26 resultados para advertising - weight loss products

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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OBJECTIVES: (?) To determine the relationship between waist circumference and body weight in overweight men both before and after participation in a weight loss program; and (2) to make recommendations for the appropriate use of these measures at various stages of weight toss. DESIGN: Weight and waist circumference measures were taken in two diverse groups of men both before and 1-2y after commencing a men's 'waist loss' program. Regression analyses were used to assess the relationship between weight and waist measures. SUBJECTS: One group of 42 retired Caucasian men from New South Wales, and one group of 45 indigenous men from the Torres Strait region of Northern Australia. RESULTS: There were differences in the relationships of weight and waist circumference before the program and change in weight and change in waist circumference after weight loss. These differences were similar in both groups of men (indigenous men and retired Caucasian men), with a 1 cm waist loss being on average equivalent to about 3/4 kg, but with wide variability, suggesting inter-individual variation in fat losses from different depots. This variation suggests that neither weight nor waist alone is a sufficient measure of fat loss for men. CONCLUSIONS: Weight and waist circumference should both be used at various stages in the clinical situation to assess change in body fat in men involved in obesity reduction.


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To determine the duration of lactation which is associated with weight loss in rural Bangladeshi mothers and also to determine the relationship with consumption patterns of principal food items, a cross-sectional study was carried out among 791 lactating rural Bangladeshi mothers aged 18-40 years. Results were compared with 333 non-pregnant and non-lactating mothers of a similar age group. The duration of lactation was up to 60 months. The mean difference in body-weight and body mass index (BMI) of lactating mothers who breastfed their children up to 24 months was significantly lower compared to non-lactating mothers of the same age group, but no differences were observed for those who breastfed beyond 24 months. The frequency of consumption of principal food items was comparable between the non-lactating and the lactating mothers who breastfed beyond 24 months. Results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that body-weight of mothers was negatively correlated with 1-12 month(s) and 13-24 months of lactation after controlling for height, education, and food consumption (slope -1.04, p < 0.05 and slope -1.23, p < 0.05 respectively). Height and consumption of meat and milk were significantly positively correlated with body-weight (slope 0.53, p < 0.001; slope 1.44, p < 0.001; and slope 0.75, p < 0.05 respectively). The study concluded that Bangladeshi women who breastfed up to 24 months were of lower weight than non-lactating mothers, most likely due to the effect of lactation. These mothers were not taking any additional foods during their lactating period. Based on the findings of the study, it is recommended that mothers consume additional energy-rich foods during the first 24 months of lactation to prevent weight loss.


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OBJECTIVE: To observe the chronic effects of human growth hormone (hGH) and AOD9604 (a C-terminal fragment of hGH) on body weight, energy balance, and substrate oxidation rates in obese (ob/ob) and lean C57BL/6Jmice. In vitro assays were used to confirm whether the effects of AOD9604 are mediated through the hGH receptor, and if this peptide is capable of cell proliferation via the hGH receptor. METHOD: Obese and lean mice were treated with hGH, AOD or saline for 14 days using mini-osmotic pumps. Body weight, caloric intake, resting energy expenditure, fat oxidation, glucose oxidation, and plasma glucose, insulin and glycerol were measured before and after treatment. BaF-BO3 cells transfected with the hGH receptor were used to measure in Vitro I-125-hGH receptor binding and cell proliferation. RESULTS: Both hGH and AOD significantly reduced body weight gain in obese mice. This was associated with increased in vivo fat oxidation and increased plasma glycerol levels (an index of lipolysis). Unlike hGH, however, AOD9604 did not induce hyperglycaemia or reduce insulin secretion. AOD9604 does not compete for the hGH receptor and nor does it induce cell proliferation, unlike hGH. CONCLUSIONS: Both hGH and its C-terminal fragment reduce body weight gain, increase fat oxidation, and stimulate lipolysis in obese mice, yet AOD9604 does not interact with the hGH receptor. Thus, the concept of hGH behaving as a pro-hormone is further confirmed. This data shows that fragments of hGH can act in a manner novel to traditional hGH-stimulated pathways.


