39 resultados para Welding defects
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
A new conceptual framework has been developed which explains the formation of shear-related casting defects such as porosity, segregation and tears. The theory relates defect formation to the mechanical behaviour of the partially solidified microstructure when shear stresses are developed during the filling of a casting and by the subsequent feeding processes during solidification. Two transition points, the dendrite coherency point and the maximum packing solid fraction, divide the mushy zone into three regions of different mechanical and feeding behaviours. The response of the mush to shear is related to the presence of these zones during solidification of a casting. The resulting defects are rationalized by considering the governing local shear stress and shear rate, local strength and time available for fluid flow. The design of the casting, the casting process used and the alloy composition all influence the relative importance of shearing on defect formation. (C) 1998 Acta Metallurgica Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Some diverse indicators used to measure the innovation process are considered, They include those with art aggregate, and often national, focus, and rely on data from scientific publications, patents and R&D expenditures, etc. Others have a firm-level perspective, relying primarily on surveys or case studies. Also included are indicators derived from specialized databases, or consensual agreements reached through foresight exercises. There is an obvious need for greater integration of the various approaches to capture move effectively the richness of available data and better reflect the reality of innovation. The focus for such integration could be in the area of technology strategy, which integrates the diverse scientific, technological, and innovation activities of firms within their operating environments; improved capacity to measure it has implications for policy-makers, managers and researchers.
Single cell genetic analysis is generally performed using PCR and FISH. Until recently, FISH has been the method of choice. FISH however is expensive, has significant misdiagnosis rates, can result in interpretation difficulties and is labour intensive making it unsuitable for high throughput processing. Recently fluorescent PCR reliability has increased to levels at or surpassing FISH whilst maintaining low cost. However, PCR accuracy has been a concern due to allelic dropout. Multiplex PCR can now increase accuracy by using multiple markers for each chromosome to firstly provide diagnosis if markers fail and,or secondly confirm diagnosis. We compare a variety of diagnostic methods and demonstrate for the first time a multiplex PCR system providing simultaneous diagnosis and confirmation of the major aneuploidy chromosomes (21, 18, 13) and sex as well as DNA fingerprint in single cells. We also discuss the implications of using PCR for aneuploidy screening in preimplantation genetic diagnosis. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
We propose a model for permeation in oxide coated gas barrier films. The model accounts for diffusion through the amorphous oxide lattice, nano-defects within the lattice, and macro-defects. The presence of nano-defects indicate the oxide layer is more similar to a nano-porous solid (such as zeolite) than silica glass with respect to permeation properties. This explains why the permeability of oxide coated polymers is much greater, and the activation energy of permeation much lower, than values expected for polymers coated with glass. We have used the model to interpret permeability and activation energies measured for the inert gases (He, Ne and Ar) in evaporated SiOx films of varying thickness (13-70 nm) coated on a polymer substrate. Atomic force and scanning electron microscopy were used to study the structure of the oxide layer. Although no defects could be detected by microscopy, the permeation data indicate that macro-defects (>1 nm), nano-defects (0.3-0.4 nm) and the lattice interstices (<0.3 nm) all contribute to the total permeation. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The Las Canadas caldera is a nested collapse caldera formed by the successive migration and collapse of shallow magmatic chambers. Among the pyroclastic products of this caldera are phonolitic fallout deposits that crop out in the caldera wall and on the extracaldera slopes. These deposits exhibit an uninterrupted facies gradation from nonwelded to lava-like and record continuous volcanic deposition. Densely welded and lava-like facies result from the extreme attenuation and complete homogenization of juvenile clasts that destroy original clast outlines and any evidence of fallout deposition. Agglutination contributes significantly to the final degree of flattening observed in the welded facies. After deposition, rheomorphic flowage occurs. Emplacement temperatures for one of the welding sequences are calculated from magmatic temperatures and a model of tephra cooling during fallout. Results are 486 degreesC for the nonwelded facies and 740 degreesC for the moderately welded facies. For the same welding sequence, a cooling time between 25 and 54 days is estimated from published experimental and computational data as the possible duration of welding and rheomorphism. Following deposition and agglutination, the lava-like pyroclastic facies had the rheological properties of viscous lavas and flowed down the outer slopes away from the caldera. Some lava-like masses detached from proximal areas to more distal regions. During deposition, the eruptive style evolved from Plinian fallout to fountain-fed spatter deposition. This evolution was accompanied by a decrease in explosive power and a lower height of the eruptive column, which produce higher emplacement temperatures and more effective heat retention of pyroclasts.
The defect effect on hydrogen adsorption on single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) has been studied by using extensive molecular dynamics simulations and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. It indicates that the defects created on the exterior wall of the SWNTs by bombarding the tube wall with carbon atoms and C-2 dimers at a collision energy of 20 eV can enhance the hydrogen adsorption potential of the SWNTs substantially. The average adsorption energy for a H-2 molecule adsorbed on the exterior wall of a defected (10,10) SWNT is similar to 150 meV, while that for a H-2 molecule adsorbed on the exterior wall of a perfect (10,10) SWNT is similar to 104 meV. The H-2 sticking coefficient is very sensitive to temperature, and has a maximum value around 70 to 90 K. The electron density contours, the local density of states, and the electron transfers obtained from the DFT calculations clearly indicate that the H-2 molecules are all physisorbed on the SWNTs. At temperatures above 200 K, most of the H-2 molecules adsorbed on the perfect SWNT are soon desorbed, but the H-2 molecules can still remain on the defected SWNTs at 300 K. The detailed processes of H-2 molecules adsorbing on and desorbing from the (10,10) SWNTs are demonstrated.
