21 resultados para anti-HIV activity

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The plant cyclotides, the largest known family of circular proteins, have tightly folded structures and a range of biological activities that lend themselves to potential pharmaceutical and agricultural applications. Based on sequence homology, they are classified into the bracelet and Mobius subfamilies. The bracelet subfamily has previously been shown to display anti-HIV activity. We show here that a member of the Mobius subfamily, kalata B1, also exhibits anti-HIV activity despite extensive sequence differences between the subfamilies. In addition, acyclic permutants of kalata B1 displayed no anti-HIV activity, suggesting that this activity is critically dependent on an intact circular backbone. (C) 2004 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Based on a newly established sequencing strategy featured by its efficiency, simplicity, and easy manipulation, the sequences of four novel cyclotides (macrocyclic knotted proteins) isolated from an Australian plant Viola hederaceae were determined. The three-dimensional solution structure of V. hederaceae leaf cyclotide-1 ( vhl-1), a leaf-specific expressed 31-residue cyclotide, has been determined using two-dimensional H-1 NMR spectroscopy. vhl-1 adopts a compact and well defined structure including a distorted triple-stranded β- sheet, a short 310 helical segment and several turns. It is stabilized by three disulfide bonds, which, together with backbone segments, form a cyclic cystine knot motif. The three-disulfide bonds are almost completely buried into the protein core, and the six cysteines contribute only 3.8% to the molecular surface. A pH titration experiment revealed that the folding of vhl-1 shows little pH dependence and allowed the pK(a) of 3.0 for Glu(3) and ∼ 5.0 for Glu(14) to be determined. Met(7) was found to be oxidized in the native form, consistent with the fact that its side chain protrudes into the solvent, occupying 7.5% of the molecular surface. vhl-1 shows anti-HIV activity with an EC50 value of 0.87 μ m.


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The solution structure of one of the first members of the cyclotide family of macrocyclic peptides to be discovered, circulin B has been determined and compared with that of circulin A and related cyclotides. Cyclotides are mini-proteins derived from plants that have the characteristic features of a head-to-tail cyclised peptide backbone and a knotted arrangement of their three disulfide bonds. First discovered because of their uterotonic or anti-HIV activity, they have also been reported to have activity against a range of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria as well as fungi. The aim of the current study was to develop structure-activity relationships to rationalise this antimicrobial activity. Comparison of cyclotide structures and activities suggests that the presence and location of cationic residues may be a requirement for activity against Gram negative bacteria. Understanding the topological differences associated with the antimicrobial activity of the cyclotides is of significant interest and potentially may be harnessed for pharmaceutical applications.


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The cyclotide family of plant proteins is of interest because of their unique topology, which combines a head-to-tail cyclic backbone with an embedded cystine knot, and because their-remarkable chemical and biological properties make them ideal candidates as grafting templates for biologically active peptide epitopes. The present Study describes the first steps towards exploiting the cyclotide framework by synthesizing and structurally characterizing two grafted analogues of the cyclotide kalata B1. The modified peptides have polar or charged residues substituted for residues that form part of a surface-exposed hydrophobic patch that plays a significant role in the folding and biological activity of kalata B1. Both analogues retain the native cyclotide fold, but lack the undesired haemolytic activity of their parent molecule, kalata B1. This finding confirms the tolerance of the cyclotide framework to residue Substitutions and opens up possibilities for the Substitution of biologically active peptide epitopes into the framework.


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The cyclotides are a family of small disulfide rich proteins that have a cyclic peptide backbone and a cystine knot formed by three conserved disulfide bonds. The combination of these two structural motifs contributes to the exceptional chemical, thermal and enzymatic stability of the cyclotides, which retain bioactivity after boiling. They were initially discovered based on native medicine or screening studies associated with some of their various activities, which include uterotonic action, anti-HIV activity, neurotensin antagonism, and cytotoxicity. They are present in plants from the Rubiaceae, Violaceae and Cucurbitaccae families and their natural function in plants appears to be in host defense: they have potent activity against certain insect pests and they also have antimicrobial activity. There are currently around 50 published sequences of cyclotides and their rate of discovery has been increasing over recent years. Ultimately the family may comprise thousands of members. This article describes the background to the discovery of the cyclotides, their structural characterization, chemical synthesis, genetic origin, biological activities and potential applications in the pharmaceutical and agricultural industries. Their unique topological features make them interesting from a protein folding perspective. Because of their highly stable peptide framework they might make useful templates in drug design programs, and their insecticidal activity opens the possibility of applications in crop protection.


