47 resultados para Voroncova, O. P.: Toponimika Respubliki Marij Èl
em University of Queensland eSpace - Australia
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra and X-ray absorption (EXAFS and XANES) data have been recorded for the manganese enzyme aminopeptidase P (AMPP, PepP protein) from Escherichia coli. The biological function of the protein, a tetramer of 50-kDa subunits, is the hydrolysis of N-terminal Xaa-Pro peptide bonds. Activity assays confirm that the enzyme is activated by treatment with Mn2+. The EPR spectrum of Mn2+-activated AMPP at liquid-He temperature is characteristic of an exchange-coupled dinuclear Mn(II) site, the Mn-Mn separation calculated from the zero-field splitting D of the quintet state being 3.5 (+/- 0.1) Angstrom. In the X-ray absorption spectrum of Mn2+-activated AMPP at the Mn K edge, the near-edge features are consistent with octahedrally coordinated Mn atoms in oxidation state +2. EXAFS data, limited to k less than or equal to 12 Angstrom(-1) by traces of Fe in the protein, are consistent with a single coordination shell occupied predominantly by O donor atoms at an average Mn-ligand distance of 2.15 Angstrom, but the possibility of a mixture of O and N donor atoms is not excluded. The Mn-Mn interaction at 3.5 Angstrom, is not detected in the EXAFS, probably due to destructive interference from light outer-shell atoms. The biological function, amino acid sequence and metal-ion dependence of E. coli AMPP are closely related to those of human prolidase, an enzyme that specifically cleaves Xaa-Pro dipeptides. Mutations that lead to human prolidase deficiency and clinical symptoms have been identified. Several known inhibitors of prolidase also inhibit AMPP. When these inhibitors are added to Mn2+-activated AMPP, the EPR spectrum and EXAFS remain unchanged. It can be inferred that the inhibitors either do not bind directly to the Mn centres, or substitute for existing Mn ligands without a significant change in donor atoms or coordination geometry. The conclusions from the spectroscopic measurements on AMPP have been verified by, and complement, a recent crystal structure analysis.
The functional importance of members of the S100 Ca2+-binding protein family is recently emerging. A variety of activities, several of which are apparently opposing, are attributed to S100A8, a protein implicated in embryogenesis, growth, differentiation, and immune and inflammatory processes. Murine (m) S100A8 was initially described as a chemoattractant (CP-10) for myeloid cells. It is coordinately expressed with mS100A9 (MRP14) in neutrophils and the non-covalent heterodimer is presumed to be the functional intracellular species. The extracellular chemotactic activity of mS100A8, however, is not dependent on mS100A9 and occurs at concentrations (10(-13)-10(-11) M) at which the non-covalent heterodimer would probably dissociate. This review focuses on the structure and post-translational modifications of mS100A8/A9 and their effects on function, particularly chemotaxis.
Hedley er al. (1982) developed what has become the most widely used land modified), phosphorus (P) fractionation technique. It consists of sequential extraction of increasingly less phytoavailable P pools. Extracts are centrifuged at up to 25000 g (RCF) and filtered to 0.45 mu m to ensure that soil is not lost between extractions. In attempting to transfer this method to laboratories with limited facilities, it was considered that access to high-speed centrifuges, and the cost of frequent filtration may prevent adoption of this P fractionation technique. The modified method presented here was developed to simplify methodology, reduce cost, and therefore increase accessibility of P fractionation technology. It provides quantitative recovery of soil between extractions, using low speed centrifugation without filtration. This is achieved by increasing the ionic strength of dilute extracts, through the addition of NaCl, to flocculate clay particles. Addition of NaCl does not change the amount of P extracted. Flocculation with low speed centrifugation produced extracts comparable with those having undergone filtration (0.025 mu m). A malachite green colorimetric method was adopted for inorganic P determination, as this simple manual method provides high sensitivity with negligible interference from other anions. This approach can also be used for total P following digestion, alternatively non-discriminatory methods, such as inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy, may be employed.
The amygdala plays a major role in the acquisition and expression of fear conditioning. NMDA receptor-dependent synaptic plasticity within the basolateral amygdala has been proposed to underlie the acquisition and possible storage of fear memories. Here the properties of fast glutamatergic transmission in the lateral and central nuclei of the amygdala are presented. In the lateral amygdala, two types of neurons, interneurons and projection neurons, could be distinguished by their different firing properties. Glutamatergic inputs to interneurons activated AMPA receptors with inwardly rectifying current-voltage relations (I-Vs), whereas inputs to projection neurons activated receptors that had linear I-Vs, indicating that receptors on interneurons lack GluR2 subunits. Inputs to projection neurons formed dual component synapses with both AMPA and NMDA components, whereas at inputs to interneurons, the contribution of NMDA receptors was very small. Neurons in the central amygdala received dual component glutamatergic inputs that activated AMPA receptors with linear I-Vs. NMDA receptor-mediated EPSCs had slow decay time constants in the central nucleus. Application of NR2B selective blockers ifenprodil or CP-101,606 blocked NMDA EPSCs by 70% in the central nucleus, but only by 30% in the lateral nucleus. These data show that the distribution of glutamatergic receptors on amygdalar neurons is not uniform. In the lateral amygdala, interneurons and pyramidal neurons express AMPA receptors with different subunit compositions. Synapses in the central nucleus activate NMDA receptors that contain NR1 and NR2B subunits, whereas synapses in the lateral nucleus contain receptors with both NR2A and NR2B subunits.
