59 resultados para check-all-that-apply (CATA)
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
We present a new sample of Parkes half-jansky flat-spectrum radio sources, having made a particular effort to find any previously unidentified sources. The sample contains 323 sources selected according to a flux limit of 0.5 Jy at 2.7 GHz, a spectral index measured between 2.7 and 5.0 GHz of alpha(2.7/5.0) > -0.5, where S(nu) proportional to nu(alpha), Galactic latitude \b\ > 20 degrees and -45 degrees < declination (B1950) < +10 degrees. The sample was selected from a region 3.90 steradians in area. We have obtained accurate radio positions for all the unresolved sources in this sample, and combined these with accurate optical positions from digitized photographic sky survey data to check all the optical identifications. We report new identifications based on R- and Kn-band imaging and new spectroscopic measurements of many of the sources. We present a catalogue of the 323 sources, of which 321 now have identified optical counterparts and 277 have measured spectral redshifts.
A straightforward method is proposed for computing the magnetic field produced by a circular coil that contains a large number of turns wound onto a solenoid of rectangular cross section. The coil is thus approximated by a circular ring containing a continuous constant current density, which is very close to the real situation when sire of rectangular cross section is used. All that is required is to evaluate two functions, which are defined as integrals of periodic quantities; this is done accurately and efficiently using trapezoidal-rule quadrature. The solution can be obtained so rapidly that this procedure is ideally suited for use in stochastic optimization, An example is given, in which this approach is combined with a simulated annealing routine to optimize shielded profile coils for NMR.
Over the past years, component-based software engineering has become an established paradigm in the area of complex software intensive systems. However, many techniques for analyzing these systems for critical properties currently do not make use of the component orientation. In particular, safety analysis of component-based systems is an open field of research. In this chapter we investigate the problems arising and define a set of requirements that apply when adapting the analysis of safety properties to a component-based software engineering process. Based on these requirements some important component-oriented safety evaluation approaches are examined and compared.
There is now evidence to show that, as time passes, epilepsy, even if untreated, tends to undergo spontaneous remission in a significant proportion of patients. The question therefore arises as to whether anticonvulsant drug therapy increases this chance of the patient with epilepsy ultimately entering a terminal remission which continues after the treatment is withdrawn, Le. whether anticonvulsant drug therapy itself may sometimes cure epilepsy. There are no well-designed studies available in the literature that provide a clear answer to this question. However, data from a number of investigations carried out for other purposes can be used to see whether contemporary anticonvulsant drug therapy is associated with higher rates of expected untreated terminal remission than those that apply for never-treated patients with epilepsy, or for those whose anticonvulsant treatment has probably been inadequate for various social or historical reasons. Despite the admitted uncertainties inherent in drawing conclusions from such material, there appears to be a reasonably consistent tendency for contemporary anticonvulsant drug treatment to be associated with a greater chance of achieving probable cure of epilepsy. Therefore it would appear premature to take the view that contemporary anticonvulsant drug therapy does no more than suppress epileptic seizures until epilepsy remits spontaneously, or fails to remit, with the passing of time.
Why did Levinas choose Isaiah 45:7 ("I make peace and create evil: I the Lord do all that") as a superscription of his essay on evil? This article explores the role of evil in Levinas's religious ethics. The author discusses the structure of evil as revealed phenomenologically and juxtaposes it to the structure of subjectivity found in the writings of Levinas. The idea of the "ethical anthropic principle," modeled upon the cosmic anthropic principle, is then used to link evil to the responsibility of the subject. The link is subsequently extended to God. This is proposed as one way of understanding the meaning of Isaiah 45:7. © 2001 Journal of Religious Ethics, Inc.
The blame for the semantic and set-theoretic paradoxes is often placed on self-reference and circularity. Some years ago, Yablo [1985; 1993] challenged this diagnosis, by producing a paradox that's liar-like but does not seem to involve circularity. But is Yablo's paradox really non-circular? In a recent paper, Beall [2001] has suggested that there are no means available to refer to Yablo's paradox without invoking descriptions, and since Priest [1997] has shown that any such description is circular, Beall concludes that Yablo's paradox itself is circular. In this paper, we argue that Beall's conclusion is unwarranted, given that (1) descriptions are not the only way to refer to Yablo's paradox, and (ii) we have no reason to believe that because the description involves self-reference, the denotation of the description is also circular. As a result, for all that's been said so far, we have no reason to believe that Yablo's paradox is circular.