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Background and aim: Obesity is a risk factor for progression of fibrosis in chronic liver diseases such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and hepatitis C. The aim of this study was to investigate the longer term effect of weight loss on liver biochemistry, serum insulin levels, and quality of life in overweight patients with liver disease and the effect of subsequent weight maintenance or regain. Patients: Thirty one patients completed a 15 month diet and exercise intervention. Results: On completion of the intervention, 21 patients (68%) had achieved and maintained weight loss with a mean reduction of 9.4 (4.0)% body weight. Improvements in serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels were correlated with the amount of weight loss (r=0.35, p=0.04). In patients who maintained weight loss, mean ALT levels at 15 months remained significantly lower than values at enrolment (p=0.004), while in regainers (n=10), mean ALT levels at 15 months were no different to values at enrolment (p=0.79). Improvements in fasting serum insulin levels were also correlated with weight loss (r=0.46, p=0.04), and subsequent weight maintenance sustained this improvement. Quality of life was significantly improved after weight loss. Weight maintainers sustained recommended levels of physical activity and had higher fasting insulin levels (p=0.03) at enrolment than weight regainers. Conclusion: In summary, these findings demonstrate that maintenance of weight loss and exercise in overweight patients with liver disease results in a sustained improvement in liver enzymes, serum insulin levels, and quality of life. Treatment of overweight patients should form an important component of the management of those with chronic liver disease.


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Purpose: The impact of acute weight loss on rowing performance was assessed when generous nutrient intake was provided in 2 h of recovery after making weight. Methods: Competitive rowers (N = 17) completed four ergometer trials, each separated by 48 h. Two trials were performed after a 4% body mass loss in the previous 24 h (WT) and two were performed after no weight restrictions, that is, unrestricted (UNR). In addition, two trials (I X WT, I X UNR) were in a thermoneutral environment (NEUTRAL, mean 21.1 +/- SD 0.7 degrees C, 29.0 +/- 4.5% RH) and two were in the heat (HOT 32.4, +/- 0.4 degrees C, 60.4 +/- 2.7% RH). Trials were performed in a counterbalanced fashion according to a Latin square design. Aggressive nutritional recovery strategies (WT 2.3 g(.)kg(-11) carbohydrate, 34 mg-kg(-1) Na, 28.4 mL(.)kg(-1) fluid; UNR ad libitum) were employed in the 2 h after weigh-in. Results: Both WT (mean 2.1, 95% CI 0.7-3.4 s; P = 0.003) and HOT (4.1, 2.7 - 5.4 s; P < 0.001) compromised 2000-m time-trial performance. Whereas WT resulted in hypohydration, the associated reduction in plasma volume explained only part of the performance compromise observed (0.2 s for every 1% decrement) Moreover, WT did not influence core temperature or indices of cardiovascular function. Conclusions: Acute weight loss compromised performance, despite generous nutrient intake in recovery, although the effect was small. Performance decrements were further exacerbated when exercise was performed in the heat.


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Objectives: To assess the influence of moderate, acute weight loss on on-water rowing performance when aggressive nutritional recovery strategies were used in the two hours between weigh in and racing. Methods: Competitive rowers (n=17) undertook three on-water 1800 m time trials under cool conditions ( mean (SD) temperature 8.4 (2.0)degrees C), each separated by 48 hours. No weight limit was imposed for the first time trial-that is, unrestricted body mass (UNR1). However, one of the remaining two trials followed a 4% loss in body mass in the previous 24 hours (WT-4%). No weight limit was imposed for the other trial (UNR2). Aggressive nutritional recovery strategies (WT-4%, 2.3 g/kg carbohydrate, 34 mg/kg Na+, and 28.4 ml/kg fluid; UNR, ad libitum) were used in the first 90 minutes of the two hours between weigh in and performance trials. Results: WT-4% had only a small and statistically non-significant effect on the on-water time trial performance ( mean 1.0 second, 95% confidence interval (CI) 20.9 to 2.8; p=0.29) compared with UNR. This was despite a significant decrease in plasma volume at the time of weigh in for WT-4% compared with UNR (-9.2%, 95% CI -12.8% to -5.6%; p


