12 resultados para WM
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
Baekground: Patients with schizophrenia tend to have impaired performance on tests of working memory (WM). Neurocognitive models have linked WM to certain symptoms of schizophrenia. This study aimed to assess WM in schizophrenia and mania in the acute and subacute phases of the illness and explore correlations between WM and symptom clusters. Methods: A visuo-spatial delayed response task was used to assess WM in schizophrenia (n=20), mania (n= 14) and well controls (n=20). Patients were tested during the first week of an acute admission, and subjects were retested after four weeks. WM, symptoms (PANSS, TLC) and executive ability (COWAT, Stroop, Trail Making) were assessed at both time points. Results: When assessed for overall WM errors (both sensory and memory), there was a significant group difference (F- 11.53, df 2, 40; p
Ex vivo hematopoiesis is increasingly used for clinical applications. Models of ex vivo hematopoiesis are required to better understand the complex dynamics and to optimize hematopoietic culture processes. A general mathematical modeling framework is developed which uses traditional chemical engineering metaphors to describe the complex hematopoietic dynamics. Tanks and tubular reactors are used to describe the (pseudo-) stochastic and deterministic elements of hematopoiesis, respectively. Cells at any point in the differentiation process can belong to either an immobilized, inert phase (quiescent cells) or a mobile, active phase (cycling cells). The model describes five processes: (1) flow (differentiation), (2) autocatalytic formation (growth),(3) degradation (death), (4) phase transition from immobilized to mobile phase (quiescent to cycling transition), and (5) phase transition from mobile to immobilized phase (cycling to quiescent transition). The modeling framework is illustrated with an example concerning the effect of TGF-beta 1 on erythropoiesis. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this paper, we develop a simple four parameter population balance model of in vivo neutrophil formation following bone marrow rescue therapy. The model is used to predict the number and type of neutrophil progenitors required to abrogate the period of severe neutropenia that normally follows a bone marrow transplant. The estimated total number of 5 billion neutrophil progenitors is consistent with the value extrapolated from a human trial. The model provides a basis for designing ex vivo expansion protocols.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a significant cause of morbidity in immunosuppressed patients. It is characterized in the liver by parenchymal microabscesses, usually containing CMV-infected cells. However, not all hepatic microabscesses are due to CMV infection. In 1992, we described ''mini'' microabscess (MMA) syndrome, a distinct clinical syndrome that occurs in transplanted livers. This report analyzes the clinical and laboratory features of 57 cases of MMA syndrome occurring in 52 patients and compares these with 19 biopsy-proven cases of CMV infection. The diagnosis of MMA syndrome can only be made histologically. The microabscesses are smaller and more numerous than in CMV infection, and there are no viral inclusions present. CMV DNA could not be detected in liver biopsy specimens with MMAs by using ''nested'' polymerase chain reaction (PCR), indicating that MMA syndrome is not caused by CMV infection. The pattern of liver enzyme and bilirubin elevation is predominantly hepatocellular, with transaminase levels elevated, on average, six to eight times the upper limit of normal. The clinical features of MMA syndrome are that it predominantly affects female (40 of 52 patients) orthotopic liver transplant (OLT) recipients of all ages (range, 11 months to 66.9 years). MMA syndrome is unrelated to the indication for initial OLT and tends to occur later after transplantation than CMV infection (median, 91 days post-OLT vs. 32 days for CMV hepatitis). Although the etiology of MMA syndrome is not clear, it does not appear to adversely affect graft or patient survival.
Unusually high concentrations of ammonium have been observed in a Vertisol below 1 m depth in southeast Queensland. This study investigated the possibility that an absence of nitrification is allowing this ammonium to accumulate and persist over time, and examined the soil environmental characteristics that may be responsible for limiting nitrifying organisms. The possibility that anaerobiosis, soil acidity, soil salinity, low organic carbon concentrations, and/or an absence of active nitrifying microorganisms were responsible for limiting nitrification was examined in laboratory and field studies. The presence/absence of anaerobic conditions was determined qualitatively using a field test to give an indication of electron lability. In addition, an incubation study was conducted and soil environmental conditions were improved for nitrifying organisms by adjusting the pH from 4.4 to 7, adjusting the electrical conductivity from 1.6 to 0.5 dS/m, amending with a soluble carbon substrate at a rate of 500 mg/kg, and using microorganisms from the surface horizon to inoculate to the subsoil. Over a 180-day period no nitrification was detected in the control samples from the incubation study, indicating that an extremely low rate of nitrification is likely to be responsible for allowing ammonium to accumulate in this soil. Analysis of the effect of soil environmental conditions on nitrification revealed that anaerobic conditions did not exist at depth and that pH, EC, organic carbon, and inoculation treatments added in isolation had no effect on nitrification. However, when inoculum was added to the soil in combination with pH, a significant increase in nitrification was observed, and the greatest amount of nitrification was observed when inoculum, pH, and EC treatments were added in combination. It was concluded that the reason for the low rate of nitrification in this soil is primarily the absence of a significant population of active nitrifying microorganisms, which may have been unable to colonise the subsoil environment due to its acidic, and to a lesser extent, its saline environment.
