11 resultados para asynchronous

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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We describe an extension of the theory of Owicki and Gries (1976) to a programming language that supports asynchronous message passing based on unconditional send actions and conditional receive actions. The focus is on exploring the fitness of the extension for distributed program derivation. A number of experiments are reported, based on a running example problem, and with the aim of exploring design heuristics and of streamlining derivations and progress arguments.


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The differences in physical properties of air and water pose unique behavioural and physiological demands on semiaquatic animals. The aim of this study was to describe the diving behaviour of the freshwater crocodile Crocodylus johnstoni in the wild and to assess the relationships between diving, body temperature, and heart rate. Time-depth recorders, temperature-sensitive radio transmitters, and heart rate transmitters were deployed on each of six C. johnstoni (4.0-26.5 kg), and data were obtained from five animals. Crocodiles showed the greatest diving activity in the morning (0600-1200 hours) and were least active at night, remaining at the water surface. Surprisingly, activity pattern was asynchronous with thermoregulation, and activity was correlated to light rather than to body temperature. Nonetheless, crocodiles thermoregulated and showed a typical heart rate hysteresis pattern (heart rate during heating greater than heart rate during cooling) in response to heating and cooling. Additionally, dive length decreased with increasing body temperature. Maximum diving length was 119.6 min, but the greatest proportion of diving time was spent on relatively short (


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Teleneurology enables neurology to be practised when the doctor and patient are not present in the same place, and possibly not at the same time. The two main techniques are: (1) videoconferencing, which enables communication between a doctor and a patient who are in different places at the same time (often called real-time or synchronous), and (2) email, where the consultation is carried out without the patient being present, at a time convenient to the doctors involved (asynchronous or store-and-forward teleneurology). Some problems that can be solved by teleneurology include: (1) patients admitted to hospital with acute neurological symptoms rarely see a neurologist; (2) delayed treatment for acute stroke; (3) non-optimum management of epilepsy; (4) unproductive travel time for neurologists; (5) extremely poor access to a neurologist for doctors in the developing world; (6) long waiting times to see a neurologist. Neurology is a specialty that, because of the emphasis on accurate interpretation of a history, does lend itself to telemedicine. It has been a late starter in realizing the benefits of telemedicine and most of the publications on teleneurology have been in the last five years. Its uptake within the neurological community is low but increasing. Telemedicine requires a significant change in how neurologists practise. The evidence to date is that teleneurology can narrow the gap between patients with neurological disease and the doctors who are trained to look after them.


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A blind nonlinear interference cancellation receiver for code-division multiple-access- (CDMA-) based communication systems operating over Rayleigh flat-fading channels is proposed. The receiver which assumes knowledge of the signature waveforms of all the users is implemented in an asynchronous CDMA environment. Unlike the conventional MMSE receiver, the proposed blind ICA multiuser detector is shown to be robust without training sequences and with only knowledge of the signature waveforms. It has achieved nearly the same performance of the conventional training-based MMSE receiver. Several comparisons and experiments are performed based on examining BER performance in AWGN and Rayleigh fading in order to verify the validity of the proposed blind ICA multiuser detector.


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We consider blind signal detection in an asynchronous code-division multiple-access (CDMA) system employing short spreading sequences in the presence of unknown multipath fading. This approach is capable of countering the presence of multiple-access interference (MAI) in CDMA fading channels. The proposed blind multiuser detector is based on an independent component analysis (ICA) to mitigate both MAI and noise. This algorithm has been utilised in blind source separation (BSS) of unknown sources from their mixtures. It can also be used for estimating the basis vectors of BSS. The aim is to include an ICA algorithm within a wireless receiver in order to reduce the level of interference in wideband systems. This blind multiuser detector requires no training sequence compared with the conventional multiuser detection receiver. The proposed ICA blind multiuser detector is made robust with respect to knowledge of signature waveforms and the timing of the user of interest. Several experiments are performed in order to verify the validity of the proposed ICA algorithm.


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The current trend among many universities is to increase the number of courses available online. However, there are fundamental problems in transferring traditional education courses to virtual formats. Delivering current curricula in an online format does not assist in overcoming the negative effects on student motivation which are inherent in providing information passively. Using problem-based learning (PBL) online is a method by which computers can become a tool to encourage active learning among students. The delivery of curricula via goal-based scenarios allows students to learn at different rates and can successfully shift online learning from memorization to discovery. This paper reports on a Web-based e-health course that has been delivered via PBL for the past 12 months. Thirty distance-learning students undertook postgraduate courses in e-health delivered via the Internet (asynchronous communication). Data collected via online student surveys indicated that the PBL format was both flexible and interesting. PBL has the potential to increase the quality of the educational experience of students in online environments.


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Boolean models of genetic regulatory networks (GRNs) have been shown to exhibit many of the characteristic dynamics of real GRNs, with gene expression patterns settling to point attractors or limit cycles, or displaying chaotic behaviour, depending upon the connectivity of the network and the relative proportions of excitatory and inhibitory interactions. This range of behaviours is only apparent, however, when the nodes of the GRN are updated synchronously, a biologically implausible state of affairs. In this paper we demonstrate that evolution can produce GRNs with interesting dynamics under an asynchronous update scheme. We use an Artificial Genome to generate networks which exhibit limit cycle dynamics when updated synchronously, but collapse to a point attractor when updated asynchronously. Using a hill climbing algorithm the networks are then evolved using a fitness function which rewards patterns of gene expression which revisit as many previously seen states as possible. The final networks exhibit “fuzzy limit cycle” dynamics when updated asynchronously.


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In 2002, the authors reviewed the educational performance of a state education department virtual schooling service during its first 2 years of operation, 2000-2001 (Pendergast, Kapitzke, Land, Luke, & Bahr, 2002). Established by Education Queensland, the Virtual Schooling Service (VSS) utilises synchronous and asynchronous online delivery strategies and a range of learning technologies to support students at a distance (see http://education.qld.gov.au/learningplace/vss/). The service commenced with a focus on senior secondary subjects. At present, there are over 700 students in 89 schools across the state enrolled in 9 subjects. In response to the recommendations of the study, a series of professional development activities were conducted with the VSS teachers by the authors. Opportunity for critical reflection was provided, including consideration of the ways in which the teachers were developing as a learning community. Some data, including visual representations, were collected from participants with the purpose of understanding how VSS teachers are constructed as professionals. This study compares and contrasts that data with self-constructions of teacher professionals in other fields.


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Email is an important form of asynchronous communication. Visualizing analyses of email communication patterns during a collaborative activity help us better understand the nature of collaboration, and identify the key players. By analysing the contents of email communication and adding reflective comments on its perceived importance from the participants of a collaboration new information can be gleaned not immediately obvious in its original flat form. This paper outlines a proof-of-concept prototype collaborative email visualisation schema. Data from a collaboration case study is analysed and subsequently employed to construct a display of the relative impact of both key players and the types of email used.


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We define a language and a predicative semantics to model concurrent real-time programs. We consider different communication paradigms between the concurrent components of a program: communication via shared variables and asynchronous message passing (for different models of channels). The semantics is the basis for a refinement calculus to derive machine-independent concurrent real-time programs from specifications. We give some examples of refinement laws that deal with concurrency.