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Cyclotides are plant-derived miniproteins that have the unusual features of a head-to-tail cyclized peptide backbone and a knotted arrangement of disulfide bonds. It had been postulated that they might be an especially large family of host defense agents, but this had not yet been tested by field data on cyclotide variation in wild plant populations. In this study, we sampled Australian Hybanthus (Violaceae) to gain an insight into the level of variation within populations, within species, and between species. A wealth of cyclotide diversity was discovered: at least 246 new cyclotides are present in the 11 species sampled, and 26 novel sequences were characterized. A new approach to the discovery of cyclotide sequences was developed based on the identification of a conserved sequence within a signal sequence in cyclotide precursors. The number of cyclotides in the Violaceae is now estimated to be >9000. Cyclotide physicochemical profiles were shown to be a useful taxonomic feature that reflected species and their morphological relationships. The novel sequences provided substantial insight into the tolerance of the cystine knot framework in cyclotides to amino acid substitutions and will facilitate protein engineering applications of this framework.


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Cycloviolacin H4, a new macrocyclic miniprotein comprising 30 amino acid residues, was isolated from the underground parts of the Australian native violet Viola hederaceae. Its sequence, cyclo-(CAESCVWIPCTVTALLGCSCSNNVCYNGIP), was determined by nanospray tandem mass spectrometry and quantitative amino acid analysis. A knotted disuffide arrangement, which was designated as a cyclic cystine knot motif and characteristic to all known cyclotides, is proposed for stabilizing the molecular structure and folding. The cyclotide is classified in the bracelet subfamily of cyclotides due to the absence of a cis-Pro peptide bond in the circular peptide backbone. A model of its three-dimensional structure was derived based on the template of the homologous cyclotide vhr1 (Trabi et al. Plant Cell 2004, 16, 2204-2216). Cycloviolacin H4 exhibits the most potent hemolytic activity in cyclotides reported so far, and this activity correlates with the size of a surface-exposed hydrophobic patch. This work has thus provided insight into the factors that modulate the cytotoxic properties of cyclotides.


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Cyclotides are mini-proteins of 28-37 amino acid residues that have the unusual feature of a head-to-tail cyclic backbone surrounding a cystine knot. This molecular architecture gives the cyclotides heightened resistance to thermal, chemical and enzymatic degradation and has prompted investigations into their use as scaffolds in peptide therapeutics. There are now more than 80 reported cyclotide sequences from plants in the families Rubiaceae, Violaceae and Cucurbitaceae, with a wide variety of biological activities observed. However, potentially limiting the development of cyclotide-based therapeutics is a lack of understanding of the mechanism by which these peptides are cyclized in vivo. Until now, no linear versions of cyclotides have been reported, limiting our understanding of the cyclization mechanism. This study reports the discovery of a naturally occurring linear cyclotide, violacin A, from the plant Viola odorata and discusses the implications for in vivo cyclization of peptides. The elucidation of the cDNA clone of violacin A revealed a point mutation that introduces a stop codon, which inhibits the translation of a key Asn residue that is thought to be required for cyclization. The three-dimensional solution structure of violacin A was determined and found to adopt the cystine knot fold of native cyclotides. Enzymatic stability assays on violacin A indicate that despite an increase in the flexibility of the structure relative to cyclic counterparts, the cystine knot preserves the overall stability of the molecule. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Cyclotides are a large family of mini-proteins that have the distinguishing features of a head-to-tail cyclised backbone and a cystine knot formed by six conserved cysteine residues. They are present in plants from the Rubiaceae, Violaceae and Cucurbitaceae families. The unique structural features of the cyclotides make them extremely resistant to chemical, thermal and proteolytic degradation. In this article we review recent Studies from our laboratory that dissect the role of the individual structural elements in defining the stability of cyclotides. The resistance of cyclotides to chemical and proteolytic degradation is in large part due to the cystine knot, whereas the thermal stability is I composite of several features including the cystine knot, the cyclic backbone and the hydrogen bonding network. A range of biological activities of cyclotides is critically dependent oil the presence of the cyclic backbone.


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The cyclotides are a family of circular proteins with a range of biological activities and potential pharmaceutical and agricultural applications. The biosynthetic mechanism of cyclization is unknown and the discovery of novel sequences may assist in achieving this goal. In the present study, we have isolated a new cyclotide from Oldenlandia affinis, kalata B8, which appears to be a hybrid of the two major subfamilies (Mobius and bracelet) of currently known cyclotides. We have determined the three-dimensional structure of kalata B8 and observed broadening of resonances directly involved in the cystine knot motif, suggesting flexibility in this region despite it being the core structural element of the cyclotides. The cystine knot motif is widespread throughout Nature and inherently stable, making this apparent flexibility a surprising result. Further-more, there appears to be isomerization of the peptide backbone at an Asp-Gly sequence in the region involved in the cyclization process. Interestingly, such isomerization has been previously characterized in related cyclic knottins from Momordica cochinchinensis that have no sequence similarity to kalata B8 apart from the six conserved cysteine residues and may result from a common mechanism of cyclization. Kalata B8 also provides insight into the structure-activity relationships of cyclotides as it displays anti-HIV activity but lacks haemolytic activity. The 'uncoupling' of these two activities has not previously been observed for the cyclotides and may be related to the unusual hydrophilic nature of the peptide.


