15 resultados para assumed natural strain method

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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Repeated titrations of strains of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) are more conveniently undertaken in cell cultures rather than in embryonated eggs. This is relatively easy with mesogenic and velogenic strains that are cytopathic to various cell lines, but is difficult with avirulent Australian isolates that are poorly cytopathic. Strain V4 for example has been shown to be pathogenic iin vitro only to of chicken embryo liver cells. Strain 1-2 was reported to produce cytopathic effect (CPE) on chicken embryo kidney (CEK) cells. The present studies confirmed this observation and developed a quantal assay. CEK cells infected with strain 1-2 developed CPE characterized by degeneration, rounding, granularity and vacuolation, and the formation of synctia. End points were readily established by microscopic examination of fixed and stained cells. In virus infectivity studies on strain 1-2, where multiple titrations are required and where large numbers of samples are used, titration using CEK cell grown in microtitre plates is recommended. Such studies may not be feasible in embryonated eggs.


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BACKGROUND: Intervention time series analysis (ITSA) is an important method for analysing the effect of sudden events on time series data. ITSA methods are quasi-experimental in nature and the validity of modelling with these methods depends upon assumptions about the timing of the intervention and the response of the process to it. METHOD: This paper describes how to apply ITSA to analyse the impact of unplanned events on time series when the timing of the event is not accurately known, and so the problems of ITSA methods are magnified by uncertainty in the point of onset of the unplanned intervention. RESULTS: The methods are illustrated using the example of the Australian Heroin Shortage of 2001, which provided an opportunity to study the health and social consequences of an abrupt change in heroin availability in an environment of widespread harm reduction measures. CONCLUSION: Application of these methods enables valuable insights about the consequences of unplanned and poorly identified interventions while minimising the risk of spurious results.


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We present an analysis of the free vibration of plates with internal discontinuities due to central cut-outs. A numerical formulation for a basic L-shaped element which is divided into appropriate sub-domains that are dependent upon the location of the cut-out is used as the basic building element. Trial functions formed to satisfy certain boundary conditions are employed to define the transverse deflection of each sub-domain. Mathematical treatments in terms of the continuities in displacement, slope, moment, and higher derivatives between the adjacent sub-domains are enforced at the interconnecting edges. The energy functional results, from the proper assembly of the coupled strain and kinetic energy contributions of each sub-domain, are minimized via the Ritz procedure to extract the vibration frequencies and. mode shapes of the plates. The procedures are demonstrated by considering plates with central cut-outs that are subjected to two types of boundary conditions. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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1 Accurate assessment of the impact of natural enemies on pest populations is fundamental to the design of robust integrated pest management programmes. In most situations, diseases, predators and parasitoids act contemporaneously on insect pest populations and the impact of individual natural enemies, or specific groups of natural enemies, is difficult to interpret. These problems are exacerbated in agro-ecosystems that are frequently disrupted by the application of insecticides. 2 A combination of life-table and natural enemy exclusion techniques was utilized to develop a method for the assessment of the impact of endemic natural enemies on Plutella xylostella populations on commercial Brassica farms. 3 At two of the experimental sites, natural enemies had no impact on P. xylostella survival, at two other sites, natural enemy impact was low but, at a fifth site, natural enemies drastically reduced the P. xylostella population. 4 The calculation of marginal death rates and associated k-values allowed the comparison of mortality factors between experimental sites, and indicated that larval disappearance was consistently the most important mortality factor, followed by egg disappearance, larval parasitism and pupal parasitism. The appropriateness of the methods and assumptions made to calculate the marginal death rates are discussed. 5 The technique represents a robust and easily repeatable method for the analysis of the activity of natural enemies of P. xylostella, which could be adapted for the study of other phytophagous pests.


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Biological and chemical pro ling of an Australian strain of the fungus Aspergillus unilateralis (MST-F8675), isolated from a soil sample collected near Mount Isa, Queensland, revealed a complex array of metabolites displaying broad chemotherapeutic properties. Noteworthy among these metabolites were a unique series of highly modified dipeptides aspergillazines A-E, incorporating a selection of unprecedented and yet biosynthetically related heterocyclic systems. Co-occurring with the aspergillazines was the recently described marine-derived fungal metabolite trichodermamide A (cf. penicillazine), whereas re-fermentation of A. unilateralis in NaCl (1%) enriched media resulted in co-production of the only other known example of this structure class, the marine-derived fungal metabolite trichodermamide B. Further investigation of A. unilateralis returned the known terrestrial fungal metabolite viridicatumtoxin as the cytotoxic and antibacterial principle, together with E-2-decenedioic acid, ferulic acid, (7E,7'E)-5,5'-diferulic acid and (7E,7'E)-8,5'-diferulic acid. The aromatic diacids have previously been reported from the chemical and enzymatic (esterase) treatment of plant cell wall material, with their isolation from A. unilateralis being their first apparent reported occurrence as natural products. Structures for all metabolites were determined by detailed spectroscopic analysis and, where appropriate, comparison to literature data and/or authentic samples.


