected near the sediment surface and concentrated by tangential flow ultrafiltration, and the concentrate was added to benthic and water column samples that were obtained along a eutrophication gradient in the Brisbane River/Moreton Bay estuary, Australia. Photosynthetic and community responses of benthic microalgae, phytoplankton and bacteria were monitored over 7 d in aquaria and in situ. Benthic microalgal communities responded to viral enrichment in both eutrophic and oligotrophic sediments. In eutrophic sediments, Euglenophytes (Euglena sp.) and bacteria decreased in abundance by 20 to 60 and 26 to 66%, respectively, from seawater controls. In oligotrophic sediments, bacteria decreased in abundance by 30 to 42% from seawater controls but the dinoflagellate Gymnodinium sp. increased in abundance by 270 to 3600% from seawater controls, The increased abundance of Gymnodinium sp. may be related to increased availability of dissolved organic matter released from lysed bacteria. Increased (140 to 190% from seawater controls) initial chlorophyll a fluorescence measured with a pulse-amplitude modulated fluorometer was observed in eutrophic benthic microalgal incubations following virus enrichment, consistent with photosystem II damage. Virus enrichment in oligotrophic water significantly stimulated carbon fixation rates, perhaps due to increased nutrient availability by bacterial lysis. The interpretation of data from virus amendment experiments is difficult due to potential interaction with unidentified bioactive compounds within seawater concentrates. However, these results show that viruses are capable of influencing microbial dynamics in sediments.
Low temperature injury (LTI) of roses (Rosa hybrida L.) is difficult to assess by visual observation. Relative chlorophyll fluorescence (CF; F-v/F-m) is a non-invasive technique that provides an index of stress effects on photosystem 11 (PS 11) activity. This instrumental technique allows determination of the photosynthetic efficiency of plant tissues containing chloroplasts, such as rose leaves. In the present study, pre- and Post-Storage measurements of F-v/F-m were carried out to assess LTI in 'First Red' and 'Akito' roses harvested year round. Relationships between the pre-harvest environment conditions of temperature, relative humidity and photon flux density (PFD), F-v/F-m, and, vase life duration after storage are reported. After harvest, roses were stored at 1, 5 and 10 degrees C for 10 days. Non-stored roses were the control treatment. F-v/F-m ratios were reduced following storage, suggesting LTI of roses. However, reductions in F-v/F-m were not closely correlated with reduced vase life duration and were seasonally dependent. Only during winter experiments was F-v/F-m of roses stored at 1 degrees C significantly (P <= 0.001) lower compared to F-v/F-m of non-stored control roses and roses stored at 5 and 10 degrees C. Thus, the fall of F-v/F-m was due to an interaction of growing season and storage at 1 degrees C. Vase lives of roses grown during winter were significantly (P <= 0.001) shorter compared to roses grown during summer. Length of vase life was intermediate for roses grown during autumn and spring. Because of the lack of correlation between F-v/F-m and post-storage vase life it is concluded that the CF parameter F-v/F-m is nota practical index for assessing LTI in cold-stored roses. Higher PFD and temperature in summer were positively and significantly correlated with maintenance of post-storage FvIF ratios and longer vase life. It is suggested that shorter vase lives and lower post-storage F-v/F-m values after storage at 1 degrees C are consequences of reduced photosynthesis and smaller carbohydrate pools in winter-harvested roses. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
Sodium cyanide is being used on reefs in the Asia-Pacific region to capture live fish for the aquarium industry, and to supply a rapidly growing, restaurant-based demand, The effects of cyanide on reef biota have not been fully explored. To investigate its effect on hard corals, we exposed small branch lips of Stylophora pistillata and Acropora aspera to cyanide concentrations estimated to occur during cyanide fishing. Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) chlorophyll fluorescence techniques were used to examine photoinhibition and photosynthetic electron transport in the symbiotic algae (zooxanthellae) in the tissues of the corals, These measurements were made in situ and in real time using a recently developed submersible PAM fluorometer. In S. pistillata. exposure to cyanide resulted in an almost complete cessation in photosynthetic electron transport rate. Both species displayed marked decreases in the ratio of variable fluorescence (F-v) to maximal fluorescence (F-m) (dark-adapted F-v/F-m), following exposure to cyanide, signifying a decrease in photochemical efficiency. Dark-adapted F-v/F-m recovered to normal levels in similar to 6 