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The aim was to investigate whether the addition of supervised high intensity progressive resistance training to a moderate weight loss program (RT+WLoss) could maintain bone mineral density (BMD) and lean mass compared to moderate weight loss (WLoss) alone in older overweight adults with type 2 diabetes. We also investigated whether any benefits derived from a supervised RT program could be sustained through an additional home-based program. This was a 12-month trial in which 36 sedentary, overweight adults aged 60 to 80 years with type 2 diabetes were randomized to either a supervised gymnasium-based RT+WLoss or WLoss program for 6 months (phase 1). Thereafter, all participants completed an additional 6-month home-based training without further dietary modification (phase 2). Total body and regional BMD and bone mineral content (BMC), fat mass (FM) and lean mass (LM) were assessed by DXA every 6 months. Diet, muscle strength (1-RM) and serum total testosterone, estradiol, SHBG, insulin and IGF-1 were measured every 3 months. No between group differences were detected for changes in any of the hormonal parameters at any measurement point. In phase 1, after 6 months of gymnasium-based training, weight and FM decreased similarly in both groups (P < 0.01), but LM tended to increase in the RT+WLoss (n=16) relative to the WLoss (n = 13) group [net difference (95% CI), 1.8% (0.2, 3.5), P < 0.05]. Total body BMD and BMC remained unchanged in the RT+WLoss group, but decreased by 0.9 and 1.5%, respectively, in the WLoss group (interaction, P < 0.05). Similar, though non-significant, changes were detected at the femoral neck and lumbar spine (L2-L4). In phase 2, after a further 6 months of home-based training, weight and FM increased significantly in both the RT+WLoss (n = 14) and WLoss (n = 12) group, but there were no significant changes in LM or total body or regional BMD or BMC in either group from 6 to 12 months. These results indicate that in older, overweight adults with type 2 diabetes, dietary modification should be combined with progressive resistance training to optimize the effects on body composition without having a negative effect on bone health.


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We examined the effect of recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) and/or recombinant human insulin-like growth factor-I (rhIGF-I) on regional fat loss in postmenopausal women undergoing a weight loss regimen of diet plus exercise. Twenty-seven women aged 59-79 years, 20-40% above ideal body weight, completed a 12-week program consisting of resistance training 2 days/week and walking 3 days/week, while consuming a diet that was 500 kcal/day less than that required for weight maintenance, Participants were randomly assigned in a double-blind fashion to receive rhGH (0.025 mg/kg BW/day: n=7), rhIGF-I (0.015 mg/kg BW/day: n=7), rhGH + rhIGF-I (n = 6), or placebo (PL: n = 7). Regional and whole body fat mass were determined by dual X-ray absorptiometry. Body fat distribution was assessed by the ratios of trunk fat-to-limb fat (TrF/LimbF) and trunk fat-to-total fat (TrF/TotF), Limb and trunk fat decreased in all groups (p < 0.01). For both ratios of fat distribution, the rhGH treated group experienced an enhanced loss of truncal compared to peripheral fat (p less than or equal to 0.01), with no significant change for those administered rhIGF-I or FL. There was no association between change in fat distribution and indices of cardiovascular disease risk as determined by serum lipid/lipoprotein levels and maximal aerobic capacity. These results suggest that administration of rhGH facilitates a decrease in central compared to peripheral fat in older women undertaking a weight loss program that combines exercise and moderate caloric restriction, although no beneficial effects are conferred to lipid/lipoprotein profiles, Further, the effect of rhGH is not enhanced by combining rhCH with rhIGF-I administration. In addition, rhIGF-I does not augment the loss of trunk fat when administered alone.


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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major cause of chronic liver disease that may progress to cirrhosis. Antiviral treatment is successful in less than 50% of patients, is costly and causes debilitating side effects. For these reasons, additional therapies to limit the progression of liver disease are urgently required. Steatosis is found in 60% of patients with HCV and is strongly associated with more severe fibrosis. Improvements in biochemical parameters may be seen with weight reduction, however the effects on liver histology have not been investigated. We propose that in patients with chronic HCV and steatosis, obesity contributes to fat in the liver, which results in increased fibrosis and progression to cirrhosis. This study investigated the effect of weight reduction on liver biochemistry and histology in patients with HCV and the success of weight maintenance after an intensive intervention. We examined the effect of a 12 week diet and exercise program where all subjects were seen weekly by the Dietician, with the goal of achieving a 0.5 kg weight loss per week. Biochemistry was monitored monthly and a liver biopsy was performed prior to and 3-6 months after the intervention period. Patients then entered a 12 month weight maintenance program with monthly dietetic review. After 12 weeks there was a mean weight loss of 5.9 ± 3.2 kg and a mean reduction in waist circumference of 9.0 ± 5.0 cm. In 16 of the 19 patients, serum ALT levels fell progressively with weight loss. Mean fasting insulin fell from 16 to 11 mmol/L (p