The production of mature germ cells capable of generating totipotent zygotes is a highly specialized and sexually dimorphic process. The transition from diploid primordial germ cell to haploid spermatozoa requires genome-wide reprogramming of DNA methylation, stage- and testis-specific gene expression, mitotic and meiotic division, and the histone-protamine transition, all requiring unique epigenetic control. Dnmt3L, a DNA methyltransferase regulator, is expressed during gametogenesis, and its deletion results in sterility. We found that during spermatogenesis, Dnmt3L contributes to the acquisition of DNA methylation at paternally imprinted regions, unique nonpericentric heterochromatic sequences, and interspersed repeats, including autonomous transposable elements. We observed retrotransposition of an LTR-ERV1 element in the DNA from Dnmt3L(-/-) germ cells, presumably as a result of hypomethylation. Later in development, in Dnmt3L(-/-) meiotic spermatocytes, we detected abnormalities in the status of biochemical markers of heterochromatin, implying aberrant chromatin packaging. Coincidentally, homologous chromosomes fail to align and form synaptonemal complexes, spermatogenesis arrests, and spermatocytes are lost by apoptosis and sloughing. Because Dnmt3L expression is restricted to gonocytes, the presence of defects in later stages reveals a mechanism whereby early genome reprogramming is linked inextricably to changes in chromatin structure required for completion of spermatogenesis.
Ordered mesoporous materials show great importance in energy, environmental, and chemical engineering. The diffusion of guest species in mesoporous networks plays an important role in these applications, especially for energy storage, such as supercapacitors based on ordered mesoporous carbons ( OMCs). The ion diffusion behavior in two different 2-D hexagonal OMCs was investigated by using cyclic voltametry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. In addition, transmission electron microscopy, small-angle X-ray diffraction, and nitrogen cryosorption methods were used to study the pore structure variations of these two OMCs. It was found that, for the OMC with defective pore channels ( termed as pore packing defects), the gravimetric capacitance was greatly decayed when the voltage scan rate was increased. The experimental results suggest that, for the ion diffusion in 2-D hexagonal OMCs with similar mesopore size distribution, the pore packing defect is a dominant dynamic factor.
The Crim1 gene encodes a transmembrane protein containing six cysteine-rich repeats similar to those found in the BMP antagonist, chordin (chd). To investigate its physiological role, zebrafish crim1 was cloned and shown to be both maternally and zygotically expressed during zebrafish development in sites including the vasculature, intermediate cell mass. notochord, and otic vesicle. Bent or hooked tails with U-shaped somites were observed in 85% of morphants from 12 hpf. This was accompanied by a loss of muscle pioneer cells. While morpholino knockdown of crim1 showed some evidence of ventralisation, including expansion of the intermediate cell mass (ICM), reduction in head size bent tails and disruption to the somites and notochord, this did not mimic the classically ventralised phenotype, as assessed by the pattern of expression of the dorsal markers chordin, otx2 and the ventral markers eve1, pax2.1, tall and gata1 between 75% epiboly and six-somites. From 24 hpf, morphants displayed an expansion of the ventral mesoderm-derived ICM, as evidenced by expansion of tall. Imo2 and crim1 itself. Analysis of the crim1 morphant phenotype in Tg(fli:EGFP) fish showed a clear reduction in the endothelial cells forming the intersegmental vessels and a loss of the dorsal longitudinal anastomotic vessel (DLAV). Hence, the primary role of zebrafish crim1 is likely to be the regulation of somitic and vascular development. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Understanding and explaining emergent constitutive laws in the multi-scale evolution from point defects, dislocations and two-dimensional defects to plate tectonic scales is an arduous challenge in condensed matter physics. The Earth appears to be the only planet known to have developed stable plate tectonics as a means to get rid of its heat. The emergence of plate tectonics out of mantle convection appears to rely intrinsically on the capacity to form extremely weak faults in the top 100 km of the planet. These faults have a memory of at least several hundred millions of years, yet they appear to rely on the effects of water on line defects. This important phenomenon was first discovered in laboratory and dubbed ``hydrolytic weakening''. At the large scale it explains cycles of co-located resurgence of plate generation and consumption (the Wilson cycle), but the exact physics underlying the process itself and the enormous spanning of scales still remains unclear. We present an attempt to use the multi-scale non-equilibrium thermodynamic energy evolution inside the deforming lithosphere to move phenomenological laws to laws derived from basic scaling quantities, develop self-consistent weakening laws at lithospheric scale and give a fully coupled deformation-weakening constitutive framework. At meso- to plate scale we encounter in a stepwise manner three basic domains governed by the diffusion/reaction time scales of grain growth, thermal diffusion and finally water mobility through point defects in the crystalline lattice. The latter process governs the planetary scale and controls the stability of its heat transfer mode.
This paper reports on the development of an artificial neural network (ANN) method to detect laminar defects following the pattern matching approach utilizing dynamic measurement. Although structural health monitoring (SHM) using ANN has attracted much attention in the last decade, the problem of how to select the optimal class of ANN models has not been investigated in great depth. It turns out that the lack of a rigorous ANN design methodology is one of the main reasons for the delay in the successful application of the promising technique in SHM. In this paper, a Bayesian method is applied in the selection of the optimal class of ANN models for a given set of input/target training data. The ANN design method is demonstrated for the case of the detection and characterisation of laminar defects in carbon fibre-reinforced beams using flexural vibration data for beams with and without non-symmetric delamination damage.