In the present paper, risk-management problems where farmers manage risk both through production decisions and through the use of market-based and informal risk-management mechanisms are considered. It is shown that many of these problems share a common structure, and that a unified and informative treatment of a broad spectrum of risk-management tools is possible within a cost-minimisation framework, under minimal conditions on their objective functions. Fundamental results are derived that apply regardless of the producer's preference towards risks, using only the no-arbitrage condition that agricultural producers never forego any opportunity to lower costs without lowering returns.
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) has considerable support among the built environment professions. Yet the underlying assumptions on which it is based have rarely been, effectiveness or efficacy. This paper reports the development and use of a evaluated to assess their of scale that measured the actual levels of incidental CPTED in two residential areas in Gold Coast, Australia. The scale was administered in parallel with a victimization and social attitude survey. Analysis based on the combination of the two suggests that CPTED measures may have some effect on reducing victimization, particularly the kind of CPTED measures that apply to the group of dwellings on a single street, but the effect on fear of crime is surprisingly limited. It also indicates that there is on a single street, but the of potential in the application of such a scale in a wider assessment of the effectiveness of operationalizing CPTED design measures.
Dynamic binary translation is the process of translating, modifying and rewriting executable (binary) code from one machine to another at run-time. This process of low-level re-engineering consists of a reverse engineering phase followed by a forward engineering phase. UQDBT, the University of Queensland Dynamic Binary Translator, is a machine-adaptable translator. Adaptability is provided through the specification of properties of machines and their instruction sets, allowing the support of different pairs of source and target machines. Most binary translators are closely bound to a pair of machines, making analyses and code hard to reuse. Like most virtual machines, UQDBT performs generic optimizations that apply to a variety of machines. Frequently executed code is translated to native code by the use of edge weight instrumentation, which makes UQDBT converge more quickly than systems based on instruction speculation. In this paper, we describe the architecture and run-time feedback optimizations performed by the UQDBT system, and provide results obtained in the x86 and SPARC® platforms.
We present a process for introducing an object-oriented architecture into an abstract functional specification written in Object-Z. Since the design is derived from the specification, correctness concerns are addressed as pan of the design process. We base our approach on refactoring rules that apply to class structure, and use the rules to implement design patterns. As a motivating example, we introduce a user-interface design that follows the model-view-controller paradigm into an existing specification.
A number of authors concerned with the analysis of rock jointing have used the idea that the joint areal or diametral distribution can be linked to the trace length distribution through a theorem attributed to Crofton. This brief paper seeks to demonstrate why Crofton's theorem need not be used to link moments of the trace length distribution captured by scan line or areal mapping to the moments of the diametral distribution of joints represented as disks and that it is incorrect to do so. The valid relationships for areal or scan line mapping between all the moments of the trace length distribution and those of the joint size distribution for joints modeled as disks are recalled and compared with those that might be applied were Crofton's theorem assumed to apply. For areal mapping, the relationship is fortuitously correct but incorrect for scan line mapping.
The effects of ammonium sulphate concentration on the osmotic second virial coefficient (B-AA/M-A) for equine serum albumin (pH 5.6, 20 degrees C) have been examined by sedimentation equilibrium. After an initial steep decrease with increasing ammonium sulphate concentration, B-AA/M-A assumes an essentially concentration-independent magnitude of 8-9 ml/g. Such behaviour conforms with the statistical-mechanical prediction that a sufficient increase in ionic strength should effectively eliminate the contributions of charge interactions to B-AA/M-A but have no effect on the covolume contribution (8.4 ml/g for serum albumin). A similar situation is shown to apply to published sedimentation equilibrium data for lysozyme (pH 4.5). Although termed osmotic second virial coefficients and designated as such (B-22), the negative values obtained in published light scattering studies of both systems have been described incorrectly because of the concomitant inclusion of the protein-salt contribution to thermodynamic nonideality of the protein. Those negative values are still valid predictors of conditions conducive to crystal growth inasmuch as they do reflect situations in which there is net attraction between protein molecules. However, the source of attraction responsible for the negative virial coefficient stems from the protein-salt rather than the protein-protein contribution, which is necessarily positive. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.