The present case report describes the presence of a persistent dysarthria and dysphagia as a consequence of surgical intervention for a choroid plexus papilloma (CPP). WM was a nine year ten month old male who at the time of the present study was seven years post-surgery. A comprehensive perceptual and instrumental test battery was used to document the nature of the dysarthria incorporating all components of speech production including respiration, phonation, resonance, articulation, and prosody. The nature of the dysphagia was evaluated through the use of videofluoroscopic evaluation of swallowing (VFS). Assessments confirmed the presence of a LMN dysarthria, marked by deficits in phonation, respiration, and prosody. Dysphagia assessment revealed deficits in oral preparatory, oral and pharyngeal stages of the swallow. The presence of persistent dysarthria and dysphagia in this case has a number of important implications for the management of children undergoing surgery for fourth ventricle CPPs, in particular the need for appropriate treatment, as well as counselling prior to surgery of the possible negative outcomes related to speech and swallowing. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
High concentrations of NH4+ (up to 270 kg N/ha) have been observed in a Vertosol below 1 m depth in south-east Queensland. This study examined the possibility that mineralisation associated with the removal of native vegetation (Acacia harpophylla) for cropping was responsible for the production of NH4+. Particularly, the potential contribution of decomposing root material and/or dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) leached into the subsoil after clearing was investigated. The amount of N that was contained within native vegetation root material was determined from an area of native vegetation adjacent to the cleared site containing elevated NH4+ concentrations. In addition, the amount of NH4+ that could be mineralised in the native vegetation soil was determined by monitoring NH4+ concentrations over 360 days in intact cores, and by conducting waterlogged incubations. To determine the rate at which a source of DON leached into the subsoil would mineralise, soil was amended with glutamic acid at a rate of 250 mg N/kg and placed under waterlogged incubation. The possibility that the acidic pH of the subsoil, or the lack of a significant subsoil microbial population, was inhibiting mineralisation was also examined by increasing soil pH from 4.4 to 7.0, and inoculating the subsoil with surface soil microorganisms during waterlogged incubations. Low concentrations of N, approximately 90 kg N/ha between 1.2 and 3 m, were found in the native vegetation root material. In addition, no net N mineralisation was observed in either the extended incubation of intact cores or in the control samples of the waterlogged incubations. Net N mineralisation was also not detected when the subsoil was amended with a source of organic N. Results indicate that this lack of mineralisation is largely due to pH inhibition of the microbial population. It is concluded that the mineralisation of either in situ organic material, or DON transported to the subsoil during leaching events, is unlikely to have significantly contributed to the subsoil NH4 accumulation at the study site.
Previous studies have reported that patients with schizophrenia demonstrate impaired performance during working memory (WM) tasks. The current study aimed to determine whether WM impairments in schizophrenia are accompanied by reduced slow wave (SW) activity during on-line maintenance of mnemonic information. Event-related potentials were obtained from patients with schizophrenia and well controls as they performed a visuospatial delayed response task. On 50% of trials, a distractor stimulus was introduced during the delay. Compared with controls, patients with schizophrenia produced less SW memory negativity, particularly over the right hemisphere, together with reduced frontal enhancement of SW memory negativity in response to distraction. The results indicate that patients with schizophrenia generate less maintenance phase neuronal activity during WM performance, especially under conditions of distraction.
