15 resultados para antennal lobe

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The ability of adult cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner), to distinguish and respond to enantiomers of alpha-pinene was investigated with electrophysiological and behavioral methods. Electroantennogram recordings using mixtures of the enantiomers at saturating dose levels, and single unit electrophysiology, indicated that the two forms were detected by the same receptor neurons. The relative size of the electroantennogram response was higher for the (-) compared to the (+) form, indicating greater affinity for the (-) form at the level of the dendrites. Behavioral assays investigated the ability of moths to discriminate between, and respond to the (+) and (-) forms of alpha-pinene. Moths with no odor conditioning showed an innate preference for (+)-alpha-pinene. This preference displayed by naive moths was not significantly different from the preferences of moths conditioned on (+)-alpha-pinene. However, we found a significant difference in preference between moths conditioned on the (-) enantiomer compared to naive moths and moths conditioned on (+)-alpha-pinene, showing that learning plays an important role in the behavioral response. Moths are less able to distinguish between enantiomers of alpha-pinene than different odors (e.g., phenylacetaldehyde versus (-)-alpha-pinene) in learning experiments. The relevance of receptor discrimination of enantiomers and learning ability of the moths in host plant choice is discussed.


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Background: The development of nervous systems involves reciprocal interactions between neurons and glia. In the Drosophila olfactory system, peripheral glial cells arise from sensory lineages specified by the basic helix- loop- helix transcription factor, Atonal. These glia wrap around the developing olfactory axons early during development and pattern the three distinct fascicles as they exit the antenna. In the moth Manduca sexta, an additional set of central glia migrate to the base of the antennal nerve where axons sort to their glomerular targets. In this work, we have investigated whether similar types of cells exist in the Drosophila antenna. Results: We have used different P( Gal4) lines to drive Green Fluorescent Protein ( GFP) in distinct populations of cells within the Drosophila antenna. Mz317:: GFP, a marker for cell body and perineural glia, labels the majority of peripheral glia. An additional similar to 30 glial cells detected by GH146:: GFP do not derive from any of the sensory lineages and appear to migrate into the antenna from the brain. Their appearance in the third antennal segment is regulated by normal function of the Epidermal Growth Factor receptor and small GTPases. We denote these distinct populations of cells as Mz317- glia and GH146- glia respectively. In the adult, processes of GH146- glial cells ensheath the olfactory receptor neurons directly, while those of the Mz317- glia form a peripheral layer. Ablation of GH146- glia does not result in any significant effects on the patterning of the olfactory receptor axons. Conclusion: We have demonstrated the presence of at least two distinct populations of glial cells within the Drosophila antenna. GH146- glial cells originate in the brain and migrate to the antenna along the newly formed olfactory axons. The number of cells populating the third segment of the antenna is regulated by signaling through the Epidermal Growth Factor receptor. These glia share several features of the sorting zone cells described in Manduca.


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Case summary: A 7-week-old, intact female Pug was referred with an acute history of expiratory dyspnea, tachypnea, and pyrexia. Radiologic evaluation revealed bilateral pleural effusion and a poorly demarcated area of soft tissue opacity cranial to the heart. The presence of air bronchograms in the cranial lung lobes suggested alveolar parenchymal pathology consistent with pulmonary edema, congestion, or cellular infiltration. Exploratory thoracotomy revealed a segmental torsion of the left cranial lung lobe. The affected lobe was removed and the puppy recovered uneventfully. Unique information: Lung lobe torsion tends to occur more frequently in mature large breed dogs at a mean age of 3 years. The age, breed, and segmental nature of the torsion in the reported case are contrary to most of the previously documented cases of lung lobe torsion. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of lung lobe torsion in a 7-week-old dog.


