13 resultados para carinulatus species group

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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A new acantha species-group is erected in the genus Euhesma Michener. Three new species are described: E. acantha, E. loorea, and E. collaris. Scanning electron micrographs and line drawings illustrate the species-group and a key to females enables the separation of species. Known distributions are mapped.


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Almost half of the 4547 described bee flies (Bombyliidae: Diptera) in the world belong to the subfamily Anthracinae, with most of the world's diversity in three cosmopolitan tribes: Villini, Anthracini and Exoprosopini. Molecular data from 815 base pairs of 16S mitochondrial DNA and morphological characters from species-groups of these tribes in Australia were analysed cladistically. The results show that the relationships between the anthracine tribes reflect those found in a previous morphological analysis. The genera of the Anthracinae in Australia are monophyletic, except for Ligyra Newman, and are assigned to tribes. Although simultaneous analysis of the combined molecular and morphological data produced clades found in both separate analyses, the different data sources are significantly incongruent. We use phylogenetic measures to examine support for the relationships among the Australian Anthracinae inferred by the molecular and morphological data.


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The complex nature of venom from spider species offers a unique natural source of potential pharmacological tools and therapeutic leads. The increased interest in spider venom molecules requires reproducible and precise identification methods. The current taxonomy of the Australian Funnel-web spiders is incomplete, and therefore, accurate identification of these spiders is difficult. Here, we present a study of venom from numerous morphologically similar specimens of the Hadronyche infensa species group collected from a variety of geographic locations in southeast Queensland. Analysis of the crude venoms using online reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (rp-HPLC/ESI-MS) revealed that the venom profiles provide a useful means of specimen identification, from the species level to species variants. Tables defining the descriptor molecules for each group of specimens were constructed and provided a quick reference of the relationship between one specimen and another. The study revealed that the morphologically similar specimens from the southeast Queensland region are a number of different species/species variants. Furthermore, the study supports aspects of the current taxonomy with respect to the H. infensa species group. Analysis of Australian Funnel-web spider venom by rp-HPLC/ESI-MS provides a rapid and accurate method of species/species variant identification. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aim: The aim of this study was to characterize the bacterial community adhering to the mucosa of the terminal ileum, and proximal and distal colon of the human digestive tract. Methods and Results: Pinch samples of the terminal ileum, proximal and distal colon were taken from a healthy 35-year-old, and a 68-year-old subject with mild diverticulosis. The 16S rDNA genes were amplified using a low number of PCR cycles, cloned, and sequenced. In total, 361 sequences were obtained comprising 70 operational taxonomic units (OTU), with a calculated coverage of 82.6%. Twenty-three per cent of OTU were common to the terminal ileum, proximal colon and distal colon, but 14% OTU were only found in the terminal ileum, and 43% were only associated with the proximal or distal colon. The most frequently represented clones were from the Clostridium group XIVa (24.7%), and the Bacteroidetes (Cytophaga-Flavobacteria-Bacteroides ) cluster (27.7%). Conclusion: Comparison of 16S rDNA clone libraries of the hindgut across mammalian species confirms that the distribution of phylogenetic groups is similar irrespective of the host species. Lesser site-related differences within groups or clusters of organisms, are probable. Significance and Impact: This study provides further evidence of the distribution of the bacteria on the mucosal surfaces of the human hindgut. Data contribute to the benchmarking of the microbial composition of the human digestive tract.


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A description of Anopheles (Cellia) irenicus Schmidt, sp.n. (formerly A. farauti No. 7) is provided. This species is one of six recorded from the Solomon Islands within the A. punctulatus group, which contains the major vectors of the causative agents of malaria and lymphatic filariasis in the southwest Pacific. Morphological markers are described for adult females, fourth-instar larvae and pupae that identify most specimens of A. irenicus. Keys are presented to distinguish members of the A. punctulatus group in the Solomon Islands.


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The nature and extent of reproductive isolation was examined between a new self-compatible hybrid species Senecio eboracensis (2n = 40) and its parents, self-incompatible S. squalidus (2n = 20) and self-compatible S. vulgaris (2n = 40). The triploid F-1 of S. eboracensis x S. squalidus exhibited very low seed set ((x) over bar = 0.63%), and F-2 and F-3 progeny were able to recover nominal levels of fertility ((x) over bar = 23.9 and 9.7%), while F-1 and F-2 offspring of S. eboracensis x S. vulgaris showed reduced seed set ((x) over bar = 63.8 and 58.8%). In both cases, evidence from previous work indicates that reduced fertility is associated with meiotic chromosome mispairing, and is a likely consequence of recombining both parental genomes within this new taxon. No hybrid offspring between S. eboracensis and S. squalidus were found in the wild, and only one such hybrid was recorded among 769 progeny produced by S. eboracensis surrounded by S. squalidus on an experimental plot. Natural crossing between S. eboracensis and S. vulgaris was recorded to be very low (between 0 and 1.46%) in the wild, but rose to 18.3% when individuals of S. eboracensis were surrounded by plants of S. vulgaris. It was concluded that strong breeding barriers exist between the new hybrid species and its two parents. Prezygotic isolation between S. eboracensis and S. vulgaris is likely to be largely due to both species reproducing by predominant self-fertilisation. However, differences recorded for germination, seedling survival, time of flowering and characters associated with pollinator attraction, plus significant clumping of juvenile and adult conspecifics in the wild, probably also contribute to reproductive isolation and ecological differentiation.