Thirst was induced by rapid i.v. infusion of hypertonic saline (0.51 M at 13.4 ml/min). Ten humans were neuroimaged by positron-emission tomography (PET) and four by functional MRI (fMRI). PET images were made 25 min after beginning infusion, when the sensation of thirst began to enter the stream of consciousness. The fMRI images were made when the maximum rate of increase of thirst occurred. The PET results showed regional cerebral blood flow changes similar to those delineated when thirst was maximal. These loci involved the phylogenetically ancient areas of the brain. fMRI showed activation in the anterior wall of the third ventricle, an area that is key in the genesis of thirst but is not an area revealed by PET imaging. Thus, this region plays as major a role in thirst for humans as for animals. Strong activations in the brain with fMRI included the anterior cingulate, parahippocampal gyrus, inferior and middle frontal gyri, insula, and cerebellum. When the subjects drank water to satiation, thirst declined immediately to baseline. A precipitate decline in intensity of activation signal occurred in the anterior cingulate area (Brodmann area 32) putatively related to consciousness of thirst. The intensity of activation in the anterior wall of the third ventricle was essentially unchanged, which is consistent with the fact that a significant time (15-20 min) would be needed before plasma Na concentration changed as a result of water absorption from the gut.
The assumption in analytical solutions for flow from surface and buried point sources of an average water content, (θ) over bar, behind the wetting front is examined. Some recent work has shown that this assumption fitted some field data well. Here we calculated (θ) over bar using a steady state solution based on the work by Raats [1971] and an exponential dependence of the diffusivity upon the water content. This is compared with a constant value of (θ) over bar calculated from an assumption of a hydraulic conductivity at the wetting front of 1 mm day(-1) and the water content at saturation. This comparison was made for a wide range of soils. The constant (θ) over bar generally underestimated (θ) over bar at small wetted radii and overestimated (θ) over bar at large radii. The crossover point between under and overestimation changed with both soil properties and flow rate. The largest variance occurred for coarser texture soils at low-flow rates. At high-flow rates in finer-textured soils the use of a constant (θ) over bar results in underestimation of the time for the wetting front to reach a particular radius. The value of (θ) over bar is related to the time at which the wetting front reaches a given radius. In coarse-textured soils the use of a constant value of (θ) over bar can result in an error of the time when the wetting front reaches a particular radius, as large as 80% at low-flow rates and large radii.
Two longitudinal experiments involving Merino sheep challenged with either bovine or ovine strains of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map) have been conducted over a period of 54 and 35 months, respectively. Blood samples for the interferon-gamma test, the absorbed ELISA and faecal samples for bacteriological culture were taken pre-challenge and monthly post-challenge. Infections were induced with either a bovine or ovine strain of Map in separate experiments with infections being more easily established, in terms of faecal bacterial shedding and clinical disease when the challenge inoculum was prepared from gut mucosal tissue than cultured bacteria. The patterns of response for shedding and clinical disease were similar. Cell-mediated immune responses were proportionally elevated by at least an order of magnitude in all sheep dosed with either a bovine or ovine strain of Map. Conversely, antibody responses were only elevated in a relatively small proportion of infected sheep. Neither of the clinically affected tissue challenged sheep developed an antibody response despite the presence of persistent shedding and the development and decline in cell-mediated immunity. The results indicated that for sheep the interferon-gamma test may be useful for determining if a flock has been exposed to ovine Johne's disease. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The 4-carboxyphenyl-appended macrocyclic ligand trans-6,13-dimethyl-6-((4-carboxybenzyl)amino)-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane-6-amine (HL10) has been synthesised and complexed with Co-III. The mononuclear complexes [Co(HL10)(CN)](2+) and [CoL10(OH)](+) have been prepared and the crystal structures of their perchlorate salts are presented, where the ligand is bound in a pentadentate mode in each case while the 4-carboxybenzyl-substituted pendent amine remains free from the metal. The cyano-bridged dinuclear complex [CoL10-mu-NC-Fe(CN)(5)](2-) was also prepared and chemisorbed on titania-coated ITO conducting glass. The adsorbed complex is electrochemically active and cyclic voltammetry of the modified ITO working electrode in both water and MeCN solution was undertaken with simultaneous optical spectroscopy. This experiment demonstrates that reversible electrochemical oxidation of the Fe-II centre is coupled with rapid changes in the optical absorbance of the film.