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The cyclotides are a recently discovered family of miniproteins that contain a head-to-tail cyclized backbone and a knotted arrangement of disulfide bonds. They are approximately 30 amino acids in size and are present in high abundance in plants from the Violaceae, Rubiaceae, and Cucurbitaceae families, with individual plants containing a suite of up to 100 cyclotides. They have a diverse range of biological activities, including uterotonic, anti-HIV, antitumor, and antimicrobial activities, although their natural function is likely that of defending their host plants from pathogens and pests. This review focuses on the structural aspects of cyclotides, which may be thought of as a natural combinatorial peptide template in which a wide range of amino acids is displayed on a compact molecular core made up of the cyclic cystine knot structural motif. Cyclotides are exceptionally stable and are resistant to denaturation via thermal, chemical, or enzymatic treatments. The struclural features that contribute to their remarkable stability are described ill this review. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Cyclotides are a fascinating family of plant-derived peptides characterized by their head-to-tail cyclized backbone and knotted arrangement of three disulfide bonds. This conserved structural architecture, termed the CCK (cyclic cystine knot), is responsible for their exceptional resistance to thermal, chemical and enzymatic degradation. Cyclotides have a variety of biological activities, but their insecticidal activities suggest that their primary function is in plant defence. In the present study, we determined the cyclotide content of the sweet violet Viola odorata, a member of the Violaceae family. We identified 30 cyclotides from the aerial parts and roots of this plant, 13 of which are novel sequences. The new sequences provide information about the natural diversity of cyclotides and the role of particular residues in defining structure and function. As many of the biological activities of cyclotides appear to be associated with membrane interactions, we used haemolytic activity as a marker of bioactivity for a selection of the new cyclotides. The new cyclotides were tested for their ability to resist proteolysis by a range of enzymes and, in common with other cyclotides, were completely resistant to trypsin, pepsin and thermolysin. The results show that while biological activity varies with the sequence, the proteolytic stability of the framework does not, and appears to be an inherent feature of the cyclotide framework. The structure of one of the new cyclotides, cycloviolacin O14, was determined and shown to contain the CCK motif. This study confirms that cyclotides may be regarded as a natural combinatorial template that displays a variety of peptide epitopes most likely targeted to a range of plant pests and pathogens.


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Burn sepsis is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in patients with major burns. The use of topical anti-microbial agents has helped improve the survival in these patients. There are a number of anti-microbials available, one of which, Silvazine(TM) (1% silver sulphadiazine (SSD) and 0.2% chlorhexidine digluconate), is used only in Australasia. No study, in vitro or clinical, had compared Silvazine(TM) with the new dressing Acticoat(TM). This study compared the anti-microbial activity of Silvazine(TM), Acticoa(TM) and 1% silver sulphadiazine (Flamazine(TM)) against eight common burn wound pathogens. Methods: Each organism was prepared as a suspension. A 10 mul inoculum of the chosen bacterial isolate (representing approximately between 104 and 105 total bacteria) was added to each of four vials, followed by samples of each dressing and a control. The broths were then incubated and 10 mul loops removed at specified intervals and transferred onto Horse Blood Agar. These plates were then incubated for 18 hours and a colony count was performed. Results: The data demonstrates that the combination of 1% SSD and 0.2% chlorhexidine digluconate (Silvazine(TM)) results in the most effective killing of all bacteria. SSD and Acticoat(TM) had similar efficacies against a number of isolates, but Acticoat(TM) seemed only bacteriostatic against E. faecalis and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Viable quantities of Enterobacter cloacae and Proteus mirabilis rei named at 24 h. Conclusion: The combination of 1% SSD and 0.2% chlorhexidine digluconate (Silvazine(TM)) is a more effective anti-microbial against a number of burn wound pathogens in this in vitro study. A clinical study of its in vivo anti-microbial efficacy is required. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.


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Cyclotides are a recently discovered class of proteins that have a characteristic head-to-tail cyclized backbone stabilized by a knotted arrangement of three disulfide bonds. They are exceptionally resistant to chemical, enzymatic and thermal treatments because of their unique structural scaffold. Cyclotides have a range of bio-activities, including uterotonic, anti-HIV, anti-bacterial and cytotoxic activity but their insecticidal properties suggest that their natural physiological role is in plant defense. They are genetically encoded as linear precursors and subsequently processed to produce mature cyclic peptides but the mechanism by which this occurs remains unknown. Currently most cyclotides are obtained via direct extraction from plants in the Rubiaceae and Violaceae families. To facilitate the screening of cyclotides for structure-activity studies and to exploit them in drug design or agricultural applications a convenient route for the synthesis of cyclotides is vital. In this review the current chemical, recombinant and biosynthetic routes to the production of cyclotides are discussed.