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Steatosis occurs in >50% of patients with chronic HCV. In patients with viral genotype 3, steatosis may be a cytopathic effect of the virus. However in many patients with HCV, the pathogenesis of steatosis appears to be the same as for patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) ie related to increased body mass index (BMI). We studied the effect of a 12 week weight reduction program on metabolic parameters in subjects with chronic HCV genotype 1 (Group 1, n = 16), genotype 3 (Group 2, n = 13) and patients with NAFLD (Group 3, n = 13). A liver biopsy was performed prior to and 3-6 months after the intervention period in 15 patients. The mean (SD) BMI of subjects in groups 1, 2 and 3 was 30.7 (4.0), 29.0 (5.2) and 33.3 (7.7), respectively. There was no significant difference in the amount of weight loss, change in waist circumference, change in ALT or reduction in steatosis between the 3 groups. Mean (SD) weight loss was 5.1 (3.7) kg. In those patients who lost weight, serum insulin (mean (SD) mU/L) changed from 17.8 (7.8) to 11.5 (4.8) (p = 0.003), 12.4 (5.0) to 8.4 (4.3) (p = 0.02), and 16.9 (7.3) to 17.8 (8.1) (p = 0.76) in Groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. A small amount of weight loss is associated with a reduction in circulating insulin levels in patients with chronic HCV, particularly in genotype 1. In patients with NAFLD, the lack of a significant decrease in circulating insulin with weight reduction may reflect the higher initial BMI or may be due to the pathogenesis of this disorder.


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Background: Steatosis occurs in more than 50% of patients with chronic hepatitis C and is associated with increased hepatic fibrosis. In many of these patients the pathogenesis of steatosis appears to be the some as for patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease-that is, related to visceral adiposity and obesity. Methods: The effect of a three month weight reduction programme on liver biochemistry and metabolic parameters was examined in 19 subjects with steatosis and chronic hepatitis C. Paired liver biopsies were performed in 10 subjects, prior to and 3-6 months following the intervention, to determine the effect of weight loss on liver histology. Results: There was a mean weight loss of 5.9 (3.2) kg and a mean reduction in waist circumference of 9.0 (5.0) cm. In 16 of the 19 patients, serum alanine aminotransferase levels fell progressively with weight loss. Mean fasting insulin fell from 16 (7) to 11 (4) mmol/l (p


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CONTEXT: Chitosan, a deacetylated chitin, is a widely available dietary supplement purported to decrease body weight and serum lipids through gastrointestinal fat binding. Although evaluated in a number of trials, its efficacy remains in dispute. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of chitosan for weight loss in overweight and obese adults. DESIGN AND SETTING: A 24-week randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, conducted at the University of Auckland between November 2001 and December 2002. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 250 participants (82% women; mean (s.d.) body mass index, 35.5 (5.1) kg/m(2); mean age, 48 (12) y). INTERVENTIONS: Participants were randomly assigned to receive 3 g chitosan/day (n = 125) or placebo (n = 125). All participants received standardised dietary and lifestyle advice for weight loss. Adherence was monitored by capsule counts. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary outcome measure was change in body weight. Secondary outcomes included changes in body mass index, waist circumference, body fat percentage, blood pressure, serum lipids, plasma glucose, fat-soluble vitamins, faecal fat, and health-related quality of life. RESULTS: In an intention-to-treat analysis with the last observation carried forward, the chitosan group lost more body weight than the placebo group (mean (s.e.), -0.4 (0.2) kg (0.4% loss) vs +0.2 (0.2) kg (0.2% gain), P = 0.03) during the 24-week intervention, but effects were small. Similar small changes occurred in circulating total and LDL cholesterol, and glucose (P < 0.01). There were no significant differences between groups for any of the other measured outcomes. CONCLUSION: In this 24-week trial, chitosan treatment did not result in a clinically significant loss of body weight compared with placebo.


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Crohn's disease (CD) is associated with a number of secondary conditions including osteoporosis, which increases the risk of bone fracture. The cause of metabolic bone disease in this Population is believed to be multifactorial and may include the disease itself and associated inflammation, high-close corticosteroid use, weight loss and malabsorption, a lack of exercise and physical activity, and all underlying genetic predisposition to bone loss. Reduced bone mineral density has been reported in between 5% to 80% of CD sufferers, although it is generally believed that approximately 40% of patients suffer from osteopenia and 15% from osteoporosis. Recent studies Suggest a small but significantly increased risk of fracture compared with healthy controls and, perhaps, sufferers of other gastrointestinal disorders Such as ulcerative colitis. The role of physical activity and exercise in the prevention and treatment of CD-related bone loss has received little attention, despite the benefits of specific exercises being well documented in healthy populations. This article reviews the prevalence of and risk factors for low bone mass in CD patients and examines various treatments for osteoporosis in these patients, with a particular focus on physical activity.