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Mixture models implemented via the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm are being increasingly used in a wide range of problems in pattern recognition such as image segmentation. However, the EM algorithm requires considerable computational time in its application to huge data sets such as a three-dimensional magnetic resonance (MR) image of over 10 million voxels. Recently, it was shown that a sparse, incremental version of the EM algorithm could improve its rate of convergence. In this paper, we show how this modified EM algorithm can be speeded up further by adopting a multiresolution kd-tree structure in performing the E-step. The proposed algorithm outperforms some other variants of the EM algorithm for segmenting MR images of the human brain. (C) 2004 Pattern Recognition Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The spatial character of our reaching movements is extremely sensitive to potential obstacles in the workspace. We recently found that this sensitivity was retained by most patients with left visual neglect when reaching between two objects, despite the fact that they tended to ignore the leftward object when asked to bisect the space between them. This raises the possibility that obstacle avoidance does not require a conscious awareness of the obstacle avoided. We have now tested this hypothesis in a patient with visual extinction following right temporoparietal damage. Extinction is an attentional disorder in which patients fail to report stimuli on the side of space opposite a brain lesion under conditions of bilateral stimulation. Our patient avoided obstacles during reaching, to exactly the same degree, regardless of whether he was able to report their presence. This implicit processing of object location, which may depend on spared superior parietal-lobe pathways, demonstrates that conscious awareness is not necessary for normal obstacle avoidance.


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We developed an anatomical mapping technique to detect hippocampal and ventricular changes in Alzheimer disease (AD). The resulting maps are sensitive to longitudinal changes in brain structure as the disease progresses. An anatomical surface modeling approach was combined with surface-based statistics to visualize the region and rate of atrophy in serial MRI scans and isolate where these changes link with cognitive decline. Fifty-two high-resolution MRI scans were acquired from 12 AD patients (age: 68.4 +/- 1.9 years) and 14 matched controls (age: 71.4 +/- 0.9 years), each scanned twice (2.1 +/- 0.4 years apart). 3D parametric mesh models of the hippocampus and temporal horns were created in sequential scans and averaged across subjects to identify systematic patterns of atrophy. As an index of radial atrophy, 3D distance fields were generated relating each anatomical surface point to a medial curve threading down the medial axis of each structure. Hippocampal atrophic rates and ventricular expansion were assessed statistically using surface-based permutation testing and were faster in AD than in controls. Using color-coded maps and video sequences, these changes were visualized as they progressed anatomically over time. Additional maps localized regions where atrophic changes linked with cognitive decline. Temporal horn expansion maps were more sensitive to AD progression than maps of hippocampal atrophy, but both maps correlated with clinical deterioration. These quantitative, dynamic visualizations of hippocampal atrophy and ventricular expansion rates in aging and AD may provide a promising measure to track AD progression in drug trials. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We review a single surgeon and surgical centre's experience with congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation of the lung (CCAML) in relation to clinical spectrum, operative experience, and postoperative course. A retrospective hospital record review was done on surgically treated cases of CCAML over a 10-year period, focusing on number with antenatal diagnosis, spectrum of postnatal presentation, type of surgery performed, and outcome. Forty-seven patients from birth to 14 years of age underwent surgery for CCAML. Antenatal diagnosis (ante) was made in 30 cases. Of these, 10 became symptomatic before surgery. Six of the 17 postnatally-diagnosed (pnd) cases were an asymptomatic incidental finding. Overall, 16 were symptomatic in the 1st year of life, and five were symptomatic beyond 1 year of age. Symptoms varied from respiratory distress (seven ante, six pnd) to chronic cough (three, and recurrent chest infection (three ante, two pnd). All preoperative diagnoses were confirmed with chest CT. Most patients (25) were operated on before 3 months of age. Eleven were operated on in the first 2 weeks of life as emergency surgery for respiratory distress. The most common lobe involved was the right upper lobe (16), and lobectomy was performed in 42 cases, segmentectomy in four, and pneumonectomy in one. Seventeen cases were extubated immediately postoperatively; 29 required postoperative ventilation overnight, and nine needed more prolonged ventilation. Early postoperative complications included pneumothorax (two), pleural effusion (one), and chylous effusion (one). Late complications included recurrence in three cases (all segmentectomy), who then subsequently underwent lobectomy. There was one death from respiratory failure. Because there is an increasing trend in the detection of asymptomatic antenatally-diagnosed CCAML, consideration of early surgical excision to prevent complications is suggested by our series. CT scanning is mandatory for postnatal evaluation because chest x-ray could be normal. Safe elective excision after 3 months is supported by our low morbidity and less need for postoperative ventilation. Lobectomy is the procedure of choice to prevent recurrence.