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Many models have been advanced to suggest how different expressions of sociality have evolved and are maintained. However these models ignore the function of groups for the particular species in question. Here we present a new perspective on sociality where the function of the group takes a central role. We argue that sociality may have primarily a reproductive, protective, or foraging function, depending on whether it enhances the reproductive, protective or foraging aspect of the animal's life (sociality may serve a mixture of these functions). Different functions can potentially cause the development of the same social behaviour. By identifying which function influences a particular social behaviour we can determine how that social behaviour will change with changing conditions, and which models are most pertinent. To test our approach we examined spider sociality, which has often been seen as the poor cousin to insect sociality. By using our approach we found that the group characteristics of eusocial insects is largely governed by the reproductive function of their groups, while the group characteristics of social spiders is largely governed by the foraging function of the group. This means that models relevant to insects may not be relevant to spiders. It also explains why eusocial insects have developed a strict caste system while spider societies are more egalitarian. We also used our approach to explain the differences between different types of spider groups. For example, differences in the characteristics of colonial and kleptoparasitic groups can be explained by differences in foraging methods, while differences between colonial and cooperative spiders can be explained by the role of the reproductive function in the formation of cooperative spider groups. Although the interactions within cooperative spider colonies are largely those of a foraging society, demographic traits and colony dynamics are strongly influenced by the reproductive function. We argue that functional explanations help to understand the social structure of spider groups and therefore the evolutionary potential for speciation in social spiders.


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The diversity of the culturable microbial communities was examined in two sponge species-Pseudoceratina clavata and Rhabdastrella globostellata. Isolates were characterized by 16S rRNA gene sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. The bacterial community structures represented in both sponges were found to be similar at the phylum level by the same four phyla in this study and also at a finer scale at the species level in both Firmicutes and Alphaproteobacteria. The majority of the Alphaproteobacteria isolates were most closely related to isolates from other sponge species including alpha proteobacterium NW001 sp. and alpha proteobacterium MBIC3368. Members of the low %G + C gram-positive (phylum Firmicutes), high %G + C gram-positive (phylum Actinobacteria), and Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides (phylum Bacteroidetes) phyla of domain Bacteria were also represented in both sponges. In terms of culturable organisms, taxonomic diversity of the microbial community in the two sponge species displays similar structure at phylum level. Within phyla, isolates often belonged to the same genus-level monophyletic group. Community structure and taxonomic composition in the two sponge species P. clavata and Rha. globostellata share significant features with those of other sponge species including those from widely separated geographical and climatic regions of the sea.


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Pollen and starch residue analyses were conducted on 24 sediment samples from archaeological sites on Maloelap and Ebon Atolls in the Marshall Islands, eastern Micronesia, and Henderson and Pitcairn Islands in the Pitcairn Group, Southeast Polynesia. The sampled islands, two of which are mystery islands (Henderson and Pitcairn), previously occupied and abandoned before European contact, comprise three types of Pacific islands: low coral atolls, raised atolls, and volcanic islands. Pollen, starch grains, calcium oxylate crystals, and xylem cells of introduced non-Colocasia Araceae (aroids) were identified in the Marshalls and Henderson (ca. 1,900 yr B.P. and 1,200 yr B.P. at the earliest, respectively). The data provide direct evidence of prehistoric horticulture in those islands and initial fossil pollen sequences from Pitcairn Island. Combined with previous studies, the data also indicate a horticultural system on Henderson comprising both field and tree crops, with seven different cultigens, including at least two species of the Araceae. Starch grains and xylem cells of Ipomoea sp., possibly introduced 1. batatas, were identified in Pitcairn Island deposits dated to the last few centuries before European contact in 1790.