Piggery pond sludge (PPS) was applied, as-collected (Wet PPS) and following stockpiling for 12 months ( Stockpiled PPS), to a sandy Sodosol and clay Vertosol at sites on the Darling Downs of Queensland. Laboratory measures of N availability were carried out on unamended and PPS-amended soils to investigate their value in estimating supplementary N needs of crops in Australia's northern grains region. Cumulative net N mineralised from the long-term ( 30 weeks) leached aerobic incubation was described by a first-order single exponential model. The mineralisation rate constant (0.057/week) was not significantly different between Control and PPS treatments or across soil types, when the amounts of initial mineral N applied in PPS treatments were excluded. Potentially mineralisable N (N-o) was significantly increased by the application of Wet PPS, and increased with increasing rate of application. Application of Wet PPS significantly increased the total amount of inorganic N leached compared with the Control treatments. Mineral N applied in Wet PPS contributed as much to the total mineral N status of the soil as did that which mineralised over time from organic N. Rates of CO2 evolution during 30 weeks of aerobic leached incubation indicated that the Stockpiled PPS was more stabilised (19-28% of applied organic C mineralised) than the Wet PPS (35-58% of applied organic C mineralised), due to higher lignin content in the former. Net nitrate-N produced following 12 weeks of aerobic non-leached incubation was highly correlated with net nitrate-N leached during 12 weeks of aerobic incubation (R-2 = 0.96), although it was
The effects of task complexity and practice on dual-task interference in visuospatial working memory
Although the n-back task has been widely applied to neuroimagery investigations of working memory (WM), the role of practice effects on behavioural performance of this task has not yet been investigated. The current study aimed to investigate the effects of task complexity and familiarity on the n-back task. Seventy-seven participants (39 male, 38 female) completed a visuospatial n-back task four times, twice in two testing sessions separated by a week. Participants were required to remember either the first, second or third (n-back) most recent letter positions in a continuous sequence and to indicate whether the current item matched or did not match the remembered position. A control task, with no working memory requirements required participants to match to a predetermined stimulus position. In both testing sessions, reaction time (RT) and error rate increased with increasing WM load. An exponential slope for RTs in the first session indicated dual-task interference at the 3-back level. However, a linear slope in the second session indicated a reduction of dual-task interference. Attenuation of interference in the second session suggested a reduction in executive demands of the task with practice. This suggested that practice effects occur within the n-back ask and need to be controlled for in future neuroimagery research using the task.
Background. Stress myocardial contrast echo (MCE) is technically challenging with exercise (Ex) because of cardiacmovementandshort duration ofhyperemia.Vasodilators solve these limitations, but are less potent for inducing abnormal wall motion (WM). We sought whether a combined dipyridamole (DI; 0.56 mg/kg i.v. 4 min) and Ex stress protocol would enable MCE to provide incremental benefit toWManalysis for detection of CAD. Methods. Standard echo images were followed by real time MCE at rest and following stress in 85 pts, 70 undergoing quantitative coronary angiography and 15 low risk pts.WMAfrom standard and LVopacification images, and then myocardial perfusion were assessed sequentially in a blinded fashion. A subgroup of 13 pts also underwent Ex alone, to assess the contribution of DI to quantitative myocardial flow reserve (MFR). Results. Significant (>50%) stenoses were present in 43 pts, involving 69 territories. Addition of MCE improved SE sensitivity for detection of CAD (91% versus 74%, P = 0.02) and better appreciation of disease extent (87% versus 65%territories, P=0.003), with a non-significant reduction in specificity. In 55 territories subtended by a significant stenosis, but with no resting WM abnormality, ability to identify ischemia was also significantly increased by MCE (82% versus 60%, P = 0.002). MFR was less with Ex alone than with DIEx stress (2.4 ± 1.6 versus 4.0 ± 1.9, P = 0.05), suggesting prolongation of hyperaemia with DI may be essential to the results. Conclusions. Dipyridamole-exercise MCE adds significant incremental benefit to standard SE, with improved diagnostic sensitivity and more accurate estimation of extent of CAD.
Many instances of differential diffusion, i e, different species having different turbulent diffusion coefficients in the same flow, can be explained as a finite mixing length effect. That is, in a simple mixing length scenario, the turbulent diffusion coefficient has the form 1 ( m )2 m m c l K w l OL = + where, wm is the mixing velocity, lm the mixing length and Lc the overall distribution scale for a particular species. The first term represents the familiar gradient diffusion while the second term becomes important when lm/Lc is finite. This second term shows that different species will have different diffusion coefficients if they have different overall distribution scales. Such different Lcs may come about due to different boundary conditions and different intrinsic properties (molecular diffusivity, settling velocity etc) for different species. For momentum transfer in turbulent oscillatory boundary layers the second term is imaginary and explains observed phase leads of shear stresses ahead of velocity gradients.