d, although intense tissue discolouration, a phenomenon well-recognised as coral 'bleaching' was observed during this period, Bleaching was caused by loss of zooxanthellae from the coral tissues, a well-recognised sub-lethal stress response of corals. Using the technique of chlorophyll fluorescence quenching analysis, corals exposed to cyanide did not show light activation of Calvin cycle enzymes and developed high levels of non-photochemical quenching (q(N)), signifying the photoprotective dissipation of excess light as heat, These features are symptomatic of the known properties of cyanide as an inhibitor of enzymes of the Calvin cycle. The results of this in situ study show that an impairment of zooxanthellar photosynthesis is; the site of cyanide-mediated toxicity, and is the cue that causes corals to release their symbiotic zooxanthellac following cyanide exposure. This study demonstrates the efficacy of PBM fluorometry as a new tool for in situ stress assessment in zooxanthellate scleractinian corals. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A new type of dual-channel PAM chlorophyll fluorometer has been developed, which is specialised in the detection of extremely small differences in photosynthetic activity in algae or thylakoids suspensions. In conjunction with standardised algae cultures or isolated thylakoids, the new device provides an ultrasensitive biotest system for detection of toxic substances in water samples. In this report, major features of the new device are outlined and examples of its performance are presented using suspensions of Phaeodactylum tricornutum (diatoms) and of freeze-dried thylakoids of Lactuca sativa (salad). Investigated and reference samples are exposed to the same actinic intensity of pulse-modulated measuring light. The quantum yields are assessed by the saturation pulse method. Clock-triggered repetitive measurements of quantum yield typically display a standard deviation of 0.1%, corresponding to the inhibition induced by 0.02 mug diuron l(-1). Hence, for diuron or compounds with similar toxicity, the detection limit is well below the 0.1 mug l(-1) defined as the limit for the presence of a single toxic substance in water by the European Commission drinking water regulation. The amounts of water and biotest material required for analysis are very small, as a single assay involves two 1 ml samples, each containing ca. 0.5 mug chlorophyll. Both with Phaeodactylum and thylakoids the relationship between inhibition and diuron concentration is strictly linear up to 10% inhibition, with very similar slopes. Apparent inhibition depends on the actinic effect of the measuring light, showing optima at 6 and 4 mumol quanta m(-2) s(-1) with Phaeodactylum and thylakoids, respectively.
Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements have a wide range of applications from basic understanding of photosynthesis functioning to plant environmental stress responses and direct assessments of plant health. The measured signal is the fluorescence intensity (expressed in relative units) and the most meaningful data are derived from the time dependent increase in fluorescence intensity achieved upon application of continuous bright light to a previously dark adapted sample. The fluorescence response changes over time and is termed the Kautsky curve or chlorophyll fluorescence transient. Recently, Strasser and Strasser (1995) formulated a group of fluorescence parameters, called the JIP-test, that quantify the stepwise flow of energy through Photosystem II, using input data from the fluorescence transient. The purpose of this study was to establish relationships between the biochemical reactions occurring in PS II and specific JIP-test parameters. This was approached using isolated systems that facilitated the addition of modifying agents, a PS II electron transport inhibitor, an electron acceptor and an uncoupler, whose effects on PS II activity are well documented in the literature. The alteration to PS II activity caused by each of these compounds could then be monitored through the JIP-test parameters and compared and contrasted with the literature. The known alteration in PS II activity of Chenopodium album atrazine resistant and sensitive biotypes was also used to gauge the effectiveness and sensitivity of the JIP-test. The information gained from the in vitro study was successfully applied to an in situ study. This is the first in a series of four papers. It shows that the trapping parameters of the JIP-test were most affected by illumination and that the reduction in trapping had a run-on effect to inhibit electron transport. When irradiance exposure proceeded to photoinhibition, the electron transport probability parameter was greatly reduced and dissipation significantly increased. These results illustrate the advantage of monitoring a number of fluorescence parameters over the use of just one, which is often the case when the F-V/F-M ratio is used.