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It has been shown that P auxiliary subunits increase current amplitude in voltage-dependent calcium channels. In this study, however, we found a hovel inhibitory effect of beta3 Subunit on macroscopic Ba2+ currents through recombinant N- and R-type calcium channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Overexpressed beta3 (12.5 ng/ cell cRNA) significantly suppressed N- and R-type, but not L-type, calcium channel currents at physiological holding potentials (HPs) of -60 and -80 mV At a HP of -80 mV, coinjection of various concentrations (0-12.5 ng) of the beta3 with Ca,.2.2alpha(1) and alpha(2)delta enhanced the maximum conductance of expressed channels at lower beta3 concentrations but at higher concentrations (>2.5 ng/cell) caused a marked inhibition. The beta3-induced Current suppression was reversed at a HP of - 120 mV, suggesting that the inhibition was voltage dependent. A high concentration of Ba-2divided by (40 mM) as a charge carrier also largely diminished the effect of P3 at -80 mV Therefore, experimental conditions (HP, divalent cation concentration, and P3 subunit concentration) approaching normal physiological conditions were critical to elucidate the full extent of this novel P3 effect. Steady-state inactivation curves revealed that N-type channels exhibited closed-state inactivation without P3, and that P3 caused an similar to40 mV negative shift of the inactivation, producing a second component with an inactivation midpoint of approximately -85 mV The inactivation of N-type channels in the presence of a high concentration (12.5 ng/cell) of P3 developed slowly and the time-dependent inactivation curve was best fit by the sum of two exponential functions with time constants of 14 s and 8.8 min at -80 mV Similar ultra-slow inactivation was observed for N-type channels Without P3. Thus, P3 can have a profound negative regulatory effect on N-type (and also R-type) calcium channels by Causing a hyperpolarizing shift of the inactivation without affecting ultra-slow and closed-state inactivation properties.


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Apropos the basal ganglia, the dominant striatum and globus pallidus internus (GPi) have been hypothesised to represent integral components of subcortical language circuitry. Working subcortical language theories, however, have failed thus far to consider a role for the STN in the mediation of linguistic processes, a structure recently defined as the driving force of basal ganglia output. The aim of this research was to investigate the impact of surgically induced functional inhibition of the STN upon linguistic abilities, within the context of established models of basal ganglia participation in language. Two males with surgically induced 'lesions' of the dominant and non-dominant dorsolateral STN, aimed at relieving Parkinsonian motor symptoms, served as experimental subjects. General and high-level language profiles were compiled for each subject up to 1 month prior to and 3 months following neurosurgery, within the drug-on state (i.e., when optimally medicated). Comparable post-operative alterations in linguistic performance were observed subsequent to surgically induced functional inhibition of the left and right STN. More specifically, higher proportions of reliable decline as opposed to improvement in post-operative performance were demonstrated by both subjects on complex language tasks, hypothesised to entail the interplay of cognitive-linguistic processes. The outcomes of the current research challenge unilateralised models of functional basal ganglia organisation with the proposal of a potential interhemispheric regulatory function for the STN in the mediation of high-level linguistic processes.


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Hepatosplenic measurements among 550 Chinese subjects, aged 3-59 years from Yueyang city-a nonendemic area for schistosomiasis in Hunan province, China-were performed to define normal ranges of ultrasound organometry for assessing hepatosplenic, morbidity in Schistosoma japonicum infection. Measurements included the size of the liver (left lobe and right lobe), the main portal vein stem, the peripheral periportal vein branches, and spleen length and thickness. The results document the significant relationship between body height and organometric parameters. The reference values stratified by body height improve the accuracy of assessment. Thus, height-based normal ranges established in this study can be applied in hospital routine and in field studies of patients infected with S. japonicum in Hunan province and in other endemic areas of China. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This article presents an array antenna with beam-steering capability in azimuth over a wide frequency band using real-valued weighting coefficients that can be realized in practice by amplifiers or attenuators. The described beamforming scheme relies on a 2D (instead of 1D) array structure in order to make sure that there are enough degrees of freedom to realize a given radiation pattern in both the angular and frequency domains. In the presented approach, weights are determined using an inverse discrete Fourier transform (IDFT) technique by neglecting the mutual coupling between array elements. Because of the presence of mutual coupling, the actual array produces a radiation pattern with increased side-lobe levels. In order to counter this effect, the design aims to realize the initial radiation pattern with a lower side-lobe level. This strategy is demonstrated in the design example of 4 X 4 element array. (C) 2005 Wiley Periodicals. Inc.