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We completed the genome sequence of Lettuce necrotic yellows virus (LNYV) by determining the nucleotide sequences of the 4a (putative phosphoprotein), 4b, M (matrix protein), G (glycoprotein) and L (polymerase) genes. The genome consists of 12,807 nucleotides and encodes six genes in the order 3' leader-N-4a(P)-4b-M-G-L-5' trailer. Sequences were derived from clones of a cDNA library from LNYV genomic RNA and from fragments amplified using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. The 4a protein has a low isoelectric point characteristic for rhabdovirus phosphoproteins. The 4b protein has significant sequence similarities with the movement proteins of capillo- and trichoviruses and may be involved in cell-to-cell movement. The putative G protein sequence contains a predicted 25 amino acids signal peptide and endopeptidase cleavage site, three predicted glycosylation sites and a putative transmembrane domain. The deduced L protein sequence shows similarities with the L proteins of other plant rhabdoviruses and contains polymerase module motifs characteristic for RNA-dependent RNA polymerases of negative-strand RNA viruses. Phylogenetic analysis of this motif among rhabdoviruses placed LNYV in a group with other sequenced cytorhabdoviruses, most closely related to Strawberry crinkle virus. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Heteronomous hyperparasitoids are parasitic wasps with sex-related host relationships that are unique to a group of genera in the chalcidoid family Aphelinidae. Females are primary parasitoids of various sedentary bugs (mainly, scale insects, mealy bugs, and whiteflies). Males, in contrast, are hyperparasitic, and they frequently develop at the expense of female conspecifics. Alloparasitoids constitute a special category of heteronomous hyperparasitoids, for their males never develop through female conspecifics. The existence of alloparasitic host relationships and the utility of the category 'alloparasitoid' have both been questioned. Here, we present results that confirm the existence of the alloparasitic way of life among heteronomous aphelinids. We investigated an undescribed species of Coccophagus (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), an Australian parasitoid that attacks the introduced lantana mealy bug, Phenacoccus parvus Morrison (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae), in Queensland. A year-long field survey regularly returned large numbers of female Coccophagus spec. near gurneyi individuals from P. parvus (total n = 4212), but only few males (n = 11). Males emerged from samples only when the encyrtid parasitoid Anagyrus diversicornis (Howard) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) was present in samples in relatively high numbers. Laboratory oviposition tests confirmed that A. diversicornis is a male host and showed that males do not develop at the expense of conspecific females. Other studies show that males are attracted in numbers to virgin females held in cages above mealy bug-infested Lantana montevidensis (Spreng.) Briq. (Verbenaceae) in the field, demonstrating that they are common in the population as a whole. This confirms that the males need hosts other than conspecific females and that their usual hosts are present outside of the lantana/P. parvus system. The implications of these results for developing a realistic classification of heteronomous host relationships are discussed.


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The bacterial wilts of banana known as Moko disease, Bugtok disease and blood disease are caused by members of the R. solanacearum species complex. R. solanacearum is a heterogeneous species which has been divided into 4 genetic groups known as phylotypes. Within the R. solanacearum species complex, strains that cause Moko and Bugtok diseases belong to phylotype II. The blood disease bacterium, the cause of blood disease, belongs to phylotype IV. This study employs phylogenetic analysis of partial endoglucanase gene sequences to further assess the evolutionary relationships between strains of R. solanacearum causing Moko disease and Bugtok disease and the relationship of the blood disease bacterium to other R. solanacearum strains within phylotype IV of the R. solanacearum species complex. These analyses showed that R. solanacearum Moko disease-causing strains are polyphyletic, forming four related, but distinct, clusters of strains. One of these clusters is a previously unrecognised group of R. solanacearum Moko disease-causing strains. It was also found that R. solanacearum strains that cause Bugtok disease are indistinguishable from strains causing Moko disease in the Philippines. Phylogenetic analysis of partial endoglucanase gene sequences of the strains of the blood disease confirms a close relationship of these strains to R. solanacearum strains within phylotype IV of the R. solanacearum species complex.


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Ecological genetic studies have demonstrated that spatial patterns of mating dispersal, the dispersal of gametes through mating behaviour, can facilitate inbreeding avoidance and strongly influence the structure of populations, particularly in highly philopatric species. Elements of breeding group dynamics, such as strong structuring and sex-biased dispersal among groups, can also minimize inbreeding and positively influence levels of genetic diversity within populations. Rock-wallabies are highly philopatric mid-sized mammals whose strong dependence on rocky terrain has resulted in series of discreet, small colonies in the landscape. Populations show no signs of inbreeding and maintain high levels of genetic diversity despite strong patterns of limited gene flow within and among colonies. We used this species to investigate the importance of mating dispersal and breeding group structure to inbreeding avoidance within a 'small' population. We examined the spatial patterns of mating dispersal, the extent of kinship within breeding groups, and the degree of relatedness among brush-tailed rock-wallaby breeding pairs within a colony in southeast Queensland. Parentage data revealed remarkably restricted mating dispersal and strong breeding group structuring for a mid-sized mammal. Breeding groups showed significant levels of female kinship with evidence of male dispersal among groups. We found no evidence for inbreeding avoidance through mate choice; however, anecdotal data suggest the importance of life history traits to inbreeding avoidance between first-degree relatives. We suggest that the restricted pattern of mating dispersal and strong breeding group structuring facilitates inbreeding avoidance within colonies. These results provide insight into the population structure and maintenance of genetic diversity within colonies of the threatened brush-tailed rock-wallaby.