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The country-product-dummy (CPD) method, originally proposed in Summers (1973), has recently been revisited in its weighted formulation to handle a variety of data related situations (Rao and Timmer, 2000, 2003; Heravi et al., 2001; Rao, 2001; Aten and Menezes, 2002; Heston and Aten, 2002; Deaton et al., 2004). The CPD method is also increasingly being used in the context of hedonic modelling instead of its original purpose of filling holes in Summers (1973). However, the CPD method is seen, among practitioners, as a black box due to its regression formulation. The main objective of the paper is to establish equivalence of purchasing power parities and international prices derived from the application of the weighted-CPD method with those arising out of the Rao-system for multilateral comparisons. A major implication of this result is that the weighted-CPD method would then be a natural method of aggregation at all levels of aggregation within the context of international comparisons.


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On the basis of HF/6-31G(d) optimized structures, the nonplanar distortions of 135 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have been classified as splitting (S-) and arching (A-) distortions. Three bay structures are proposed as the structural origin of S-distortion. Due to the limitation of sample molecules, a set of universal motifs for molecules containing A-distortions is not available; however, a set of motifs and parameters are developed for the semiquantitative estimation of the nonplanar strain energies of PAHs containing the corannulene structure, and the differences between the E, values from quantum calculations and those from these estimations vary from -5.60 to 5.51 kcal/mol. The above results are fundamentally important for the understanding of nonplanar distortion of PAHs and fullerenes, and this method can also be employed to semiquantitatively estimate strain energies of such molecules containing hundreds of carbon atoms.


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A method has been developed to produce thick (> 400 mu m) AlN surface layers oil aluminium plates at 540 degrees C, under nitrogen at atmospheric pressure. A critical element of the process is the use of Mg powder placed in close proximity to the Al plate surface. The Mg reduces/disrupts the natural, protective oxide film on the Al surface. The nitride layers form through two distinct modes, one growing outward from the Al plate surface and the other growing into the Al. (c) 2006 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Leximancer system is a relatively new method for transforming lexical co-occurrence information from natural language into semantic patterns in an unsupervised manner. It employs two stages of co-occurrence information extraction-semantic and relational-using a different algorithm for each stage. The algorithms used are statistical, but they employ nonlinear dynamics and machine learning. This article is an attempt to validate the output of Leximancer, using a set of evaluation criteria taken from content analysis that are appropriate for knowledge discovery tasks.


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A direct quadrupole ICP-MS technique has been developed for the analysis of the rare earth elements and yttrium in natural waters. The method has been validated by comparison of the results obtained for the river water reference material SLRS-4 with literature values. The detection limit of the technique was investigated by analysis of serial dilutions of SLRS-4 and revealed that single elements can be quantified at single-digit fg/g concentrations. A coherent normalised rare earth pattern was retained at concentrations two orders of magnitude below natural concentrations for SLRS-4, demonstrating the excellent inter-element accuracy and precision of the method. The technique was applied to the analysis of a diluted mid-salinity estuarine sample, which also displayed a coherent normalised rare earth element pattern, yielding the expected distinctive marine characteristics. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Low temperature, particularly during the reproductive stage of the development of rice, limits productivity in the Riverina region of New South Wales (NSW). This study primarily examined genotypic differences in cold damage that are associated with low temperature during reproductive development. Results from experiments in temperature-controlled rooms and the cold water facility were combined with four years of field experiments, which used natural exposure to low temperature to examine the response of over 50 cultivars from diverse origins. Plants were exposed to day/night air temperatures of 27°/13°C in temperature-controlled rooms and to a constant temperature of 19°C in the cold water facility. Low temperature treatments were imposed from panicle initiation (PI) to 50% heading. In field experiments several techniques were used to increase the likelihood of inducing cold damage such as sequential sowing dates (five to eight sowing dates each year), shallow water depths (5cm) and high nitrogen rates (e.g. 300kgN ha-1). Several cultivars were identified that were more cold tolerant than Australia’s commercial cultivars.


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Finite element analysis (FEA) of nonlinear problems in solid mechanics is a time consuming process, but it can deal rigorously with the problems of both geometric, contact and material nonlinearity that occur in roll forming. The simulation time limits the application of nonlinear FEA to these problems in industrial practice, so that most applications of nonlinear FEA are in theoretical studies and engineering consulting or troubleshooting. Instead, quick methods based on a global assumption of the deformed shape have been used by the roll-forming industry. These approaches are of limited accuracy. This paper proposes a new form-finding method - a relaxation method to solve the nonlinear problem of predicting the deformed shape due to plastic deformation in roll forming. This method involves applying a small perturbation to each discrete node in order to update the local displacement field, while minimizing plastic work. This is iteratively applied to update the positions of all nodes. As the method assumes a local displacement field, the strain and stress components at each node are calculated explicitly. Continued perturbation of nodes leads to optimisation of the displacement field. Another important feature of this paper is a new approach to consideration of strain history. For a stable and continuous process such as rolling and roll forming, the strain history of a point is represented spatially by the states at a row of nodes leading in the direction of rolling to the current one. Therefore the increment of the strain components and the work-increment of a point can be found without moving the object forward. Using this method we can find the solution for rolling or roll forming in just one step. This method is expected to be faster than commercial finite element packages by eliminating repeated solution of large sets of simultaneous equations and the need to update boundary conditions that represent the rolls.