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The Burdekin River of northeastern Australia has constructed a substantial delta during the Holocene (delta plain area 1260 km2). The vertical succession through this delta comprises (1) a basal, coarse-grained transgressive lag overlying a continental omission surface, overlain by (2) a mud interval deposited as the coastal region was inundated by the postglacially rising sea, in turn overlain by (3) a generally sharp-based sand unit deposited principally in channel and mouth-bar environments with lesser volumes of floodplain and coastal facies. The Holocene Burdekin Delta was constructed as a series of at least thirteen discrete delta lobes, formed as the river avulsed. Each lobe consists of a composite sand body typically 5-8 m thick. The oldest lobes, formed during the latter stages of the postglacial sea-level rise (10-5.5 kyr BP), are larger than those formed during the highstand (5.5-3 kyr BP), which are in turn larger than those formed during the most recent slight sea-level lowering and stillstand (3-0 kyr BP). Radiocarbon ages and other stratigraphic data indicate that inter-avulsion period has decreased through time coincident with the decrease in delta lobe area. The primary control on Holocene delta architecture appears to have been a change from a pluvial climate known to characterize the region 12-4 kyr BP to the present drier, ENSO-dominated climate. In addition to decreasing the sediment supply via lower rates of chemical weathering, this change may have contributed to the shorter avulsion period by facilitating extreme variability of discharge. More frequent avulsion may also have been facilitated by the lengthening of the delta-plain channels as the system prograded seaward. Copyright © 2006, SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology).


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The goals of this study are to determine relationships between synaptogenesis and morphogenesis within the mushroom body calyx of the honeybee Apis mellifera and to find out how the microglomerular structure characteristic for the mature calyx is established during metamorphosis. We show that synaptogenesis in the mushroom body calycal neuropile starts in early metamorphosis (stages P1-P3), before the microglomerular structure of the neuropile is established. The initial step of synaptogenesis is characterized by the rare occurrence of distinct synaptic contacts. A massive synaptogenesis starts at stage P5, which coincides with the formation of microglomeruli, structural units of the calyx that are composed of centrally located presynaptic boutons surrounded by spiny postsynaptic endings. Microglomeruli are assembled either via accumulation of fine postsynaptic processes around preexisting presynaptic boutons or via ingrowth of thin neurites of presynaptic neurons into premicroglomeruli, tightly packed groups of spiny endings. During late pupal stages (P8-P9), addition of new synapses and microglomeruli is likely to continue. Most of the synaptic appositions formed there are made by boutons (putative extrinsic mushroom body neurons) into small postsynaptic profiles that do not exhibit presynaptic specializations (putative intrinsic mushroom body neurons). Synapses between presynaptic boutons characteristic of the adult calyx first appear at stage P8 but remain rare toward the end of metamorphosis. Our observations are consistent with the hypothesis that most of the synapses established during metamorphosis provide the structural basis for afferent information flow to calyces, whereas maturation of local synaptic circuitry is likely to occur after adult emergence.


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Semantic priming occurs when a subject is faster in recognising a target word when it is preceded by a related word compared to an unrelated word. The effect is attributed to automatic or controlled processing mechanisms elicited by short or long interstimulus intervals (ISIs) between primes and targets. We employed event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) responses associated with automatic semantic priming using an experimental design identical to that used in standard behavioural priming tasks. Prime-target semantic strength was manipulated by using lexical ambiguity primes (e.g., bank) and target words related to dominant or subordinate meaning of the ambiguity. Subjects made speeded lexical decisions (word/nonword) on dominant related, subordinate related, and unrelated word pairs presented randomly with a short ISI. The major finding was a pattern of reduced activity in middle temporal and inferior prefrontal regions for dominant versus unrelated and subordinate versus unrelated comparisons, respectively. These findings are consistent with both a dual process model of semantic priming and recent repetition priming data that suggest that reductions in BOLD responses represent neural priming associated with automatic semantic activation and implicate the left middle temporal cortex and inferior prefrontal cortex in more automatic aspects of semantic processing.