13 resultados para Water-supply engineering.

em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia


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The relevance of endocrine-disrupting compounds as potential contaminants of drinking water is reviewed, particularly in the reuse of wastewater. Growing populations and increasing intensification of land and water use for industry and agriculture have increased the need to reclaim wastewater for reuse, including to supplement the drinking water supply. The variety of anthropogenic chemicals that have been identified as potential endocrine disruptors in the environment and the problems arising from their use as human and livestock pharmaceuticals, as agricultural chemicals and in industry are discussed. The potentially adverse impact of these chemicals on human health and the ecology of the natural environment are reviewed. Data for the removal of estrogenic compounds from wastewater treatment are presented, together with the comparative potencies of estrogenic compounds. The relative exposure to estrogens of women on oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy, and through food consumption is estimated. A brief overview of some methods available or under development for the assessment of estrogenic activity in environmental samples is provided. The review concludes with a discussion of the directions for further investigation, which include human epidemiology, methodology development, and wastewater monitoring. (C) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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This paper examines the challenges of water supply in agriculture, with particular emphasis on requirements of field crops, including maize. It places the issue of water supply to agriculture in the context of increasing demands for water from alternatives users, declining quality water, pressure of increasing population, all of which are placing stresses on water availability at local, regional and national levels. The paper also examines existing freshwater resources and the potential impact of climate change on water supply and distribution and consequential impact on water stress incidence in various parts of the globe. It examines competition for water in both industrialized and developing countries, with particular emphasis on the impacts on agriculture and food supplies. The challenge of water use efficiency (WUE) in agriculture is explored with discussion of agronomic, economic and physiological WUE concepts, with specific reference to maize.


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The planning and management of water resources in the Pioneer Valley, north-eastern Australia requires a tool for assessing the impact of groundwater and stream abstractions on water supply reliabilities and environmental flows in Sandy Creek (the main surface water system studied). Consequently, a fully coupled stream-aquifer model has been constructed using the code MODHMS, calibrated to near-stream observations of watertable behaviour and multiple components of gauged stream flow. This model has been tested using other methods of estimation, including stream depletion analysis and radon isotope tracer sampling. The coarseness of spatial discretisation, which is required for practical reasons of computational efficiency, limits the model's capacity to simulate small-scale processes (e.g., near-stream groundwater pumping, bank storage effects), and alternative approaches are required to complement the model's range of applicability. Model predictions of groundwater influx to Sandy Creek are compared with baseflow estimates from three different hydrograph separation techniques, which were found to be unable to reflect the dynamics of Sandy Creek stream-aquifer interactions. The model was also used to infer changes in the water balance of the system caused by historical land use change. This led to constraints on the recharge distribution which can be implemented to improve model calibration performance. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the Mekong region, most paddies in rainfed lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) lie in a sequence on gentle sloping land, and grain yield (GY) often depends on the toposequence position. There is, however, lack of information on toposequential effects on field water supply in rainfed lowland rice and how that influences GY. A total of eight field experiments were carried out on sandy, coarse-textured soils in Southern Laos (Champassak Province and Savannakhet Province) over three wet seasons (2000-2002). Components of the water balance, including downward and lateral water movement (D and L, respectively), were quantified at three different positions along toposequences (top, middle and bottom). GY, days-to-flower (DTF) and rainfall were measured, and the water productivity (WP) was determined. In most experiments, standing water disappeared first in the top position and gradually in lower positions. This was associated with the observation that when there was standing water in the field, the higher position had larger D in both the provinces and also larger L in Champassak Province. However, in one experiment, water loss appeared later in the higher position, as the result of lower L, apparently due to some water inputs other than rainfall occurring at this position. Despite larger D plus L at the top position, seasonal sum of D and L were not much affected by the toposequence position, as the daily rate of D plus L became minimal when the standing water was lost earlier in the top position. Lower GY was associated with earlier disappearance of standing water from the field. Relatively low GY was expected in the top toposequence position. This was clearly shown in the toposequence of Phonthong, Champassak Province, as the timing of standing water disappearance relative to flowering was earlier in the top position. Variation in GY across the toposequence positions was coupled with the WP variation, and both GY and WP tended to decline with increased DTF. Therefore, variation in productivity of rainfed lowland rice across toposequence positions depends mainly on the field water status around flowering time. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A large portion of the world’s poor farm in rainfed systems where the water supply is unpredictable and droughts are common. In Asia, about 50% of all the rice land is rainfed and, although rice yields in irrigated systems have doubled and tripled over the past 30 years, only modest gains have occurred in rainfed rice systems. In part, this is because of the difficulty in improving rice varieties for environments that are heterogeneous and variable, and in part because there has been little effort to breed rice for drought tolerance. Information available for other cereals (for example, maize, Bänziger et al 2000) and for wheat and the limited or circumstantial evidence available for rice indicate that we can now breed varieties that have improved yield under drought and produce high yields in the good seasons. This manual aims to help plant breeders develop such varieties. While the manual focuses on drought tolerance, this must be integrated with the mainstream breeding program that also deals with agronomic adaptation, grain quality, and pest and disease resistance. Mackill et al (1996) have written a guide to the overall improvement of rice for rainfed conditions. This manual should be seen as an amplification of and updating of the section on drought tolerance in that book. Because final proof of many approaches for breeding drought-tolerant rice is not yet available, and because some aspects may not work in all environments and germplasm, we recommend that you use this manual with caution. Test the suggested approaches and only implement them on a large scale if they are effective and realistic for your own situation


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A large portion of the world’s poor farm in rainfed systems where the water supply is unpredictable and droughts are common. In Thailand there are approximately 6.2 million ha of rain fed lowland rice which account for 67% of the country’s total rice-growing area. This rice system is often characterised by too much and too little water in the same season. Farmers’ estimates of their annual losses to drought are as high as 45% in the upper parts of the toposequence. In contrast to irrigated rice systems, gains from crop improvement of rainfed rice have been modest, in part because there has been little effort to breed and select for drought tolerance for the target rainfed environments. The crop improvement strategy being used in Thailand considers three mechanisms that influence yield in the drought prone targets: yield potential as an important mechanism for mild drought (where yield loss is less than 50%), drought escape (appropriate phenology) and drought tolerance traits of leaf water potential, sterility, flower delay and drought response index for more severe drought conditions. Genotypes are exposed to managed drought environments for selection of drought tolerant genotypes. A marker assisted selection (MAS) scheme has been developed and applied for selection of progenies in the backcrossing program. The plant breeding program uses rapid generation advance techniques that enable early yield testing in the target population of environments (TPE) through inter-station (multi-location yield testing) and on-farm trials. A farmer participatory approach has been used to identify the TPE for the breeding program. Four terrace paddy levels have been identified, upper (drought), middle (drought prone to favorable) and lower (flooded). This paper reports the change in the breeding program for the drought prone rainfed lowland rice environments of North and Northeast Thailand by incorporating our knowledge on adaptation and on response of rice to drought.