It has been suggested that phased atomic decay in a squeezed vacuum could be detected in the fluorescence spectrum emitted from a driven two-level atom in a cavity. Recently, the existence of other very distinctive features in the fluorescence spectra arising from the nonclassical features of the squeezed vacuum has been reported. In this paper, we investigate the possibility of experimental observation of these spectra. The main obstacle to the experimentalist is ensuring an effective squeezed-vacuum-atom coupling. To overcome this problem we propose the use of a Fabry-Perot microcavity. The analysis involves a consideration of the three-dimensional nature of the electromagnetic held, and the possibility of a mismatch between the squeezed and cavity modes. The problem of squeezing bandwidths is also addressed. We show that under experimentally realistic circumstances many of the spectral anomalies predicted in free space also occur in this environment. In addition, we report large population inversions in the dressed states of the two-level atom. [S1050-2947(98)02301-4].
The quantum trajectories method is illustrated for the resonance fluorescence of a two-level atom driven by a multichromatic field. We discuss the method for the time evolution of the fluorescence intensity in the presence of bichromatic and trichromatic driving fields. We consider the special case wherein one multichromatic field component is strong and resonant with the atomic transition whereas the other components are much weaker and arbitrarily detuned from the atomic resonance. We find that the phase-dependent modulations of the Rabi oscillations, recently observed experimentally [Q. Wu, D. J. Gauthier, and T. W. Mossberg, Phys. Rev. A 49, R1519 (1994)] for the special case when the weaker component of a bichromatic driving field is detuned from the atomic resonance by the strong-field Rabi frequency, appear also for detunings close to the subharmonics of the Rabi frequency. Furthermore, we show that for the atom initially prepared in one of the dressed states of the strong field component the modulations are not sensitive to the phase. We extend the calculations to the case of a trichromatic driving field and find that apart from the modulations of the amplitude there is a modulation of the frequency of the Rabi oscillations. Moreover, the time evolution of the fluorescence intensity depends on the phase regardless of the initial conditions and a phase-dependent suppression of the Rabi oscillations can be observed when the sideband fields are tuned to the subharmonics of the strong-field Rabi frequency. [S1050-2947(98)03501-X].
We show that a two-level atom interacting with an extremely weak squeezed vacuum can display resonance fluorescence spectra that are qualitatively different to those that can be obtained using fields with a classical analogue. We consider first the free space situation with monochromatic excitation, and then discuss a bichromatically driven two-level atom in a cavity as a practical scenario for experimentally detecting the anomalous features predicted. We show that in the bad cavity limit, the anomalous spectral features appear for a weak squeezed vacuum and large frequency differences of the bichromatic field, conditions which are easily accessible in laboratories. The advantage of bichromatic, as opposed to monochromatic, excitation is that there is no coherent scattering at line centre which could obscure the observations. A scaling law is derived, N similar to Omega(4) which relates the squeezed photon number to the Rabi frequency at which the anomalous features appear. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
We study the behavior of a two-level atom that is driven by a bichromatic field consisting of a strong resonant component and a weaker tunable component. In addition to the splitting of the energy levels (the multiphoton AC Stark effect), we find that the weaker component also shifts the subharmonic resonances, an effect we attribute to a dynamic Stark shift. When the weaker component is tuned to a shifted resonance, no fluorescence occurs at either the frequency of the strong component or the three-photon mixing frequency. Results are obtained with numerical techniques and explained in terms of the dressed-atom model of the system. (C) 1998 Optical Society of America [S0740-3224(98)01508-2] OCIS codes: 270.4180, 270.6620, 270.0270.
We analyze the linewidth narrowing in the fluorescence spectrum of a two-level atom driven by a squeezed vacuum field of a finite bandwidth. It is found that the fluorescence spectrum in a low-intensity squeezed field can exhibit a (omega - omega(0))(-6) frequency dependence in the wings. We show that this fast fall-off behavior is intimately related to the properties of a narrow-bandwidth squeezed field and does not extend into the region of broadband excitation. We apply the Linear response model and find that the narrowing results from a convolution of the atom response with the spectrum of the incident field. On the experimental side, we emphasize that the linewidth narrowing is not sensitive to the solid angle of the squeezed modes coupled to the atom. We also compare the fluorescence spectrum with the quadrature-noise spectrum and find that the fluorescence spectrum for an off-resonance excitation does not reveal the noise spectrum. We show that this difference arises from the competing three-photon scattering processes. [S1050-2947(98)04308-X].
We study the resonance fluorescence from two interacting atoms driven by a squeezed vacuum field and show that this system produces an interference pattern with a dark center. We discuss the role of the interatomic interactions in this process and find that the interference pattern results from an unequal population of the symmetric and antisymmetric states of the two-atom system. We also identify intrinsically nonclassical effects versus classical squeezed field effects, (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The early effects of heat stress on the photosynthesis of symbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae) within the tissues of a reef-building coral were examined using pulse-amplitude-modulated (PAM) chlorophyll fluorescence and photorespirometry. Exposure of Stylophora pistillata to 33 and 34 degrees C for 4 h resulted in (1) the development of strong non-photochemical quenching (qN) of the chlorophyll fluorescence signal, (2) marked decreases in photosynthetic oxygen evolution, and (3) decreases in optimal quantum yield (F-v/F-m) of photosystern II (PSII), Quantum yield decreased to a greater extent on the illuminated surfaces of coral branches than on lower (shaded) surfaces, and also when high irradiance intensities were combined with elevated temperature (33 degrees C as opposed to 28 degrees C), qN collapsed in heat-stressed samples when quenching analysis was conducted in the absence of oxygen, Collectively, these observations are interpreted as the initiation of photoprotective dissipation of excess absorbed energy as heat (qN) and O-2-dependent electron flow through the Mehler-Ascorbate-Peroxidase cycle (MAP-cycle) following the point at which the rate of light-driven electron transport exceeds the capacity of the Calvin cycle. A model for coral bleaching is proposed whereby the primary site of heat damage in S, pistillata is carboxylation within the Calvin cycle, as has been observed during heat damage in higher plants, Damage to PSII and a reduction in F-v/F-m (i.e. photoinhibition) are secondary effects following the overwhelming of photoprotective mechanisms by light. This secondary factor increases the effect of the primary variable, temperature. Potential restrictions of electron flow in heat-stressed zooxanthellae are discussed with respect to Calvin cycle enzymes and the unusual status of the dinoflagellate Rubisco, Significant features of our model are that (1) damage to PSII is not the initial step in the sequence of heat stress in zooxanthellae, acid (2) light plays a key secondary role in the initiation of the bleaching phenomena.
Modulated chlorophyll fluorescence techniques were used to examine the effects of cyanide (NaCN) from cyanide fishing on photosynthesis of the symbiotic algae (zooxanthellae) located within the tissues of the zooxanthellate hard coral Plesiastrea versipora. Incubating corals for 3 h in a cyanide concentration of >10(-5) M NaCN under a saturating light intensity (photosynthetically active radiation [PAR] intensity of 250 mu mol quanta m(-2) s(-1)) caused a long-term decrease in the ratio of variable to maximal fluorescence (dark-adapted F-v/F-m). The effect of cyanide on dark-adapted F-v/F-m was Light dependent; thus F-v/F-m only decreased in corals exposed to 10(-4) M NaCN for 3 h under PAR of 250 mu mol quanta m(-2) s(-1). In corals where dark-adapted F-v/F-m was significantly lowered by cyanide exposure, we observed significant loss of zooxanthellae from the tissues. causing the corals to discolour (bleach). To further examine the light-dependent effect of cyanide and its relation to loss of zooxanthellae, corals were exposed to 10-4 M NaCN or seawater only (control), either in darkness or under 250 mu mol quanta m(-2) s(-1). ill significant decrease in dark-adapted F-v/F-m and loss of zooxanthellae only occurred in corals exposed to cyanide in the light. These results suggest cyanide causes the dissociation of the symbiosis (bleaching) by affecting photosynthesis of the zooxanthellae. Quenching analysis using the saturation-pulse technique revealed the development of high levels of non-photochemical quenching in cyanide-exposed coral. This result is consistent with the known property of cyanide as an inhibitor of the dark reactions of the Calvin cycle, specifically as an inhibitor of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco). Therefore, chronic photoinhibition and an impairment of photosynthesis of zooxanthellae provides an important 'signal' to examine the environmental effects of cyanide fishing during controlled releases in situ.